My wife, an Acupuncturist (30 years) says Measles is, in Chinese Medicine, a means of cleaning excess heat accumulated during pregnancy. I had it in 1951, at 3 months, parents watched over me as I had a quite high temperature.
My 4 children,1975 - 1983, none had any of the 'childhood' disease jabs. All had 2 or 3 of said diseases, all were fine, and all are fit and healthy adults. Our family GP (we're Brits) supported us, noting that natural immunity fron the disease was much better than being jabbed.
GOOD FOR YOU! Same here. Letting the "disease" take its course strengthensed their immune system. Much better than vaccine "immunity" which, of course, we all know does not work. It's just a gimmick, with harmful results, more often than not.
The other 10% is cowardice and pride. I'm married to a medic - he's past retirement age and working part-time in the out-of-hours GP service. I've been sending him links to information since I woke up (twice vaxxed, unfortunately) to what was going on with the covid operation in mid-2021 (I'm not medical - the nearest I got was 20 years working for a major - probably the major - medical and scientific publisher). Anyway, he has yet to click on a single link to any of the information I've sent him. He recently threw out 'ironically, it's because of vaccination that the world is overpopulated'.
He collapsed unconscious in our kitchen a week after his covid booster and had to be followed up by a cardiologist for 8 months (ended with a vague diagnosis of POTS). He has at least stopped taking covid and flu injections. His sister has early-onset Alzheimer's, almost certainly caused by her first booster (I've sent him relevant links for that too). I've told him about people I know who've died of heart attacks or turbocancers since the vaxx rollout. None of it can permeate the force-field of medical indoctrination - and the fear of admitting to yourself that you've been duped, which is part of it. He used to tell me doctors were naturally curious (that was when he was moaning about CPD part of the revalidation process). He wouldn't dare tell me that now. He told me 20+ years ago that there was no scientific evidence for the use of statins. But he's on statins!! He doesn't want to rock the boat by telling his own doctor that he doesn't believe they work. As a profession, they're beyond lost.
I am married to a non-believer, as well.... it's SO hard.... his parents have taken a nose-dive in their health since the transfections and he attributes this to old age and bad luck....🙄😓
Sending a hug across the ether. I see your name here and there on other Substacks, so I'll remember that. Yes, it's awful. I'm envious of people who at least have solidarity within their family. My kids don't want to know either and both took the jabs (thankfully only two) despite me busting a gut to get them not to once I knew the score. Although he ignores all my (info-packed!) emails, I think that, (very) deep down, my husband knows the score, right down to the depop agenda, but I think he literally can't deal with it and so won't say it out loud, even to himself. Maybe he deletes my emails without opening them. 🤣🤣 My brother is exactly the same. Anyway, stay strong - there are probably lots of us in er ... 'mixed marriages'!
I am in the same boat with a tv indoctrinated man but he is slowly waking up but can't bring himself to acknowledge what I have been saying for so long
We are unvaxed which is amazing that he didn't get jabbed it is a journey and I keep praying for hi.
I loved your posts and I'm impressed at your ability to stay strong in the light of so much family opposition. Initially, I had to convince my husband not to take the jab (it took a long time and it wasn't easy) but now he's a true believer and sometimes I wonder if our relationship would have survived if he had refused to listen to me.
Thanks, Sheila...yes, our stories sound very similar..... my husband sees the substacks and info that is sent to me because we share an email... he chalks it up to conspiracy theories and that I have moved to the far-right....haha! I was always against drs/meds/GMOs, etc before this all happened but he only sees what he sees...... all friends, colleagues, and my family except for me, my mom and I think my husband are not transfected so it's been a lonely ride.... thanks for stopping by to chat 😘
I'm in the same boat. Everyone I know is a True Believer...except me. I have tried to convince my wife and a couple others, but have had no success. My wife and I have agreed to disagree. We no longer debate the subject. My sister believes I am a Trump supporter because I am an anti-vaxxer (proudly). I've tried to explain to her that Trump is also a True Believer in vaccines, but she refuses to budge. (Sigh)
Maybe the reason unvaccinated kids who get measles have less risk of heart disease later, is because vaccines are CAUSING heart disease? And we now live in a world where a vaccinated person is rarely diagnosed with the disease they were vaccinated for, no matter how obvious the symptoms, because the servants of pharma (doctors) are loath to admit the vaccines didn't work? (Or they tell us the kid needed my boosters;-)
And maybe these particles, (which we call "viruses") show up as a RESULT of systemic problems, rather than causing them? For example, when we see maggots on road kill, we don't automatically assume the maggots killed the creature;-)
I’ve read Dr Cowan’s book. It is utterly fascinating. We are electrical beings with electric fields. Stated In a very small nutshell. So much is false. I’m only now, after the fraud of Covid, beginning to see the lies. I watched Dr Sam on YouTube during the first 2 years of the Plandemic. My first hints along with Ivor Cummins data in fall of 2020 that something very false and creepy was going on.
We also don't really know what the current incidence rate is because Doctors are instructed to assume an illness is anything but a vaccine preventable disease if the child has been vaccinated for that disease. Children still get illnesses with fever and a rash and are then diagnosed with something other than measles....unless there is an agenda to vilify the unvaccinated and produce a measles outbreak so that the "Powers That Be" can then demand vaccine requirements to attend anything in public as a precursor to the Covid19 psy-op.
This piece right here thoroughly covers a wildly important topic. Anyone reading this is going to be smarter for it. I can't thank you enough for your work here.
For those who haven’t yet, please read “ Turtles All the Way Down”. It’s the second most shocking book I’ve read about vaccines, testing, and harmful results. The first was “The Real Anthony Fauci “.
“Turtles” book is essential in understanding the lack of science in vaccines. It’s a scam. I was never anti- vax until Covid came. ( and I got 2 Moderna shots) 🙈
Not like me to investigate after, but I trusted, blindly, like I had my whole life.
Big Pharma is as corrupt as they come.
If you’re expecting a child, or a soon to be grandparent, the “ Turtles” book is a must read. It sickens me that this covert medical corruption has taken decades to reveal.
Finally, there are reduced childhood vaccines being given. Parents are waking up. 👏🏼
I almost can’t believe I’m writing this. I would’ve never believed it if I hadn’t researched myself. The trust we had for our safety agencies will never be the same. This may be one of the only redeeming realizations that come from the chaos of the Covid years.
I second the vote for “Turtles All the Way Down”. I read it in 2022 and shared it - now, thankfully, have two unvaccinated grandchildren (two different sets of parents).
I believe childhood diseases are simply the building blocks of a strong immune system. You're young, unfamiliar to the world, come in contact with different elements at different times of your young life. From zero to puberty your body grows and develops into what you will become. I also believe when you force feed drugs to halt this God driven process, you're in for a world of serious trouble because you have halted the very foundation of your immune system by kicking out all the valuable cornerstones upon which your health stands and depends. This research, to me, is the definition of insanity. So, if I can't prove my theory in one paragraph and they haven't proved their theories in 70 years with a shit ton of financing, which theory are you more inclined to believe?
Steiner saw the childhood diseases as in essence, rites of progress, moving on from one state of childhood being to the next one. Seems sound to me. As an aside, our 4 spent most of their time at Steiner schools, as his model of what the child needed as they moved towards adulthood made eminent sense to us; his view of what the purpose of education was it was to produce free and responsible adults. Would that that wad what all education strove to achieve
When the medical clowns we used to trust could never invent a vaccine against the simplest of afflictions, the common-universal cold, I knew the jig was up. The body survived well before any modern drugs were invented. It did so using detoxification and the rebuilding/re-energizing of its own systems from within. The degree of this maintaining is always variable according to the individual's health and his outside environment.
Eye opening. Your biofield sounds like Rupert Sheldrake’s morphogenic field. I’m just finishing Dr. Nancy Banks book on AIDS. Just unbelievable and fearless exposure of a fraud. Just think, 40 years after linking HIV to AIDS, we are still using antibody tests to identify people with HIV, even though many other diseases produce these antibodies. If they are so sure it’s HIV why not do a PCR test to confirm it, like they do with SARS? The fact is HIV/AIDS is not a medical term, it’s a psy-ops term used by intelligence agencies, we have been exposed to for 40 years.
I watch her videos often. When PCR tests are done properly there is about a 4% false positive rate. During covid there was a manipulation of cycle thresholds which resulted in many false positives. She confidently gives a lot of inaccurate information, and she has been investigated. She should not use her 'doctor' credential when putting forth her own opinions otherwise it can be classified as disinformation. If she makes videos without relying on her past profession to bolster her claims, then if she is misinforming the public, so be it, they can think for themselves and do further research. She did say in this video the body is covered with 'micro-organisms' what kind was she referring to I wonder? She wasn't specific on that point, and it is a huge point.
I have witnessed many people die who were infected with HIV including two close family members. I have read Peter Duesberg's work. So much more is known today about AIDS, that disprove Duesberg's work. Mortality levels dropped hugely once HAART were introduced. Many people I knew who died would be alive today if they had been on the HAART regimen. The drugs inhibit viral replication, they work because the virus does kill people unless it is stopped in its tracks. The drugs are not ideal in the sense there are side effects to contend with.
I also know people who died of AIDS. That doesn't mean I "know" what the mechanism of action is or what the cause truly was or is. Many illnesses look the same and have the same descriptions. Menopause symptoms look a lot like radiation sickness. Maybe AIDS is caused by radiation. "They" cause diseases and then sell you/us the drug/anti-dote. It's all a huge scam/con-fidence game.
Yet, it is used, although it is expensive, so other types of tests are done more often. Everyone I knew who died from AIDS tested positive, and those who tested negative never developed symptoms, that is no coincidence. No point arguing though, you will never convince me there is no such thing as a virus.
There is another important thing to understand about the "concept" of viruses - as opposed to actual viruses.
The "concept of viruses" and of viruses as causes of disease - is a viral concept.
We naturally think of diseases we don't understand as being caused by malevolent spirits. Spirits are invisible, so malevolent spirits are invisible. The more we look, the less we see. But they still attack us because they are "bad."
We understand scurvy and arsenic poisoning - so we know how to prevent them and to cure them. We know that Vitamin C and arsenic are not malevolent, they have no "spirits of life," no intentions, therefore no intentions to harm. Scurvy, although mysterious for decades and often referred to as an evil now understood. However, we might notice if we look closely, that today - no authoritative medical reference documents a "cure" for scurvy. The "disease" is still treated like an evil spirit, not an understood concept.
But we cannot find "a non malevolent cause" of the common cold, influenza, or measles. Modern medicine, with it's "one disease, one cure" model cannot comprehend the reality of a disease with multiple causes. There must be a single cause.
So we blame a malevolent spirit, and we give it a name, and a classification - virus - thus we have the influenza virus, the measles virus, many common cold viruses and more.
Once we name the cause as a "virus" the path to a solution, to preventatives and cures becomes clear: avoid the virus to prevent the disease; eliminate the virus to cure.
The viral theory gains momentum as we learn to use it effectively. The theory is passed from doctor to doctor, from researcher to researcher. It, the theory, becomes viral. It gets passed to patients, and to drug manufacturers, who can manufacture and market "virus preventatives": vaccines.
The viral theory has other factors in its favor, other factors that make the theory "viral." Viruses are invisible. This enhances their mystical malevolent powers, like an evil spirit that cannot be seen. Viruses exist, in theory, on the border between life and death. They are not alive, but they invade and reproduce by eating our cells. They are a perfect scapegoat. And the perfect tool for fearmongering. Mystical powers are enhanced by the fact that we cannot see them, cannot touch them, cannot kill them. We might see shadowy images with our powerful microscopes, but in real life, they are as invisible as malevolent spirits.
The "virus theory" produces sales. Sales of virus preventatives, vaccines, have powerful marketing advantages over medicines. The product can be sold to anyone - even people who are not sick. In addition, they are not expected to work every time. There are a myriad of excuses for vaccine failure - and all of them can be leveraged to sell more vaccines - boosters. Sales of virus preventatives are viral.
And, of course, "Preventatives sell better than cures."
Cures for virus diseases can only be sold when the buyer is sick. Their powers are easily discounted - the patient would have got better anyway. Most people who are sick with "virus causes" recover quickly.
It's much more (sales) effective to sell a preventative product when no disease is present. The concept of using vaccines to prevent disease is "viral." It succeeds by success (ful sales). Who can argue with sales success?
But, life, and the virus theory is not so simple.
To quote Taleb, "Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence."
This goes both ways.
1. The absence of evidence of a "virus" is not evidence that the virus does not exist.
2. The absence of evidence that the disease has another cause does not prove that other causes do not exist.
However, the "virus theories" are viral. They feed themselves and grow over time. They make money, so they gain powerful support from those who pursue money over health.
On the other hand, "there are no viruses" theories are not viral. There are many "viruses don't exist" theories - but they are not profitable. In addition, having no single "cause" proponents are required to jump from one disease to another, with whack-a-mole efforts to eliminate hundreds of proposed viral causes and variants for a growing number of diseases labelled viral.
Is there a solution to this question? Yes there is. And the solution is quietly avoided by the "viral theorists." It is a solution barely studied - except in a few clear cases like polio, by "there is no virus" theorists.
If the viral theory of a disease is correct, then the disease can be cured by a treatment that eliminates the virus from the afflicted.
If the viral theory is not correct, then the disease can be cured by actions that do not address the virus.
Both of these cures must be discounted, dismissed out of hand, if the virus theory is to be maintained.
Do Ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, or similar products cure viral diseases? These concepts support the virus theory, but cures of viral diseases hurt sales of vaccines - so they must be discounted. Discounting such cures is not difficult. Because the virus is invisible, it's impossible to prove the drug removed it. In addition, most, perhaps all deaths from viral diseases are not, in viral medical theory, caused by the virus, most are a result of our reaction to the virus or clearly a result of other factors that were present before the "viral" infection.
Does baking soda cure the common cold? There are many claims and much evidence that it does - but such cures disprove the viral cause, and therefore must be dismissed.
Does detoxification cure viral diseases? Medically, detoxification is not, cannot be an approved cure. An approved cure is a product. Detoxification is not a product, although there are detoxification products, they are not allowed to claim to be cured. When detoxification cures a disease like polio - the disease goes way. Viral diseases, like the common cold, influenza, and measles "go away" in most cases, so detoxification cannot be proven to cure.
In short, all cures of viral diseases must be ignored (most cases are cured easily), or dismissed (there is no scientific evidence that...) or aggressively attacked ("you are not a horse"), to ensure that the viral theory can be maintained.
Cures of viral diseases are anti-interesting. Discussion and analysis must be avoided because they threaten the paradigm.
As a result, all viral theories of disease are viral and all anti-viral theories are non-viral.
Yes, a very good observation. And many of these are ongoing. Some people are still covering their mouth and nose, washing their hands with poisons, and stabbing each other to prevent the evil from entering, and avoiding others who fail to participate in those rites, even after they themselves have been diagnosed as infected, in some cases several times without harm.
Excellent post as always! Question though... what happened to the player so that I can be read to? It seems to have disappeared about a week ago. It sure does help me keep up with all the posts, so I can do other things while I listen... like scrubbing the toilet! LOL
They will be back soon. My subscription credits ran out (and they don't let you top up). If you have the substack app, it also has an audio function. Voice not as good but better than nothing.
Please correct this statement, "We know that measles used to be much more prevalent, and we also know that measles virtually vanished BEFORE vaccines were rolled out". Measles was still very prevalent, what changed before the vaccine was the Mortality rate. The graph is showing mortality, not incidence.
I first saw the UK ONS graph for measles mortality in a book by Trevor Gunn on Homeopathy and vaccination. Gunn argues in the book that though there is no graph data available for measles infection, it is legitimate to use mortality as a proxy to show a decline in incidence of disease. I’m not a statistician so can’t comment on the validity of Gunn’s view, but the point still stands that improvements in social conditions appear to have reduced mortality (and possibly infection rates) by over 99% from when record began, and well before the measles vaccine was introduced.
I suspect the scarey mortality figures issuing from the likes of WHO and health authorities in Developed nations are based on data from exactly those parts of the ‘Third World’ that have yet to enjoy the food and water security, good nutrition, and adequate sewerage control that we in the west take for granted.
If that were true, than there would not be a Brady Bunch episode of the whole family coming down with the measles in 1969. They also had episodes with Mumps. Those childhood diseases were still very common, just like chicken pox was for me.
You raise an interesting point but consider scarlet fever, for which there is still no vaccine. As with the other infectious diseases, it declined both in mortality AND infection rates, despite lack of vaccine. So it’s absolutely not clear that prevalence of measles etc. would be high ex-vaccine.
Yes, that is true, but there is a difference. Measles is said to have a protective affect, like chicken pox. It somehow is a right of passage for children. Parents reported a maturation effect after these diseases, in most cases, unless there was some nutritional deficiency which would cause adverse affects.
ISorry, I may have misunderstood you, but are you suggesting that a fictitious American family soap opera is a more accurate proxy for assessing the likelihood of measles infection in a population, than mortality graph data from Government statistical laboratories?
The same can be said about the propaganda film, “Old Yeller.” That movie was outrageous fear mongering. Tami may not fully understand why tv shows were called, “Programming.”
The Brady Bunch episode is far from fear mongering about measles. It just demonstrates that measles was a common occurrence among children during that time period. Just like chicken pox.
This is an excellent summary of the actual scientific evidence on measles and viruses more generally. Where I can't jump on the bandwagon is where the Baileys and their ilk try to claim, without evidence, that no infectious diseases exist. They don't accept that bacteria like syphilis and bubonic plague cause millions of cases of disease and death. And when I comment about this on their substack posts they delete me without comment. That is the exact opposite of meaningful scientific dialogue and raises a lot of suspicions for me. You don't attack "mainstream" science for censorship on viruses by censoring others on bacteria!
My wife, an Acupuncturist (30 years) says Measles is, in Chinese Medicine, a means of cleaning excess heat accumulated during pregnancy. I had it in 1951, at 3 months, parents watched over me as I had a quite high temperature.
My 4 children,1975 - 1983, none had any of the 'childhood' disease jabs. All had 2 or 3 of said diseases, all were fine, and all are fit and healthy adults. Our family GP (we're Brits) supported us, noting that natural immunity fron the disease was much better than being jabbed.
Excellent article,thank you.
GOOD FOR YOU! Same here. Letting the "disease" take its course strengthensed their immune system. Much better than vaccine "immunity" which, of course, we all know does not work. It's just a gimmick, with harmful results, more often than not.
Yes, the immune system is designed to neutralize pathogens such as harmful viruses.
Thank you. The medical industry is 90% fraud.
The other 10% is cowardice and pride. I'm married to a medic - he's past retirement age and working part-time in the out-of-hours GP service. I've been sending him links to information since I woke up (twice vaxxed, unfortunately) to what was going on with the covid operation in mid-2021 (I'm not medical - the nearest I got was 20 years working for a major - probably the major - medical and scientific publisher). Anyway, he has yet to click on a single link to any of the information I've sent him. He recently threw out 'ironically, it's because of vaccination that the world is overpopulated'.
He collapsed unconscious in our kitchen a week after his covid booster and had to be followed up by a cardiologist for 8 months (ended with a vague diagnosis of POTS). He has at least stopped taking covid and flu injections. His sister has early-onset Alzheimer's, almost certainly caused by her first booster (I've sent him relevant links for that too). I've told him about people I know who've died of heart attacks or turbocancers since the vaxx rollout. None of it can permeate the force-field of medical indoctrination - and the fear of admitting to yourself that you've been duped, which is part of it. He used to tell me doctors were naturally curious (that was when he was moaning about CPD part of the revalidation process). He wouldn't dare tell me that now. He told me 20+ years ago that there was no scientific evidence for the use of statins. But he's on statins!! He doesn't want to rock the boat by telling his own doctor that he doesn't believe they work. As a profession, they're beyond lost.
I am married to a non-believer, as well.... it's SO hard.... his parents have taken a nose-dive in their health since the transfections and he attributes this to old age and bad luck....🙄😓
Sending a hug across the ether. I see your name here and there on other Substacks, so I'll remember that. Yes, it's awful. I'm envious of people who at least have solidarity within their family. My kids don't want to know either and both took the jabs (thankfully only two) despite me busting a gut to get them not to once I knew the score. Although he ignores all my (info-packed!) emails, I think that, (very) deep down, my husband knows the score, right down to the depop agenda, but I think he literally can't deal with it and so won't say it out loud, even to himself. Maybe he deletes my emails without opening them. 🤣🤣 My brother is exactly the same. Anyway, stay strong - there are probably lots of us in er ... 'mixed marriages'!
I am in the same boat with a tv indoctrinated man but he is slowly waking up but can't bring himself to acknowledge what I have been saying for so long
We are unvaxed which is amazing that he didn't get jabbed it is a journey and I keep praying for hi.
I loved your posts and I'm impressed at your ability to stay strong in the light of so much family opposition. Initially, I had to convince my husband not to take the jab (it took a long time and it wasn't easy) but now he's a true believer and sometimes I wonder if our relationship would have survived if he had refused to listen to me.
Thanks, Sheila...yes, our stories sound very similar..... my husband sees the substacks and info that is sent to me because we share an email... he chalks it up to conspiracy theories and that I have moved to the far-right....haha! I was always against drs/meds/GMOs, etc before this all happened but he only sees what he sees...... all friends, colleagues, and my family except for me, my mom and I think my husband are not transfected so it's been a lonely ride.... thanks for stopping by to chat 😘
A good explanation how the indoctrinated mind of medics work. Very sad and tragic.
Tragic. I'm sorry.
Thanks - I have to vent occasionally, hence the long post! I'm surrounded by normies. :-)
I'm in the same boat. Everyone I know is a True Believer...except me. I have tried to convince my wife and a couple others, but have had no success. My wife and I have agreed to disagree. We no longer debate the subject. My sister believes I am a Trump supporter because I am an anti-vaxxer (proudly). I've tried to explain to her that Trump is also a True Believer in vaccines, but she refuses to budge. (Sigh)
BTW, my wife is a RN of 30 years, and I was a nurse for 15 years.
Wow.... what a condemnation! It's so tough when someone so important to you won't listen at all.
Maybe the reason unvaccinated kids who get measles have less risk of heart disease later, is because vaccines are CAUSING heart disease? And we now live in a world where a vaccinated person is rarely diagnosed with the disease they were vaccinated for, no matter how obvious the symptoms, because the servants of pharma (doctors) are loath to admit the vaccines didn't work? (Or they tell us the kid needed my boosters;-)
And maybe these particles, (which we call "viruses") show up as a RESULT of systemic problems, rather than causing them? For example, when we see maggots on road kill, we don't automatically assume the maggots killed the creature;-)
Maybe interesting my writing: "The myth of immune system and viruses" and a wonderful link about forgotten and forbidden knowledge:
Thanks for the extra information on viruses.
I’ve read Dr Cowan’s book. It is utterly fascinating. We are electrical beings with electric fields. Stated In a very small nutshell. So much is false. I’m only now, after the fraud of Covid, beginning to see the lies. I watched Dr Sam on YouTube during the first 2 years of the Plandemic. My first hints along with Ivor Cummins data in fall of 2020 that something very false and creepy was going on.
“Don’t cure a cold, let a cold cure you!”
You get a fever to catch a cold . I think it's perfect . A recalibration
We also don't really know what the current incidence rate is because Doctors are instructed to assume an illness is anything but a vaccine preventable disease if the child has been vaccinated for that disease. Children still get illnesses with fever and a rash and are then diagnosed with something other than measles....unless there is an agenda to vilify the unvaccinated and produce a measles outbreak so that the "Powers That Be" can then demand vaccine requirements to attend anything in public as a precursor to the Covid19 psy-op.
This piece right here thoroughly covers a wildly important topic. Anyone reading this is going to be smarter for it. I can't thank you enough for your work here.
For those who haven’t yet, please read “ Turtles All the Way Down”. It’s the second most shocking book I’ve read about vaccines, testing, and harmful results. The first was “The Real Anthony Fauci “.
“Turtles” book is essential in understanding the lack of science in vaccines. It’s a scam. I was never anti- vax until Covid came. ( and I got 2 Moderna shots) 🙈
Not like me to investigate after, but I trusted, blindly, like I had my whole life.
Big Pharma is as corrupt as they come.
If you’re expecting a child, or a soon to be grandparent, the “ Turtles” book is a must read. It sickens me that this covert medical corruption has taken decades to reveal.
Finally, there are reduced childhood vaccines being given. Parents are waking up. 👏🏼
I almost can’t believe I’m writing this. I would’ve never believed it if I hadn’t researched myself. The trust we had for our safety agencies will never be the same. This may be one of the only redeeming realizations that come from the chaos of the Covid years.
I second the vote for “Turtles All the Way Down”. I read it in 2022 and shared it - now, thankfully, have two unvaccinated grandchildren (two different sets of parents).
Way to go!! 🏆💕 Information is everything.
I believe childhood diseases are simply the building blocks of a strong immune system. You're young, unfamiliar to the world, come in contact with different elements at different times of your young life. From zero to puberty your body grows and develops into what you will become. I also believe when you force feed drugs to halt this God driven process, you're in for a world of serious trouble because you have halted the very foundation of your immune system by kicking out all the valuable cornerstones upon which your health stands and depends. This research, to me, is the definition of insanity. So, if I can't prove my theory in one paragraph and they haven't proved their theories in 70 years with a shit ton of financing, which theory are you more inclined to believe?
Steiner saw the childhood diseases as in essence, rites of progress, moving on from one state of childhood being to the next one. Seems sound to me. As an aside, our 4 spent most of their time at Steiner schools, as his model of what the child needed as they moved towards adulthood made eminent sense to us; his view of what the purpose of education was it was to produce free and responsible adults. Would that that wad what all education strove to achieve
When the medical clowns we used to trust could never invent a vaccine against the simplest of afflictions, the common-universal cold, I knew the jig was up. The body survived well before any modern drugs were invented. It did so using detoxification and the rebuilding/re-energizing of its own systems from within. The degree of this maintaining is always variable according to the individual's health and his outside environment.
Eye opening. Your biofield sounds like Rupert Sheldrake’s morphogenic field. I’m just finishing Dr. Nancy Banks book on AIDS. Just unbelievable and fearless exposure of a fraud. Just think, 40 years after linking HIV to AIDS, we are still using antibody tests to identify people with HIV, even though many other diseases produce these antibodies. If they are so sure it’s HIV why not do a PCR test to confirm it, like they do with SARS? The fact is HIV/AIDS is not a medical term, it’s a psy-ops term used by intelligence agencies, we have been exposed to for 40 years.
Indeed. I think there is a connection with Sheldrake's work.
According to the Roche insert for the PCR test;
“The Amplicor HIV-1 test is not intended to be used as a screening test for HIV-1 or as a diagnostic test to confirm the presence of HIV infection.”
PCR tests are used all the time in relation to HIV confirmation.
I watch her videos often. When PCR tests are done properly there is about a 4% false positive rate. During covid there was a manipulation of cycle thresholds which resulted in many false positives. She confidently gives a lot of inaccurate information, and she has been investigated. She should not use her 'doctor' credential when putting forth her own opinions otherwise it can be classified as disinformation. If she makes videos without relying on her past profession to bolster her claims, then if she is misinforming the public, so be it, they can think for themselves and do further research. She did say in this video the body is covered with 'micro-organisms' what kind was she referring to I wonder? She wasn't specific on that point, and it is a huge point.
HIV and AIDS is a disease caused by poisoning and or malnutrition, just like all the other "viruses". Virus means poison.
I have witnessed many people die who were infected with HIV including two close family members. I have read Peter Duesberg's work. So much more is known today about AIDS, that disprove Duesberg's work. Mortality levels dropped hugely once HAART were introduced. Many people I knew who died would be alive today if they had been on the HAART regimen. The drugs inhibit viral replication, they work because the virus does kill people unless it is stopped in its tracks. The drugs are not ideal in the sense there are side effects to contend with.
I also know people who died of AIDS. That doesn't mean I "know" what the mechanism of action is or what the cause truly was or is. Many illnesses look the same and have the same descriptions. Menopause symptoms look a lot like radiation sickness. Maybe AIDS is caused by radiation. "They" cause diseases and then sell you/us the drug/anti-dote. It's all a huge scam/con-fidence game.
According to the PCR insert;
“The Amplicor HIV-1 test is not intended to be used as a screening test for HIV-1 or as a diagnostic test to confirm the presence of HIV infection.”
Yet, it is used, although it is expensive, so other types of tests are done more often. Everyone I knew who died from AIDS tested positive, and those who tested negative never developed symptoms, that is no coincidence. No point arguing though, you will never convince me there is no such thing as a virus.
There is another important thing to understand about the "concept" of viruses - as opposed to actual viruses.
The "concept of viruses" and of viruses as causes of disease - is a viral concept.
We naturally think of diseases we don't understand as being caused by malevolent spirits. Spirits are invisible, so malevolent spirits are invisible. The more we look, the less we see. But they still attack us because they are "bad."
We understand scurvy and arsenic poisoning - so we know how to prevent them and to cure them. We know that Vitamin C and arsenic are not malevolent, they have no "spirits of life," no intentions, therefore no intentions to harm. Scurvy, although mysterious for decades and often referred to as an evil now understood. However, we might notice if we look closely, that today - no authoritative medical reference documents a "cure" for scurvy. The "disease" is still treated like an evil spirit, not an understood concept.
But we cannot find "a non malevolent cause" of the common cold, influenza, or measles. Modern medicine, with it's "one disease, one cure" model cannot comprehend the reality of a disease with multiple causes. There must be a single cause.
So we blame a malevolent spirit, and we give it a name, and a classification - virus - thus we have the influenza virus, the measles virus, many common cold viruses and more.
Once we name the cause as a "virus" the path to a solution, to preventatives and cures becomes clear: avoid the virus to prevent the disease; eliminate the virus to cure.
The viral theory gains momentum as we learn to use it effectively. The theory is passed from doctor to doctor, from researcher to researcher. It, the theory, becomes viral. It gets passed to patients, and to drug manufacturers, who can manufacture and market "virus preventatives": vaccines.
The viral theory has other factors in its favor, other factors that make the theory "viral." Viruses are invisible. This enhances their mystical malevolent powers, like an evil spirit that cannot be seen. Viruses exist, in theory, on the border between life and death. They are not alive, but they invade and reproduce by eating our cells. They are a perfect scapegoat. And the perfect tool for fearmongering. Mystical powers are enhanced by the fact that we cannot see them, cannot touch them, cannot kill them. We might see shadowy images with our powerful microscopes, but in real life, they are as invisible as malevolent spirits.
The "virus theory" produces sales. Sales of virus preventatives, vaccines, have powerful marketing advantages over medicines. The product can be sold to anyone - even people who are not sick. In addition, they are not expected to work every time. There are a myriad of excuses for vaccine failure - and all of them can be leveraged to sell more vaccines - boosters. Sales of virus preventatives are viral.
And, of course, "Preventatives sell better than cures."
Cures for virus diseases can only be sold when the buyer is sick. Their powers are easily discounted - the patient would have got better anyway. Most people who are sick with "virus causes" recover quickly.
It's much more (sales) effective to sell a preventative product when no disease is present. The concept of using vaccines to prevent disease is "viral." It succeeds by success (ful sales). Who can argue with sales success?
But, life, and the virus theory is not so simple.
To quote Taleb, "Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence."
This goes both ways.
1. The absence of evidence of a "virus" is not evidence that the virus does not exist.
2. The absence of evidence that the disease has another cause does not prove that other causes do not exist.
However, the "virus theories" are viral. They feed themselves and grow over time. They make money, so they gain powerful support from those who pursue money over health.
On the other hand, "there are no viruses" theories are not viral. There are many "viruses don't exist" theories - but they are not profitable. In addition, having no single "cause" proponents are required to jump from one disease to another, with whack-a-mole efforts to eliminate hundreds of proposed viral causes and variants for a growing number of diseases labelled viral.
Is there a solution to this question? Yes there is. And the solution is quietly avoided by the "viral theorists." It is a solution barely studied - except in a few clear cases like polio, by "there is no virus" theorists.
If the viral theory of a disease is correct, then the disease can be cured by a treatment that eliminates the virus from the afflicted.
If the viral theory is not correct, then the disease can be cured by actions that do not address the virus.
Both of these cures must be discounted, dismissed out of hand, if the virus theory is to be maintained.
Do Ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, or similar products cure viral diseases? These concepts support the virus theory, but cures of viral diseases hurt sales of vaccines - so they must be discounted. Discounting such cures is not difficult. Because the virus is invisible, it's impossible to prove the drug removed it. In addition, most, perhaps all deaths from viral diseases are not, in viral medical theory, caused by the virus, most are a result of our reaction to the virus or clearly a result of other factors that were present before the "viral" infection.
Does baking soda cure the common cold? There are many claims and much evidence that it does - but such cures disprove the viral cause, and therefore must be dismissed.
Does detoxification cure viral diseases? Medically, detoxification is not, cannot be an approved cure. An approved cure is a product. Detoxification is not a product, although there are detoxification products, they are not allowed to claim to be cured. When detoxification cures a disease like polio - the disease goes way. Viral diseases, like the common cold, influenza, and measles "go away" in most cases, so detoxification cannot be proven to cure.
In short, all cures of viral diseases must be ignored (most cases are cured easily), or dismissed (there is no scientific evidence that...) or aggressively attacked ("you are not a horse"), to ensure that the viral theory can be maintained.
Cures of viral diseases are anti-interesting. Discussion and analysis must be avoided because they threaten the paradigm.
As a result, all viral theories of disease are viral and all anti-viral theories are non-viral.
We definitely witnessed superstition , ghost hunting , exorcism ritual and cult like rites performed with enthusiasm during the Convid operation .
Yes, a very good observation. And many of these are ongoing. Some people are still covering their mouth and nose, washing their hands with poisons, and stabbing each other to prevent the evil from entering, and avoiding others who fail to participate in those rites, even after they themselves have been diagnosed as infected, in some cases several times without harm.
Excellent post as always! Question though... what happened to the player so that I can be read to? It seems to have disappeared about a week ago. It sure does help me keep up with all the posts, so I can do other things while I listen... like scrubbing the toilet! LOL
They will be back soon. My subscription credits ran out (and they don't let you top up). If you have the substack app, it also has an audio function. Voice not as good but better than nothing.
Thanks Frank! So glad you're here doing what you do! 😊
Please correct this statement, "We know that measles used to be much more prevalent, and we also know that measles virtually vanished BEFORE vaccines were rolled out". Measles was still very prevalent, what changed before the vaccine was the Mortality rate. The graph is showing mortality, not incidence.
That’s an Interesting point.
I first saw the UK ONS graph for measles mortality in a book by Trevor Gunn on Homeopathy and vaccination. Gunn argues in the book that though there is no graph data available for measles infection, it is legitimate to use mortality as a proxy to show a decline in incidence of disease. I’m not a statistician so can’t comment on the validity of Gunn’s view, but the point still stands that improvements in social conditions appear to have reduced mortality (and possibly infection rates) by over 99% from when record began, and well before the measles vaccine was introduced.
I suspect the scarey mortality figures issuing from the likes of WHO and health authorities in Developed nations are based on data from exactly those parts of the ‘Third World’ that have yet to enjoy the food and water security, good nutrition, and adequate sewerage control that we in the west take for granted.
If that were true, than there would not be a Brady Bunch episode of the whole family coming down with the measles in 1969. They also had episodes with Mumps. Those childhood diseases were still very common, just like chicken pox was for me.
You raise an interesting point but consider scarlet fever, for which there is still no vaccine. As with the other infectious diseases, it declined both in mortality AND infection rates, despite lack of vaccine. So it’s absolutely not clear that prevalence of measles etc. would be high ex-vaccine.
Yes, that is true, but there is a difference. Measles is said to have a protective affect, like chicken pox. It somehow is a right of passage for children. Parents reported a maturation effect after these diseases, in most cases, unless there was some nutritional deficiency which would cause adverse affects.
ISorry, I may have misunderstood you, but are you suggesting that a fictitious American family soap opera is a more accurate proxy for assessing the likelihood of measles infection in a population, than mortality graph data from Government statistical laboratories?
Or am I being dense and this is just irony.
The same can be said about the propaganda film, “Old Yeller.” That movie was outrageous fear mongering. Tami may not fully understand why tv shows were called, “Programming.”
The Brady Bunch episode is far from fear mongering about measles. It just demonstrates that measles was a common occurrence among children during that time period. Just like chicken pox.
This is an excellent summary of the actual scientific evidence on measles and viruses more generally. Where I can't jump on the bandwagon is where the Baileys and their ilk try to claim, without evidence, that no infectious diseases exist. They don't accept that bacteria like syphilis and bubonic plague cause millions of cases of disease and death. And when I comment about this on their substack posts they delete me without comment. That is the exact opposite of meaningful scientific dialogue and raises a lot of suspicions for me. You don't attack "mainstream" science for censorship on viruses by censoring others on bacteria!