Always thought Weinstein, and Williamson for that matter, were both limited hangouts, wittingly or not. Weinstein is a conundrum, producing great insights yet having a fallback position that is entirely official in narrative. Seems the world is full of these chameleons, afraid to actually speak on 'third rail' issues but pointing the way…
Always thought Weinstein, and Williamson for that matter, were both limited hangouts, wittingly or not. Weinstein is a conundrum, producing great insights yet having a fallback position that is entirely official in narrative. Seems the world is full of these chameleons, afraid to actually speak on 'third rail' issues but pointing the way for others to do so. Perhaps their limited hangout position is really due to inner cowardness?
Always thought Weinstein, and Williamson for that matter, were both limited hangouts, wittingly or not. Weinstein is a conundrum, producing great insights yet having a fallback position that is entirely official in narrative. Seems the world is full of these chameleons, afraid to actually speak on 'third rail' issues but pointing the way for others to do so. Perhaps their limited hangout position is really due to inner cowardness?