What can we do, if anything, to change what is happening?

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The book 180 Degrees: Unlearn the Lies You've been Taught to Believe has a chapter devoted to things we can do. Main thing is to become informed, and spread truth. Book has tips on waking up others (spoiler alert - kindness rules). We don't need everyone, or even a majority. Something like 3.5% can shift us to a tipping point.

Other tips include using cash, deleting any amazon services, etc.

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Thank you

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My #1 suggestion: That many don't want to hear:

Get out of Debt! If necessary, sell everything you own to accomplish this one thing.

There is no Investment in the World which could pay a higher dividend or return.

Understand that so long as you have even small Debts outstanding, you actually don't own anything! ((i'm a broken record, but this is truth.)

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All kinds of debt

Who is the lender?

Who is the partner ?

What are the assets?

Take Trump for example; he has tons of debts and assets with a lot of cash flow.

Use debt wisely.

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Oh my God.

This section feels absolutely real:

>What risks do you see in the growing trend of genetic research in healthcare?

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Everybody is at risk. They just don't know it.

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Vicky, I would be very interested in this aspect of your work. Do you have some documents etc that you could point me to?

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I have lots of documents but they are embedded in my posts about the health care system redesign. This link is to my newer website but I still have lots of good info about the redesign of our health care system on my old website too so I'm working on creating a subject matter index on the Technocratic Tyranny website. I've probably spent more time working on the health care system than any other topic.


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I know of your interest in education. See my post.

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Here is a link to a powerpoint that was prepared by the Computer Systems Policy Project (CSPP). CSPP was organized by leaders in the tech industry (John Young, CEO of Hewlett Packard leading) to develop policy for the redesign of various systems of government.

Notice that the government agencies identified as leaders in the effort - VA, DOD and Health & Human Services (HHS).


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This article in particular identifies the connection to biomedical research through the nationalization of medical records. It's a rather long article but very important because of course, medical records are central to everything regarding health care and medical research.


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Thank you so much for this. I directed someone over here who will really benefit.

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I wish it wasn't real but it is.

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Amazing interview, thanks.

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I continue to insist, that many of these "International Agreements" lack the force of Law.

Their power rests one two factors:

-They provide employment and profits for specific groups.

-The acquiescence of people who did not have a chance to vote, but who are insecure about protesting "complex matters"?

Citizens are easily betrayed by incompetent and greedy leaders and any 'whistle blowers' are driven into obscurity by the entire Bureaucracy. See: "Shelly Ann Clarke" in the case of NAFTA.

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Thanks Paul. Did not know about Shelly Ann Clarke. Just read up on her a bit.


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Read more.

In the NAFTA Case: the Provincial Premiers were not allowed to keep or to make copies of the Federal Documents or negotiations. The final document the Premiers signed was not the same as the one they had publicly negotiated. Therefore it did not represent Canadian Citizens? Shelly Ann Clarke blew the whistle on that fact and consequently lost everything. The opposition parties did nothing to investigate or support Shelly. All the politicians collude for their own interests and profits. Just as we are seeing today with the Conservatives coming back into power by nothing more than a shuffle to let Trudeau out without violence?? Only the name plates change!

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I suspect the dismantling of the present paradigm is contingent on reassessing those treaties: aka: ancient history.

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My thoughts exactly. Agreements made without "Signing Authority" or under false pretenses, are not legally binding!

If Canadians can find the guts to reject all these frauds and reject the Self Appointed Political Class also, then we might be Ok?

We do have to worry a bit about the US. But, they have their own problems right now.

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Hell, I'm in the US. and our problems go back into history that goes back into the great erasure of the 1980's and 1990's.

They signed away a lot of our rights back then. We used to have united unions and manufacturing that turned out quality products that were 'green' because they lasted decades. Shit, I still have a fridge a mere 10 to 15 years younger than me still cranking it out because it was made by North American knowhow.

I wanna say I'm OK w/CA.


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I don't worry about you. I do worry about your Corporate (military)/ Industrial Complex.

If your Army gets the order, Canadians will die!

"Just Business"........

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They are less than legally binding, they are null and void and criminal fraud as explained here and the well accepted doctrine of 'the fruit of the poisoned tree'.


Every thing subsequent to and related to any fraud is also a fraud, so that entire chain is null and void. Identify the original fraud, and everything after that falls apart with it.

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Thank you Justin. There seem to be many legal Judgment precedents in support of this principle. I assume the only hurdle is to prove "Fraud" somewhere in the "Covid" or "Vaccine" chain of events????

I would also guess that many legal people are aware, but unable or unwilling, to proceed?

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Funny. I don't find many men standing tall. Most of my Canadian Heroes are Women??

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Because this is a spiritual war. He-men tend to fold like cheap furniture when confronted with real evil. God's warriors are people who you would not look twice at on the street.

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LOL..."Rambo" was the greatest of "Exceptionalist" Propaganda.

Setting unreasonable expectations on the male part of the species, is a set-up for failure.

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And Martha Stewart was the female version during that same time period, insidiously coaching women to meet her higher than high idealistic household standards...right down to the proper way to fold a fitted sheet ! as if that mattered in the whole scheme of life and contentment. Complete inanities that women felt they had to aspire to and accomplish or else they would be considered dismal failures. And all this after arriving home from a full work day. Your term 'Exceptionalist' propaganda, so very fitting.

As fitting as a fitted sheet, haha !

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Sorry.... very corny comment in the midst of all this important discussion

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Even worse was copycat Schwarzenegger (Comando / The Running Man)

When he came to the plandemic he was Mr. “Screw Your Freedoms!”

The consummate sellout

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That's why it's called mother earth.

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I agree with you but unless and until the issue of these international agreements are brought to the Supreme Court to be overturned, they will continue to be enforced as if they are law.

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I know. And that scares .........me, because I nolonger see any daylight between the Court and the government? The "checks and balances" which The Court was meant to provide, have been eaten by their common interests. The Judges have little interest in being truly "Independent". "Covid in Canada" showed plainly that the Justice System was more interested in the Status Quo, that in Justice and Law.

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It's worse than you know. Chief Justice John Roberts was a corporate attorney before being appointed to the Supreme Court. While doing research on the judicial system for a different purpose, I found that the Chief Justice is the U.S. representative on some kind of international judicial board about trade issues - like maybe a NAFTA judge or something like that. I should have written down and saved the name of the board but I didn't because I was focused on a different subject. Considering that judicial function on trade, it would be a conflict of interest for him to hear any case regarding trade treaty treason. That would leave an 8-member court. As far as I know, there is no way to resolve a 4-4 deadlock on the court. Interesting - I guess the appointment of the Chief Justice to an international board on trade would have to be challenged first before the trade agreements could be challenged.

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That looks good. Thank you for posting it and sharing it. From my point of view, what they did and what they are doing is monstrous.

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Interesting. I'm a little unclear about the timeline, but her story is plausible. I was aware of this, that, and the other that she mentions, but not focused on any of it. The 70s were my 20s. I was working as both electronics technician and programmer -- but modifying operating systems and compilers, building hardware and writing drivers for it and such, not working with data and analysis as a rule -- and I had expenses to meet. And I was trying to start a family, not understanding well at all what pharma had done to me before I was even born. Did that ever not turn out well.

I knew someone in the 70s on into the 80s that liked to sneak into ARPANET, a very odd character now long deceased. Having access to that would have been helpful, but I wasn't interested in sneaking in. Other private POTS-based online services arose during the 80's. I went online in 1982 with The Source. HTTP came along around 1990, and I was on the Internet by 1994 at work -- email and web. By 1995 I had my own access at home, and I started to discover all kinds of stuff! Mostly HTTP, with some FTP, but I recall that Gopher was in use too.

But I can see how someone working in the right places at the right time could do what's she's saying, and much earlier.

I had no idea where all this tech was going. I knew basically how it was built, down to the (semiconductor) gate level, but I couldn't see how it was being used, other than that it was putting people out of work (although not programmers). I was not pleased with that, and I tried to avoid that kind of work, along with military applications. I worked in higher education, newspaper publishing, and then microprocessor design support for most of my career. I imagined that such work enabled better communication. Oh well, never mind, forget that. Wrong world. Not this one.

Now I'm like Vicky, seeing nightmares through the screen as the people around me go on about their lives as if nothing unusual were happening. And I have to regularly prove to myself that I'm not crazy. It just took much longer to arrive there. That part of her story is utterly believable.

Hey, you're coming up with some really good stuff!

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So you were in Silicon Valley before it was called Silicon Valley like I did? My first programming job with the business language of COBOL was for a company called Technicon Medical Information Systems. They were developing an in-patient hospital system. The interesting thing about it was that they bought the system from Lockheed. Lockheed actually modified the operating system of IBM's 360/30 computer system specifically for the in-patient hospital system. Shortly before I left the company, they sold it to Revlon which I thought was a rather curious transaction.

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Whoa, I wasn't expecting to see you here. It's rare! I hope you understand the need to validate. I aim to do it with everything, including my own beliefs, and my own life story.

I have lived in the greater Sacramento area since summer, 1968, driving to Silicon Valley when there was a need, avoiding rush hour whenever possible, or flying there on corporate planes during my decade at Intel Corp. Folsom. There were day trips, weekend stays, and weeks spent in trainings. I could never bring myself to live there. Income was not my highest priority.

Lots of curious things were going on. I started out, my first semester of college (Sacramento State, 1968) teaching myself to program an Olivetti Programma 101 desk calculator. From there to an IBM 1620 (1969), then a Control Data-based (CDC 3300) inter-campus timesharing system (1970), and a CDC 3150 that replaced the 1620. It was upgraded to a 3170 that supported transaction terminals. In 1979 we upgraded to CDC Cyber-170s, later adding a second one for an inter-campus PLATO network. By then I was the systems programmer for the CDC mainframes, and I could schedule dedicated console time on them (network locked out) during swing shift, for maintenance and for OS customization. All this was eventually replaced with newer IBM mainframes, after I left. I only learned about the dark side of CDC's history recently.

It was an interesting time of life, but I was an employee in the unionized CSUC civil service system (separate from the main state system, but similar), a supervisor but not a manager, supervising a student assistant and another employee with major issues. I reached a point where I couldn't stand it anymore. There was no problem that could ever be fixed. There was always a reason why things had to stay the same. I remember the transition from keypunch to transaction terminals. The keypunch operators didn't want to budge. As if the machine behind the keyboard mattered that much (what about the job to be done?). Yes, the keypunch (029) had separate alpha and numeric shift keys, and everything new used a standard typewriter layout, and the keypunch was programmed with a card wrapped around a program drum that the terminals didn't have, but so what? But it was a very big deal for them.

There was some COBOL in there too -- I could read and write it, and I had Microsoft COBOL for my Processor Tech SOL at home, but I'm leaving out most of the story. I didn't use it, but it was an important language to know. My favorite was ALGOL, not high on anybody else's list.

I quit in 1983 and went to work in a literal garage start-up, thinking that would be better. (Laughter goes here.) But I had also, in my latter days in that former computer center, beginning in 1981, become more involved with esoteric matters. I joined a "workshop organization" (LGAT) headquartered in Silicon Valley, and began to catch a glimpse of what was really going on. Just a glimpse, but a mixed one, taking a deep dive in certain areas and just a hurried overview of others. Lots about how the mind works, and communication, and relationships. Also nutrition. And sales and telemarketing training, which I have applied ever since to defend against being conned.

That organization, like the startup company and the civil service job, was a huge mess, and I had to leave it twice, but the exercise of weeding out truth from falsehood was tremendously beneficial. I went on to explore many things, although the entire horrible picture didn't begin to come into focus until early 2021 when I realized that our government, or what I had thought was our government, was gone. Taken over. That wasn't *quite* accurate -- the takeover wasn't recent or sudden -- but it was heading in the right direction.

Now I watch in horror. Life's a horror movie. I've adapted to it, though. Maybe it's easier to do that when your entire life has been somewhat of a disaster. I have, however, returned to a clarified version of my conservative Christian roots. As with everything else, I've had to separate truth from error, and understanding from church tradition.

When I shifted my focus in 1981, at age 31, and before joining that first esoteric group (another one came later), I one day put out the question to the Universe, "How do I tell who's telling the truth?" Two or three days later, someone from that group called me -- cold sales call -- and my experiences with them partially answered the question. Everything since has ultimately served to further clarify it.

The answer has proven counterintuitive. It wasn't exactly a matter of learning more, although there was some of that, along with quite a bit of un-learning. It has involved being quiet, listening, and doing what I am shown to do. Something I find very difficult to do. It has involved re-acknowledging, as I was taught growing up, that this is a created and highly ordered world, purposefully engineered and built. Truth aligns with that purpose; falsehood does not.

We understand imperfectly, but taking action on that imperfect understanding yields results, not because of our efforts but because when we take such action we receive help. We are designed to work with our creator, not to work out our own solutions to the major problems of life. Any other approach is folly. I shouldn't even need to say that -- it is so obvious in our world -- but hardly anybody appears to be paying attention to what works and what doesn't, to the results.

I have written more about this on my Substack blog.

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My mother worked at a bank and the bank was putting their CDs on the computer system. She was working as key punch operator for the conversion of their CDs. Sometime in 1964, I went in to work with her to see what she did. Her boss was there and he explained to me the process of reading the punch cards from a card reader/sorter onto a hard drive and then using a WATTS line to transfer the data over the phone line to Salt Lake City which was where the main branch was located. I was about 14 at the time. Working on and around computers was the only thing I ever wanted to do. When I graduated from high school, I went to a business school in California where I learned to key punch. I did that for about six years before I went back to school to learn programming at a business school in Santa Clara. At the time I went to school there, the building of Silicon Valley was in the early days. It was still mostly open fields and Milpitas still had dairy farms.

The reason key punch operators didn't like the conversion was because going from a keypunch machine to an online terminal was akin to putting a race horse in a halter to pull a wagon. The efficiency was gained beyond the function of punched cards so they didn't see the benefit. It slowed them down to a crawl. I was at Blue Cross in Oakland when they were converting their punch card system to an online terminal claims entry system so I saw it as a pretty exciting change - far more efficient than punched cards.

From the time I became a programmer in the 1970s until the late 1990s, my only interest in life was the next project I was going to work on. I loved what I did. It was a shock to see that not only was my profession being taken over by imported foreigners, but that a technocratic coup d'etat was being executed against our country and our way of life. That's when I engaged as a heads-down info warrior to expose the technocratic tyranny that was being implemented against our people - and in fact, the people of world. Its been difficult because computer systems are an esoteric subject. Unlike a tank or a gun that you can point to, you can't point to a computer system. You can only point to signs and symptoms of it - trying to help people visualize it in their minds. That's not easily done.

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Vicky, I am fascinated with your interview and your comments and am reading your Nationalized Medical Records blog from 2007. Thank you for your research and plain spoken analysis.

Your experiences give me a window into how the surveillance agendas using healthcare were rolled out using technology.

Have you by chance heard or read the Day Tapes? A recollection of a Rockefeller Insider from 1969.

"Everything is in place and nobody can stop us now." Said Day.

And I deduced that the incoming internet was the "everything".





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I've heard of the Day tapes but I don't remember if I listened to them or not. I listened to about 20 minutes of David Icke's Dot Connector Video Cast and I will listen to the end because David Icke is on it.

It's absolutely credible that Dr. Day's recollection was true. I worked at a bank after I learned keypunching in 1969. The federal reserve and the bank were already doing electronic funds transfers. The federal reserve would electronically transfer enough funds to cover the federal payroll that the bank handled. Bank of America started automating their check handling processes in the late 1950's.

Most people today think that the use of computers began with Bill Gates. That is so not true. There is roughly a 40 year history that preceded desktop computers. If you want to include all automation you have to go back to the census at the turn of the 20th century.

I mentioned the in-patient hospital system that Lockheed developed that I worked on. They probably began development of that system in the late 1960s and it was probably developed for the military or the VA - but probably the military.

I would venture to say that I was among the first generation of non-scientist, non-mathematician to work on computer systems. I learned systems analysis and design at a classes that Boeing gave and offered to local companies with computers. I could probably fill in some blanks for you.

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Vicky, I formatted your link into a post that I would like to re-print, but only with your permission.

"Nationalized Medical Records"

This is a "secret draft link" (Substack terminology) that you can click on and see if you like the way it is formatted. If you would like for me to post it I will and it links to your blog.

And I will put no subs or income links up. I just want to get the information out there. I've covered the Day Tapes like a maniac 😅 and this is so great because THIS IS HOW THEY DID IT.


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That's revealing about the keypunch operators. I think the ones were located in the room next to my office, but we lived in separate worlds. I used and programmed keypunches as well, the shared ones located in the machine room, and while I had reached 60 WAM in high school typing class I had no need for their kind of speed. The asynchronous CRT terminals I transitioned to (earlier) were plenty fast, although the quality of the keyboards gradually went from bad to worse. (But I have a German-designed keyboard now that is quite good, and I find myself doing rapid bursts again, occasionally.)

As a supervisor I probably heard just one side of the issue -- the management side. I think I did hear the other side faintly, but it didn't make a strong impression. You've reminded me. I wasn't involved in the decision to move to transaction terminals or in deploying them. I kept the operating system running. That type of terminal was of no use in my work, although they employed the same synchronous line protocols and differential line drivers and receivers as my RJE stations. That's as close as I came. Different worlds, next door to each other.

I didn't miss keypunches. I'll never forget, though, using the multi-punch key to punch binary machine code for bootstrapping through the card reader and running bare on the machine. That was special. Try that with a keyboard and LCD touch screen.

I knew that the CDC terminal keyboards with their plastic-y keys could not compare with those of the 029s, and that the software had turn-around delays that could have slowed data entry.

This was a state university, and the data was in large part student records. It's not like it was a large for-profit business. It does seem like there should have been better ways to manage that transition. I don't remember how it turned out for the keypunch operators, whether they stayed or left.

I worked with students from all over the world when I was at that university. I didn't see anything unusual about that. (It's clearer now.) The office staff where I worked (Computer Science department and then Computer Center) were mostly native English speakers. It was the same with the start-up in 1983 (wind energy industry!) and computer-assisted newspaper publishing company (1986-1997).

When that went bust, however, and I wound up at Intel (1997), I found myself belonging to a minority group of native speakers. This was not a problem for me. I found it interesting, and I developed useful skills for communicating with ESL employees that I still use. I was aware of some of the issues around visas and such, but I don't think I gave it all that much thought. I do think now about what was happening.

I continued my esoteric explorations while at Intel and for years afterward. I joined another group and discovered far more than I had with the first one. It was also problematic, and I eventually had to leave. (Long, complicated story.) While I was there, however, I worked within that group to get the word out, rather than working alone. Once I left, there didn't seem to be much I could do.

There still doesn't, but Substack offers some possibilities. I'm not focused on "those people" though, but rather on "us". It seems to be a fine distinction that is missed. Ever since comment sections came into existence they've been filled with complaints and insults and worse about this, that, and "them". That's not new. But the stakes are higher now. It's time to grow up, and to stop with the "trust the science" nonsense.

We've been trusting the science for two centuries now to tell us where we came from, and that's junk science that leaves us with nowhere to go beyond "try harder not to wipe ourselves out". Purpose? Expectations upon us? No such thing, the science says. We're random sentient junk, supposedly, in need of improvement with help from "experts".

How much more evidence do we need to see that this kind of science is not to be trusted? What does it take for people to see the world around them, the nightmare yes, but also the engineered and created world in which we had no part in bringing into being, but that sustains us. That is where to look, to begin to understand what we are and are not. And after that, there is so much more to see and do.

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"Minds are closed and sleeping up until the time when they personally receive some kind of shock that clues them to the possibility that there is something going on about which they were unaware."

Absolutely, I was very much asleep before Covid and even a few months after, I didn't wake up till they said they were going to use mRNA "vaccines", I briefly studied microbiology at uni and knew how important the cellular mRNA translation and transcription process is, establishing cellular identity (what makes a kidney cell a kidney cell, what makes a heart cell a heart cell etc), so why would you interfere with that process by transfecting some random Frankenstein man made mRNA code?

It is soooo dangerous in concept, let alone going through with this action... It's such fragile system of cellular function and health ... A house of cards so to speak... Why is this the ONLY solution??

There are no circumstances that could justify messing with your day to day genetics like that, especially via an injection that could dump its contents anywhere in your body...

Then the rest of the lies started to become apparent...

I too am terrified by how asleep people seem to be as everyday life continues as normal outside my window.

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Critical thinking is on life support

Hedonism did it in

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"Why is this the ONLY solution??"

In my opinion; The fear was atleast as powerful as the "bio weapon/jab."

Normal people are hardwired against such monstrous actions to the point they can't accept others being willing to do this. A historically large number have committed suicide or just 'died of despair'.

Now we are beginning to see the second wave. Injected people with destroyed immune systems are dying from flu and pneumonia when they should not be??

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No but I will definitely look at it. Her material is a lot more organized than mine. When I started (about 2002-3), I had no idea about anything except that our labor market for programmers, systems analysts and engineers was being flooded with people from India on H-1b visas and our southern border was being massively breached by illegal aliens. My research was from the bottom up and became across the board as I discovered each system in the "reinvention of government" project which became the reinvention of governing systems of the world for world government. I tried to make my posts interesting because documents about systems are as dry as a bone as a rule.


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That ain't nothing ... when I go outside all I see are Total F789ing Idiots... TFIs... I used to think that maybe some of them were not TFIs... but nope -- all of them.

It's a bit weird at first... but the feelings of arrogance and superiority more than make up for the surrealness of the situation.

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What part of the US ( i'm guessing its US ) ...... though canada and australia and nz and europe i don't think are much different. George Carlin is always a good go to for routines, one about stupid fkn americans " and nobody seems to notice. nobody fkn cares ....."

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At around 12 min in the interview you question of what is the cohesion that ties a society together and mentioned religion and race were the historical organizing principle of the nation state. Then you postulate that there is no organizing principle now.

I might add a lil nuance and say that hyper consumerism is or has been the organizing principle; there are all these differences in race, religion, etc. but we all aspire to consume different versions of mostly the same thing. This aspiration is what ties society together.

Unfortunately, hyper consumerism for its own sake, other than societal cohesion and maintaining high employment levels, is not good for spirit, body, and nature. It is a dead end.

And now that hyper consumerism is now failing at even maintaining employment levels, we need to switch to some other form of cohesion; technocray or what ever you want to call it.

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Since you were interested in nationalized medical records, I'm telling you about my latest revelation - so to speak. I've been trying to organize my posts on health care in a subject index. Doing that, I found two older posts in which the connection hit me between the eyes. Who was involved in the nationalization of medical records? DOD, VA and Health and Human Services (HHS):

In 1993, Vice President Al Gore was meeting with the Russians and Canadians in a "new partnership". The Russians were being invited to participate in the global system of Economic Development (OECD in case they don't mention it). In this article pay attention to enterprise-empowerment zones (because those zones become the fusion center - control zones).

Al Gore - Vancouver meetings with Boris Yeltsin, Canada new partnership with Russian Federation


In this article, see the section on the Presidio and pay attention to what Mikhail Gorbachev was here to do in terms of redevelopment of communities devastated by closed military bases (designated as hubzones for redevelopment). Hubzones, special economic zones, enterprise zones - all the same and they become the locations of fusion centers for the panopticons for the police state.

On this one, see the section on the Presidio, Nancy Pelosi and Mikhail Gorbachev (Note: the Presidio is retired as a military base)


The implications of are almost incomprehensible.

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My interest in education is the same as with everything. It's about the systems. Can you give me a link the article you are talking about?

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Posted to my NYC Council member re refugees

Same with education.

School Districts of " Parents" were eliminated when the Board of Education was replaced by the Dept. Of Education.

Corporate Book Publishers controlled curriculum with the Federal No Child Left Behind Act and the Common Core curriculum and now phonics crushing whole language, which would eliminate the corporate publishers.

Standardized tests were used to create psychological profiles of students. Corporate Charter Schools appeared.

Remote learning came with Covid. Teachers Union was neutered.

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Terrific interview! Statement to support it.

Apoplectic livid rage hardly describes the intensity of emotions I have had and am having over what these malignant globalists are SCAMMING and perpetrating!

There is no noxious crime that the evildoers desiring to lord it over us won't commit to maintain their stranglehold on power. A groundswell critical mass resistance to their murderous enslavement plans is needed urgently!

THEY can't get rid of the 'useless eaters' fast enough! Mistakes were not made, it was always malice aforethought.


Creative performing arts, fine arts and literary arts are the best part of being human and the thing the globalist predator technocrat megalomaniac total slavery control freaks most want to destroy.

Too many 'sheeple' are brainwashed to blindly obey authority figures on the media or in daily life in corrupt system ruled by control freak psychopaths who use propaganda lies to enslave their subjects and they are dumbed down to be obedient by 'education' institutions. Fortunately I was raised to question everything. This transcends party lines. We need a system that punishes psychopaths and rewards compassion and sharing, we need a system that actually follows The Constitution in reality.


There is a fate worse than death - I would rather die than be a robotized slave of technocratic overlords! This is my hill to die on!

I have a landline and a wired laptop and a wired monitor screen, all the tech anyone should ever want or need. I never had and refuse to ever have one of those infernal mobile devices that are designed to enslave you.

My loathing of AI and all things NANO and digital knows no bounds!

Kudos to UNBEKOMING's and VICKY DAVIS's heroic efforts and success in the struggle. We the People must always be aware of the existential threats lurking behind this fight!

How I stick my thumb in the eyes of the grotesque billionaire bastards pushing their enslavement agenda and how I embrace being fully human.

Fighting the globalist predator technocrat psychopath megalomaniac TOTAL SLAVERY AGENDA one performance at a time!

Amazing Amy: Eccentric Yoga Entertainer!

As an entertainer, I have been devastated and practically destroyed by the closure of all performance venues and then when they reopened, because MY BODY, MY CHOICE - being made a total untermenschen pariah outcast in NAZI NIGHTMARE LAWLESS 'SHOW ME YOUR PAPERS' JAB CROW APARTHEID/DISCRIMINATION/SEGREGATION HELL NYC WHERE THE MAD/DRUNK WITH POWER TYRANT POLS DOUBLE DOWN ON THEIR ILLEGAL MANDATES. I am trapped here with zero financial resources to leave or do anything else about this 'wish I were dead' endless misery life has become. The tragic irony is that my SPREAD THE YOGA LOVE performances are all about health, miraculously overcoming age (68) and injury to achieve feats of flexibility few can attain at any age. So BIG PHARMA who wants to addict every person on the planet to their toxic products hate people like me who prove that we do not need them if we eat healthy organic food and exercise daily!


I try and live and embody the creative performing artistic world and life I so fervently want existence to be about.

They can stick their f*cking damned NANO, Digital IDs, AI, jabs and chips up their asses where the sun don't shine!

All manner of lies and propaganda spew forth from the upper echelons in governments worldwide who are completely intertwined with the global criminal ruling class that wants to commit the worst atrocities imaginable and suffer no consequences. And their corruption slithers down the chain of command creating petty tyrants everywhere.

Supporting this excellent post with a statement and useful links. https://virustruth.net


It was NEVER about health! The Powers That Should Not Be were ALWAYS about they want you DEAD or a SLAVE! This is a painful truth to accept but we the people must wake up and fight back!

We must never lose sight of the larger picture of the vile malignance we are fighting against.

There is an insidious global ruling class plot to enslave all life on earth behind all the madness and suffering inflicted on We the People.

How to fight back against this TOTAL SLAVERY!


Other than getting rid of nuclear weapons which I support 100% the rest of the anti-nuclear peace movement and CLIMATE CRISIS propaganda is parroting UN utter GARBAGE, a complete surrender to the ENSLAVEMENT AGENDA by the diabolical despots of Davos - ruling class criminals who lust for total power and control and all of whom should be tried and jailed for life and their malign organizations dismantled: the UN, the WEF, the IMF, the WHO, the BIS, NATO, Blackrock, Vanguard, The Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, The Bilderbergers, the CFR et al.

There is an evil predator globalist technocratic elite agenda of eugenics/depopulation/genocide using bioweapon poison jabs, war, geoengineering, EMF radiation, starvation and economic collapse - THE GREAT RESET/AGENDA 2030/4TH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION to get rid of billions of 'useless eaters' and to use nano tech to turn the survivors into ROBOTIZED COMPLIANT SLAVES! WAKE UP AND RESIST! DO NOT COMPLY! These are psychopath megalomaniacs who want to play god by turning all life into digitized metaverse mechanistic synthetic biology to be manipulated by their AI algorithms. A more demonic sickening idea is nearly impossible to imagine!


MAKE THE WORLD AND AMERICA 2019 (comparatively speaking), AND FREE AGAIN!
















Pam Popper: https://makeamericansfreeagain.com

Del Bigtree: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/highwire


Naomi Wolf: https://dailyclout.io



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