Loved this line : "It’s amazing that someone can have this level of insight in 2011 yet miss the biggest Kayfabe show when it turned up on his doorstep." [So much so that I just upgraded.]
One of my best friends (was anyhow) went all in on the propaganda in in 2020-2021. In 2021 when I tried to spread the word about the bigger narrative, she wrote back to let me know that "she wasn't anti-vaxx, that she followed the science, that she couldn't understand why people wouldn't get the shot to protect themselves and others."
I know *that* scenario wasn't unusual. What (to me) was unusual was the person saying this. She had a degree in theology, a degree in psychology, and had studied Jung at length. She and I spent many hours discussing topics like:
- the personal and collective shadows
- the importance of being able to sit with pain/discomfort as part of transformation
- the importance of awareness and critical thinking
It just blew me away how so many who were aware of "shadows" became completely immersed in them.....
p.s. I once lived in sedona, and for a while continued to follow many sedona-esque facebook pages while I was still on FB. Based on those observations, I can tell you that the "spiritual crowd" went COMPLETELY off the deep end in 2020. Including the likes of deepak chopra. So much for all those shiny idols, leaders, and promises....
I don't know how it is now, but when I was growing up in the 1950s and 60s, science was to one degree or another a required subject in the public schools, but not a terribly popular one. It is not difficult to hide important things using science and technology that most of the population does not understand. Instead, they reply upon on others to interpret, a weak link.
How can people follow something that they don't understand? They follow the interpreters instead, believing that they are following the science.
This doesn't account for all the scientists that also appeared to be fooled. Many would have been "out of their field" with this, but so was I and I still recognized something seriously wrong and went into the literature to learn what I needed. You might be able to address that better than me.
Very few of us can integrate disparate fields of knowledge and so crave new ideas that we are willing not only to admit when we were wrong, but thank those who gave us the knowledge that crushed everything we thought we knew.
I suspected there was something fishy about the AIDS narrative, but didn't know enough to see this as a repeat. I knew enough about the immune system to see that we were being lied to, investigated PCR "testing" with which I was not familiar and saw the fraud, and knew enough about protein synthesis to view the "vaccines" as a premeditated disaster. So there were different ways to recognize what was going on.
That survivors of iatrogenic injury could be so taken in speaks to the power of propaganda and fearmongering over those unaware of such things.
If you start at page 59 (Chapter Title: Vaccine Injury) that's where the playbook is up to now I feel...
For example page 63... (Some CAPITALISATIONS are mine for emphasis)
"The senior leaders in attendance concluded, after much prompting by Dr. Flynn, that no top political or public health figurehead had publicly recognized the collective sense of vulnerability that the pandemic had elicited or the strength that the public exhibited under threat of grave danger".
"Moreover, no national leader had publicly acknowledged the public's broad willingness to accept a prescribed COUNTERMEASURE that promised to end the pandemic, but whose long-term consequences were NOT FULLY UNDERSTOOD AT THE TIME". **
**That old chestnut (unfortunately we know more now, that we did back then)... They've actually practised in 2017, how to deal with vax deaths and injuries... "Mistakes were made"... **
Following the meeting, ASPR recommended to HHS Secretary Nagel that SAMHSA collaborate with stakeholders and devise behavioral health guidance for the states, tribes, and territories on how to strengthen the public's coping skills, provide SUPPORT for GRIEVING individuals, ENCOURAGE a FORWARD direction, and meet other SPARS recovery needs. It was further recommended that Secretary Nagel consult with President Archer about the possibility of acknowledging the emotional toll of SPARS during a future public appearance. The primary message would be one of gratitude to the American people for remaining strong during the pandemic. Another key message would convey APPRECIATION for ADHERING to public health recommendations, INCLUDING VACCINATION, to hasten the end of the pandemic in the face of considerable uncertainty. President Archer agreed to address the country's resolve and recovery in the face of SPARS. Top risk communication advisors from the CDC, FDA, NIH, and SAMHSA conferred as a group about HOW best to FRAME the President's remarks. The group vigorously debated whether it was APPROPRIATE FOR THE PRESIDENT to acknowledge the SACRIFICE that VACCINE RECIPIENTS had made on behalf of their communities or to CONSOLE them in their GRIEF over that SACRIFICE."*
All those that took the poison shots were "HEROES" you see... See that's how easily you smooth over the death and injuries
*This PR exercise is written in past tense, like a history book, this is to help visualise how the propaganda framing might work, therefore any critiques can be iron out before rolling this plan out
Let's jump to page 66... can you see this playing out? They could...
They've prepared this messaging below for Joe Public who still believe the government narrative ( I added capitals for emphasis) 👇
"Today, nearly five years since the St. Paul Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus made its global debut, there remain human cases in 14 countries across Europe, Africa, and Asia. The pandemic officially ended in August 2028, but the virus persists in domesticated animal reservoirs"
**OH no, not in our domesticated animals... No pets... No meat. Luckily we have Beyond Meat and bugs... Thank you Klaus and Bill..**
"WHO experts hypothesize that small, isolated outbreaks of SPARS were occurring long before the disease emerged on a global scale in 2025, and they anticipate that FUTURE OUTBREAKS WILL CONTINUE TO EMERGE UNLESS COUNTRIES MAINTAIN WIDESPREAD VACCINATION COVERAGE."
**Keep taking that mRNA for dangerous germs ... Maybe keep that mask on**
As the pandemic tapered off, several influential politicians and agency representatives came under fire for SENSATIONALIZING the severity of the event for perceived political gain. As with many public health interventions, SUCCESSFUL EFFORTS to REDUCE the IMPACT of the PANDEMIC created the ILLUSION that the EVENT was NOT NEARLY AS SERIOUS AS EXPERTS SUGGESTED it would be.
** See it wasn't because the "virus" was nothing, it wasn't because the Pandemic was fake, it was because of the glorious vaccines and public health... You ungrateful conspiracy theorists**
"President Archer’s detractors in the Republican Party seized the opportunity to publicly disparage the President and his administration’s response to the pandemic, urging voters to elect “a strong leader with the best interests of the American people at heart.”
**Poor Pres Archer getting gaslit like that by the nasty opposition Republicans**
"A widespread SOCIAL MEDIA MOVEMENT led primarily by outspoken parents of affected CHILDREN, coupled with widespread DISTRUST of “big pharma,” supported the narrative that the development of SPARS MCMs was UNNECESSARY and driven by a FEW PROFIT-SEEKING individuals".
** Big pharma bad... But... It's not true, just that mistakes were made**
"CONSPIRACY THEORIES also proliferated across social media, suggesting that the VIRUS had been PURPOSELY created and INTRODUCED to the POPULATION by DRUG COMPANIES or that it had escaped from a GOVERNMENT LAB secretly testing bioweapons. "
**How ungrateful, a serious virus and some suggest a deliberate release to facilitate spike protein injections**
They've prepared well, even presenting people like us... people who were apparently sucked into a "conspiracy theory"
... But of course it "saved lives" in their scenario and made the Pandemic SEEM less than it was, but of course the reason the Pandemic didn't seem serious to us conspiracy theorists, is because public health saved us from certain doom in their narrative framing...
Anyway, it's one fascinating document to put with Operation Lockstep and Event 201...!!
Always thought Weinstein, and Williamson for that matter, were both limited hangouts, wittingly or not. Weinstein is a conundrum, producing great insights yet having a fallback position that is entirely official in narrative. Seems the world is full of these chameleons, afraid to actually speak on 'third rail' issues but pointing the way for others to do so. Perhaps their limited hangout position is really due to inner cowardness?
Simply a brilliant connection of seemingly (or what seem to others) unrelated dots. You jump from A to Z with relative ease. I, like you, do the same--and we were both bamboozled until the Princess Diamond, although even then I wasn't questioning everything else, including "other" vaccines, which I thought saved tens if not hundreds of millions of lives.
And then, likely in early 2022, I read there were massive protests against mandatory smallpox vaccinations in the late 1800s. And I asked a simple question: why would there be protests against a vaccine that purportedly protected people from a disease with a 30% kill rate?
The creation of pretend reality is on one side of the screen of life. It would have never come into existence without the demand for it. This is more frightening. It proves how far from “real” life our population is.
The worship of fake events appearing real (aka “fear”) is astounding. As if we were so disappointed with the reality. So much that we need to compensate this emptiness with fake emotions created in a fake context in a fake reaction to fake events. It’s way beyond the “safe and effective” campaign. Or the other way round, the SF campaign could be authorized as potentially successful because the target population prefers sitcoms and staged happenings over real life.
Still, your presentation of kayfabe opens a new layer of this game. It’s like a team of professional psychologists after a brainstorm comes up with a comprehensive recipe on another method how to help people deceive themselves more. They don’t need to anything, we will transfer a sports fake to other walks of life ourselves. Since kayfabe damage is fake (harmless, staged, non-real), we won’t recognize harm as real in a new context right away - and that buffer of months or years is a great gift to launch another level of the same manipulation. In the medical context we see it now as the active promotion of mRNA as a model for all injections.
This proves how far Western "Civilization" has fallen. Perhaps most of civilization?
Life itself has become so featureless and mundane that we thrive on an all encompassing manufactured reality.
I don't know very much. I don't know: Where I am, What I am, or why I'm here?????
I cling to "scientific anchors like Euclidean Geometry and Newtonian Physics and to observable phenomenon such as Trees and Sunlight, to keep me sane.
The erudite musings of people like Weinstien, Peterson, Jung, and Plato, seem to be manufactured Fluff. Distractions from my enjoyment of Real life.....But then, I'm not intelligent!
The observable (i.e. tangible, external to the mind) reality is the manifestation of something else. As with a human body: it is moving for some time, and then, one day, suddenly, it stops moving and we don’t have any “technology” to make it move again. Which is logical proof of the existence of that “something else”. We don’t even know what it is. For lack of a better word, we sometimes refer to it as “energy”, which also is not a defined “something”, merely an attribute to make communication easier.
The same goes for love, like the romantic attraction between two persons. We don’t know what it is. We tried to explain it with hormones, then pheromones, than instincts, but all this is again assigning attributes, external markings on something that we cannot get hold in any way. Discouraged, unable to pinpoint it, we destroyed the concept by using the original word in the original meaning to describe other behaviors (different “types” of love) and even material objects. Insane.
No wonder that people have always tried to approach that unknowable something from various angles. Religion and philosophy being the most obvious disciplines. Esoteric and occult paths being a slightly more elusive ones. It all seems to be an attempt to find that secret key that opens the deeper meanings of what we experience every day.
It is a very interesting issue. If there is the end (of life, world), what is beyond this end? If it is endless, how is it possible? If I am here for xx years, where was I before? What next? These are legitimate signs of the unknowable search of every one of us. Some express it, some keep it to themselves, some try to not touch the subject. But the subject is, was and will be.
You are correct. However, it should be left as intellectual speculation, an amusement for idle moments; not an all-consuming obsession, and certainly not a 'Tenured employment.
It is far from amusement, and not an obsession. Its value cannot be underestimated when you make an observation, drape it in a few ornaments, patch it up with some fancy words, and release to the world as a new concept. Sooner or later will you be invited for interviews, lectures, and voila you can create a new source of income streams for yourself and others. No small game. Darwin did it, Newton did it, Einstein did it, and we we have a mass formation psychosis. Nicely criticized by classic psychologists, but who cares. The ball is rolling. Not an amusement any more.
It is said one of Budda's greatest lessons involved staring at a flower for hours. One of his followers burst out laughing. Budda exclaimed something like this was the only student who 'got it'.
There are very many parallels between pro wrestling and coronamania. One particular one that I just realized is that the "rules" of the referees in pro wrestling are often ignored by the wrestlers themselves. Compare that to the ignoring of our laws regarding free speech, fair labor practices, and medical freedom during our world mania of 2020-2022.
However, I think there might be more to Kayfabe than just an exercise in social deception. First of all, is it really deception? For example, plenty of people bet money on boxing matches, but nobody bets on pro wrestling matches. The underlying assumption is that the result of a boxing match is truly undetermined, therefore worthy of a wager, whereas pro wrestling is simply a show. No seasoned fan says that pro wrestling is staged, but every one of them knows that. I think it's doubtful that any significant portion of people is truly duped by Kayfabe, other than by spending the price of a ticket for a fun, audience-participatory spectacle.
As a sometime spectator at live pro wrestling events, I was impressed at first, like Weinstein, only by the obvious fakery, and by the audience that seemed fooled by it. Later, I learned that it's simply fun to "get into" the story and pretend. Part of the play is for spectators to insist that it's "real", to chastise the villainous "Heel" wrestler for his bad behavior, and to cheer on the good "Face" wrestler. Each spectator then becomes an actor, a part of the show. It's enjoyable if you let it be, and if your own identity isn't somehow tied to that of the "Heel".
French philosopher Roland Barthes wrote an essay (1957) on semi-choreographed stage wrestling, basically describing it as a group morality exercise couched in a live, exciting modern-day heroic myth (link below to his essay). It's a spectacle of ethics. You might even call it uplifting, because it reinforces non-Heel-like behavior in the mostly masculine audience.
In the staged world promotion of 2020-2022, I suppose you could say it was "Mr Coronavirus" vs "St Fauci", "The Unmasked Grandma-killer" vs "The Masked Hero", and "The Anti-Vaxxer" vs "The Jabbed Wonder". Yes, this sort of propaganda framing can stir up a surface moral fervor which may be misguided, but it can only become a mania useful to dishonest elites when people start actually believing it, and betting their very health--much more important than any money wager--on a jab. During coronamania, elites manufactured such belief by instilling fear. The big difference between pro wrestling Kayfabe and the events of 2020-2022 is that, on the one hand, in a pro wrestling arena the audience would never feel fear of "Mr Coronavirus", although they would boo and curse him repeatedly; on the other hand, in 2020-2022, perhaps most of the worldwide "audience" was put into actual mortal fear of that same villain.
I think the comparison between Kayfabe and coronamania is useful for figuring out "how it all works" in people's ethical minds, but the fear-instilling propaganda is what really causes the mania. Kayfabe can be seen as morality tool that can sometimes be misguided, but which may usually have positive social effects.
To be optimistic, I'll point out that in pro wrestling, long-time wrestlers usually don't stay "Heel" or "Face" for their whole careers. A Heel character one year may be a Face a few years later. So it's entirely possible that "St Fauci" will be rebranded "Pharma Mafia Fauci" at some point. I hope there are tickets available for that show soon.
I often use the word "Kabuki" to describe things that happen. Seemingly unorchestrated things happening, when in fact, there is a role being played at every (most) level.
I consider the actions in Russia/Ukraine such a Kabuki.
I think what Weinstein is saying is that the intermingling of facts and lies is so pervasive and sophisticated - probably because many of those inside institutions need/want to believe, and are then elevated to positions of authority - that even he was fooled. He sounds chagrinned by having been duped, given his prior awareness. I'm guessing he endorsed his children being vaccinated.
It makes a lot more sense from a results perspective to run the grift in cahoots. Any reality is a good reality if everyone agrees and gets along. It's just business.
In UFC the blood seems quite real, I do enjoy the fights there. Unlike real gladiators of the Roman era, they guys don't usually die and they even win money, I am told. I would guess some fights are fixed, but they make a good show of it anyway. Funnily enough, I can't stand watching the women fight, just the men. I also gained some respect for Joe Rogan as a fight announcer. Watching Boxing is ok too. Everybody has a plan until they get hit in the face, as they say.
Loved this line : "It’s amazing that someone can have this level of insight in 2011 yet miss the biggest Kayfabe show when it turned up on his doorstep." [So much so that I just upgraded.]
One of my best friends (was anyhow) went all in on the propaganda in in 2020-2021. In 2021 when I tried to spread the word about the bigger narrative, she wrote back to let me know that "she wasn't anti-vaxx, that she followed the science, that she couldn't understand why people wouldn't get the shot to protect themselves and others."
I know *that* scenario wasn't unusual. What (to me) was unusual was the person saying this. She had a degree in theology, a degree in psychology, and had studied Jung at length. She and I spent many hours discussing topics like:
- the personal and collective shadows
- the importance of being able to sit with pain/discomfort as part of transformation
- the importance of awareness and critical thinking
It just blew me away how so many who were aware of "shadows" became completely immersed in them.....
p.s. I once lived in sedona, and for a while continued to follow many sedona-esque facebook pages while I was still on FB. Based on those observations, I can tell you that the "spiritual crowd" went COMPLETELY off the deep end in 2020. Including the likes of deepak chopra. So much for all those shiny idols, leaders, and promises....
I don't know how it is now, but when I was growing up in the 1950s and 60s, science was to one degree or another a required subject in the public schools, but not a terribly popular one. It is not difficult to hide important things using science and technology that most of the population does not understand. Instead, they reply upon on others to interpret, a weak link.
How can people follow something that they don't understand? They follow the interpreters instead, believing that they are following the science.
This doesn't account for all the scientists that also appeared to be fooled. Many would have been "out of their field" with this, but so was I and I still recognized something seriously wrong and went into the literature to learn what I needed. You might be able to address that better than me.
Very few of us can integrate disparate fields of knowledge and so crave new ideas that we are willing not only to admit when we were wrong, but thank those who gave us the knowledge that crushed everything we thought we knew.
I suspected there was something fishy about the AIDS narrative, but didn't know enough to see this as a repeat. I knew enough about the immune system to see that we were being lied to, investigated PCR "testing" with which I was not familiar and saw the fraud, and knew enough about protein synthesis to view the "vaccines" as a premeditated disaster. So there were different ways to recognize what was going on.
That survivors of iatrogenic injury could be so taken in speaks to the power of propaganda and fearmongering over those unaware of such things.
It speaks to the power of Kayfabe
Agree with all of above. Fyi, deep into this interview some revelations about aforementioned Jung. Don't be put off by title of talk it is very much *not* woo-woo.
If you can't find 2h for this interview or/and you prefer the written word then Mathew has kinda summarised the content here
Thanks. Incorporated it into Sustainable Slavery.
iNtutive Feelers are nothing if not credulous. That best explains her, and Sedona.
The Kayfabe plan for Covid seemed to be summed up nicely in the John Hopkins University "SPARS" Pandemic Scenario from 2017...
it's rather enlightening 👇
If you start at page 59 (Chapter Title: Vaccine Injury) that's where the playbook is up to now I feel...
For example page 63... (Some CAPITALISATIONS are mine for emphasis)
"The senior leaders in attendance concluded, after much prompting by Dr. Flynn, that no top political or public health figurehead had publicly recognized the collective sense of vulnerability that the pandemic had elicited or the strength that the public exhibited under threat of grave danger".
"Moreover, no national leader had publicly acknowledged the public's broad willingness to accept a prescribed COUNTERMEASURE that promised to end the pandemic, but whose long-term consequences were NOT FULLY UNDERSTOOD AT THE TIME". **
**That old chestnut (unfortunately we know more now, that we did back then)... They've actually practised in 2017, how to deal with vax deaths and injuries... "Mistakes were made"... **
Following the meeting, ASPR recommended to HHS Secretary Nagel that SAMHSA collaborate with stakeholders and devise behavioral health guidance for the states, tribes, and territories on how to strengthen the public's coping skills, provide SUPPORT for GRIEVING individuals, ENCOURAGE a FORWARD direction, and meet other SPARS recovery needs. It was further recommended that Secretary Nagel consult with President Archer about the possibility of acknowledging the emotional toll of SPARS during a future public appearance. The primary message would be one of gratitude to the American people for remaining strong during the pandemic. Another key message would convey APPRECIATION for ADHERING to public health recommendations, INCLUDING VACCINATION, to hasten the end of the pandemic in the face of considerable uncertainty. President Archer agreed to address the country's resolve and recovery in the face of SPARS. Top risk communication advisors from the CDC, FDA, NIH, and SAMHSA conferred as a group about HOW best to FRAME the President's remarks. The group vigorously debated whether it was APPROPRIATE FOR THE PRESIDENT to acknowledge the SACRIFICE that VACCINE RECIPIENTS had made on behalf of their communities or to CONSOLE them in their GRIEF over that SACRIFICE."*
All those that took the poison shots were "HEROES" you see... See that's how easily you smooth over the death and injuries
*This PR exercise is written in past tense, like a history book, this is to help visualise how the propaganda framing might work, therefore any critiques can be iron out before rolling this plan out
Let's jump to page 66... can you see this playing out? They could...
They've prepared this messaging below for Joe Public who still believe the government narrative ( I added capitals for emphasis) 👇
"Today, nearly five years since the St. Paul Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus made its global debut, there remain human cases in 14 countries across Europe, Africa, and Asia. The pandemic officially ended in August 2028, but the virus persists in domesticated animal reservoirs"
**OH no, not in our domesticated animals... No pets... No meat. Luckily we have Beyond Meat and bugs... Thank you Klaus and Bill..**
"WHO experts hypothesize that small, isolated outbreaks of SPARS were occurring long before the disease emerged on a global scale in 2025, and they anticipate that FUTURE OUTBREAKS WILL CONTINUE TO EMERGE UNLESS COUNTRIES MAINTAIN WIDESPREAD VACCINATION COVERAGE."
**Keep taking that mRNA for dangerous germs ... Maybe keep that mask on**
As the pandemic tapered off, several influential politicians and agency representatives came under fire for SENSATIONALIZING the severity of the event for perceived political gain. As with many public health interventions, SUCCESSFUL EFFORTS to REDUCE the IMPACT of the PANDEMIC created the ILLUSION that the EVENT was NOT NEARLY AS SERIOUS AS EXPERTS SUGGESTED it would be.
** See it wasn't because the "virus" was nothing, it wasn't because the Pandemic was fake, it was because of the glorious vaccines and public health... You ungrateful conspiracy theorists**
"President Archer’s detractors in the Republican Party seized the opportunity to publicly disparage the President and his administration’s response to the pandemic, urging voters to elect “a strong leader with the best interests of the American people at heart.”
**Poor Pres Archer getting gaslit like that by the nasty opposition Republicans**
"A widespread SOCIAL MEDIA MOVEMENT led primarily by outspoken parents of affected CHILDREN, coupled with widespread DISTRUST of “big pharma,” supported the narrative that the development of SPARS MCMs was UNNECESSARY and driven by a FEW PROFIT-SEEKING individuals".
** Big pharma bad... But... It's not true, just that mistakes were made**
"CONSPIRACY THEORIES also proliferated across social media, suggesting that the VIRUS had been PURPOSELY created and INTRODUCED to the POPULATION by DRUG COMPANIES or that it had escaped from a GOVERNMENT LAB secretly testing bioweapons. "
**How ungrateful, a serious virus and some suggest a deliberate release to facilitate spike protein injections**
They've prepared well, even presenting people like us... people who were apparently sucked into a "conspiracy theory"
... But of course it "saved lives" in their scenario and made the Pandemic SEEM less than it was, but of course the reason the Pandemic didn't seem serious to us conspiracy theorists, is because public health saved us from certain doom in their narrative framing...
Anyway, it's one fascinating document to put with Operation Lockstep and Event 201...!!
World wide Kayfabe
Thanks for the SPARS reminder Steve!
Thanks for the excerpts, those documents melt my brain.
Always thought Weinstein, and Williamson for that matter, were both limited hangouts, wittingly or not. Weinstein is a conundrum, producing great insights yet having a fallback position that is entirely official in narrative. Seems the world is full of these chameleons, afraid to actually speak on 'third rail' issues but pointing the way for others to do so. Perhaps their limited hangout position is really due to inner cowardness?
Quite the collection of commentators you've attracted here @unbekoming.
They are a good bunch. I enjoy their company, comments and wisdom.
Simply a brilliant connection of seemingly (or what seem to others) unrelated dots. You jump from A to Z with relative ease. I, like you, do the same--and we were both bamboozled until the Princess Diamond, although even then I wasn't questioning everything else, including "other" vaccines, which I thought saved tens if not hundreds of millions of lives.
And then, likely in early 2022, I read there were massive protests against mandatory smallpox vaccinations in the late 1800s. And I asked a simple question: why would there be protests against a vaccine that purportedly protected people from a disease with a 30% kill rate?
And down a new set of rabbit holes I went.
The creation of pretend reality is on one side of the screen of life. It would have never come into existence without the demand for it. This is more frightening. It proves how far from “real” life our population is.
The worship of fake events appearing real (aka “fear”) is astounding. As if we were so disappointed with the reality. So much that we need to compensate this emptiness with fake emotions created in a fake context in a fake reaction to fake events. It’s way beyond the “safe and effective” campaign. Or the other way round, the SF campaign could be authorized as potentially successful because the target population prefers sitcoms and staged happenings over real life.
Still, your presentation of kayfabe opens a new layer of this game. It’s like a team of professional psychologists after a brainstorm comes up with a comprehensive recipe on another method how to help people deceive themselves more. They don’t need to anything, we will transfer a sports fake to other walks of life ourselves. Since kayfabe damage is fake (harmless, staged, non-real), we won’t recognize harm as real in a new context right away - and that buffer of months or years is a great gift to launch another level of the same manipulation. In the medical context we see it now as the active promotion of mRNA as a model for all injections.
This proves how far Western "Civilization" has fallen. Perhaps most of civilization?
Life itself has become so featureless and mundane that we thrive on an all encompassing manufactured reality.
I don't know very much. I don't know: Where I am, What I am, or why I'm here?????
I cling to "scientific anchors like Euclidean Geometry and Newtonian Physics and to observable phenomenon such as Trees and Sunlight, to keep me sane.
The erudite musings of people like Weinstien, Peterson, Jung, and Plato, seem to be manufactured Fluff. Distractions from my enjoyment of Real life.....But then, I'm not intelligent!
The observable (i.e. tangible, external to the mind) reality is the manifestation of something else. As with a human body: it is moving for some time, and then, one day, suddenly, it stops moving and we don’t have any “technology” to make it move again. Which is logical proof of the existence of that “something else”. We don’t even know what it is. For lack of a better word, we sometimes refer to it as “energy”, which also is not a defined “something”, merely an attribute to make communication easier.
The same goes for love, like the romantic attraction between two persons. We don’t know what it is. We tried to explain it with hormones, then pheromones, than instincts, but all this is again assigning attributes, external markings on something that we cannot get hold in any way. Discouraged, unable to pinpoint it, we destroyed the concept by using the original word in the original meaning to describe other behaviors (different “types” of love) and even material objects. Insane.
No wonder that people have always tried to approach that unknowable something from various angles. Religion and philosophy being the most obvious disciplines. Esoteric and occult paths being a slightly more elusive ones. It all seems to be an attempt to find that secret key that opens the deeper meanings of what we experience every day.
It is a very interesting issue. If there is the end (of life, world), what is beyond this end? If it is endless, how is it possible? If I am here for xx years, where was I before? What next? These are legitimate signs of the unknowable search of every one of us. Some express it, some keep it to themselves, some try to not touch the subject. But the subject is, was and will be.
"But the subject is, was and will be."
You are correct. However, it should be left as intellectual speculation, an amusement for idle moments; not an all-consuming obsession, and certainly not a 'Tenured employment.
Oh, no, how dare you?
It is far from amusement, and not an obsession. Its value cannot be underestimated when you make an observation, drape it in a few ornaments, patch it up with some fancy words, and release to the world as a new concept. Sooner or later will you be invited for interviews, lectures, and voila you can create a new source of income streams for yourself and others. No small game. Darwin did it, Newton did it, Einstein did it, and we we have a mass formation psychosis. Nicely criticized by classic psychologists, but who cares. The ball is rolling. Not an amusement any more.
It is said one of Budda's greatest lessons involved staring at a flower for hours. One of his followers burst out laughing. Budda exclaimed something like this was the only student who 'got it'.
"Fake Events Appearing Real" = FEAR, that's great.
The NFL is also evolving into an exhibition soap opera sport.
There are very many parallels between pro wrestling and coronamania. One particular one that I just realized is that the "rules" of the referees in pro wrestling are often ignored by the wrestlers themselves. Compare that to the ignoring of our laws regarding free speech, fair labor practices, and medical freedom during our world mania of 2020-2022.
However, I think there might be more to Kayfabe than just an exercise in social deception. First of all, is it really deception? For example, plenty of people bet money on boxing matches, but nobody bets on pro wrestling matches. The underlying assumption is that the result of a boxing match is truly undetermined, therefore worthy of a wager, whereas pro wrestling is simply a show. No seasoned fan says that pro wrestling is staged, but every one of them knows that. I think it's doubtful that any significant portion of people is truly duped by Kayfabe, other than by spending the price of a ticket for a fun, audience-participatory spectacle.
As a sometime spectator at live pro wrestling events, I was impressed at first, like Weinstein, only by the obvious fakery, and by the audience that seemed fooled by it. Later, I learned that it's simply fun to "get into" the story and pretend. Part of the play is for spectators to insist that it's "real", to chastise the villainous "Heel" wrestler for his bad behavior, and to cheer on the good "Face" wrestler. Each spectator then becomes an actor, a part of the show. It's enjoyable if you let it be, and if your own identity isn't somehow tied to that of the "Heel".
French philosopher Roland Barthes wrote an essay (1957) on semi-choreographed stage wrestling, basically describing it as a group morality exercise couched in a live, exciting modern-day heroic myth (link below to his essay). It's a spectacle of ethics. You might even call it uplifting, because it reinforces non-Heel-like behavior in the mostly masculine audience.
In the staged world promotion of 2020-2022, I suppose you could say it was "Mr Coronavirus" vs "St Fauci", "The Unmasked Grandma-killer" vs "The Masked Hero", and "The Anti-Vaxxer" vs "The Jabbed Wonder". Yes, this sort of propaganda framing can stir up a surface moral fervor which may be misguided, but it can only become a mania useful to dishonest elites when people start actually believing it, and betting their very health--much more important than any money wager--on a jab. During coronamania, elites manufactured such belief by instilling fear. The big difference between pro wrestling Kayfabe and the events of 2020-2022 is that, on the one hand, in a pro wrestling arena the audience would never feel fear of "Mr Coronavirus", although they would boo and curse him repeatedly; on the other hand, in 2020-2022, perhaps most of the worldwide "audience" was put into actual mortal fear of that same villain.
I think the comparison between Kayfabe and coronamania is useful for figuring out "how it all works" in people's ethical minds, but the fear-instilling propaganda is what really causes the mania. Kayfabe can be seen as morality tool that can sometimes be misguided, but which may usually have positive social effects.
To be optimistic, I'll point out that in pro wrestling, long-time wrestlers usually don't stay "Heel" or "Face" for their whole careers. A Heel character one year may be a Face a few years later. So it's entirely possible that "St Fauci" will be rebranded "Pharma Mafia Fauci" at some point. I hope there are tickets available for that show soon.
Roland Barthes essay
Kayfabe, the Truman show, the Matrix.
With the exception of a very few, everything people believe today is a lie.
Same examples came to my mind.
Interesting. I had never heard the term.
I often use the word "Kabuki" to describe things that happen. Seemingly unorchestrated things happening, when in fact, there is a role being played at every (most) level.
I consider the actions in Russia/Ukraine such a Kabuki.
I'm curious how closely related the terms are.
I think what Weinstein is saying is that the intermingling of facts and lies is so pervasive and sophisticated - probably because many of those inside institutions need/want to believe, and are then elevated to positions of authority - that even he was fooled. He sounds chagrinned by having been duped, given his prior awareness. I'm guessing he endorsed his children being vaccinated.
It makes a lot more sense from a results perspective to run the grift in cahoots. Any reality is a good reality if everyone agrees and gets along. It's just business.
Merry Christmas Everyone -
Snicklink Parody: WEF [World Enslavement Forum] Head Klaus Schwab Announces "Vaxxmas Hits '23"
In UFC the blood seems quite real, I do enjoy the fights there. Unlike real gladiators of the Roman era, they guys don't usually die and they even win money, I am told. I would guess some fights are fixed, but they make a good show of it anyway. Funnily enough, I can't stand watching the women fight, just the men. I also gained some respect for Joe Rogan as a fight announcer. Watching Boxing is ok too. Everybody has a plan until they get hit in the face, as they say.