Excellent article. The pen is mightier than the sword, and always will be. That's why they fear it, and wish to control or destroy it.

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Indeed it is, and indeed they are.

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Exactly... They say History is written by the Victors... They say the pen is mightier than the sword... But what they dont yell you is that the guy with the sword controls whoever has the pen...

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I cannot fault these two sentences: “Bernays is a very important figure in our lives. When you drink your tap water, and taste the fluoride in it, you can thank Bernays”. Perfect point, cleverly made. 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

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Now that we have installed a reverse osmosis unit under the sink, Bernays is somewhat out of our life 🤣.

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I do badly need one of those!

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"Misinformation that encouraged or caused people to vandalise critical communications infrastructure"


It's interesting to note the very specific wording for each. That are specific, but once this bill is passed, with have rippling impacts.

The above seems to apply to specific incidents, yet it also means anyone speaking out about the telecommunications industry's damaging products, nonsensical standards for safety and blatant organised crime like manipulation of public perception.🤐🤔😐

Btw, the bleach reference, on the surface, appears to correlate with Trumps faux pa, but reality is, it covers future bases on the myriad of therapeutics that actually kill virae. And given the WHOs active and recent job advertisement for a propaganda specialist (Not unlike Bernays😉) to create a public health campaign on education why they want to remove all non-prescription antibiotics from public access, plus the current plan to drastically limit all antibiotic access, under the Antimicrobial Resistance Taskforce, I think you'll find that the increasingly susceptible public will experience the propaganda of a new pandemic, corroborated by increased hospital mortality (occurring already because of the shots but steadily increasing), which is actually created by the strict regulation of antimicrobials.😐😐🤦‍♀️

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Agree. They give you the wedge cases in their examples and will then weaponize any and all flexibility in the language in the future.

Didn't know about the "Antimicrobial Resistance Taskforce", thanks.

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I know your busy with multiple writing projects etc, but I really hope someone else besides me is paying attention to this AMR task force set up by WHO in 2020. Dont ask me how, but I ended up on their email blast! You can look through the stuff on WHO site under AMR. Or let me know and I'll shoot through the back catalogue or emails I have. 👍

🤷‍♀️ It could get really ugly in the coming times. Especially if they are doing what they say they are doing- basically limiting access to the public and Hospitals. To have antibiotics (the limited ones left, that actually work) controlled fully by WHO and only issued to the Hospitals/Regions that comply with the WHO's recent power grab? That is a very real possibility and one of the happier outlooks!!!!🤦‍♀️🤞

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Jul 15, 2023Liked by Unbekoming

Interesting, had no idea that WHO is trying to remove public access to antibiotics.

To me this highlights that to a large extent we are dealing with unconscious forces. Antibiotics are extremely damaging, and that fact is slowly being accepted by mainstream. Of course, nothing good will come out of a transnational organization limiting access to a medication. But with all the very real propaganda, control and conspiracies ultimately the manipulators are also prisoners of their own worldview.

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Antibiotics in the food chain are highly damaging to us and the environment. However, limiting the public's access to antibiotics is not going to mitigate the damage. In fact it will do more damage. more antibiotics are given to animals to fatten them up quickly than are issued by GP's. 😐🤔😑

So by declaring Antimicrobial Resistance Taskforce and limiting access to people who need them (particularly with a rise in systemic sepsis cases in hospitals over the last decade), does not stop AMR. It only hurts the public. Limiting access to antibiotics entering the food chain by industrial animal farming would help the public and the environment. 🤔😐

So I guess the next question is, are they truly that dumb or is it intentional? **Rhetorical. Ive come to my own conclusion! 😉

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Intentionally dumb perhaps? I mean it. We all are in denial about aspects of our lives.

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And people need to be alerted: “While on the subject of propaganda, it’s worth mentioning that Australia is about to bring in the most fascist, totalitarian, evil, chilling and scandalous censorship legislation in the country’s history.”

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Australians are blissfully unaware of what is coming, and most of those that are aware actually welcome it, as it will "reduce harm" 🤦‍♂️. It would be hard to find a Nanny State with a more smothering, all caring, safety first, Big Sister than Australia.

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Worth noting the history of CIA in Australia and 1975 Whitlam coup to add context to captured Aussie government and propaganda success.


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Jul 15, 2023·edited Jul 15, 2023Liked by Unbekoming

Why the panic by the globalist now? There are three interlocking reality spheres. They are energy, economy and environment. The economy sphere is where their 'all money is created as interest bearing debt all owed to themselves' lives. The environment is where everything lives and all resources reside in finite quantities. Energy powers both of these spheres and that is where the trouble lays. At present consumption rates, 1 billion barrels of oil every ten days, with 1.7 trillion barrels of increasingly more costly and difficult to extract reserves left this equals about 46.5 years of oil hydrocarbons left. But rather than have an open discussion with the humans on this planet and involving our best minds the pyramid cap, and rightly so, fears this beyond all else. The 'Cap' and their machinations might just be found culpable for their crimes against humanity that spans centuries. Instead they feed us lies, war and as usual set the people against themselves. The 'Cap's' monetary system is in deep peril as it requires an ever and exponentially expanding economy with energy as the omnipotent ingredient to make it function and oil is running out. Lowering demand is the 'Cap's' primary solution. This by substantially lowering use, the global warming meme, and by killing off as silently as they can about 95% of the human population, No wonder they don't want to talk about the coming end of the once in a species gift that oil is.

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Jul 15, 2023Liked by Unbekoming

Outstanding. Thank you.

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A person must ask at a certain critical moment: "do I really believe this?" If there is no pause, no space there, no moment when you ask, then you would possibly succumb. Then, as this newsletter says you become just another one: a "mannequin" for the handlers of "empire"! . . .

~ take that moment to pause

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Aug 7, 2023Liked by Unbekoming

Every home should have a copy of Propaganda by Edward Bernays on their shelves. It's incredibly important -- now more than ever -- to look over the shoulders (like they do to us) of our rulers, and realize how they think, how they operate, and their methods.

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Jul 15, 2023Liked by Unbekoming

Oh my fucking god!

That clip of JD is the definition of societal insanity.

I’m speechless...

(Almost, I guess...now I am)

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If the Aussie GOVT (acronym for gang of vicious thugs) kills Substack, you might consider moving to the US, where the proles still own pens AND swords. We could use you.

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Propaganda doesn't deceive you... Propaganda allows you to deceive yourself...

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Is debate even taught in schools anymore?

Kids should be asked which side they think is right and then be selected to debate it's opposite.

It should be mandatory 😱😆....no seriously it should be, along with a subject called ' Falsehoods- the lies of the cults that don't wear hoods'.

The movie 'The great Debaters' with Denzel Washington would have been ok possibly, if the black kids had debated the white kids argument and won!

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