“CJ Hopkins has described how the political is disguised as the medical”

It’s actually the advanced stages of a military coup disguised as the political disguised as the medical. The technology DARPA wield’s is so advanced, there is no one they cannot control at a whim—they do not even need blackmail anymore, it’s that advanced. The intelligence community already controls all the individuals who hold power, everything else is window dressing (I experienced their high technology first hand—trust me when I tell you that all the world is a stage).

Still, here’s that crude blackmail in action: Congressman Burchett: Congress, Justice & White House Compromised with Honeypots, It's An Open Sewer: https://old.bitchute.com/video/hn5Hl8lDsGzA

Chuck Schumer: You Take on the Intelligence Agencies they Have 6 Ways from Sunday to Get Back at You: https://old.bitchute.com/video/QNCLBtNZygJY

Those are the old ways: bribing, blackmail, roofies, and are nothing compared to what they can do now. Heck even by the 70s the military already had the technology to execute a total coup against the US government: Sen. Church in 1975: Total Tyranny Possible In the US With Current Military Technology: https://old.bitchute.com/video/eODQvp8AvICH

These days, with the 5G “Havana Syndrom” weapon grid, which affects both the mental and physical, the world is their oyster: 5G Towers Appear to Be Weaponized: https://old.bitchute.com/video/y4ecuAj2w6Jc

Just food for thought. God Jesus? You will need Him.

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The divide between Google and Bitchute is a solid 180 degrees. When asked where I found this or that out and say Bitchute I get mocked every time. It escapes me why folks who've never been on Bitchute, condemn it out of hand and simply rely on Google for the truth. I use google for measurements and recipes. All else, I use Bitchute.

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Very few are interested in the truth CM, they’re interested in being right, protecting their fragile ego, and not being made a fool of.

Those three weaknesses combined mean they must have tunnel vision to survive a an existence replete with trip wires that may prove them wrong. To wit:

“A mental conflict occurs when beliefs are challenged by new information. This conflict activates areas of the brain that are involved in personal identity and emotional response to threats. The brain's alarms go off when a person feels threatened on a deeply personal and emotional level, causing them to shut down and disregard any rational evidence that contradicts what they previously regarded as "truth".

To simplify that: “It’s far easier to fool someone than convince them they’ve been fooled.” —Twain


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Yes, all true, do I have stories to tell on that issue. Fortunately, or maybe not so, I am also guilty of the same. I no longer cannot know what I have learned and know, using what I term common sense approach, what exactly makes sense, what verifiable truth is out there, what agenda is being followed? I am convinced I have taken the right path, just by following the money trail, so I am guilty of believing I am right. The difference between them and me is I can argument an issue. They use exactly the same words and phrases of MSM. So yes, they don't want to learn. They trust. I don't.

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If I had a nickel for every time I got called a Fox tv watcher....... ERR! I don't even have cable. Though I do like to watch Gutfield on some platforms from time to time. He is funny and reminds me of a sassy kid in a classroom, and only watch if I happen to find him on the few platforms I do watch. I now come to the realization that the ones who do like to shout at you about being watching other platforms are usually "The View" watcher.

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Oh, dear God, we know the same people. One such family member said I spend all my time watching Oprah and The View, as if either one of those, that I have NEVER viewed, could ever stand up against me. They give new meaning to tools, useful idiots. No conceit there, just truth and confidence.

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They still depend on credibility with the public.

They walk a fine line between maintaining some semblance of credibility by using propaganda, psyops and censorship, and dropping the pretense entirely and baldly issuing orders.

They can't get around this with the public. They cannot baldly issue orders to the general public anymore. People have got too wise too fast. To say otherwise is just shock and awe tactics.

Congress may be another story, they don't need to worry about being credible with them because Congressional life forms are mostly already under their control.

But the general public can still influence Congress if the noise is loud enough.

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“They’re doing war crimes.” The most important line ever stated.

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Yes. The. World. Runs. On. B. S. And. If. You. Tell. The. Truth. Those. Around. You. Change. The. Conversation.

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The ongoing Roman Catholic Inquisition's. The Papacy ( The Anti Christ's) controls all the Governments, Military's, Education, Media, Universities, Medical, Pharmaceutical, and Banking Systems in the world, and has for thousands of years, through Intelligence agencies, secret societies, Militaries, and Mafia's. They are the Terrorists organizations.

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If you want an accurately researched history of the Catholic Church of Rome, and one that is written with extensive references and without bias, may i suggest you explore the work of independent scholar and revisionist historian Michael Hoffman ll.

‘The Occult Renaissance Church of Rome’ is an unequaled masterpiece, researched over a period of 20 years.

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When I looked into how many Jesuit and Catholic schools and Universities in the world, that answered the question for me, of who is really in control of this world and its systems of control.. With almost 7000 Parochial or Elementary and High Schools in the USA.


Just within the UNITED STATES; 👇


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Wanna see what's coming and 'who' will be in charge:

For the peoples Entertainment'


-Nothing wrong here

'It's just a story' say the unaware....

-about a 'rising phoenix'


Best to Get Right folks

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This is a fabulous piece. Thank you for including Katherine Watt's video from January 2023. The piece certainly needs no footnotes or qualifications from me. However, I did notice an awkward edit toward the end of her presentation. It's probably nothing, but here is a link to the original video. Again, many thanks to 'Lies are Unbekoming' for this vital and valuable material!


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Kind of difficult to get things in their proper perspective when the whole population has been edumacated in a public fool system. Two of their main tools are the Main Stream Media and the Straw Man estate, both of which they have been propagandizing and controlling us since birth. Their philosophy is to "keep em dumbed down and addicted to worthless bull shit cell phones. Think folks will ever wake up?

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If and probably when too late.

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And 99% of the sheeple have no clue this is going on. None whatsoever.

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Unfortunately, no. They are clueless. If you try to tell them, they either get angry or laugh at you like you're a fool or clown.

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In Australia (and anywhere else that has ratified teh International Convention on Civil and Political Rights), a person cannot be compelled to participate in a medical experiment.

This is also yet another reason why the truth about the virology pseudoscience is so important, imo. As soon as enough people know about it, ALL the rest goes away. Then it's just the climate change psyop to deal with.



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I so wanted to give Trump a pass, but reality keeps knocking on that door. The cognitive dissonance starts to fade away, and then you get stuck in the truth. Then what do you do next?

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I love and admire Kathrine Watt’s work and what she has done with Saha Latypova as well!

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includes Katherine Watt's opinions

More Opinions On Wedge Issues

of some well known commentators, as far as I can tell...a work in progress


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One more question

How did the pandemic accelerate this shift and demonstrate it?

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"This mirrors the central argument here about how military operations have been rebranded and repackaged as public health initiatives, while maintaining their core control mechanisms but with different terminology and justifications."

It also mirrors developments in governmental systems over these past (2 1/2) centuries:

Controlling the lexicon first and "rebranding" tyranny as 'democracy', 'serf-dom' for 'Free-dom',

'king' with 'president', 'church' with 'government', 'extortion' for 'taxation', etc.

And through careful manipulation make it appear spontaneous and organic, all the while

removing or obfuscating any evidence to the contrary.

It's inconcievable that anyone for any reason would ever come up with a 300 year plan to subjegate and exploit humanity, let alone install the systems and institutions necessary to see the plan through to fruition. That's just crazy talk. Thank you.

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More plausible that various groups, ie., religious, governmental, industrial find common purpose such that the ruling class can extend some small reins of reversible if need be, control and power to the managerial and professional class for a piece of the pie to do their dirty work on the working class. Piece by piece these mechanisms find traction through the years as for example John D Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie teamed up to produce the Flexnor Report, and you can see the outcomes of a failed healthcare system which extend from that. Then add a mix of military and government that get on that bandwagon and voila, 21st Century nightmare.

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Something being crazy does not necessarily negate it being true:).

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You will recall the movie; “Outbreak” with Dustin Hoffman, using a nuclear like device over a designated population to prevent a global outbreak. You may also remember CIA posing as vaccine Heath care workers to get the location of Bin Ladin in Pakistan? This all happened before, in front of us, so it can certainly happen again.

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Truth is, Bin Laden died Dec 2001. We were chasing a ghost for how long? Till Obama claimed to kill him. Nothing like keeping a dead man alive to further promote a needless war.

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Osama, Obama, I keep getting these terrorists names mixed up:).

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Good one.

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You people should really go live outside the "west" and stop all connections with the west. Try it for 6 months.

Without the mind pollution and need to have your thoughts validated by others- you might realize the "west" is not the world.

You have bern programmed to think it is. You imagine it must be the same everywhere. You imagine the "west" is the best, so evetywhere else must be even worse- so you stay where you are.

Or you might think- "why should "I" have to leave?"

You don't have to. You can stay in the western slave system. They welcome your wage, debt, tax & consumption slavery.

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The DOD is the target by the American people there going to infiltrate the intelligence community and the defense department biological weapons program and destroy it outlaw it and execute anyone in the military that ever pulls this bullshit again

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