Considering the one redeeming ingredient [the 100% beef patty]: In evaluating quality of the meat, it is essential to consider what the animal was fed. The cow is not capable of magically converting the omega 6 fatty acids [in the corn and soy it was fed] into the desirable omega 3's; the fat in the patty is just the fat the animal was fed [more omega 6]. Then, if you're a critical thinker, you proceeded to ask yourself: "Do you think McDonalds cows got organic feed?" and self answered: "Not a chance in anywhere this side of yesteryear." That leaves the sole remaining alternative: GMO corn and soy. And one of the primary functions of GMO is to sterilize the rest of the food chain from there up. [And no, that doesn't mean - Kill off the bacterial contamination. That means to generate business for the IVF industry.]

That was the 100% beef. The same applies to the chicken and any other animal unlucky enough to be procured for you by your buddy Ron.

Then don't slide by the "natural flavors" euphemism, so easily. That is one of the favorite 'food' industry aliases for MSG. There are something in the neighborhood of 100, but the top favorites include:

Autolyzed yeast

Autolyzed yeast protein

Calcium glutamate



Glutamic acid

Hydrolyzed corn

Hydrolyzed protein

Magnesium glutamate

Monoammonium glutamate

Monopotassium glutamate


Sodium caseinate

Soy isolate

Soy sauce

Textured protein

Vegetable extract

Yeast extract

Yeast food

Note that some of these names may be synonyms for MSG, while others may be ingredients that contain MSG or produce MSG-like effects [https://www.livestrong.com/article/377482-other-names-for-msg-or-monosodium-glutamate/]

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Good stuff, thank you!

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Yes! When MSG became publicly known as a neurotoxin, they "removed" it from food, then invented new, innocuous sounding ways to reintroduce it into our diets. This tells you everything you need to know about the food industry: the great poisoning is intentional.

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That's right and all fast food now being contaminated with morgellons nanotech.you can forget about grass fed beef too as the chemtrails have nano contaminated every thing outside.

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And I recently read that one McDonald’s burger can contain up to 1300 different cows, tested by DNA. Buy from farmers and local, so your ground beef is from a single animal.

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Excellent observations.

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What happened to frying potatoes in good old fashioned lard?

I say we all open up a McLard's

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Exactly! We used to use lard for cookies, pie crusts, etc.. Then we were told lard is a killer, and people started using Crisco, as if it were "safer." People thought they were going to be healthier with margarine too.

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Margarine is not digestible, and Crisco is the worst of the 'cooking oils'. People believe what they see in TV ads for these products. As they are pitched to children. History Chanel does a good series on Food that Made America. It is worth watching to just understand how it all changed. My grandma used lard and bacon grease. Food had taste then. Some of it is rooted in WW11 and food rationing. Cereals had barely any nutrition and malnutrition started to appear in children. Vitamins added were a good selling point.

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Good points. Any food that NEEDS vitamins added to it is not food;-)

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We did buy some lard recently to make hash browns and they were fantastic. I haven’t tried baking with it.

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once you make pie crust, or any pastry, using lard, you will never go back😋

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Just use old fashioned lard,real butter and Ghee.Next might be coconut oil but that's more for baking than frying

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This is how they are cooked at the Heart Attack Grill in Vegas, if it’s even still open.

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Jul 4Liked by Unbekoming

I heard about McD's food being loaded with so many preservatives that it would not rot, during a presentation back in 2010--and thought "NO FRIGGIN' WAY!" On the way home, I decided to run my own experiment and ran through the drive-thru. My McD’s cheeseburger turns 14 on August 10!! Looks just like it did the day I bought it--only harder. It even spent its first year out in my garage in Dallas. I showed it to a friend (who has kids) about 3 months ago. The color of the bun & patty is still the same, only the cheese gets very dark orange as it ages.

WORTHY TO NOTE: No bugs, mice, rats, squirrels or any other non-human creature has ever tried to eat it, either...

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Great story!

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Omg Robert

That’s insane!!!

I’m going to do this too

I want to show my adult kids and a couple friends who seem to like to run through there often……

Wow it turns 14 in August!

Wish you could post a pic on here on its birthday 🎂


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Wow. Shudder.

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I have seen the photos,you speak truth

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Jul 4·edited Jul 4Liked by Unbekoming

We were told "saturated" fats were the demons. But these STABLE fats have extra electrons, which is why they're actually healthier, i.e., they can actually repair damages tissues and damaged DNA, which are starving for electrons.

Unstable fatty acids (unsaturated plant oils) are fragile, (oxidizing swiftly) due to the lack of electrons, which, when consumed, will scavenge these missing electrons from our cells and DNA, causing inflammation, tissue destruction, and disease.

There is actually ZERO real evidence that cholesterol injures us in any way. Cholesterols show up at the site of the injury caused by oxidative stress and acidity as a band-aid. Arteries closest to, and inside of the heart have the most pressure on them. Without the cholesterol, the heart will fail MUCH sooner due to leakage.

People are now reversing heart disease and diabetes (as well as myriad other deadly conditions) on a high fat animal diet, i.e., "carnivore."

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Jul 4Liked by Unbekoming

I am guessing the photos are to show the lack of obese people 50 years ago?

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>McDonald's french fries contain 19 ingredients.


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I read they used to be cooked in tallow but had to acquiesce to all the uproar over trans fats

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The uproar was to eliminate Saturated Fats. Fat Free was the slogan of the time.

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I stand corrected

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The cholesterol scam is based on Ancel Keys cherry picked data along with misinterpretation of the Framingham study along with pharma promotion of statins to generate new industries and revenue streams for treatment of the spin off diseases caused by the statins.

I think it is a good example of how Agnotology is used on us. Word courtesy of Toby Rogers substack. https://tobyrogers.substack.com/p/how-anti-corporate-agnotology-studies?utm_source=publication-search

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I grew up in the 70s and I can attest to the fact of how much slimmer and fitter we were. I can't even remember anyone in my class that was overweight. Maybe one guy but even he was not obese by any stretch of the imagination. We are not getting healthier, people - we are going downhill. Get back to cooking in the kitchen - it can be fun!

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There were no obese people when I was growing up either. Overweight older adults but not kids. I've come to accept that people just ain't going to do that, cook.

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That's a shame. I guess the non-cookers will take whatever consequences come to them then.

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Grim emoji with tear in eye goes here _.

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Jul 4Liked by Unbekoming

Little behind the 8ball are we, Unbekoming? Better late than never I always say. Without a doubt, seed oils are the #1 cause of heart disease, it was never cholesterol. Just track heart disease explosions to Crisco and Margarine in the 50's & 60's when hitherto, it didn't exist. To this day recipes call for canola oil, some products even say organic canola oil. Say what? Explain that to me like I'm a 4yr old. I find most people don't see a difference between oils & fats.

I remember reading 50 yrs ago that "Fats don't make you fat". I thought about that and realized that was correct. When you think about how convoluted common sense has been harnessed by the AMA and affiliate food producers to completely flip what used to be, to what they can create and make a profit from, thru the destruction of healthy eating, and in it's stead create sickness and disease with a PR program that people believe to this day, my head explodes.

Here's one of my personal experiences. Around 1990 I was buying French Vanilla coffee creamer for my husbands coffee. He didn't use sugar and that creamer was just a touch sweet and he loved it. One day I grabbed by mistake a low fat French Vanilla. Label was identical except for those 2 words. That very day, late that evening, we both had a cup of coffee and I told him I had heart palpitations all day. He said "OMG, I too thought I was having a heart attack". We looked at that bottle of creamer. Low fat. Hydrogenated. From that day forward I never bought anything that said low fat and it was EVERYWHERE. Low fat is doublespeak for high linoleic acid.

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"Little behind the 8ball are we, Unbekoming?"

That was uncalled for.

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Oh, come on, lighten up. Unbekoming is ahead of the pack. I just injected a little levity.

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Jul 5·edited Jul 5

When I was new to the internet and a nerd on a diet, I found a site called Scientific psychic. He did an experiment with the "spray butter" advertised to have no fat. I looked for the experiment and didn't find it today, but as I remember, he let the stuff sit for months in a cupboard until the mono and diglycerides separated out of the water. They float on top because they are oil. The label doesn't say oil free and the serving size is one spray.

When a "serving" is measured any amount of trans fat under a half a gram is called "trivial" and can be labled 'zero fat'.

The marketing and legal departments made sure that the math matched the definition. Courts agree. 1500 sprays of zero calorie spray fake butter does equal 771 calories, but a serving has zero calories and zero fat. It took about 10 years to decide that math does not apply to spray fake butter.

https://www.scientificpsychic.com/fitness/fattyacids1.html Don't click on the gypsy lady or she'll tell your future.

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Ahh yes, I remember that, thanks. Add up enough statistical zeros in a multi serve bottle and what do you get? A lie.

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Jul 4Liked by Unbekoming

as a vegetarian, I'd give McDonalds, et. al. a pass. cook your own food.

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Loved all the crowded beach pictures that did not have a single obese person in any of them.

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Jul 4Liked by Unbekoming

I just can't seem to trust the 100% beef claim. Who ensures that? McDonald's is such a toxic brew that's it's difficult to trust their claims about anything.

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Some carnivores that travel say that they have rigorous oversight on their meat processing and can be trusted worldwide. They have internal auditors who make unannounced visits to individual franchises, etc. That combined with USDA oversight in slaughter houses, may make that part of the menu the safest. Still you have the issue of what the cows were fed and injected with. And, it is a processed meat of multiple animals. A far cry from a grass-fed steak.

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Same here. I wonder about olive oil coming from 6 different places too. Who is to say they aren't adulterating it somewhere with canola oil?

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It has been said that the Italian mafia controls 50 or so percent of the olive oil market. They are said to have started the practice of stretching their profits by adding cheap seed oils. It is also been speculated that they have been behind some of the over-hyping of the benefits of olive oil. Interesting theory.

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Evidence based conspiracies are rare as hen's teeth. I remember seeing huge fields of yellow flowers in France and asking what plants grew such bright yellow flowers, maybe I saw them in England too, not sure. They were called rape seed, grown for the oil. I didn't put it together until years later. It turns out rape seed is canola.

Most likely, the pretty yellow fields were not planted to delight tourists.

You're onto something about the hype.

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Totally. I don't trust any food labels.

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They put my former DIL through H. She was a nurse's aide for a nursing home. Not the brightest blub. A patient kicked her in the breast. Swelling was thought to be a Hematoma. Exrays showed a Walnut-sized tumor inside the hematoma. Her large nipple on that breast looked like a Red Cauliflower, RED FLAG, compared to the other breast. Next came the Oncologist. You guessed it a Mammo. The surgeon wanted the simple fast, silice-it-off method. she wanted to have an implant. On the day of the surgery, he did as asked, but used staples, which wasn't the worst, he Nicked a vein, and they were going to treat it as an outpatient surgery. She got weaker, I had a Hissy, and that was when they found the nicked vein, she needed a transfusion, but none was available AB-, they No longer do patient-to-transfers, it has to go through the blood bank...one month. Return to surgery for repair of the nicked vein. I forced them to keep her overnight. I wish that were all, she came home the next day. She was still bleeding. She was back in the ER that morning. And 3 days in the hospital. Still no blood. They sent her home with a Percoset and Iron Script. Iron is OTC. Percoset is crap. Chemo came next. That too is not always needed.

I'm glad I don't need or want one. No history in the family. I just say NO!

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Jul 5Liked by Unbekoming

A few years ago my brother asked me what I wanted from a cow he had butchered. I asked for the valuable stuff: liver, kidney, heart, shanks, tail... and fat. The butcher said, we don't do brains. I rendered the fat to make tallow, which I've used for frying, making creams and lotions, chapstick, salves. He kept the other stuff. The very first picture here is a spoof, but sometimes lies tell the truth, don't they?


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Jul 4·edited Jul 4Liked by Unbekoming

McDonald’s fries were cooked in beef tallow until consumer advocacy groups forced them and other restaurants to use seed oils in the late 80s early 90s. I remember when they changed and they tasted terrible. They had to add all those ingredients to make them edible. Don’t blame McDonald’s for what the government and nutrition idiots did.

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These consumer groups are just fronts for Big Ag, who covertly fund various nutritional foundations and university "research" departments. Follow the dinero, every time.

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Jul 4Liked by Unbekoming

Good Day Unbekoming,

> It made me realize that you cannot really understand why this stuff is bad for you until you understand the subject of Seed Oils.

REPLY: Why do we focus on the bad things as you say seed oils, rather than on the agriculture (corporate heavy with pesticides, herbicides etc.) practices, the harsh and toxic means with which the oils are extracted from the seeds and so much more, that make them bad.

Should we not be informing people of the good fats, amazing fats (like Red Palm Oil, before it became the primary source for bio diesel and bio fuel) and essential fats?

Yes we are wired to be alarmed and informing of foods and agricultural practices that promote a healthy environment, food, water and soil isn't what will get readers to your substack. So what can you do?

PS: You really should check out Red Palm Oil. I have been using it for nearly 30 years. Long before it became the go to oil for bio-fuel.

The Red Palm and it's fruit is related to the date palm. Pretty amazing food. Found in the tombs of Ancient Egyptians dated to about 3,000 years ago and much degraded.

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