I spent many summer weekends on the beaches of Galveston in the 80's. I rarely saw an obese person. No one talked about keto or vegan diets, or processed foods or sugar. We ate what we wanted and then actually went out and lived life. We weren't glued to screens all day and night. This may not paint the whole picture, but it does matter.

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Go Carnivore


I've never been overweight; 69 when4 years back I went carnivore, 6'5", 14 stones for years. BMI fine.

In 6 weeks I dropped 20 lbs. Visceral fat and water. Now steady around 12 stone 10lbs.

No need for medication. No need for special diets (after all, Homo sapiens, and our precursors, were all carnivore with seasonal fruit and berries till the advent of agriculture c6k years back); we are perfectly adapted to what is after all our species-adapted diet. Molars and incisors, very short gut and very high stomach acid.

Unlike veg (think carrots, sweet corn) you can swallow a large chunk of meat whole and it will all be digested. Handy when eating a kill, and some beast turns up. Vegans claim meat "rots in the gut". Nope, it's veg that does that.

And you'll stop farting...

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I think it's also okay to do carnivore plus fruit (not stems, leaves, seeds or roots). At least if you keep eating to an 8-hour window per day or less. Look up Dr. Saladino on YT--he wrote a book on carnivore, then added fruit--he's got a good video about why he did that after a year or 2.

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We eat our Mulberries - but that's it! Problem with fruit is of course fructose, which the body doesn't handle well; it's a hit on the liver, and probably worse (e.g. as in fruit juices that people slurp down) than sugar - the pancreas tries to handle sugar, whereas fructose goes straight to the liver.

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Saladino would dispute that. He says there's no evidence fructose in its natural form is bad for us. Nor is it bad to spike insulin--it's bad to continually spike insulin. So it's a different theory--a challenge to what science really shows, and does not. He says his testosterone started to decline on pure carnivore, and he started not to feel good--that's why he started on the fruit. He pays a lot of attention to oxalate levels in plant foods. Physically, he looks incredible--more so after he started the fruit--in his late 40s.

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Don't know what he was doing, but he looked terrible for a while. Each to his own. I don't miss plants at all. Nor do I have to pay attention to oxalate levels in plants. And I look incredible for 73 😊😉😁

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my 98 yr old parents strong active mentally clear, until the end..lived off their fruit trees, ate meat eggs, dairy, grew veggies. they died prematurely bec scared onto drugs..that only expedite death, destroyed their kidneys ...ate their muscle, statins, bp meds, aspirin killed their platelets, other blood thinners etc caused skin bruising bleeding...blood in stool, severe itching from being dehydrated from drs pushing low salt...and sickening flu shots. they ate real food variety. would have sailed past 100 if not for the drugs, the least vaccinated are oldest and healthiest .

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Completely agree

We love our full freezer and easy choices each day 🥩🥩

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You've hit the nail squarely on the head. We're being assaulted from all sides, purposely sickened by products called food, then purposely put on pharmaceuticals to "make us well".

The scam gets more and more malicious. It's disaster capitalism at its absolute worst.

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Obesity is a timely topic with all these weight loss drugs on the market. Good news is that diets are JUST as effective as these drugs WITHOUT the side effects and the EXPENSIVE PRICE: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/the-hidden-struggle-in-health-care

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Most folks don't know or remember big tobacco openly captured our top processed food brands decades ago.. "As part of that effort, Philip Morris acquired General Foods in 1985 for $5.6 billion, and R.J. Reynolds became RJR Nabisco in 1985 by purchasing Nabisco Brands for $4.9 billion." https://web.archive.org/web/20190411131827/https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1988-10-31-mn-339-story.html

Super disappointing that there is barely noted differentiation between high fructose corn syrup and sugar when it's harder than hunting hens teeth to find any process product that actually has real sugar. Even in cases where sugar is listed it's gmo sugar beets introduced to offset consumer backlash over HFCS on labels. Corn is the key w over 100 names on labels including Vitamin C (yes they use corn for Vitamin C) and fraud is both in foods and subsidy payments.

Over 90% of American corn & soy are gmo w novel proteins and toxic herbicide applications and every seed has subsidy payments. https://web.archive.org/web/20220623213618/https://www.ers.usda.gov/data-products/adoption-of-genetically-engineered-crops-in-the-us/recent-trends-in-ge-adoption/

Subsidy payments another fraud where most goes to top MoC on House Ag and to factory farms with gmo crops.. most farmers and ranchers get little to nothing. EWG has an amazing database that will sort by commodity crop or district or farm owners.. mind blowing how many top farms have checks sent to NYC penthouse addresses. https://farm.ewg.org/progdetail.php?fips=00000&progcode=total&page=district&regionname=theUnitedStates

James Bovard 1995 - Moreover, every $1 of profits earned by ADM’s corn sweetener operation costs consumers $10, and every $1 of profits earned by its ethanol operation costs taxpayers $30. https://web.archive.org/web/20210506232642/https://www.cato.org/policy-analysis/archer-daniels-midland-case-study-corporate-welfare

Then tobacco lobbyists add loopholes and payments.. June 2003- "Blunt said the provision, which would have made it more difficult to sell tobacco over the Internet and would have initiated an effort to stop the sale of contraband cigarettes, was "good policy." He said it was relevant to the homeland security bill because of reports that some terrorist organizations were using sales of contraband cigarettes to support their activities. Blunt likened it to a highly controversial last-minute provision that was slipped into the bill that limited the liability of the Eli Lilly pharmaceutical company regarding vaccine side effects. That provision was later discovered and Republicans agreed to rescind it. https://web.archive.org/web/20191217201737/https://www.cbsnews.com/news/gop-whip-tried-to-aid-tobacco-pals/

Since all the seed oils in commercial products are also gmo varieties that have NEVER been tested for human health effects it's another place where the gmo variants are lumped into foods. It may be organic sunflower oil has risks but treating those as substantial equivalents to gmo cottonseed oil seems scientifically lacking.

September 19, 1994 Biotechnology Consultation Memorandum of Conference BNF No. 000001

Wholesomeness Studies

Monsanto described the results of wholesomeness studies they carried out in rats, chickens, catfish, dairy cattle, and bobwhite quail. On the basis of their consideration of the totality of these studies, Monsanto has concluded that there is no significant difference in the wholesomeness of glyphosate-tolerant and traditional soybean varieties, as expected from their compositional analysis. These data are summarized on page 49 of Monsanto's September 2 submission.


Monsanto has concluded, in essence, that the glyphosate-tolerant soybean variety they have developed is not significantly altered within the meaning of 21 CFR 170.30(f)(2) when compared to soybean varieties with a history of safe use. At this time, based on Monsanto's description of its data and analysis, the agency considers Monsanto's consultation on this product to be complete.

F. Owen Fields, Ph.D. - Page Last Updated: 06/18/2009


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Thank you for this due diligence

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My pleasure, knowledge is power that multiplies when we pass it on, lucky us!! :~)

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help pass this on, www.VirusTruth.NET

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Sadly this has become worse with time... It is so obvious ! Nothing but drug commercials on TV and the doctors are legal drug pushers ! When will the masses wake up ! ?

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Have never known a chemical company to go out of business.

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That`s the God`s honest truth !

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Dag, couldn't remember the name of it till Q #17, Leptin. I read decades ago that a certain substance was added to diet sodas that made satiety of the brain non responsive. My sister drank soda her whole life, never saw her drink a glass of water. Never got fat. Others, many, lots, drank diet soda, all fat. I tried to tell them, they were hearing none of it.

I've heard the advice for ever that breakfast is the most important meal, gotta eat breakfast. I NEVER ate breakfast in my entire life. Breakfast being my husbands favorite meal, I had to accompany him to the local diner every single day after he retired. It was fun but not the weight I gained 17 lbs in no time. Yeah, I could have made breakfast at home, guess it's a guy thing, he just loved getting out to a diner. And the cost, easy 100 a week, he gave new meaning to tipping. I was done. He took up golf instead. Cha-ching, cha-ching, shoulda stayed at the diner.

I'm old and gray, don't look anything like your typical granny, still work every day in my house and eat once a day. kinda like intermittent fasting. It just works out that way. I sit down far too much but I haven't figured out how to cook, wash windows or garden and read at the same time.

Mr DiN is a wealth of knowledge, truly, but I prefer to keep it simple. I eat meat or fish every day, love veggies, hate fruit, drink lots of water, no grains, nuts or seeds, no food in a box, nothing frozen. One exception. HaagenDazs vanilla with my homemade Magic Shell. The bomb!!

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Wow - thank you

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I have read the book and it is excellent. Must read.

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I am overweight too, and since the doctors lowered the numbers I am obese. There are different reason why someone is overweight and I have about had it with people trying to tell me what to do. I eat very little refined Sugars, no candy, no sugary drinks. I eat a largely vegetarian plus fish diet with lots of fruit and veggies. Not a pound comes off. Plus I had surgery 30 years ago and if I loose some weight, it seems I get hot flashes. The doc told me at the time that fat tissue helps with hormones that I lost when I got operated on. So all that talk about obesity as if it is a sickness is quatch. For a few people it is - they too have hormonal disturbances. But to BLAME people for being obese is just as bad as blaming people for having any other health problem. It is easy for those who do not have it to advize others, like the girl in Switzerland who easily lost weight - from 120 to 110 pounds... if she had lost from 220 to 210 I would have jumped on it. But this is someone who is Underweight advising overweight people what to do.

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Vegetarian no good. Meat is essential for physical and cognitive development, and is is now clear that Vegans and Veggies are more prone to anxiety and depression.



The Importance of Meat for Cognitive Development


Over 200 million children worldwide suffer from malnutrition and, as a result, are underdeveloped both physically and mentally. Meat has more bioavailable essential micronutrients than plants and is the best source of nutrient-rich foods for children aged 6 to 23 mo, according to the World Health Organization. By consuming meat, which contributes essential bioavailable micronutrients to diets, children in particular can reduce undernutrition and the associated growth and cognitive impairment. This review aims to elucidate the effect of meat consumption on cognitive development by systematically reviewing and synthesizing results from available studies

The Hidden Dangers Of Plant Toxins


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Thank Obama for that. Flip the food permid, meat shoud be first. Bread last. I've fought the weight battle since my teens.

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Don't give up. Make it your life's mission to figure this out, keep trying things, and I would not at all be surprised if you find a solution.

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surgery for what? could be your cause. www.drtomcowanmd.com has new biology clinic with a surgeon who wont do certain surgeries anymore, seeing the needless harm. we need our organs!

he has a video explaining on the website. I forget his name sorry!

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Give the YT channel “No Carb Life” a look at

Dave does daily interviews with everyday people.

They’re very interesting and helpful.

It may be so helpful for you

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And what's your light diet like?🤔

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Eggs, meat, free veggies off the diabetic diet, and no more than 2 slices of the least offensive bread. I'd make my own, but broke my wrist, several more weeks in a splint then theraphy. Black coffee, green tea, and water, Sodas went a decade ago. I'm a canner, so can control the sweetness of fruits. Pure local honey, my Primary is a registered Bee Keeper. Sells it cheaper than the grocery store. I takes less to be sweet.

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Silent weapons for quiet wars against us And his family has played their part in the wars against us. Let us hope that he, Robert Kennedy is sincere with the words that he speaks, but I don't trust him anymore than I trust any other person who has a platform on the world stage. Many times you can't even trust those in your own household, much less someone you don't know, have never met and most likely never will.

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Having battled Rockefeller-Gates Biotech Mafia for almost three decades I can say that RFK Jr has done more for human health & environment than all of Congress combined in my lifetime.

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trump gave us warped speed shots for fake viruses! rfk wants to make vaccines safe? impossible! the only safe shot is one not taken! www.VirusTruth.NET

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A feeling if fullness and the feeling of satiety are never ever the same thing. Stuffing fibre down to 'feel full' will do just that, but it doesn't and cannot make you feel satisfied. Eating proper food, on the other hand, does just exactly that and in smaller physical quantities than many people have been taught to expect, especially with the psychological background of being taught that physical 'fullness' is satisfaction.

So, what is proper food? Grass fed ruminant's meat and fat. End of. Job done. Easy

I am 100% with Jeremy Poynton in the comments on this.

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too darn long , health is not complicated, stop drinking soda and alcohol and all colored crap in any bottle, stop eating fake food, in a box, stop eating sweets, cakes cookies etc you dont make yourself, eat when its daylight, stop by 7pm to give body chance to digest fast when sleeping. Eating real fruit veggies real meat real dairy real organic wheat and pasta etc. is not rocket science. enough with the fad diets!

Rx meds can only harm you! get you addicted like any other street drug, just poisons you more slowly!


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How about that excitotoxins kill your Arcuate Nucleus**?? Dr. Russell Blaylock.

Any open broken protein is an excitotoxin. (hydrolyzed)

Yes all these taste enhancers with >5000 names --Glutamate--

By me it was the baby powders foods that did that, One meal does kill the Arcuate Nucleus, I took it as a baby 6 months!!!

The Magazines diets do the same after a while. And Aspartame is an neurotoxin and a excitotoxin.

The 3 above made me for 50 years fat, I still am and the only way I can get rid of is through system metabolism boosters.

Like pseudo-ephedrine, caffeine, white willow bark + fast 3 times a week. Iodine, L-tyrosine, Vit. B's daily to boost thyroid. It is the only way, period. And no, it is not the easy way out, it is the ONLY way.

I eat healthy, organic, low sugar, I cook my self, no fructose syrups. We never eat outdoors or precooked stuff.

I fell for the lap-band trap, it never ever worked and removal does not bring your old stomach back. I damaged my 2 vagus nerves that not only control your stomach but ALL your organs.

Worse, I have gastritis (inflammation) and gastroparesis (paralyzed) of the stomach.

After removal of the lapband I could no longer eat.

13 specialist played D@mb F@ck with my health and did not want to get, that a fat person can die of malnutrition. Including the alternative healers.

I almost died 3x of malnutrition ....Oh and I have no more comorbidities?? Was being fat not one of them??

On my last bit of strength, while my body was eating my muscle tissue, I started to shoot up on Vit . B1, B6 and B12, and slowly started to add stuff like; Betain hcl, Ox-bile, E.A.A(amino's)., Vit. E, NAC, L-glycine, ginger, cayenne pepper, and I can eat a little again. (I use lot more supplements btw, but those were the big breakthrough)

I eat mainly proteins and fat, broth, organic cheese Gouda, low fat high protein fish baked in butter, yogurt full fat, 70% dark chocolate, kroepoek(coconut made), pickles, and I still gain fat. Yes I am getting fat again, I barely eat.

Recently I started to eat tuna-fish, pickled herrings, and asparagus. Next on the agenda is spinach and cauliflower and co. To get control on my bone arthritis, oh the lapband that keeps on giving....

My metabolism is ridiculous low, I always say; my body is in an permanent starving mode, no matter what you eat it gets stored as fat. I have a low thyroid function, I have sleep problems all my life.

**Arcuate Nucleus Destroyed; Your metabolism is pretty much gone (read very low), Your fat storage and de-fat storage is completely out of control, Low thyroid.

Another thing that is overlooked that sudden viruses/(parasites?), create obesity as well, they discovered for humans 3. It is totally being ignored.

Another thing a lot of the herbicides and pesticides are part of it to.

Quote; Good news is that diets are JUST as effective as these drugs WITHOUT the side effects; end Quote.

Wrong after a while they stop working, read the above.

In short; It's the toxins in the Foods

And bariatric surgery is butchery, it should be illegal, they put the body on starvation mode as well and shorten your life span. Before you reply on the latter. Do your home work and read the obduction reports where people starved to death thanks to bariatric surgery or died in the ER cause the lapband punctured their stomach and the ER doc did not know what to do.

Good article.


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how did you solve getting in nutrition? You still alive is testament we are hard to kill, body has incredible capacity to heal. rule number one, be your own doctor! stop going to them making them rich , with credit card called insurance..

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Many studies have found that extra vitamin D greatly reduces weight when added to any weight loss program

Weight loss and Vitamin D - many studies:


Vitamin D also decreases weight gain

Overview Obesity and Vitamin D


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that means you need sunlight! people in the sun are moving, not sitting idle.. cant put sunshine in a pill. more snake oil being sold ! how long will a plant last without light? sunlight?

we are the same. cant give plants vitamin d in a pill...Daniel Roytas exposes fraud of vitamins

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Interesting connection with tobacco companies getting involved in food, similar to Rockefeller big oil getting involved in medicine. Years ago I read Sugar Busters book that I found informative. Good post, thank you.

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