Hurray! So glad you interviewed Roman. He's such a bright light (pun intended!) in this field. Thank you, Unbekoming... Xox

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Dr Kruse is a health and wellness rockstar!

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Thank you so much Mary! We really appreciate your support and kind words.

Btw we'll have an EMF webinar tonight, where we will touch on ground current, earthing sheets, etc. Would love for you to join us!


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Passing this info onto my son, an electrical engineer, who tells me there is no problem with EMF's!

Thank you :)

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Thank you Ingrid! Let us know what he thinks? Most believe EMFs are safe due to low-levels, but this is precisely why they are not safe, as our bodies operate on these low-levels.

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The electrical system wouldn't work without neutrals, they are always there, and maintained. The emf noise of PWM power supplies is true and causes stray currents and bleeds in grounds.


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I hope this information, and our less-is-more approach, truly helps many lost souls in today's age of health & food "gurus" who have veered from the Source - our outward, and inward Light.

If anyone has questions - feel free to reach out to us at info@thepowercouple.ca

Thank you for this opportunity Unbekoming!

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> Once I learned that 95-99% of all chronic disease is caused by environmental toxins, including trauma, chemicals, and radiation, this propelled me to change what I could control – my living space.

REPLY: Amen!!!

> I used to feel like there was so much I could not control and was overwhelmed by all the fears surrounding cutting-edge technology. Once I learned to embrace the little I could control, I found that what I could control wasn’t little.

REPLY Amen !!! We all need to have faith in doing the little that we can and soon finding out it isn't so littley _/\_

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AMEN to your Amen WM! Thank you. What are some small steps you can take/ have taken to mitigate EMF in your home/ life?

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I use a land line. My principal reason for the land line is Privacy. It is baked into land line phones. Not so for cell phones which are considered broadcaste


Likewise my computer is on a wire to our home and to an ATT router. Sadly ATT insists/requires us to use their router. We are investigating that requirement now.

“fsf dot org” (Free Software Foundation. Free as in Freedom not beer) has been the principal reason to stay on the wire. Privacy and law that make it much harder to legally snoop or eves drop.

What I need to do going forward is use shielded wire to eliminate the EMF bleed. This stack by Unbekoming has re-enforced and energize my need to do it. And loose the smart meter. We are moving next year and will address these directly at our new home.

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Dr Jack Kruse was recently interviewed in a 4 hour podcast on the Danny Jones show. I’m still processing all the info he shared. Wow!


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Thanks watersnake - Uncle Jack is the best. Wed had him on our podcast back in March:


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I found your advice excellent! Super specific!

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Thank you R! What advice resonated/ did you find the most useful?

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Oct 2·edited Oct 2

I purchased a grounding mat (based on another Unbekoming). I checked that our outlets were grounded (they were, we had our house rewired several years back). But I have not noticed any improvement in the body pain (or sleep) I bought it for. I know this is not conclusive - I have only used it a month - but I wonder if I wasted my money if there are other things going on which negate its function.

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I recommend you invest in a local EMF consultant to do an evaluation in your home. OR, invest in an EMF tri-field meter which measures electric, magnetic and radio frequencies. If there are high electric fields and/or magnetic fields in your bedroom, and you are sleeping on a grounding mat, all those EMFs are literally passing through YOU first to get grounded. There are many things to consider to have a healthy home and sleeping area. I was electrically super sensitive, with tinnitus and brain fog and insomnia and anxiety and numb/tingling hands/fingers. Through years of researching and tests, removing dental fillings, etc I finally discovered I had a copper toxicity. I was a walking antenna. I followed a mineral-balancing diet for about 8 months and, thankfully got my heavy metals all lowered, and my mineral ratios all balanced, and I went to sleep to the sweet sound of silence for the first time in 6 years. I learned A LOT about EMFs in those 6 years. I'm using a hard-wired internet connection right now. I'm wearing blue-light-blocking glasses. My cell phone is in Airplane Mode -- except when I use it a few times throughout the day. Mitigate what you can.

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Great points Gram - all progress starts with those little steps we can control, and extrapolates out from there.

Not sure where you're located, but we would love to have you join us for our weekly EMF webinars to help inspire others to do the same!

We're having one tonight: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZArcOqopz0tH9CNwSn-NvPxPgys6kFWRkoS

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I read that Unbekoming post too. A friend of mine in our men's group bought a grounding-mat recently to sleep on. He reported instant sleeping better. I think different things work for different people. I've found walking barefoot 'grounds me' psychologically (as a de-stresser) and so does walking generally with 'proper boots' on. But what is happening in terms of electricity in the body I have no idea.

I maintain a pretty healthy diet and exercise routine, but again, maybe that's just my way of being pain-free. Some people swear by this diet, others by that diet; some by pilates, others by meditation. I try and isten to the body (I haven't seen a doctor in over 40 years, nor had any vaccinations at least as long).

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Thanks for sharing all that Joshua. May I ask - what diet is it that you follow?

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I follow a 'diet' - as recommended by Charles Eisenstein (can't remember which book) where, with so many diet-gurus on offer, he recommends tuning in to what your body tells you it needs. Having said that, my current 'food guru input' is "The Glucose Goddess" (Jessie Inchauspé) because it makes sense to me to 'flatten the curve' of 'sugar spikes' by eating food in the right order.

I grow a fair amount of my own food on a small-holding (quinta in Portugal), having moved from the U.K in 2008 because I felt the economic system was about to collapse (well, I was on the right track) and I felt responsible for five grown-up kids living in cities who might suddenly need feeding.

I'm 68, and currently I eat one main meal a day at lunchtime (intermittent fasting, no breakfast) and in the evening just a light soup, or 'buddha-bowl', from left-overs. I eat a lot of raw and freshly-cooked veg, a little meat (approx once a fortnight when I feel I need it), not much dairy, a little wine, and currently one coffee/day (otherwise lupin coffee); I've never smoked or taken any drugs.

I like physical activity (you have to when looking after land). But I would say that the biggest contribution to health, although I can't prove it, is to deal with childhood and intergenerational trauma (my father & grandfather were in WW2 & WW1 respectively). To me, all degenerative diseases start in the mind.

I'm not religious about it all. For example, as I write, We have 3 out of 5 of our children here + grandchildren, and for the whole week all 'proper eating regime' has gone out the window. And I feel it in terms of bloatedness, and lack of energy. Next week, when they're all gone, I'll get back on track -- but I'm not stressing about it.

I have to say, when I visited America as a young man in 1980, (a).I was shocked that I couldn't find anything I would consider 'fit to eat', and (b).I kept being asked what medication I was on -- and I thought 'what?!? I'm only 24, why would I be on any medication?' I think the American base-line of what is considered 'o.k food', is very low. Hundreds of food processes and additives, etc, allowed in USA are banned in Europe.

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Thanks for sharing this Larsetom - it's good to keep in mind that the Earth isn't a sponge, but a conductor of electricity.

That's why we can find artificial ground current EMF in a place like the desert, in the middle of nowhere:


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I am in the Pacific NW (USA) if that matters.

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gotcha...wanted to confirm as if it's still North America = would mean more likely to have ground current EMF.

We're having a webinar tonight with an EMF consultant out of Arizona who is very aware of this issue. I know it's late notice, but if you'd like to join us, we'd love to have you! It's 4pm PST:


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I learned so much, thank you 🙏

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The electrical system wouldn't work without neutrals, they are always there, and maintained. The emf noise of PWM power supplies is true and causes stray currents and bleeds in grounds.

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Excellent article. I’ve always been intrigued with frequencies and the electrical component of life. So much knowledge needs to be returned to our top-of-minds.

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