"People must stop ceding ground to fascists by reifying the Big Lie that “Covid” is a unique disease and that it is responsible for a global pandemic. There is not now and never has been a “pandemic”- that is all Kabuki theater to disguise the reality of the rapid economic decline brought on by the Ponzi Schemes of financial institutions over the past few decades."

This is precisely why I have zero tolerance for anyone who claims that covid or the scamdemic are real. As far as I am concerned, they are enemy combatants, because at its root, covid and the scamdemic are psychological warfare.

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I can say unequivocally that there were 2 events in the last 10 years that I have thoroughly investigated to the point of blindness. To what I consider the bare bones. The Maidan and subsequent Russia/Ukraine conflict and this thoroughly laughable (but not funny) scam known as Covid. UK/US are deliberately moving towards the biggest gunfight at OK Corral ever seen. I'm just gonna say it, they will lose. They need a coverup. Already arranged. Enter viruses.

IMO, not one misspoken word in this essay. Question #2 "If you truly want to understand something, you have to know it's history". Been saying that till I'm blue. Q#3. "Shared environmental exposure". My theory on family members getting sick while others do not, terrain. Q#4 Fraudulent PCR, easy one, Kary Mullis. Q#5 Widespread racketeering, think Blackrock.

Q#6 Pharmaceutical decline. The flu shot was decidedly going down the toilet. Q#7 Killing old folks. Medicare actually admitted 450,000 care home patients died after jab. That tidbit was washed. Q#8 Global campaigns. Rampt to the stratosphere, Africa and now Palestine. Q#10 Resurrecting outlawed drugs. Mass murder on a provable scale. Q#13 Where did all the bodies go? Same question asked by me (and Revisionists about WW11).

The Real Anthony Fauci by RFK and Sudden Death by Ed Dowd and anything written by Eustace Mullins will open one's eyes to the perpetrators responsible for the world we now live in. With special mention to Dr Lee Merritt, James Corbett and Whitney Webb for their astounding investigative work.

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Thank you ... and very validating.

In 2020 I was telling people that "C_vid" was, among other things, a BAILOUT of social service systems across the globe. All I got was that "she's nuts" look.

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I enjoy all of your articles, but this is one of your best. Great work! Thank you for sharing this information.

Unfortunately, pretty much all of the normies refuse to even look at any information like this that requires them to think critically. It is so much easier just to accept the narrative, and the one stumbling block most people cannot get past is the fact that their government wants to harm them. As a species, we have such a strong instinct to belong and be accepted by the group. The monster's terrible but well-planned and superbly executed psychological operation has weaponized this instinct against us.

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Thank you for an excellent discussion. Another piece that fits perfectly with what you've described here is Denis Rancort's team report on what the real reasons were for the fake Covid pandemic. Everyone needs to read this report to fully understand what really happened. https://open.substack.com/pub/denisrancourt/p/breaking-our-largest-study-of-its?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=2gn7r

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Fascinating and thought provoking post. Thank you.

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Great interview! Michael Bryant, more than anyone I can think of, pulls all the disparate elements together into a coherent whole.

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yep. 100% true. my own direct Knowing beyond "knowing" shows me this and I am living proof of living truth and need no "proof" other than this. And, having shared that, I am as all ways ever sooooo great full for all that you do, UNBEKOMING, to share all that you share with all as you do. You are a True Rock Star, using your platform/life/etal, for GOOD.

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Thanks, looking forward to hearing the interview! For those who want a copy on their own computer:

- Hit F12 in your browser

- Click "Network"

- Type mp3 and hit F5

- Double click the links shown to download the file

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Superb analysis. One of the few to notice Scottish COVID-19 inquiry bombshell testimonies which i have painstakingly covered.

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I love how people that mask point out that their mask was what caused the flu to disappear in 2020. And yet, I point out, it was supplanted by a disease with identical symptoms known as Covid which apparently the mask did nothing to stop. The obvious deduction would be that, similar to Soylent Green is People" "Covid™ is the Flu/Cold reason rebranded.

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SUPERB interview.

I do have one disagreement.

"Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) represent a fundamental shift in the nature of money. Unlike decentralized cryptocurrencies, CBDCs are centrally controlled and can be programmed to allow or restrict certain types of transactions. This gives unprecedented power to governments and central banks to monitor and control individual spending……"

[I disagree here. Cryptocurrencies are also centrally controlled, all of them. People such as Alison McDowell, Iain Davis, Jesse Zurawell and Leo Saraceno have done lots of work regarding this. See here for example, https://web.archive.org/web/20231228203728/https://siliconicarus.org/2021/09/20/bitcoin-the-next-evolution-of-global-financial-empire/ ]

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A most excellently written explanation!! This article captures the important elements of the Great Fraud being perpetrated upon the People! (If only we could overpower the censorship of mainstream media to get the word out…)

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This was not new news to me but it is incredibly important information that many people need to know. This is the kind of red-pill knowledge to share far and wide! Thanks again for another necessary and valuable interview!

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Unfortunately, he is stuck in challenged conventional model by Peter Duesberg on HIV/AIDS. So much more is known today about the relationship between HIV and AIDS symptoms and mortality. That knowledge has led to ART which is prolonging the lives of those infected by decades. He can theorize all he wants, but I have seen many young people die before ART. He is entitled to his virus denialism like the rest of them, but it isn't helpful. His alternative hypotheses for illness causations are weak in the face of real-life experiences of contagion. Herpes virus has a specific symptom picture. Specific symptoms are repeatedly triggered from specific phenomena such as UV light, after the initial infection. Test negative for herpes and you will not get genital blisters at menses or every time you sunbathe. The correlation is obvious even without lab testing.

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I have to say this portion of your comment actually stands in direct contradiction to real-life experience: "His alternative hypotheses for illness causations are weak in the face of real-life experiences of contagion."

So it's not sewage in the streets, malnutrition, industrial waste in the water, heavy smog-filled air, glyphosate, atrazine etc. saturating your food, poisonous injections in your body, toxic building materials, grinding poverty, sedentary lifestyles, fast food and soda, heavy metals drifting down from the sky, EMF pollution and on and on causing diseases?

Instead for you it is invisible, submicroscopic particles floating through the air?

That's what you real-life as opposed to the concrete realities that I just laid out? That's absolute madness akin to ancient superstitions.

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People who died of HIV infection in rich U.S. neighborhoods, were not living in third world countries with street sewage, no food and forced vaccinations. You are mixing geographical economic and environmental issues. Yet, they still died. They live for decades now, with ART, that is indisputable, certainly not madness. Madness to not take ART if you have HIV infection. People who deny that should be willing to expose themselves to HIV (that they don't believe in) and not take ART. The commentators who can't resist being 'bitchy' in the face of a differing point of view, lose my respect, and so I value even less what they say.

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I wasn't speaking exclusively about or really at all to the mythical HIV disease I was referencing causal factors for disease in general. What I describe is not limited to "third world countries" (colonial language) you can find those conditions throughout the overdeveloped nations.

As for the bogus HIV pathogen you'll need to return to the original source documents and studies.

In your defense of antiretroviral therapy you are committing a classic fallacy of cause and effect which is rife within the medical literature and industry.

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I’m not white nor a westerner; my parents came from a third-world former colonial land and I was born in a colony too, but I still use that term. I get you disagree with Rita, but there was no need to refer to a common term as colonial language. Coming from the holistic world, I totally subscribe to the terrain theory. But having been close to the 2 epicentres of both SARS diseases recently and some 20 years ago, it’s very hard to accept there was no external pathogen, or whatever else you want to call it. I’ve even said to Nick Hudson, whom I admire, that it’s easy to pontificate from afar.

Rita says the illness causations are weak. I don’t think they’re totally irrelevant, but they are not the only factors. I can understand why she praises ART. To me it’s the conventional medicine option which works, though not totally/not always but with side effects; and I believe there are other options.

Her e.g. of herpes would be hard to explain if there wasn’t something there, albeit each individual reacting differently or at different times or not at all depending on different factors. Not everyone, for e.g. who’s had chicken pox, will get shingles despite living in the same environment under similar conditions. If there’s nothing dormant there, the how would it get activated?

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I guess you have not seen many people die from HIV infection, so it is easier for you to believe in the 'myth of contagion' myth. Look, it is pointless going back and forth. You do not believe in contagion or pathogens. I do. You won't convince be otherwise, and I won't convince you either. So may as well end this conversation now, it is futile.

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I agree- it is pointless.

Assumptions and unsubstantiated anecdotes are not evidence.

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You are entitled to your opinion.

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this IS ancient superstition!

The origin of a vast number of illnesses has been proven to be germs - parasites, bacteria, and viruses

A large number of illnesses are caused by other things polluting the air, the dust, the water and the foods and including all sorts of alternate medicines from traditional sources.

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Most chronic illnesses in developed countries are metabolic in nature and caused by a diet too heavy in carbohydrates and too low in natural animal fats which the human body is designed for.

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Your proof for the existence of HIV, via physical isolation and purification? Or for a "herpes" virus? Or for Contagion Theory? (try the Rosenau Experiments re "Spanish" flu, utterly failed to create any transmission of supposedly the most infectious disease of all time, admitted so by the person in charge, top US Navy doctor Milton Rosenau). You appear to operate on the basis of proof by assertion.

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Proof, watching people die of it, and not die when they started taking ART.

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Fails basic standards of proof used by science (i'm trained, BTW), including CONTROLS!

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You are still wrong.

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Like i said, you operate on the basis of proof by assertion. 🤣

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The proof has been provided by expert professionals and probably given before you were born.

Error repeated remains error.

Errors are not debunked by repeated contrary assertion even if accompanied by bullying - I declare eyewitness testimony is available to contradict the entire swathe of nonsense this conspiracy theorist Bryant is spouting.

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Appeal to expertise is a logical fallacy.

Throwing in the tired "conspiracy theorist" pejorative further betrays your inability to address the issues at hand.

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Your response is even lower grade than the one put forth by the know nothing. I'm 77, HIV was never even montioned before the 1980s, so any "proof" would have been provided while i was already a grown adult, in my 30s. Luc Montagnier, who was awarded the 2008 Nobel for allegedly discovering HIV, admitted in a 1997 interview that HIV does not cause AIDS, and in facts implicitly admitted in the same interview that he never actually isolated HIV>


See here for very recent failure to provide any evidence for HIV


The Rosenau Experiment was done in 1918, evaluated by the director in his article in JAMA in 2019.


Everything Bryant states here is backed up by solid science.

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Are these the same expert professionals who are baffled by excess Covid morbidity? Asking for a friend, you understand.

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"COVID morbidity" What's the proof that "COVID" exists, let alone kills anyone?

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Rita, your single example is excellent. My 55 years as a doctor allowed me to see microbes and viruses (all once known as viruses) while training and to know of the epidemics of plague, smallpox, cholera, typhus, tuberculosis and syphilis amongst many others and how they were tamed, controlled and one eliminated and to witness the survival of people doomed to die without antibiotics. My teachers were doctors who had trained and worked with illness before the use of antibiotics and saw the awe and amazement in them as they witnessed what to them were miraculous cures of people facing certain death. The ONLY change was in having antibiotics, all the other social and nutritional and economic and industrial conditions were unchanged during that introductory time.

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How did you "see" viruses, if standard procedure is not to isolate and purify them directly from human tissue and fluid, but instead to try to "culture" them along with all kinds of other substances - as opposed to direct observation?

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How did you "see" these alleged microbes? Electron microscopy? Please specify.

Can you cite the dates, locations and years of this introductory time? Be specific.

Do you have any specific citations that you can link to in order to substantiate any of your claims?

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Dr. Chalmers I know you will see the logic in the following. "These pure cultures were never stained. Koch only stained bacteria in order to identify them under the microscope. He did not inoculate experimental animals with stained bacteria and “poisons” as Cowan and Fallon Morell claim. In his paper, Koch goes on to describe how he inoculated experimental animals — mainly guinea pigs — with the pure bacterial cultures and states that in all cases but one the animals developed the symptoms of tuberculosis. For him this was a proof that the bacteria cause the disease and are not just correlated with it." Here is the thing from my perspective, I think natural immunity is superior to shots. I think mRNA shots are unsafe and ineffective. I don't believe in mandating shots for kids to go to school. In third world countries young children die of infectious diseases due to malnutrition and poor sanitation, in that case vaccines save these lives, only they return to horrible environmental conditions. Antibiotics have their place, their overuse has led to MRSA, my uncle died from it, picking it up in hospital when getting knee surgery. I think only view germs as sole cause is reductionistic, I think terrain is a contributing part of the puzzle, as well as many other environmental assaults. We need to use antibiotics judiciously, and pharmaceuticals as a last resort, focusing on healthy lifestyle as primary. I am baffled by the Baileys, Cowan, Kaufman, Brogan, they are doctors, although not virologists. They are entitled to explore other viewpoints of course, as am I, I just don't get the commentators combativeness on the subject, which makes me suspect a neurotic component to their dogmatism.

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What's your proof of organisms transmitted from sick individuals infecting anyone? Why have actual experiments whose goal was to induce infections FAIL, uniformly, for 120+ years?

"Koch goes on to describe how he inoculated experimental animals — mainly guinea pigs — with the pure bacterial cultures and states that in all cases but one the animals developed the symptoms of tuberculosis" CITATION? When did Koch satisfy all 4 of his own postulates?

In fact, the animals did NOT develop the symptoms of tuberculosis, they got sick but not with the same symptoms, there were not human, the experiments involved injecting material into their abdomens, bloodstreams or eyes, vs the alleged transmission part of tuberculosis, and there were no controls to see whether the sicknesses were simply the result of the experimental process itself rather than something being transmitted.

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Torture animals and they get sick.

Who woulda' thought?

They call it 'science'.

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I wonder what the scientists would have attained if they injected junk into their own eyes!

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I wish you and Michael would look into this guy.....JJ Couey has been saying since 2021.......

STOP the transfection of healthy humans NOW.

This review was written with the intent of stopping the transfection roll out.

You will notice the conspicuous absence of any discussion regarding the protocols that led to massive iatrogenic casualty events that were used to DEFINE the crisis for the world.

I have come to understand RNA virology as almost exclusively a mythology.

Make no mistake: I was part of the illusion of the consensus that was used to compel millions of healthy humans to submit to transfection. I was guilty of falling for the Theater and pushing a mythology of a novel circulating RNA coronavirus.

The review I wrote then now stands as a record of where I was and what I was thinking at the end of 2020, and how I had not yet realized the full extent of the Theater. This is an account of the 'lab leak' good guy narrative where DRASTIC and other sleuths solved the Mystery of the Novel Coronavirus.

It even includes the bonus mythology of an effective transfection technology that can influence the evolution of the novel circulating RNA virus.

I leave this document available for everyone so as not to hide my history but instead to own it. Everyone that pushed the Mystery of the Novel Coronavirus was wittingly or unwittingly involved in enabling the murder of thousands if not millions of humans. Myself included." https://gigaohmbiological.com/archive

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