Many extra Thank Yous for this one!

I read 180 Degrees cover-to-cover, and am going to re-read these excerpts today.

Once one accepts the "demonic" concept, and starts to understand it's goals, literally everything else falls into place.

I'd humbly suggest the works of Emanuel Swedenborg. (Late 1700s.) He experienced a 20+ year period of "transcendent life." He wrote extensively about the nature of heaven & hell - wrote over 3.5 million words ... in Latin ... which have since been translated into over 5 million words in English. Many books ... and all ccohesive in thought process. The Off The Left Eye youtube channel is a nice intro into his writings.

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Further comment honed from Swedenborg's writings:

Our current earthly battle appears as an external war. "They" are out to get "Us." (and of course they are.)

However, this is also part of a transformation process -- one intended to reveal the internal aspect of the battle.

Each of us contains a remnant of God, as well as evil earthly leanings. These darker impulses are represented by self-love and materialism, and demons are always around us to try and push us into related choices. When God's "remnant" is nourished, we develop as intended by the Devine Design. That nourishment is based on two principles: Love of God first (humility is key) and Love of Neighbor (do unto others as you'd have them do unto you.) Anyone can see that a life guided by these principles becomes increasingly beautiful and spiritual.

Conversely, a life devoted to material cravings, especially those that come at the expense of others, leads to an increasingly depraved life.

The story of Noah in the Bible represents just this dynamic. God didn't send a flood to destroy evil -- that is simply the narrative story that was written to be passed down through time. Humanity, through each generation choosing to become even more hedonistic than the last, destroyed ITSELF. (Sound familiar?) That is the symbolism of the great flood. Mankind can become so corrupted, that it can no longer survive.

A similar situation was occurring when Jesus Christ as Lord manifested. Humans had become so separated from the Devine Design, that they became entirely sense oriented -- no recognizable inner ability left to engage God. God then manifested in human form to reach them through their sensory experiences (5 senses). This was to remind them of the "seed" or "remnant" each still carried. Some of us call that seed an Inner Voice, or Intuition, or whatever.

The self-destructive tendency of humans is evident today as we near another cliff, now with multiple ways to exterminate ourselves. The demonic forces that encourage depraved choices literally feed on all negative energies of fear, anger, division, etc.

(There is a famous Native American story about the 2 wolves (good and bad) inside every man. Similar theme. The one that wins is the one we feed.)

I am both excited and concerned about the possibility of changes regarding how we view physical health. However, I'm seeing the same worldly, materialistic approach evolving in the alternative health markets. Words like "miracle," "universal cure," and implied salvation/we'll-save-you are key warning signs. It's great that we're contemplating different approaches, but if we continue to fall into the trap of "I can be saved by something in the material world," then we miss the point of all these trials. (i.e. "Aaron ... ppllleeeaaasssee build us another Golden Calf.")

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Thanks for this Kelli I will look at Swedenborg's writings, the internal aspects of the battle are interesting, you might like to read this


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You may want to rethink Swedenborgianism. Seductive and clearly occult.

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Very seductive ideologies.

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We did a little piece on Sabbatai and Frank https://notesfromthepast.substack.com/p/sabbatai-zevi-the-false-messiah if anyone is interested.

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Yes I am, thank you!

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Sounds plausible, but NO sources whatsoever...

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I was wondering, when I began reading this article and cast my eyes on "Behold a Pale Horse" whether or not the late

William Cooper would make an appearance.

He did.

"I tell you now that Freemasonry is one of the most wicked and terrible organisations on this earth. The Masons are major players in the struggle for world domination. The 33rd Degree is split into two. One split contains the core of the Luciferian[s] and the other contains those who have no knowledge of it whatsoever." — Bill Cooper, Behold a Pale Horse

I've owned that book since 1992. Paid a fortune for it (at the time) and it was one of the only items my ex shipped to me after we split up in '94.


Apparently the 2000 edition is missing a chapter... Wonder why?

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There has been some deep dive research on the Manson murders that suggests the official story is another load of baloney and that Manson - while definitely a loonie - might have been a CIA patsy and that it was not his followers who actually committed the murders that night. It could have been a drug deal gone wrong, or the Mansonites were framed to protect the real perp, or a CIA psyop, or some variant of all of these. One guy has researched it pretty thoroughly, Tom O'Neill, his 2019 book on it is Chaos: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties. Interesting stuff!

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demon (n.)

c. 1200, "an evil spirit, malignant supernatural being, an incubus, a devil," from Latin daemon "spirit," from Greek daimōn "deity, divine power; lesser god; guiding spirit, tutelary deity" (sometimes including souls of the dead); "one's genius, lot, or fortune;" from PIE *dai-mon- "divider, provider" (of fortunes or destinies), from root *da- "to divide."

*dā-, Proto-Indo-European root meaning "to divide."

It forms all or part of: betide; daimon; Damocles; deal (v.); deal (n.1) "part, portion;" demagogue; demiurge; democracy; demography; demon; demotic; dole; endemic; epidemic; eudaemonic; geodesic; geodesy; ordeal; pandemic; pandemonium

Ecoutez et repetez:







Demiurge is bretty gud too.

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What is the relationship, if any, between Luciferianism and Talmudic Judaism? They seem to be very similar to me philosophically, but I am not an expert on this.

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Pharisaism - Talmudism - Judaism - Frankism

Essentially, it's the same cult with different names in an attempt to confuse and hide.

A great book is 'The Curse of Canaan' by Eustace Mullins. He documents it all back to Nimrod and his followers.

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Thank you! I will check it out.

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Still searching for a copy of his Murder By Injection. Will see about this Canaan book.

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1. joos don't believe in Lucifer--there's not even a devil there's a guy that's kind of a trickster who's not good but no hell, no evil fella with horns and a tail-- Luciferism is not part of any form of Judaism... TALMUD is as follers (I'm recyclin' this as I'm asked often)...

2. So here's a thing most folks do not "git" 'bout the Talmud... the Talmud is not something people "worship" or "foller"--it's a book of opinions, more like an encyclopedia, many views recorded in it fully contrastin' each other--like BOTH SIDES of a debate but maybe 10 opinions on each topic!--taken an' written down from the mouths of all sorts of men (yup, men only)--not just rabbis tho-, scholars, "wise men" etc.

So there IS some awful stuff in there but it's just one (possibly angry!) man's opinion among many! The others are not shared with the one opinon that in modern times would be indeed vile or awful. (Also, no mention of Lucifer in the Talmud--no devil either--neither EXISTS in Judaism...THIS is what Talmud is ta most joos--borin' arguments about ordinary stuff:)


(every day Tablet shares a "debate" from the Talmud--they are not things you worship, they are legal debates--benign, fascinatin' again no devilry)

So... the Talmud is more like book of views like an encyclopedia as per above but with an angle to be considered for "law" (i.e. consider all these opinions when decidin' on how law should be adjudicated)-

BUT BUT BUT it's not a lawbook statin' laws either!

It's more like a law study book with all opinions debatable (which is what the jooish talmud scholars do all day long!--they debate talmud opinions with the purpose of gettin' clarity -- moral/legal--on any subject). What's more--the opinions change so tho' Talmud is very (very) old an' not modified or added too--what WAS ok is no longer so they figger out what no longer applies. It's a workin' / living "document" an' cuz other faiths don't have that--folks draw wrong conclusions an' make assumptions.

ONLY the scholarly fellas (from older teens on up) who were studyin' this stuff could see Talmud, never any women, never ordinary fellas (not yer tailor or yer butcher or yer baker).

So this was kind of a collection of very "granular" arguments for the "future sages" an' fer future rabbis to debate. It was to be consulted but NEVER meant to be law or any sort of "final opinion" on anythin'!

However, there are folks (who aren't fans of joos) that pull out specific passages--some disturbin'! I've seen some'a that--totally outta context--an' cite them as if they are jooish law which isn't true at all. (As I wrote--a leeetle knowledge goes a long way--'specially if it's incomplete an' comes from a misunderstandin'.....)

Torah always "trumps" Talmud so many topics debated--if they approach something forbidden--even murder, etc--are just for the sake of debate as they would not be allowed under Torah--an' never would be practiced! This is like when one'a my kids asks me if we were on a desert island and one of us died would we eat the body...an' then we debate if/if not an' some fool sez SEE Daisy & fam are CANNIBALS! (git it now? hope so! THAT is Talmud--would it be "legal" to consider eatin' a fambly member etc etc)

Talmud passages were NEVER law or anything "practiced"-- folks don't git that either...

So, I give an example--let's say a farmer steals another farmer's crops to the point of causin' the "victim" to be really devastated by that loss... Remember we're dealin' with issues BEFORE there was a law at all! Joos were tryin' to "create" some kind of rule an' order of law when it was (back then) a free fer all!

So here are debated points... Let's say all agree the thief must give back what they stole if it's not consumed. That's the easy part, but let's say the thief cannot do that a=as the food was sold or consumed, destroyed whatever....

SO... the Talmud "hosts" the debate with the hope that the arguments all 'round it will be edifyin' ...

1. scholar one sez "they must pay back the person with the profits they got from sellin' that man's crops by givin' up their own property!"--and if they cannot do that the person wronged can walk inta their house and take whatever they so choose that they can sell to amount ta the same total of what was stolen...

2. scholar two sez no no, you cannot just do that--that's stealing! Thou shalt not steal--so a judge must decide and "order" the thief to pay back the man per what's agreed upon--months of their own crops bein' sold? An' yes, mebbe he has to give up part of the land he owns to make up fer his thievery etc...

3. the third is little wacky an' sez--if the man whose crops were stolen is now made poor by the theft, let the thief give him all his own servants (to be sold on the open market) so the victim has some income back for his loss..

4. the next guy is wackier--no, make it the thief's oldest daughter! Then the victim will have a wife to help him recover.... (an' yet another chimes in--no no, what if he's married already?!) and so on...

Debates can continue over many pages. Eventually, yes, someone sez "no no no, you cannot trade stolen crops for a human!--even if they are a slave" an' another sez "OH but slaves are traded in the Old Testament" an' an'nuther adds no no no you cannot covet thy neighbor's daughter as payback"--that's wrong... An' yet another sez "hey, duz it make a diff. if the thief is jooish or not"... an' so on goes the debate.. SERIOUSLY it's that nutty... but this is how laws in the "wild west" of humanity were decided an' many (not the crazy ideas) have been handed down ta this day and are actually GOOD.

Not sure where else such a huge TOME of debates exists! (fulla ideas good, bad, & yes... some ugly like that quote...)

SO one of the "haters" gits a view of this huge debate an' sez "aha! joos believe if someone takes their zucchini they can steal that person's daughter as a sex slave"--here look at it in print! SEE it's TRUE!--or other such-like... Out of context of course...

Truth is, regular joos--even Orthodox ones! NEVER saw this book of debates until recently--truth is also NO women could see them ever! (Today serious female scholars and female rabbis CAN see the Talmud but it's not something that is sold in bookstores! understandably as it is intended fer scholarly debate, to be used for a purpose, not just "read" etc) ALL of it was debated an' some that opined were off their rockers (really! but of course back in the day folks had different idears 'bout a lotta stuff no? )-- an' some were very (very!) wise an' this book of legal-related debates has parts extracted an' used (unfairly) against us!

I'm sure there's some awful stuff in yer average encyclopedia (say talkin' 'bout cannibalism) so duz that mean because it's in print right there that the World Book Staff eat people an' promote it? See what I mean..?

Moreover, the translations of the Talmud vary HUGELY. I've read a few shared passages that were totally noxious an' then some Hebrew scholar pops up in a comment sections an' sez no no no, this is a mis-translation--THIS is what it sez an' means an' we all sigh relief.

So like I said--people who are NOT good / well-intended manipulate limited info cherry picked from a GIANT volume of mostly innocuous (an' mostly boring!) argue-mints an' then they use what they extract to do harm against the "common enemy" the joos.

I KNOW that innocent well-meanin' folks who don't understand what's goin' on see the cherry picked "worst" quotes an' go "oh my" the joos are a horrible vile race of people as they really DO think that way an' DO those kinds of things! (understandable, no? but it's not right that such thing "stand" as the record...unfairly imho) Few joos speak up because a) it takes time ta educate folks an' b) they git attacked whenever they do an' many don't enjoy the name callin' an' threats an' c) SOME (many?) convinced they are right about the joos won't listen anyway... So that's how it's been... fer over 1000 years (lol!)

Also, many things suggested "in theory" are not ever done! I don't doubt the man who sad bad stuff 'bout Jesus (in the Talmud, yes, it's ugly) was angry an' shared his vengeful feelin's as "opinion"--perhaps once a Christian did him or his fambly wrong (after all--I won't go inta that history but not "only" Muslims persecuted joos, sometimes to the point of killin' 'em)--so that one angry man, perhaps as a "so there" said awful stuff 'bout Jesus an' put it inta print in the Talmud.

To understand how stuff like that appears--an' also in the once-in-a-while horrible rhetoric of some people I have heard in modern-times "cherry picked" angry recordings--I give this example....

I've personally known women who were raped an' their "wishes" for the rapists were far more horrific an' graphic than I could ever write here--they shared their worst "revenge thoughts" with friends even as I /we knew they had NO INTENTION of follerin' thru on 'em. Yes, some forgave their rapists over time (joos & Christians alike), NONE did anything about their "worst thoughts," some actually didn't even report it because they knew the authorities would be harsh to them (an' that made 'em madder!), SO I place this one horrid statement ya shared in the same CONTEXT--as akin' to bein' a vengeful screed from someone wronged, railin' in anger. So it got inta the document-- as some things did... but it's not some kinda "final" statement or even an opinion that's shared by anyone else! Just somethin' to consider from one voice...

I hope that puts things inta context--I don't think most folks undertand "what" a Talmud is and is for... so they make incorrect assumptions an' then hate all us joos fer them...

So ta answer yer question in brief--what do they all have ta do with each other? Nothing.

ps most joos have no clue about Frankism or Zevi--I heard it from the haters--betcha a lot of others same...

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I enjoyed the southern dialect. Or was it Okie? Reminded me of Grapes of Wrath and also some Faulkner. I understand what you’re saying, and only a fool would doubt the genius of Jewish traditions and the intellect of its members. But also only a coward and a cuckold would take everything you said as gospel. I don’t believe you when you say most Jews don’t know about Shabtai and Frank. They weren’t fringe figures. Shabtai especially mesmerized Jews all over the globe. But I’m not a Jew hater. Instead I think there’s a Saturn worship culture that persisted past its expiration date within the white mind. Canaanites. Moloch. Roman saturnalia. Freemasonry. Frankists. It’s all the same thing. “There is a cost,” they say. Indeed. Only I don’t think that means exactly what they think. I don’t think this works out well for them.

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Believe what'cha will. Re the vernacular--unemployed "acteur" here thanks ta not complyin' with proty-culls (not of zion of covid ha ha) an' the dialect would be more Lil' Abner/Al Capp than Faulkner but all good (fan of the latter too). A few others re my "character."

Anywhoo---it's bizarre what ya say 'bout coward & cuckhold. Believe what ya wish an' call me a liar but WHY would any religion teach about two crooks that inverted it fer "no good?" (they seem ta have been grifters capitalizin' on a faith but invertin' it) What age do ya imagine they would teach such information--ta little kids? Junior high schoolers (really?). Teens? (many non-orthodox teens complete their jooish religious education at age 13 after bar/bas mitzvah or confirmation). If you REALLY imagine kids are taught in synagogues about satanic rituals an' stuff that ain't at all jooish you are under a mightly false impression. Do churches teach little kids about jesuit sexual abuse or pedos in church? Really? Same kinda thing. But believe what suits ya. I'm a mama with a teen & a 22 year old, been on this planet a fair amount'a time, grew up in the faith an' NEVER ONCE heard of Zevi nor his successor-in-evil Frank (that is 'til I started readin' stuff in the past few years an' those that hate joos an' acused us of all manner of immoral sickko stuff said we follered these to so I had ta look 'em up!)

If you were ta respectfully speak ta any rabbi Reform, Conservative, Orthodox, or even Ultra Orthodox an' ask them if jooish religious instruction includes lessons 'bout Satanists like Zevi & Frank I kin guarantee ya 100% they'd say "nix." (They'd think yer off yer rocker ta be honest).

There likely ARE older jooish scholars (adults) that DO know of these two horrible fellas NOT b/c they are taught they are part of the faith--they ain't--but perhaps as a cautionary tale to not be fooled (by false prophets 'er false profits!) (fwiw this is conjecture tho, I cain't even be certain they are so-forewarned...). An' YES both were FRINGE FIGGERS. They are well-known to the haters (those that hate chews!) an' ta the white nationalists but NOT well known to joos--they were fakers / fakirs. Believe what'cha will.

I'm glad ya say ya ain't a hater but fer you to "tell joos what they know" an' insist two statanists are part of jooish religious instruction means at best yer misinformed in a "none-too-nice" way. They were not fringe figgers in 1650! This ain't 1650 ;-)

You do conflate Canaanites (a people), Moloch (some kinda Babylonian owl deity they have set up at Bohemian Grove) , Roman Saturnalia (which ain't jooish or monotheistic at all but indicated ritualistic seasonal pahrty time fer drunk pagan Romans--not joos), Freemasonry (which is NOT judaism at all tho' it invited folks of all faiths to be in it) an' finally Frankists (who were more 'er less twisted misguided folks follerin' a pervert an' Frankism is not considered to be judaism at all--tho' a few jooish famblies in the 19th/early 20th c. were misled to follow that hot mess fer a time). None of these entities are related to each other an' only the final one (Frankism) is related to judaism ONLY as it bastardizes the faith...

I think ya gotta fruit salad here an' tho you are tossin' everything in one bowl, each in-greedy-ant has it's own features an' equatin' judaism with Zevi/Frank is just baloney an' throws y'all in with Candace Owens an' other haters even if ye say ye ain't. That's my 2 cents plain on it--take it as ya will--I aim ta inform those that sincerely have been misled... cowards & cuckholds (this makes no sense) kin choose ta disregard all I say an' you may too sir, all I kin do is share what I know from time I was knee-high to a grasshopper (peace out...like I said, take it as ya will)

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This was a fascinating read and a helpful study, thank you. I smiled at the sentence, 'Quite demonic indeed', laced as it appears with irony.

It becomes interesting to ponder the consequence of the quantitative suggestion that, '4 per cent of the population (290 million people worldwide) are sociopaths'. Are such people congenitally blind to the spark of Divinity within them? Are they in fact 'people' as we understand that word to imply the co-embrace of 'humanity', or are they demons, or possessed? Are they altogether something else? Does their aberrant psyche obscure that Divine spark within them? There also appear ample examples of formerly well meaning, adequately educated individuals who have apparently descended to the level of the 'demonic' in an act of free will ('camp guards', torturers, and their ilk), medical and nursing jabsters who incomprehensibly abandoned their ingrained established ethics, science or humanity, for lesser mercenary reasons.

It is fascinating to observe (albeit unreliably but interesting, nonetheless) that https://www.etymonline.com/word/demonic shows the word use trend (Ngrams value: google) of 'demonic' has reached apical levels since 2019, having risen steadily from the ~ end of the WW1, accelerating steeply since 1990.

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Are the Protocols being actively used today? One way to decide is to read them and then, as Bernard suggests, compare them to what is happening in the world. This was, and is, the recommendation of many others, including Bill Cooper. At the beginning of Chapter 15 of Behold a Pale Horse he states:

"Every aspect of this plan to subjugate the world has since become a reality, validating the authenticity of the conspiracy."

Whether you agree with that statement or not, what is arguably of far more significance (and the key reason for raising the topic) is that Cooper states, in an author's note, that the original text of the Protocols was written to intentionally deceive people and any reference to Jews should be replaced with the word 'Illuminati.'*

* Whilst the existence of the group of conspirators known as the Bavarian Illuminati is historical fact, the use of the term in this book has been severely limited as it has too many preconceived connotations for those unfamiliar with the detail.

I would argue this is the most important point because it indicates a much deeper truth that the Protocols, whether they are a hoax or not, were never merely a Jewish/anti-Jewish conspiracy, as is usually framed by both sides, but appear to be more a sociopathic, satanic, anti-Semitic cult conspiracy using Judaism as a mask to hide behind. And that is precisely where we need to go to get to the bottom of the rabbit hole.

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When see the word believe I’m on high alert. My BS meter goes red…

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Gees Charlie. Belief separates believers from unbelievers. Where does that put you ?

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Freemasonry in Australia, which follows what is termed the Scottish Rite, bears no reference to Luciferianism, Illuminism or Satanism as described above. Indeed my experience of Freemasonry is devoted to charitable respect for mankind and is totally unrelated to those principles promoted and devised by Albert Pike in USA.

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Mediocrates. Scottish Rite Masonry is a different wrinkle but the same piece of cloth. All are defiled and at risk of the loss of spirit and soul.

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This boring essay is more propaganda by fuck-up Christian ‘victims’ who are theological idiots.

Where does it mention AHRIMAN ?!

Writers like this & their gullible audience are sadly pathetic to believe any rubbish demonising Lucifer, who is OZ & Ahura Mazda to some, & ignore AHRIMAN who is equal influence between dilemma of animal nature & higher self.


I read idiot bigots in the essay blame Lucifer where it actually AHRIMAN they describe!

& shallow people suck it up & regurgitate this rubbish without thought?


What is LUCIFER = spirit principle !

= The urge to escape the prison of the body, freedom of imagination.

Everyone using the; ‘darkness is evil, we need more LIGHT cliche ''= Lucifarian impulse"!

This is obviously ironic when in media it is often said against ‘the devil/ Lucifer 🙄😆😂’.


What is AHRIMAN = Magnetism of Materialism!

= the gluttony of sensual & materialistic prison.

Consumerism & Capitalism are both AHRIMNIC manifestation

Both Lucifer & Ahriman REPRESENT opposing yet mutual principle for life, not tangible demonic entities personified.


What is SATAN = SATURN = The ARENA we all exist within as TIME, Sower AND Reaper.

Is Satan the devil ? NO, it is where all GOOD AND EVIL manifest through processes.

Is Satan Lucifer ? NO, this again is fearful minds demonising other cultural habits.


''DO AS THOU WILL'' is attributed to A.CROWLEY but it is not his words originally & if you do proper research you would know this. The essay mention Crowley but nothing of what he excelled at, & instead just add typical glib cliche of 'evilest man' JOKE !!! What great evil did Crowley ever do ?

Compare to Catholic Church & see the trick occurring that people fall for like misery addicts.


The writer is not initiated in any way to know codes, binds & ties involved in esoteric parlance, & read AT FACE VALUE work intended only for initiates !!! Straight away they & readership become fearful as intended.

'Oh look , a scary mask, it must be devil worship!' Works as brilliant KEEP OUT SIGN, so feeble minds do not digest something that could destroy their cosy complacency.


This essay is hilarious rubbish that is sadly so common to find now that it has become cemented in dull & fearful imaginations.

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I find the subject interesting and worth understanding. But I don't agree that following this Rabbit Hole, stated as such, is necessary or useful. There is an enormous amount of evidence/proof of criminality that is not hidden. Sufficient proofs to convict the perpetrators involved.

The fairy-tales the perpetrators may believe are irrelevant. Faith is not a crime. The motives for crime are plain enough to see and need no further elaboration do they?

Second…The sentiment that truth has been relativized by anarchists etc. is quite false. Anarchists, as I understand, maintain that humanity is fundamentally good and that humans are moral beings who objectively recognize the good. Atheism does not necessarily mean that one is a Nihilist. Personally, I have no faith in gods or in any government: but I do experience that good exists and guides me; and I recognize it in others too. Faith in gods or arbitrary laws are cheap, artificial means to a perverted end: To manipulate, control, extort and enslave.

Lies and conditioning lead us to believe that we need faith in gods or the state to serve as a moral fail-safe. Now that's what I would call evil. We already have the truth and the light. No authority or god can redeem or sanctify us, but just the opposite. By them, we become ever more alienated from others and from ourselves.

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Thank you for putting it that way, I can feel it, and I think most of us can. It’s just been cleverly named by psychiatrist and doctors into several different categories and illnesses to throw everyone off track. When really all of the unsettling feelings are coming from the same place, and for the same reason!!!

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"Being Jewish doesn't automatically make you a Zionist (and vice-versa, you can be a fully fledged Zionist and not be Jewish). "

Thank you for this vital, clarifying input, often not noted, leading to many misunderstandings.

You can be Jewish and not be Jewish.

By which I mean, a real Jew is a good person, not a bad person.

Different Jewish individuals and groups, can still have different ethical convictions.

For instance:

Orthodox Jews think Messianic Jews are heretics, and vice versa.

Some Messianic Jews think, that "Orthodox Messianic Jews" are heretics, and vice versa.

There is an Orthodox Jewish Rabbinical Council and a Messianic Jewish Rabbinical Council.

Most Messianic Jews do not accept the authority of the Orthodox Jewish Rabbinical Council.

Some Messianic Jews do not accept the authority of the Messianic Jewish Rabbinical Council.

Most Jews in my experience, are basically good people.

Some are Zionists, most are not.

Well-intending Zionists divorce themselves from ill-intending Zionists.

Sabbatean-Frankism is off the radar of most people, regardless of ethnicity, I think.

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I got my intro to this about a year ago. I think you can call Saturnalia whatever you want, and these people aren’t the first, nor will they be the last, to discover that Saturn owns the energy bandwidth in which energy becomes matter and that if you pay tribute to him he will reward you, at least as long as your soul is inside his bandwidth. All of his adherents are in for a rough ride when their journey inside his ring is over. I’m convinced Saturnalia is why white people came to dominate the material world, and I think Saturn is what gave us these technologies that seemingly fell from the sky during the 20th century. We are all sons of Saturn, only alive under the sun because of the new covenant represented by Christ. Most of us were removed from the earth at some point, represented by Noah and the Y chromosome bottleneck in our DNA. That’s why we’re so pale; we are children of the dark star. We lived here when Saturn was the risen, not the fallen, star. Natural selection is a lie, at least as it attempts to explain the origin of racial groups. We were supposed to keep the new covenant. These modern Saturnians are willfully violating it to bring about some kind of cosmic response. I’m kinda stuck there for the moment. Maybe they’re trying to pay enough tribute that Saturn ignites again. I don’t know.

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