This stack has come about because a friend got bitten by a monkey in Thailand and resisted all attempts by Cartel Medicine to inject her with a rabies vaccine.
She’s not even a reader of this substack.
I’ve been meaning to do something on Rabies for a long time, so here we are.
Let’s start with CIApedia.
What is Rabies?
Rabies is a viral disease that causes encephalitis in humans and other mammals. It was historically referred to as hydrophobia ("fear of water") due to the symptom of panic when presented with liquids to drink.
“The symptom of panic”, keep that in mind as you go deeper into this stack.
Early symptoms can include fever and abnormal sensations at the site of exposure. These symptoms are followed by one or more of the following symptoms: nausea, vomiting, violent movements, uncontrolled excitement, fear of water, an inability to move parts of the body, confusion, and loss of consciousness.
Putting aside the psychological components of these “early symptoms”, they don’t sound particularly “specific” to me.
Once symptoms appear, the result is virtually always death.
Hmmm…we will see about that.
The time period between contracting the disease and the start of symptoms is usually one to three months but can vary from less than one week to more than one year. The time depends on the distance the virus must travel along peripheral nerves to reach the central nervous system.
So, this is the basic idea.
A virus in the mouth of a dog, via a bite, gets into your nervous system and then takes up to a year to crawl into your brain and kill you. Interesting.
I want to go to Cowan straight away and let him say the following:
Let me make this even more clear. If one takes any person with any “viral” illness—for example, chicken pox, rabies, measles, AIDS or COVID-19—the published literature does not contain any evidence of any virus that was directly isolated from any bodily fluids from even one person suffering from these illnesses. The interesting thing about this statement is that no health institution from any government in the world disagrees. Similarly, there is no disagreement on this point from any virologist or medical doctor who works in or publishes in the field of virology. And there is no disagreement about this statement from such institutions as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Pasteur Institute or the Robert Koch Institute. - Breaking the Spell by Thomas Cowan
Now I don’t want to do the whole virus no virus thing here.
Please read this I did on Virus, and if you have any direct evidence that falsifies any of the factual points made by Cowan, please add to the comments.
Frankly, it doesn’t matter whether you believe in the Virus™ or not. This stack tells a story that is largely independent of that point. The Rabies house of cards collapses with or without it.
But that being said, I agree with Cowan that the case has NOT been made by Cartel Medicine about Virus™. It is a house of cards that does not survive scrutiny. That statement makes more sense after reading this, Virus.
Let’s focus on this passage again please:
…the published literature does not contain any evidence of any virus that was directly isolated from any bodily fluids from even one person suffering from these illnesses.
None of these are trick words.
“Isolation” is not a trick word either.
Cowan explains what isolation is and how it is done in The Contagion Myth.
How did this shocking situation concerning tests for viral diseases come about? Let’s return to the story of Stefan Lanka, PhD, a virologist from Germany, whom we discussed in chapter 3. Lanka’s work has helped cut through the veils behind which the field of virology is shrouded. As a young graduate student in Germany, Lanka made the chance discovery of the first virus in seawater. Using electron microscopy in his studies of sea algae, he noticed that the algae contained “particles.” To find out what these particles were, and knowing that no one had described viruses living within healthy algae before, he proceeded as follows: He ground up the algae in a sort of blender, essentially to break apart the walls of the algae. Then he purified this mixture using an extremely fine filter to separate out particles the size of viruses from everything else. In this way, he obtained a pure solution of water and viruses and anything else that is the size of a virus or smaller. Then he put this mixture into a density-gradient centrifuge, which spins the solution and allows the particles to separate out into bands. The final step uses a micropipette to suck out the band that contains only the virus. This simple procedure is the gold standard for the purification and isolation of a virus from any tissue or solution. It’s not an easy process, but it is not unduly difficult either.
He could then study this purified virus under an electron microscope, elucidate its shape and structure, analyze the genome, and ascertain which proteins it contained. With this work, he could confidently state he had discovered a new virus and was sure of its makeup. For this discovery, he received his doctorate and was about to embark on a promising career as a virologist.
As you can see, it’s not rocket science. A PhD student can do it.
So, knowing that, this passage (and I repeat) should alert you to the fact that we are in the midst of a racket.
…the published literature does not contain any evidence of any virus that was directly isolated from any bodily fluids from even one person suffering from these illnesses.
Rabies itself is not a French invention, it’s been written about for a few thousand years.
But the Rabies Vaccine is most definitely a French creation and export. Finally, I can write about some Cartel Medicine that didn’t originate in the US, although the US Cartel jumped in on the act very quickly.
All the credit goes to Pasteur for this one.
Here are my thoughts on it so far.
(What I am about to say will make more sense to you after you finish this stack.)
It’s a very old “disease”, thousands of years old in fact. What are the odds that what they used to talk about is what we are talking about today? Low to zero I think.
Rabies has been known since around 2000 BC. The first written record of rabies is in the Mesopotamian Codex of Eshnunna (c. 1930 BC), which dictates that the owner of a dog showing symptoms of rabies should take preventive measures against bites. If another person were bitten by a rabid dog and later died, the owner was heavily fined.
It seems to me that a large part of the clue is in the second part of Hydrophobia. That there is a very significant Psychosomatic part to this story. Not all of it, but a very large part.
This passage from CIApedia is telling:
India has the highest rate of human rabies in the world, primarily because of stray dogs, whose number has greatly increased since a 2001 law forbade the killing of dogs. Effective control and treatment of rabies in India is hindered by a form of mass hysteria known as puppy pregnancy syndrome (PPS). Dog bite victims with PPS, male as well as female, become convinced that puppies are growing inside them, and often seek help from faith healers rather than medical services. An estimated 20,000 people die every year from rabies in India, more than a third of the global total.
So, let me get this straight. The highest rate of human rabies in the world is in a country where sufficient people believe in Puppy Pregnancy Syndrome.
Let’s focus on what IS for a moment.
Some people die following a bite from a dog etc. They are saying 20,000 such deaths occur each year in India. I’m calling bullshit on that number. I’m not convinced that a sequence of genetic material crawled into the brain of 20,000 Indians and killed them in the last 12-months. I have no doubt that they died, but I’m not buying that number, or the “cause of death” especially seeing that they would have been vaccinated post bite, and we all know how that trick works by now. It’s never, ever the vaccines fault…
Another thought I have is, why are the top five countries in terms of human rabies deaths per capita these five:
What is the connection to sanitation, nutrition, access to medical care, and financial incentive? Is it really a “virus” meandering into the brain after a year of sightseeing?
I want to go back to my friend who was bitten by a monkey in Thailand before we move on.
Let’s do some maths.
The annual human death rate in Thailand from rabies (with all the caveats above) is 101.
The population of Thailand is 72m.
So, your absolute risk of being killed by rabies in Thailand is 1 per 7.2m. This is worth remembering when you get “travel advice” about vaccines.
1m people are bitten by animals each year in Thailand, with 97% of these bites being dogs2.
99% of all human transmission of rabies according to official numbers is from dogs3.
This means that the risk of dying from rabies from an animal bite (mostly dogs) is 10 per 1 million bites. Or 1 in 100,000 bites.
The odds of dying in a traffic accident in Thailand are 32.7 per 100,0004 or 1 in 3,058.
This means that the annual risk of dying from a traffic accident in Thailand (32.7 per 100,000) is exactly 32.7 times HIGHER than the risk of dying from rabies from an animal bite (overwhelming dogs), at 1 in 100,000 bites.
For what it’s worth, there is an estimated 24 deaths per annum in Thailand each year from lighting strikes5. Compare this to the 10 annual deaths from rabies. You are 2.4 times (or 240%) more likely to die from a lightning strike.
The vaccine business is simply doing what it does best, which is drive up the fear of a virtually non-existent risk, to astronomical and hysterical proportions so that they can sell you an injection (it’s “free” by the way), and then sell you all the solutions to the health damage that comes from those injections.
They break the window in the dark of night and then offer to fix it in the morning with a smile.
Now let’s look at this passage from Dr Kevin Stillwagon.
The Silent Killers - by Dr. Kevin Stillwagon (
The scare tactic used is the statement that once neurological symptoms appear, the mortality rate is 100%. That statement is false. There have been people that displayed neurological symptoms and did not die. This is where we talk about treatment of infections if or when they occur. The treatment for rabies is called the Milwaukee protocol and is presented here:
Is Rabies Really 100% Fatal? | Viruses101 | Learn Science at Scitable (
I present a discussion about the shot because some people that question the safety and efficacy of vaccines will say that the rabies shot is the only one they would ever consider taking. The reasoning behind this decision is the false belief that rabies is 100% fatal.
There are two rabies shots currently available in the US;
IMOVAX by Sanofi Pasteur
Package Insert - IMOVAX (
and RabAvert by GSK
Package Insert - RabAvert (
Notice that both shots use beta-propiolactone to inactivate the virus. If this is not done properly, you risk having the active virus injected by a needle, the same as being bitten by a rabid animal. If you doubt the possibility of this happening, just look at the reported neurological adverse reactions that include:
neuroparalysis, encephalitis, meningitis, transient paralysis, Guillain-Barré Syndrome, myelitis, retrobulbar neuritis, multiple sclerosis, presyncope, syncope, vertigo, and visual disturbance.
The Vaccine Adverse Effects Reporting system (VAERS) shows 6 confirmed cases of rabies and 6 deaths that resulted after receiving the rabies shot. Another thing to consider is the fact that the shots contain human albumin which can be contaminated with other virus particles.
This discussion is not medical advice. Just know that lifesaving treatments are available without subjecting yourself to the possible adverse reactions of the shot, which is not a treatment.
As I said at the start, my hat goes off to her for standing up to the fear and bullshit they tried to inject her with.
Let’s look at the business of rabies before we move on:
Globally, more than 29 million people receive rabies post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) annually.
This doesn’t include those individuals that receive rabies vaccines as a precaution or as part of their job. This is known as pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP). Such as Veterinarians and Animal Handlers, laboratory workers, travelers and military personnel.
The global rabies vaccine market was estimated to be valued at around USD 732.24 million in 2023 and is projected to reach approximately USD 991.05 million by 2028, with a CAGR of 6.24% (Research & Markets) (Mordor Intelli).
It’s a big and growing segment of the Vaccine Cartel, but I think even more importantly is has a very, very long history and provenance of fear and mythology that needs to be maintained. It has special “spiritual value” to the whole enterprise.
It’s also the only condition that allows them to say “100% certainty of death”. Many people who are skeptical of other vaccines, will take this one because of the “100%” claim.
Let’s now spend a time with James, Scheff and Hume to brush up on some memory holed medical history.
Below is also material I have put together from Dr Millicent Morden, Agent131711 and if you are still interested a detailed summary from Mike Stone’s extensive research on the subject.
Immunization: The Reality Behind the Myth (1988) by Walene James
Chapter 6
Theories imprint a whole view of the universe and make you look at everything through blinders. - WILLIAM CORLISS, Brain/Mind Bulletin
Theories come and theories go. Many of yesterday's theories and practices in medicine are now regarded as superstition, for example, bloodletting and the theory of humors. What will tomorrow's savants think of our preoccupation with vaccination and fighting germs? Indeed, yesterday's knowledge frequently becomes today's superstition and today's knowledge tomorrow's superstition. John Stuart Mill once said, "It often happens that the universal belief of one age-a belief from which no one was free, nor without an extraordinary effort of genius could, at that time, be free-becomes to a subsequent age so palpable an absurdity that the only difficulty is to imagine how such a thing can ever have appeared credible."
Let's look at a few of the legacies of the germ theory, beginning with some of Pasteur's greatest "triumphs"-the supposed eradication of such diseases as rabies, anthrax (sheep and cattle disease), pebrine (silkworm disease) and, indirectly, undulant fever (brucellosis) by the pasteurization of milk. Since anthrax and pebrine are somewhat afield of our concern here, we shall not explore the chicanery involved in the promotion of the idea that Pasteur saved the livestock and silk industries. It is largely a repeat of the opportunism mentioned in Chapter 5, and anyone wishing more details on the subject may consult Ms. Hume's book. Consideration of the other two diseases, rabies and undulant fever, has important lessons for us since many people believe Pasteur saved the world from the ravages of milk-borne diseases and the bite of mad dogs. Let's begin with rabies.
Rabies, according to one medical dictionary, is an infectious disease caused by a filterable virus which is communicated to man by the bite of an infected animal. Some of the symptoms listed are: choking; tetanic spasms, especially of respiration and deglutition (act of swallowing) which are increased by the attempts to drink water or even the sight of water; mental derangement; vomiting; and profuse secretion of sticky saliva. And the disease is usually fatal. No wonder Pasteur, with his anti-rabies vaccine, was so readily hailed as the savior of humanity from this frightening scourge!
Much has been made of the startling cure of nine-year-old Joseph Meister whom Pasteur "saved" from hydrophobia (rabies). The cure seems less than miraculous when we discover that several other persons, including the dog's owner, were bitten by that same dog on the same day and continued in good health without receiving Pasteur's inoculations. Other children were not so fortunate. Mathieu Vidau died seven months after being personally treated by Pasteur. Also, another child, Louise Pelletier, died after receiving the Pasteur treatment. Dr. Charles Bell Taylor, in the National Review for July 1890, gave a list of cases in which patients of Pasteur's had died while the dogs that had bitten them remained well.
Apparently, then as now, organized medicine was using the police powers of the state to enforce obedience to its doctrines: A French postman, Pierre Rascol, along with another man was attacked by a dog supposed to be mad. Rascal was not actually bitten, for the dog's teeth did not penetrate his clothing. His companion, however, received severe bites. Rascal was forced by the postal authorities to undergo the Pasteur treatment, which he did from the 9th to the 14th of March. On the following 12th of April severe symptoms set in, with pain at the points of inoculation. "On the 14th of April he died of paralytic hydrophobia, the new disease brought into the world by Pasteur. What wonder that Professor Michel Peter complained: 'M. Pasteur does not cure hydrophobia: he gives it!' What happened to Rascol's companion who was severely bitten? He refused to go to the Pasteur Institute and remained in perfect health!
These stories could easily be dismissed as anecdotal except that there are a great many of them. An article in The Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry (January 1951) gives an account of two patients who became paralyzed after they had been treated by the Pasteur vaccine. A report in the Journal of the American Medical Association (January 14, 1956) relates that at a meeting of the Academy of Medicine in France, it was pointed out that the use of the Pasteur vaccination for rabies may be followed as long as 20 years later by a disorder called Korsakoff's psychosis, which is a state of delirium. Twenty years later! It was brought out at that same meeting that in a study of 460 patients treated with the Pasteur injection 20 died.
The Indiana State Medical Journal (December 1950) reports the case of a man of 25 who received the Pasteur rabies treatment and became paralyzed from the waist down and died shortly thereafter. "The authors say that no one knows what causes these paralytic reactions. However, it has been definitely established, they say, that they are not caused by the rabies virus. In other words, vaccination, not rabies is the danger here. The authors go on to quote Sellers, another authority, who believes that 'not hydrophobia but rather rabiophobia is the most troublesome problem.' Fear of rabies, then is what we have to fear most."
A story illustrating the power of suggestion to create sickness or health is told by Millicent Morden, M.D.:
A ten-year-old boy in town bad been bitten by a dog, supposedly mad. Local newspapers reported he was dying of hydrophobia. Flocks of curious people were going to the house to enjoy the horrifying spectacle. The offer of a drink of water would throw the boy into a convulsion. If any object like a handkerchief or pencil were held near his head, he would growl, snapping at it savagely with his teeth and frothing at the mouth. He frequently uttered menacing growls like those of a vicious dog.
The student doctor hypnotized him and suggested that at 5 P.M. he would suddenly get well. He left asking that a swarm of visitors be kept out.
At 5 o'clock the boy announced that he was well and wanted supper. The crowd now wanted to see the one who had wrought the miracle in curing hydrophobia. All wanted to be treated by him.
This story, along with many others, tends to support statements made by some doctors and kennel owners that rabies is an imaginary disease. Dr. Morden said in the same radio address:
On several occasions I entered the room where the victim was strapped down, and in addition, was being held during convulsions, by from one to six attendants. I unstrapped the victim, dismissed the attendants and assured the patient that there was no such disease. Quick recovery followed.'
Many kennel owners report that in 30, 40, and even 50 years of working with dogs, they have never seen a case of rabies, and that they and their co-workers have been repeatedly bitten by dogs and have simply washed the wound thoroughly with soap and water and that was the end of it.
Time magazine (November 19, 1951) gives some advice on what to do if you are bitten by a dog. "It was proved eight years ago that rabies virus can be removed from a wound more thoroughly by soap and water than by nitric acid or any other cauterizing agents." Rabies virus can be inactivated by: (1) Interferon, a protein substance produced by the body and activated by parts of the B complex. (2) Vitamin C. As we discussed in Chapter 4, vitamin C in sufficient quantities will prevent the development of infectious disease. Fred Klenner found that nerve type diseases such as polio and tetanus could be successfully treated with the proper amount of vitamin C. Rabies virus can be inactivated in a test tube by the addition of vitamin C, and in 1967 a veterinarian proved he could cure distemper with vitamin C.
What is the rabies virus? The identifying bacteria are called "negri bodies" which are found in the brain of the dead animal. These bodies, however, are found in the brains of animals and people who have died of causes having nothing to do with rabies. Frequently, they are not found in the brains of animals which the experts were sure had rabies. No wonder Dr. William Brady wrote as follows in the Berkeley Gazette for September 1, 1954:
I have never seen a case of rabies in man and I have never met a doctor who has seen a case, yet we know that the preventive inoculation of Pasteur virus sometimes causes death… The Pasteur treatment for rabies is a blind treatment and no one knows whether Pasteur treatment confers any protection against rabies. I'd never willingly receive Pasteur treatment or give it to anyone under any conceivable circumstances, because I fear the material so injected has a disastrous effect in some instances. It is not always successful and occasionally paralysis follows its use."
What is rabies? T. D. Dillon, kennel owner, said that most cases of supposed rabies are really running fits, teething fits, worm fits, sunstroke from heat exposure or hysteria caused by the dog finding himself in a strange environment such as a hostile, bustling, crowded city. Other kennel owners have suggested that the so-called rabid dog can be suffering from poor treatment, hunger, thirst, fear. At any rate, the Pasteur treatment is as unhealthy and risky for dogs as it is for humans. Mr. Dillon goes on to say that most dogs that he has known to be inoculated with the rabies serum have died from its aftereffects.
Did, in fact, the incidence of hydrophobia decrease after the introduction of the Pasteur treatment? Dr. Charles W. Dulles, former lecturer at the University of Pennsylvania, said, "It has been shown by statistics that in countries where that method (the Pasteur treatment) is employed the number of deaths from hydrophobia has increased and not diminished." Ethyl Douglas Hume points out that prior to the Pasteur treatment the average number of deaths per year from hydrophobia in France was 30. After the Pasteur treatment the number jumped to 45. She also discusses at length how the figures were manipulated to give the impression of "success." Does this sound familiar? What we said about the rabies virus is true for other viruses as well.
The disease with which a particular virus is associated is sometimes present and sometimes not; people who have a particular virus may or may not have the disease associated with it. Several years ago I heard a psychiatrist, Dr. George Ritchie, describe in a public lecture the ubiquitousness of the polio virus. He told of a small town in Virginia (I've forgotten the name) in which doctors took a throat culture of everyone in town. Everyone had polio virus, yet less than ten percent of the population showed any symptoms. Of these, one-third had a slight cold, one-third had stiffness in limbs, and one-third died of bulbar polio.
"All in all, a new look at the biological formulation of the germ theory seems warranted," Rene Dubos tells us. "We need to account for the peculiar fact that pathogenic agents sometimes can persist in the tissues without causing disease and at other times can cause disease even in the presence of specific antibodies. We need also to explain why microbes supposed to be nonpathogenic often start proliferating in an unrestrained manner if the body's normal physiology is upset…
"During the first phase of the germ theory the property of virulence was regarded as lying solely within the microbes themselves. Now virulence is coming to be thought of as ecological. Whether man lives in equilibrium with microbes or becomes their victim depends upon the circumstances under which he encounters them. This ecological concept is not merely an intellectual game; it is essential to a proper formulation of the problem of microbial diseases and even to their control."
The narrow focus on ridding ourselves and our world of harmful bacteria without considering the ecological relationships within the milieu in which they function has been disastrous in many instances. For example, antibiotics can unbalance the ecology of the body to the point where protective or beneficial bacteria are destroyed and fungus infestations, such as the recent "epidemic" of candida albicans, can result. Inflammations and increased susceptibility to infections are also possible side effects. Other serious problems can occur as well. For instance, streptomycin destroys the innervation to the balancing mechanism of the inner ear. Sulfa drugs-effective because they mobilize vitamin C from the tissues into the blood-can damage the kidneys. Sulfa drugs can also cause anemia, allergies, and inflammation of the heart.
Official Stories by Liam Scheff
In 1885, Louis claimed to protect a boy from rabies. The boy, 9-year-old Joseph Meister, had been bitten many times by a dog. Louis injected - or really pricked his skin - with a weakened strain of what he believed contained the microbial cause of rabies from a mixture of animal material that he had let weaken and age. He did this over two weeks. The boy lived and didn't get the disease. Of course, not everyone bitten by a dog, even a rabid one, gets rabies.
But it's a strange proof because, by vaccine theory, it takes time to produce antibodies against an illness. The boy didn't have time to become “immune” after being bitten, which seems to indicate that he was already immune or hadn't been infected. Nevertheless, it was a proclaimed a great success and Louis' star began to rise. His claims impressed the Emperor of France, and soon he had government support for his work.
Louis' method was to inject samples of saliva and blood through a line of animals, mostly rabbits. He would then extract some material or kill the animal and dry and grind its spinal cord which would later be reconstituted for the injection. This method was closer to the ancient - letting material age and become non-toxic - than what we do now. It also relied more on letting a toxic fluid or tissue age and lose potency, than in finding any particular particle. He was also quick to destroy animals who got the diseases he claimed to be preventing - in other words, by excluding certain data, he got the results he wanted. This is called “confirmatory bias” in the sciences. Psychologists call it “self-deception.” Normal people just call it “bullshitting.”
Today Pasteur is credited with stopping anthrax and rabies in sheep and dogs by injection, but the historical literature is argumentative. Robert Koch himself ridiculed Pasteur's anthrax vaccine as scientifically invalid. It was recorded that flocks were lost all over Europe where the vaccine was used. One Russian flock lost 3700 out of the 4500 sheep that had been injected. Hungary outlawed the vaccine; Italian researchers felt it was of no value. And for his other success - rabies - a peer of Pasteur's, looking at his losses of animals, said that Louis didn't cure rabies, but rather, “he gives it.”
Bechamp or Pasteur by Ethel Hume (1947, first published 1923)
C. W. Dulles, M.D., a famous authority on dog diseases and hydrophobia who looked up the records in many cities, says over a million dogs and cats were handled by dog catchers in 14 years, with many thousands of bites, but no treatment – and not a single case of hydrophobia appeared in these cases.
He and other doctors had posted for years standing offers of $100 to $1,000 for a genuine case of dog hydrophobia and had no claimants, though thousands of dogs were being killed yearly because of scares; one place claiming that 92% of those killed in one year had hydrophobia!
These doctors say chaining or muzzling a dog that has always been free is apt to cause the very irritability we want to avoid.
Pasteur’s treatment causes rabies
In man, they say the death rate in France in cases of so-called rabies is 19 per 100 – the highest in the civilized world, and the same as before the Pasteur Institute was established; and cases of hydrophobia have enormously increased, while just across the Rhine in Germany, hydrophobia is almost unknown.
The year before Pasteur started his treatments, there were four deaths from hydrophobia in Paris; the year after there were 22! Not only France as a whole, but each department of France, and in fact every country that has allowed the Pasteur ‘treatment’ to be introduced, have all shown a sharp increase in the number of deaths from hydrophobia after such introduction!
In England there were several Pasteur Institutes doing a thriving business prior to 1902, when a commission was appointed to investigate rabies and the serum treatment, and the Institutes were abolished. They have had no hydrophobia since.
They claim that over 3,000 people died in England before 1902 after
being bitten by dogs and then taking the Pasteur treatment, while more recently the London Hospital treated 2,668 persons bitten by dogs without using the Pasteur treatment, and none of them developed hydrophobia!
While these are not complete figures for England, there are nearly 6,000 cases of dog bite treated in institutions; and of these only those who had taken the Pasteur treatment died. Why not try something different?
And there has never been a case of hydrophobia in Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Denmark, Holland, Belgium, New Zealand and Australia, because those countries will not tolerate a Pasteur Institute within their borders.
They say the Pasteur treatment is very often the cause of rabies, is always dangerous, sometimes even murderous, and is never beneficial. J. W. Dodson, M.D., of Brockport, N.Y., wrote years ago:
“If people would only think for themselves and not blindly follow the agitator or grafter, we would soon be relieved of this pest, rabies.”
For a safe, sane and logical treatment that has saved patients with rabies for over 100 years, we would recommend the Buisson Bath , a hot vapor or steam bath that is fully described in Drugless Cures by this author.
Chapter 17: Hydrophobia
Bullet Point Summary
Hydrophobia is primarily a disease of the nerves, with fear being a major factor. Some cases have been brought on by suggestion.
The risk of contracting hydrophobia from a dog bite is very low, estimated between 5-15% for the untreated.
There is doubt about rabies being a specific disease. Many supposedly rabid dogs may just be neglected, savage, or starving.
Pasteur's treatment involved injecting patients with dried spinal cords of rabbits inoculated with rabies. He made many changes to the method over time.
Pasteur's first famous case, Joseph Meister, had his wounds cauterized which likely prevented infection. Others bitten by the same dog remained healthy without Pasteur's treatment.
Some patients, like Pierre Rascol, died of paralytic hydrophobia after treatment despite never being bitten.
Pasteur reduced his claimed death rate from 16% to under 1% by dismissing most deaths as being too soon after treatment.
Hydrophobia deaths in France increased from an average of 30 per year to 45 per year after the introduction of Pasteur's treatment. Deaths also increased in Italy.
Over 1000 deaths after Pasteur treatment have been documented between 1885-1901, with more being compiled.
A new form of the disease, paralytic hydrophobia, was introduced by the Pasteur treatment itself.
Other treatments like vapor baths were known to successfully treat attacks, but were overshadowed by Pasteur's method.
Pasteur Institutes worldwide have gained huge profits from the sale of vaccines, creating financial motivations.
The author argues hydrophobia remedies have followed a historical pattern of "frightfulness" that Pasteur took to a new level, exploiting the credulous and ignorant.
Data points and statistics
According to Bouley, out of 100 persons bitten by rabid animals and left untreated, not more than 5 would develop hydrophobia symptoms.
Before Pasteur's treatment, the average annual deaths from hydrophobia in France was 30. After his treatment began, this increased to 45 per year.
In Italy, the annual average hydrophobia mortality went from 65 before the Pasteur treatment to 85 after nine anti-rabies institutes were established.
The National Anti-Vivisection Society documented 1,220 deaths shortly after Pasteur treatment between 1885-1901. The British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection is compiling a list that has reached nearly 2,000 such deaths.
At the Pasteur Institute at Kasauli, India, deaths increased from 10 in 1900 to 72 in 1915.
From 1912-1919, the Kasauli Institute treated 114 patients for horse bites and 80 for human bites, despite no real risk of hydrophobia.
The Kasauli Institute's vaccine production increased from a pre-WW1 average of 18,500 cm^3 per year to over 1.5 million cm^3 during the war, with a monetary value around £500,000.
The Rabies Delusion Revealed (
Rabies Past Present in Scientific Review
By Millicent Morden, Physician & Surgeon (1882 - 1955)
Rabies was an old superstition — a relic of the times when devils ran to and fro between animal and man carrying disease.
Pasteur, who had previously had a hemorrhage of the brain, changed this old superstition into a money-making disease.
Rabies is now a pet child of the Vivisection Trust which works internationally.
If vivisection has proven anything it has proven the impossibility of man contracting any real disease from a dog.
How long will filthy lucre keep the facts from the fooled public?
This latter seems to have kept rabies out of the limelight until the time of Pasteur. Medicine has heard much of the startling cure of Joseph Meister by Pasteur. Little mention is made of the fact that three relatives of the Meister boy were bitten by the same dog and without benefit of the Pasteur treatment recovered completely.
Dr. Bruette has proved, as a matter of fact, that rabies vaccine is not only a fraud, but harmful. He scores the use of rabies vaccine and states that "inoculation spreads disease." He goes as far as to call the sale of rabies vaccine an out and out racket.
Dr. Matthew Woods, another contemporary of Pasteur, then a leading member of the Philadelphia Medical. Society, wrote much on the subject of rabies. He stated, "at the Philadelphia dog pound, where on an average more than 6,000 vagrant dogs are taken annually, and where the catchers and keepers are frequently bitten while handling them, not one case of hydrophobia has occurred during it’s entire history of twenty-five years, in which time 150,000 dogs have been handled."
"The records of the London Hospital, a few years ago, showed 2,668 persons bitten by angry dogs. None of them developed hydrophobia."
St. George’s Hospital, London, records 4,000 patients bitten by dogs supposed to have been mad. No case of hydrophobia.
"In the record of all the diseases which have occurred at the Pennsylvania Hospital in one hundred and forty years, only two cases which were supposed to be hydrophobia have occurred. One of these, however, the only one submitted to bacteriological test, did not confirm the diagnosis, ‘hydrophobia’ and the local health authorities refused to register the death as due to rabies."
Dr. Charles W. Dulles, lecturer on the History of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, who was appointed by the Medical Societies of the state to investigate rabies stated that he is "inclined to the view that there is no such specific malady" because after sixteen years of investigation he had "failed to find a single case on record that can be conclusively proved to have resulted from the bite of a dog or any other cause."
Dr. Dulles, previously referred to, has said, "I might cite my own experience in the treatment of persons bitten by dogs supposed to be mad, which has furnished not a single case of the developed disease in thirty years. [Emphasis added] And I have probably seen more cases of so-called hydrophobia than any other medical man." Dr.Dulles was lecturer on the History of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, Consulting Surgeon to Rush Hospital and Manager of University Hospital.
There are over 3,000 deaths on record in reports from the Pasteur Institute, of persons bitten by dogs. All died after treatments. On the other hand, the record of the London Hospital, a few years ago, showed 2,668 persons bitten by angry dogs: not one of them developed hydrophobia and not one had been treated by the Pasteur method.
The Rabies vaccine is one of the most diabolically brilliant because humans rush to take it after they are bitten by an animal. Those who suffer adverse events or death are counted as a Rabies Death, therefore it is impossible to find fault with the vaccine.
In humans, it’s Rabies only if the symptoms occur after being bitten or scratched by an animal. So let’s say, tomorrow morning you wake up and suddenly have difficulty swallowing; were you bitten by an animal? If you answered “No”, you probably have Herpes. If you say, “Yeah, I was feeding a squirrel a peanut and one bit me by accident”, then YES, it’s 100% for sure Rabies and you need a vaccine, pronto! Very Scientific!
Now that Science had learned so much about Rabies and the severity of the virus, Rabies was suddenly being discovered all over by the USA by none other than the US government. In fact, Rabies became so bad that, in 1916, the Secretary of Agriculture asked Congress for $75,000 (in tax dollars) so they could begin slaughtering wolves, coyotes and “other predatory animals” in the Northwest states. The goal was to completely eliminate these species in Utah, Nevada, Idaho, California, Oregon, and Washington, because, they claimed, they ALL could be rabid and were infecting livestock with the virus. (Psssssst! Wolves were later discovered to be Endangered, and have been on the Endangered Species List ever since)
To make matters crazier, Rabies can only be tested for after death of the animal.
This means there is absolutely no way to prove an animal is Rabid while it is alive. It must first be slaughtered.
Despite no cases of rabies on record, beginning around the 1970’s, most states in the USA were convinced by Rabies vaccine lobbyists to begin requiring Rabies shots for dogs within the first three to four months of life (some states additionally require the shot for cats and ferrets too).
It was then realized that there is a wealth of money to be made off pets, so states also began requiring tagging and licensing.
Dr. John Fudens, D.V.M. writes: “From 1964 to 1978 there were zero cases of dog rabies in the county. Magically in 1978, the rabies vaccine was mandated to be given every year and all dogs tagged and licensed. WHY? Well, it seems four veterinarians, with animal control bureaucrats, pushed the county board of supervisors to pass a law mandating rabies vaccination every year. There were three local vets and one professor from the State Veterinary College who were behind this … Not once was the issue discussed that there were no rabies cases in the county in dogs. To date, there still has not been one case of dog rabies, including the population of dogs whose owners who do not vaccinate for rabies.”
Mike Stone has done some absolutely excellent work on this subject.
Rabies: The “Virus” of Fear – ViroLIEgy
In Summary:
According to the Institut Pasteur, Louis Pasteur’s initial efforts to isolate the rabies “virus” proved unsuccessful as the “virus” remained invisible
The “virus” was not seen until almost a century later, in 1962, with the advent of electron microscopy
Louis Pasteur had the idea of inoculating part of a rabid dog’s brain directly into another dog’s brain, causing the inoculated dog to subsequently die
Inoculation with saliva (where the “virus” is supposedly found) was found to be a method which did not always produce rabies and symptoms did not declare themselves for months
Pasteur accordingly inoculated a number of animals subcutaneously with some of the brain substance from other animals which had died of rabies
Most of those inoculated developed rabies, but not all
Pasteur’s idea of introducing into the brain of experimental animals some of the nerve tissue from an animal which had died of rabies was based on the principle (i.e. assumption) of providing the causal organisms with the nutritive medium best suited to their requirements
There is a very high degree of uncertainty in the correlation between animal bites and the subsequent appearance of rabies-even when the biting animal is certifiably rabid
While the mortality of clinical rabies is “virtually 100 percent,” the threat of death from the bite of a rabid animal is vastly less
Estimates of the risk of contracting rabies from the bites of animals known to be rabid range from as high as 80 percent to as low as 0.5 percent
Pasteur himself estimated that 16 percent of those bitten by rabid dogs would eventually die of rabies unless they submitted to his new treatment
In 1887, the English Commission on Rabies drew attention to the uncertainty of all statistics on rabies citing:
The difficulty of establishing that the attacking animal had in fact been rabid
The variable effects of the location and depth of bites
Differences in the lethality of rabid animal bites in different species and races
The possible prophylactic effects of cauterization or other treatments applied to bitten victims before they submitted to Pasteur’s treatment
The commission also suspected that at least one man may have died as a direct result of the Pastorian injections, and in the end it favored strict regulations on potentially rabid animals (muzzling and quarantine) over Pasteur’s more drastic remedy
The great majority of the victims of rabid animal bites could forgo Pasteur’s treatment without experiencing any untoward consequences in the future
Pasteur himself later pointed out some of the uncertainties surrounding the diagnosis of rabies
Pasteur cited two cases in which symptoms of the disease had been induced solely by fear without any animal bite as well as another case which was induced by alcoholism
Pasteur had a vested interest in emphasizing the difficulty of diagnosing rabies as he was then defending himself against allegations that his rabies vaccine not only sometimes failed to protect those who submitted to it, but in some cases was itself the cause of rabies and therefore death
In defense of his vaccine, Pasteur now emphasized the extent to which symptoms like those of rabies could appear in patients who did not have the disease
According to the CDC, the diagnosis of rabies can be made after detection of rabies “virus” from any part of the affected brain, preferably the brain stem and cerebellum
The test requires that the animal be euthanized
According to biologist Harold Hillman: “Killing an animal changes its biochemistry grossly. For example, its blood carbon dioxide, phosphate, lactate, and potassium ion concentrations, rise, while its oxygen, sodium ion, adenosine triphosphate, phosphocreatine, concentrations go down. These changes affect much of the tissue metabolism.”
Hillman felt that “it is worth asking whether cell biologists should use tissues in vitro at all”
The current “gold standard” test used to detect the “virus” on the brain tissue is the direct fluorescent antibody test (dFA)
The dFA test is based on the “observation” that animals infected by rabies “virus” have rabies “virus” proteins (antigen) present in their tissues
Because rabies is present in nervous tissue (and not blood like many other “viruses”), the ideal tissue to test for rabies antigen is brain
When labeled antibody is incubated with rabies-suspect brain tissue, the story goes that it will bind to rabies antigen and unbound antibody can be washed away so that areas where antigen is present can be visualized as fluorescent-apple-green areas using a fluorescence microscope
According to the CDC, during the 50 years the direct fluorescent antibody (DFA) test has been used in the United States, there has been no indication it has failed to provide accurate clinical information on the rabies status of an animal for the purposes of treating an exposed person
The CDC states that because of its high sensitivity and specificity, in comparison to “virus” isolation methods, the DFA test is the “gold standard” diagnostic method for rabies (way to shoot “virus” isolation in the foot there CDC…)
During clinical disease, millions of “viral” particles may be found intermittently in the saliva (which makes one wonder why they must kill an animal and do indirect antibody tests on decomposing brain tissue for diagnosis rather than properly purify and isolate the “virus” directly from the saliva supposedly containing millions of these entities)
In theory, only a single rabies particle or “virion” is required to result in a productive infection
The dFA results are based upon the opinion of an interpreter who uses an antigen fluorescence intensity and distribution scale from +4 on down to +1 to determine one of four conclusions: positive, negative, unsatisfactory, or inconclusive
The dFA test has the disadvantage of poor sensitivity, and its specificity varies widely due to the subjective interpretation of test results
DFA has several drawbacks such as:
The need for an expensive fluorescent microscope
Well-trained personnel
Quality controlled reagents (antibodies, conjugates)
Varied parameters used during microscopy
Incubation times and temperatures
The subjectivity in interpretation of the test results
According to a 2017 study testing and reviewing dFA with the help of numerous labs, the results indicated that although all laboratories can perform the direct fluorescent antibody test, there are substantial differences in the overall results and test interpretation
The authors stated that conclusive rabies diagnosis can only be achieved by appropriate laboratory testing as clinical and epidemiological diagnosis is challenging and leads to under-reporting
The agreement between the laboratory results and those of the CDC, as measured by the sensitivity, specificity, concordance and kappa values:
Only two laboratories correctly identified all samples tested (sensitivity and specificity of 1.0)
However, 30% (7/23) of all laboratories reported at least one false positive and 83% (19/23) of all laboratories reported at least one false negative sample
The average sensitivity was 76% with a range of 40% to 100%
The average specificity was 88% with a range of 22% to 100%.
While a majority of the laboratories had low false positive rates, there were considerable differences in the sensitivity
The mean concordance was 81% with a range of 50% to 100% and the mean kappa score was 0.56 with a range of 0.02 to 1.00
The level of concordance between the 23 participating laboratories and the CDC panel showed large variability
Two laboratories had 100% concordance, while 91% of the labs had at least one discordant sample, with a total of 26 false positive and 61 false negative results among all laboratories
The type of conjugate may also affect the sensitivity of the DFA test (monoclonal cocktail versus polyclonal, in-house made versus commercial)
A study of 12 rabies reference laboratories in Europe demonstrated that the variability of conjugates could potentially lead to discordant results and influence assay sensitivity
Another method for diagnosing rabies is the “isolation” of the “virus” by tissue or cell culture
“Virus isolation” may be necessary to confirm inconclusive results in dFA/dRIT and for characterization of the “virus” strain
In neuroblastoma cells, rabies “virus” grows generally without cytopathic effect
In a bit of cirular reasoning, it is necessary to use dFA to confirm the presence of rabies “virus” by way of cell culture whereas cell culture may also be used to confirm inconclusive dFA results
After intracranial (in the brain…some things never change) application, rabies induces clinical signs in mice that are relatively typical but have to be confirmed by dFA (i.e. the mouse that has had toxic cell culture goo injected into its brain causing symptoms must then be killed to have its cell-culture damaged brain examined by dFA to confirm the infection)
Histologic examination of biopsy or autopsy tissues looking for signs of encephalitis is occasionally useful in diagnosing unsuspected cases of rabies that have not been tested by routine methods
However, this method is nonspecific and not considered diagnostic for rabies
Before current diagnostic methods were available, rabies diagnosis was made using this method and the clinical case history (i.e. non-specific and not suited for diagnostic methods were used to identify rabies for most of the 19th and 20th century)
Histopathologic evidence of rabies encephalomyelitis (inflammation) in brain tissue and meninges includes the following:
Mononuclear infiltration
Perivascular cuffing of lymphocytes or polymorphonuclear cells
Lymphocytic foci
Babes nodules consisting of glial cells
Negri bodies
In 1903, Dr. Adelchi Negri reported the identification of what he believed to be the etiologic agent of rabies, the Negri body
In his report, he described Negri bodies as round or oval inclusions within the cytoplasm of nerve cells of animals infected with rabies
While this was the main method of diagnosing rabies for over 60 years, the presence of Negri bodies is variable
Histologic staining for Negri bodies is neither as sensitive nor as specific as other tests
Some experimentally-infected cases of rabies display Negri bodies in brain tissue; others do not
Histologic examination of tissues from clinically rabid animals show Negri bodies in about 50% of the samples
In other cases, non-rabid tissues have shown inclusions indistinquishable from Negri bodies
Because of these problems, the presence of Negri bodies should not be considered diagnostic for rabies
Despite these problems, until the mid-1960’s the diagnosis of rabies in the laboratory was based entirely upon the microscopic demonstration of Negri bodies and upon animal inoculation
According to a study from 1942, the demonstration of Negri bodies was the method of choice since the diagnosis can be thus made in a few minutes or hour
However, the authors admitted that the difficulties in demonstrating Negri bodies arose from two sources of error which could be enumerated as the inability to differentiate them from other inclusion bodies and cell structures, and inherent deficiencies in the methods of examination
Every experienced microscopist has encountered the difficulty of deciding whether the bodies observed in some preparations are Negri bodies or cytoplasmic structures normal to the cell or if not normal at least only distorted cellular structures
In the study of 84 cases of rabies proved by mouse inoculation they found Negri bodies only in the hippocampus 8 times and only in the cerebral cortex 4 times
The authors determined that the finding of eosinophilic bodies in any portion of a brain from an animal suspected of having had rabies creates a doubt as to the diagnosis
From their results it appeared that by microscopic examination of sections and in some smears, they were able to demonstrate eosinophilic bodies resembling “lyssa bodies” and atypical Negri bodies which are not associated in the brain with rabies “virus”
Also the results showed that brain specimens in which the microscopic examination leaves the diagnosis in doubt contain rabies (i.e. they determined that injecting mice in the brain caused rabies without finding Negri bodies)
The bodies that cause this confusion in the microscopic diagnosis of rabies are similar to ones found in certain parts of the brain of normal cattle and other animals and to atypical or small Negri bodies
In a 1975 study, it is stated that rabies is the only “virus” that can be diagnosed by light microscopy based on the universally accepted conviction on the specificity of the Negri body for rabies
However, the authors presented a case of a patient without rabies as determined by negative immunofluorescent study results for rabies and the absence of the rabies “virus “within the Negri bodies (light microscope) as demonstrated by electron microscopy
Such an observation was inconsistent with the specificity of the Negri body in signifying the presence of rabies
The result of this universally accepted dogma led to every instance in which a “Negri body” was seen being diagnosed as rabies irrespective of the circumstances
Except for the occurrence of the Negri body, rabies encephalitis does not have any pathognomonic clinical or pathologic features (i.e. non-specific and overlapping symptoms associated with many diseases)
Variola-vaccinia (Smallpox) “virus,” for example, can produce the same clinical pictures
There is remarkable variability in the intensity of cellular inflammatory response in rabies encephalitis
The diagnostic efforts in the past have been mainly directed to the “specific” finding of the Negri body
The absence of Negri bodies in a substantial number of fatal cases of rabies and the remarkable lack of inflammatory response in some instances of the disease signify the importance of obtaining a careful history
Absence of history of animal contact has been reported in more than 30% of fatal cases of rabies
In these cases, it is the unquestioned association between the Negri body and rabies that constitutes the sole ground for a definitive etiologic diagnosis
Even in the presence of history of animal contact, it should be remembered that such an association is unwarranted as the behavioral alterations in the animals are not pathognomonic of any one disease (i.e. there are many diseases which are said to cause the same symptoms in animals)
It is conceivable that the failures of antirabies therapy and the occurrence of false negative immunofluorescent results are related to the non-specificity of the Negri body for rabies
In no other “viral” disease is the light microscopy alone an accepted method for the definitive etiologic diagnosis of a disease
The author concludes that the answers to the observations made will be found “not by dogma or skepticism but by open-minded uncertainty.”
When one looks into the history of rabies and the methods used to diagnose the disease, it becomes undeniable that the mythical status that surrounds this fear-based fictional narrative fed to the masses throughout the centuries is entirely unjustified and unwarranted. There is literally nothing there in support of rabies as a distinct disease caused by a specific “virus” that is transmitted to humans through the bite of a sick animal. If we were to lay out the facts in front of a jury, it would be an easy conviction:
1. The pivotal moments of discovery in the late 19th century were built upon the fraudulent foundations laid out by Louis Pasteur, a man who manipulated and massaged his own data in order to sell his theories and his vaccine for fame and fortune.
2. The supposed “isolation” of the “virus” didn’t even take place until nearly a century after Pasteur admitted to never identifying a causative agent and yet it missed the necessary requirement of showing any indirect evidence of the “virus” highjacking the cell as the culture lacked any evidence of the cytopathogenic effect.
3. The actual correlation between animal bites and symptoms of disease was considered highly uncertain and those who were attacked and bitten by clearly rabid animals could easily forgo any treatments without any ill health effects.
4. The incubation period for the disease is inconsistent and is said to range anywhere from 6 weeks on up to 25 years before the development of symptoms.
5. The severe symptoms associated with rabies are a rare occurrence in nature and are in fact seen most frequently as an adverse reaction to the vaccine said to contain neurotropic ingredients.
6. The acknowledgment by Pasteur of “false rabies,” which was said to be brought about solely by FEAR of aquiring the disease as well as alcohol and/or drug use, was used to take attention away from his vaccine causing injury and death.
7. The statistics regarding rabies cases were considered unreliable due to the lack of any specifuc disease-defining symptoms as many diseases in animals and humans mimic the clinical picture.
8. The diagnosis of rabies, for much of its history, relied upon clinical symptoms and the histopathological findings related to encephalitis and Negri bodies, all of which are non-specific and are not suitable as a diagnostic measure for the disease, thus calling into question any case statistics related to rabies.
9. The only way to claim pathogenicity of the “virus” is by way of the completely unnatural route of intracranial inoculation of diseased brain and nervous tissues directly into the brains of dogs and mice.
10. The more recent modern method of direct fluorescence antibody tests, considered the “gold standard” diagnostic test, is claimed to be highly sensitive and specific, yet the results of the tests are open to human interpretation and have been shown in reviews to have low sensitivity and varied specificity.
The narrative surrounding rabies is based upon many primal fears. It plays on the fear of death, the fear of the unknown, and the fear of mutilation. Just like the rabid animal lurking in the shadows ready to strike, the “virus” hides inside the body once infected, waiting for the right moment to unleash a painful and excruciating death unless the infected leaps for the miracle cure in time. If they are a moment too late and the symptoms set in, it’s game over. This same scenario is regularly sold to the masses in our daily entertainment with the recent zombie craze. One must be afraid of the bite. Once bitten, the “virus” takes hold and the victim is condemned to certain death.
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For those affected by COVID vaccine injury, consider the FLCCC Post-Vaccine Treatment as a resource.
Discover 'Baseline Human Health': Watch and share this insightful 21-minute video to understand and appreciate the foundations of health without vaccination.
Books as Tools: Consider recommending 'Official Stories' by Liam Scheff to someone seeking understanding. Start with a “safe” chapter such as Electricity and Shakespeare and they might find their way to vaccination.
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The annual human death rate from rabies in Thailand is around 10 deaths per year. This figure has seen fluctuations, with occasional spikes due to various factors such as vaccine shortages and quality issues. Efforts to control rabies in Thailand include vaccination programs for dogs and public awareness campaigns (PLOS) (Global Alliance for Rabies Control) (WHO - World Health Organization) (Pacific Prime Thailand).
In Thailand, an estimated 1 million people are bitten by animals each year, with about 97% of these bites attributed to dogs (World Health Organization (WHO)) (Frontiers). Given that 10 people die from rabies annually in Thailand, this translates to a substantial number of animal bites, especially from dogs, each year.
Dog Bites: Dogs are responsible for up to 99% of rabies transmissions to humans in Thailand. The prevalence of stray dogs and insufficient vaccination coverage are significant factors contributing to the high incidence of rabies (PLOS) (Global Alliance for Rabies Control) (World Health Organization (WHO)).
The odds of dying in a traffic accident in Thailand are quite high compared to many other countries. Thailand has a road fatality rate of 32.7 deaths per 100,000 people (Thai Websites) (Thai Examiner). This translates to approximately 20,000 deaths annually due to road traffic accidents (World Health Organization (WHO)).
Never again will I trust big Pharma. I absolutely refused the jab. I won’t take my animals to the veterinarian anymore. The more you know. We live on a mass grave. Wicked place. Looking forward for Jesus return.
I knew it - I freaking knew it. This had to be a sham. Thank you very much for this particular deep dive!
For as fed-up as I am with human medicine, it doesn't compare to how disgusted I feel with veterinary medicine. Those doctors are often more arrogant and narrow-minded than human docs, and have quite the money train established. Routine poisons sold as "preventatives" and vaccines now fund enormous new clinics with marble countertops, the works. (Don't even get me started on the thyroid testing scam.) And because most of us love our pets, who can't speak for themselves, the vets play our emotions without hesitation. It's sickening. After my old dog dies, I'm not getting another pet. I'm done.