I can say unequivocally that there were 2 events in the last 10 years that I have thoroughly investigated to the point of blindness. To what I consider the bare bones. The Maidan and subsequent Russia/Ukraine conflict and this thoroughly laughable (but not funny) scam known as Covid. UK/US are deliberately moving towards the biggest gunf…
I can say unequivocally that there were 2 events in the last 10 years that I have thoroughly investigated to the point of blindness. To what I consider the bare bones. The Maidan and subsequent Russia/Ukraine conflict and this thoroughly laughable (but not funny) scam known as Covid. UK/US are deliberately moving towards the biggest gunfight at OK Corral ever seen. I'm just gonna say it, they will lose. They need a coverup. Already arranged. Enter viruses.
IMO, not one misspoken word in this essay. Question #2 "If you truly want to understand something, you have to know it's history". Been saying that till I'm blue. Q#3. "Shared environmental exposure". My theory on family members getting sick while others do not, terrain. Q#4 Fraudulent PCR, easy one, Kary Mullis. Q#5 Widespread racketeering, think Blackrock.
Q#6 Pharmaceutical decline. The flu shot was decidedly going down the toilet. Q#7 Killing old folks. Medicare actually admitted 450,000 care home patients died after jab. That tidbit was washed. Q#8 Global campaigns. Rampt to the stratosphere, Africa and now Palestine. Q#10 Resurrecting outlawed drugs. Mass murder on a provable scale. Q#13 Where did all the bodies go? Same question asked by me (and Revisionists about WW11).
The Real Anthony Fauci by RFK and Sudden Death by Ed Dowd and anything written by Eustace Mullins will open one's eyes to the perpetrators responsible for the world we now live in. With special mention to Dr Lee Merritt, James Corbett and Whitney Webb for their astounding investigative work.
I can say unequivocally that there were 2 events in the last 10 years that I have thoroughly investigated to the point of blindness. To what I consider the bare bones. The Maidan and subsequent Russia/Ukraine conflict and this thoroughly laughable (but not funny) scam known as Covid. UK/US are deliberately moving towards the biggest gunfight at OK Corral ever seen. I'm just gonna say it, they will lose. They need a coverup. Already arranged. Enter viruses.
IMO, not one misspoken word in this essay. Question #2 "If you truly want to understand something, you have to know it's history". Been saying that till I'm blue. Q#3. "Shared environmental exposure". My theory on family members getting sick while others do not, terrain. Q#4 Fraudulent PCR, easy one, Kary Mullis. Q#5 Widespread racketeering, think Blackrock.
Q#6 Pharmaceutical decline. The flu shot was decidedly going down the toilet. Q#7 Killing old folks. Medicare actually admitted 450,000 care home patients died after jab. That tidbit was washed. Q#8 Global campaigns. Rampt to the stratosphere, Africa and now Palestine. Q#10 Resurrecting outlawed drugs. Mass murder on a provable scale. Q#13 Where did all the bodies go? Same question asked by me (and Revisionists about WW11).
The Real Anthony Fauci by RFK and Sudden Death by Ed Dowd and anything written by Eustace Mullins will open one's eyes to the perpetrators responsible for the world we now live in. With special mention to Dr Lee Merritt, James Corbett and Whitney Webb for their astounding investigative work.