Wow ... just wow! This one is incredible. Thank you!

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Thank you Kelli, I'm the person he interviewed. It's a joy to cut to the heart of the matter.

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This is a great interview. Thank you, UnB. I just subscribed to Terry's SS and am ordering a book.

God Bless.

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Thank you for your support. I hope you get a lot out of it. Feel free to ask me questions or recommend topics to discuss

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Yo I tag u twice on tiktok hit me back bruh: https://www.tiktok.com/@sheep3044

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I subscribed too. It's excellent.

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Yes, I just subscribed too. Book order likely coming.

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Fascinating interview. I've not heard of this man before and look forward to learning more from the sources you provided.

"Their only job is to help each other get promoted, do a terrible job, promote the worst aspects of whatever business or office they control, and drive the whole thing into the ground so spectacularly that whatever sector they control cannot be salvaged by wise or patriotic people."

So well put!

The institutional church is another spectacular trainwreck and which I walked away from in 2015, but my faith in Jesus Christ remains. Sadly, I feel alienated from church-attending Christians and sometimes wonder if I'm a lost sheep, or one of the "offended" that Jesus mentions. It's hard for me to read the scriptures without the intruding voices which so thoroughly shaped my former understanding of them, and I feel somewhat adrift.

But the plandemic thoroughly unsettled and shocked me that I was prompted to re-read Revelation and Daniel, revisit my bookshelf containing a few endtime Dispensational, Christian Zionist books and finally, to consider other viewpoints.

One of those viewpoints which surprised me especially regarding Zionism was "Pop Prophecy: Exposing False Prophecies on the 'Rapture', Israel and the End of the World" by Tal Brooke and other contributors: https://www.amazon.com/Pop-Prophecy-Exposing-Prophecies-Rapture/dp/1503131149

Steve Wohlberg, one of the contributors authored a separate book called "Endtime Delusions" which informed me of a perspective I'd not heard of before called "Historicism", very similar (I think?) to what Mr. Wolfe is suggesting. Wohlberg's writing style irritated me a bit but I took it with a grain of salt and plowed on, learning a few things I'd never heard before but certainly worth considering.

It's interesting that in those two books, the collaborating authors I mentioned have different conclusions regarding the book of Revelation: Brooke believes there will be an ultimate anti-christ and a literal mark of the beast, while Wohlberg doesn't. For me personally, I'm thinking that whatever it is in Revelation which every single person, great and small, will have to have in order to buy and sell has an Angel flying through the heavens specifically warning mankind not to take it: considering today's technology and the transhumanist agenda, I'm of the opinion that it is quite literally an implant or something. But whatever it is, the spirit of anti-christ was so manifest through the covid operation that it was enough to keep me open to the possibility of my being wrong. Meanwhile, I am trying to prepare myself for the ultimate cancellation.

Regarding the topic of "evil", I'm about halfway through a book by M. Scott Peck called "People of the Lie" which was recently introduced to me on another substack. So far, It's a very insightful and heavy read.

Once again, thank you Unbekoming for another excellent post.

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That book looks interesting, Pearl. Thanks for sharing. One of the things I say in my own book is that it's a hypothesis, not an assertion that I'm correct, because anyone who claims to know for a fact is lying. All we can do is discuss the matter and compare arguments. God has given us time to keep searching and questioning.

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You're exactly right and after all these years I can't believe I didn't question the hubris displayed in those very titles. I guess since I was already ripe to accept that I'd been misled down the Pre-trib, Zionist path, together with a destructive mix of other religious teachings, I'd read the titles as a kind of self-diagnosis, doctrinally speaking.

But hubris aside, I consider the objections raised and assertions made against the history of dispensationalism and its various facets astounding. Also, the testimony of Tal Brooke was very interesting to me, and may be to you as well: he was a Harvard educated student of the 60s who got into the whole New Age thing, dropped his American life and went to India and met up with a spiritual leader who was gaining world recognition. Long story short, things got dark and weird and he jumped ship and got saved. He then became a loud voice warning against the spirit of the New Age movement. Apparently he died recently in New Zealand due to a stroke.

Anyway, I've already purchased your book which I look forward to reading. Thank you for your insightful response.

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Great post! You've become one of my favorite Substackers, by far. I've had to cut down on SS subscriptions, it had become overwhelming to get so many emails. You're on my keeper and soon to be paid list! Thanks for all you do.

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You sure do keep the posts coming fast and furious(ly)! I began reading in full skeptic mode, but I was quite surprised and pleased. There's much in this interview that is close to things that I say, or things I choose not to say, and not because I'm really smart or something but because I read scripture and I notice and remember what it says, as opposed to what denominations and traditions and what-not proclaim. Anyone who reads faithfully is apt to come up with similar ideas. Sometimes, anyway. But speaking about them can get us in trouble with our friends.

Reading and noticing things in scripture is one thing, but projecting a coherent picture from them, one that remains faithful to the word while also remaining consistent with what is happening is considerably more difficult. I'm seeing good ideas here. Not necessarily "the" explanation to end explanations -- we'll see about that -- but worthy of consideration by those not tightly bound to tradition.

In 2020 and 21 I spent quite a lot of time in the book of Revelation. Some of what it portrays resembles what has been happening recently, if you don't look too closely. The dispensational pre-millennialists have done a nice job of concocting an interpretation that matches what is happening, but they did it by only seeing what they wanted to see and ignoring anything else in scripture that argues otherwise. I think that might be a mistake.

One thing that came across strongly to me, from reading Revelation over and over again, is that it feels like these horsemen represent at the very least things happening now. Not really "future". It's not difficult, though, to fit them to the past 2000 years -- they fit well! -- and then we find ourselves now in some phase of the horrible "green" part, living in a world being destroyed with the aid of various "green" deceptions. That's an interesting "coincidence", and I had not noticed it.

Now is that THE interpretation? The right one? I can't say, but it might be. It makes more sense than anything else I've heard lately. That doesn't make it true, but even without accepting something as true, observations of this kind can function as "lenses" for viewing world events. But now I need to mount this lens, and see if it clarifies or conflicts. Or both. Hypotheses. (Yes, I've been reading the author's comments.)

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I believe that the literal translation of Scripture is a deception in itself. The hebrew bible is written in code. The hebrew letters are symbols that represent aspects of human nature. It is not a language that was ever meant to be spoken. Jesus is not and never was a person. Nor is anyone else in the bible. Jesus in hebrew is just one more letter of the same letters that spell yehovah. All the stories in the bible are explaining the Law of Attraction and how manifestation works. Understand the Law and you will Know how to manifest the Garden of Eden and the Messiah. https://imaginationandfaith.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/012.-Neville-Goddard-FIVE-LESSONS.pdf

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Yes, there certainly are different ways to understand things. I was in a similar place to where you seem to me to be now -- I recognize it -- and there has been value in every phase of my life, and I assume there would be in yours as well. We're always learning, if we are open to that and are seeking truth.

In my experiences, I would continue in a phase of understanding for some number of years, learning, and then move on to another, in part as a result of what I had learned. Others I have known have stayed put, no matter what, and I have learned from that. My practice is to move on when the time to do so arrives, when the signs are strong and clear, but not before.

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I feel like that has been my path as well.

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Started reading this interview about 4am (CST) and it's fascinating. Really glad you posted this!

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Dear Unbekoming,

Looking forward to reading this.

You are truly a deep thinker & gifted writer!

Have followed you, I think, since 2020 starting on Twitter and watched your evolution.

Thank you,



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Very interesting interview. This particular Christian actually read The Aquarian Conspiracy when it was first published and delved into various esoteric streams of thought over the subsequent decades. The Covid scam woke me up to re-examine many events which I previously accepted on face value. I had an odd secondary awakening though (which seemed to come from nowhere) when I was made aware that all the gnostic and theosophical material I had been reading was vain and deceptive nonsense. I'd be interested in listening to a discussion between Mr Wolfe and James Delingpole, who also seems to have been down many rabbit holes but has emerged as a firm Christian.

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YES. "For me it’s an easy choice, but I’ve been spiritually preparing myself for 20 years and I welcome it by now. God says that cowards will not be welcome in His eternal presence (Rev 21:8). It takes courage to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, because everyone has to leave something else behind. That may be family, friends, lifestyles, atheism, or even a church denomination. The goal of the believer is to escape your past and join a family which transcends skin color, nationality, time, and space. You don’t have to understand everything in order to enter the Kingdom. In fact, Jesus says we have to start over and humble ourselves if we want to join his revolution: “Truly I tell you,” he said, “unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 18:3) I know that God will open the eyes, and give courage to those who love the truth more than their own lives." Ditto! Thank you for sharing.

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Charles Manson killed the Love and Peace movement while under the control of the MKUltra program. The fathers of the students at Kent Street shot four dead(????)in Ohio with their National Guard uniforms on because there kids were protesting. These two events crushed the rebellion out of the majority of the American youth. Also changing the path of many of them. I think these two operations snuffed out the Age of Aquarius. The Cabal wouldn’t want us to know we are all Gods and start treating each other like Gods.

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The assassination of Kennedy and John Lennon were also big factors in killing the youth movement, but it didn't go away, it just took on a more professional level. As for being gods, don't you see Oprah talking about it? And that woman she's connected to, who's running for president? Joe Rogan is all about that, and they push him to #1 in the world. They deceive themselves and each other, because they have a God-shaped hole in their hearts.

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This is fantastic have just watched the interview with Daniel Natal,

Have you read any of Paul Levy's work?

From this article https://www.awakeninthedream.com/articles/war-and-wetiko

Interestingly, The Book of Revelations talks about a “war in heaven.” (Revelation 12:7). In this phrase, the Bible, which can be conceived of as being encrypted utterances of the soul itself, is creatively symbolizing a living transcendental dynamism that is taking place within the collective unconscious of humanity. If “the kingdom of heaven is within us,” so too is the “war in heaven.” When we are unable to contain the warring elements within ourselves, however, the inner conflict of opposites will spill out into the external world where this conflict will get “dreamed up” and literally acted out in the world theater by way of projection. This is one of wetiko’s chief ways to distract us into thinking that the source and the solution of our problems is to be found outside of—instead of within—ourselves.



These darker powers can only take on a convincing, apparent existence by tricking us into believing that they have power over us. These darker forces only have power over us, however, to the extent that we don’t see through their illusory nature, but rather, unwittingly give our power over to them by investing them with an undeserved objective reality, making them appear more powerful than is warranted.

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Great discussion. In any study of Revelation, I highly reccomend: https://www.garynorth.com/freebooks/docs/pdf/before_jerusalem_fell.pdf Gentry makes the case for a pre AD 70 date for the book and matches up the events of the destruction of Jerusalem with the text.

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Is there a link to hear the interview? I'd love to be able to listen and read along to follow.

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Hi Joanie

no, it's only in written form, but if you have the Substack App (on iphone) it has an audio option you can use to listen to it.

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Hm... assuming it's a "computer voice"?

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Okay, I'll just read it 😉

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I wonder what he would think of Jonathan Cahn...that the old gods are back....because I miss Mike Heiser also...about principalities, and we know that the old gods ruled over different areas and peoples...and of course work for the ruler of this world.

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I've watched probably about 4-6 interviews with Jonathan Cahn, and every time he ends up saying some fishy stuff by the end. He seems to be a hardcore Zionist, using the latest trends and discussions to push people into a narrative that America is the great evil and Israel is the great hope. I'd have to dig deeper into his writings to pinpoint what's wrong, but he doesn't sit right with me. Heiser was a brilliant scholar first and foremost, and he decided to start sharing his discoveries in a very balanced way, whereas Cahn does a lot of creative storytelling and loose associations

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"a hidden collective of highly-connected Baby Boomer occultists, known as Theosophists"



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Ever heard of Klaus Schwab? How about Henry Kissinger? Merilyn Ferguson, David Icke, Alice Bailey (she's their inspiration), Edgar Cayce, or Robert Muller? The leaders are public, but they have many disciples, who are today in positions of investors, CEOs, and politicians.

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Its a deflection from the real power brokers. A misdirection.

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Yes. Seriously. If you've never been engaged in that highly-connected world I suppose it would seem unreal to you but that doesn't prove it isn't real. Only that you've never experienced it. Which does seem real from what you've written. You lack experience.

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Think of the real problem: the synagogue of Satan.

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That's a great topic, and it is related. As I said, the Baby Boomer thing is the lowest level of the force behind it, there are more above it.

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We all have proximity to Satan in common, but from what you wrote I don't think that was your subject.

If by synagogue you are referring to the Jewish people, again, that's a deflection.

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You might want to tell the ones calling themselves that.

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Tell terry to hit me back: https://www.tiktok.com/@sheep3044

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