Interview with Roman S. Shapoval
On EMF, Sunlight, Circadian Rhythms, Melatonin, Mitochondria, Grounding and much more.
My old ignorant self had no idea there was a relationship between electricity and health.
That ignorance, I now understand, was constructed by the flickering shadows on the wall of the cave I lived in.
For anyone that is early in their journey of coming to terms with the subject, I would suggest spending some time in these stacks I have produced.
I’ve been wanting to do something specific on EMF for some time so I’m very happy at the opportunity to interview a subject matter expert.
With thanks to Roman S. Shapoval.
The Power Couple by Roman S Shapoval | Substack
1. Roman, can you please tell us a bit about your background and journey that led you to your current focus on health, light, and EMF?
When I was a teenager, my mother and grandmother passed away from cancer. I remember always dealing with a lot of disease in my family, and intuitively knowing that there was something missing in the healing process. The struggles I faced as a child forged my future path as a holistic wellness practitioner and EMF consultant. After attending university, I became a computer salesman for 15 years. Eventually I burnt out from the addiction to the same technology I believed was helping advance humanity.
When I left my job, I took a hard look at my life, and the choices I had made. It was at this time in 2012, that I met my wife Bohdanna. When we were on our honeymoon in 2015, she experienced a violent withdrawal from the decades of pharmaceutical drugs she had been on, along with years of insomnia.
I instinctively knew that more psychotropic drugs weren’t the answer and began reading medical texts citing old studies on the positive psychological benefits of outdoor exercise and sunlight.
I ensured that Bohdanna and I went on walks, even on the gloomiest, coldest winter day. These simple actions revitalized her health more than any pill. The next year, I stumbled upon the work of Dr. Jack Kruse, who still serves as a great source of professional and spiritual inspiration. Many health and food gurus didn’t like Dr. Kruse’s message, because the only supplement he is selling is sunlight.
When I learned of the suppressed studies of Dr. Henry Lai, showing how EMF (electromagnetic fields) can cause DNA strand breaks that led to cancer, I decided to devote my life to helping people understand the power of both visible, and invisible light. I read the work of epigeneticist Dr. Doug Wallace, who studies how the environment affects our genetics. Once I learned that 95-99% of all chronic disease is caused by environmental toxins, including trauma, chemicals, and radiation, this propelled me to change what I could control – my living space.
When the pandemic was declared, I decided to use the time at home as an opportunity to learn. I became certified as a Building Biology Advocate (BBA), who studies how buildings affect our biology. I specialized in the role of electromagnetic fields, and how they interact with our buildings and living organisms. That same year I went on to read the work of my colleague Arthur Firstenberg, The Invisible Rainbow. This book convinced me even more that I needed to, not only take immediate action to mitigate EMF in our home, but also educate others on how they could do the same.
With my previous experience as a tech salesman, a firm grasp of human psychology (thanks to my experiences as a child struggling to make sense of the adult world), along with first-hand experience of how light can radically alter the health of a loved one, I put myself in a position to distil the complexities of electromagnetic fields into simple terms, so that even a child could understand them.
One morning shortly thereafter, Bohdanna and I got the idea for The Power Couple. Bohdanna knew that having the right evening and bedroom light environments were important factors in shifting her health. I understood how our relationship with sunlight during the day can reduce EMF toxicity. We came together, and now help others power on with light, and power off at night.
Who is The Power Couple?
When Bohdanna and Roman met, they were two very different people than who they are today.
Roman was a computer salesman who suffered from addictions to the same technology he thought was advancing civilization.
Bohdanna believed in Big Pharma's ability to heal her so-called chemical imbalance.
Until they both found that Big Pharma and Big Tech were only advancing their disease.
After decades of poor sleep, Bohdanna's health came crashing down on their honeymoon, and Roman applied the only medicine he knew he could trust - Sunlight.
Later they would both learn how to remove the invisible light of devices from their home, so that they could live life to the fullest.
Today Bohdanna and Roman help modern humans restore their ancestral vitality by powering on with light, and powering off at night.
2. In your articles, you discuss the potential dangers of electromagnetic fields (EMFs). Can you explain in simple terms how EMFs affect our health?
There are various types of EMF, from radiofrequency to AC (alternating current) and DC (direct current) electricity, EMI (electromagnetic interference, also known as dirty electricity), along with light, and they all affect us differently.
The main mechanism of harm is at the level of our mitochondria, which are the engines of our cells. EMFs disrupt the way our mitochondria use oxygen, known as cellular respiration. In our blood, we all have an iron-containing substance called heme, which transports oxygen to the rest of our body.
Since iron is magnetic, when we surround ourselves with EMF we can no longer transport oxygen effectively. When our cells lack oxygen, they revert back to fermentation - a primordial form of metabolism that ancient bacteria used when there were no plants, or copious amounts of oxygen on our planet. This form of anaerobic metabolism, compared to when we have enough oxygen (aerobic), processes sugars very inefficiently.
Imagine you’re sprinting. Once your lungs use up all available stores of oxygen, your muscles will produce energy anaerobically (without oxygen). When we are surrounded by EMF, our cells may revert to anerobic metabolism. In 1923, Otto Warburg showed that diseases such as cancer thrive in environments of low oxygen, as they use up tremendous amounts of glucose during anaerobic fermentation.
Light can affect us in the same way. Since we have dense colonies of mitochondria in our eyes, when we expose ourselves to blue light the cells in our retina may become hypoxic (not enough oxygen). The chronic stress from EMF may misfold proteins in our eye and nervous system, as our mitochondria can no longer repair damage from environmental toxicity. Alzheimer's and Parkinson’s are two diseases that have been found to be associated with the misfolding of proteins. Proteins are building blocks for the puzzle of life. Our DNA is a protein. When you break the foundational blocks, you lose your ability to put your puzzle pieces back together again.
3. You mention that our bodies operate on a DC electric circuit. How does this relate to our interaction with EMFs?
The amputation of a fingertip – by a car door, lawn mower, or fan, is one of the most common childhood injuries. I was astounded when I read Robert O. Becker’s seminal work, The Body Electric (1985). In this book, Becker shows how children under the age of eleven were able to regrow previously amputated fingers. This was observed in 1974 as children who were supposed to have surgery at Sheffield Children’s Hospital in England were never operated on due to a clerical mix-up. Becker proved that all organisms have “currents of injury” which use a direct current (DC) to regenerate tissues. This is possible as collagen, the most abundant protein of our body, and our bones, contain crystals that absorb energy from light, just as semiconductors do in computers. Our bones are electronic!
When we sleep in an AC electric field, or one that contains other synthetic forms of EMF, we are not able to rest and repair. DC electricity is what allows our bodies to flush out toxins from our nervous system at night via our cerebrospinal fluid.
Becker hypothesized that DC current came from the thalamus or the reticular activating system in the upper brainstem, but he had no experimental data from where it really came. In the last 40 years, functional neurosurgery has found that thalamic neurons oscillate at 0-75 Hz, which is exactly where the Schumann oscillates harmonically, further connecting the brain directly to the Earth’s micro-electromagnetic pulsations.
4. Many people are unaware of the potential risks associated with wireless technology. What are some simple steps individuals can take to reduce their exposure to harmful EMFs?
We hold firm to our motto: Power ON with light, and Power OFF at night.
We’ve found that a majority of our clients, whether we’ve helped them on-site, or through our ElectroHealth Rx course, are most impacted by addressing their circadian rhythms. Many people reach out to us for help in reducing EMF at home, but their greatest takeaway is the serenity they feel at night once they’ve installed circadian-friendly lighting, along with increased energy levels from seeing the Sunrise. These are simple steps everyone can take.
Some simple steps we help others take are a less-is-more approach of reducing EMF by removing it at the source. We advise clients and subscribers to turn the power off at night, at least to their bedroom. Other EMFs, like those from our neighbor, satellites, smart meters, etc. will magnetize to any live wire. When we shut the power off, and unplug as many devices as possible, we drastically reduce our overall toxic load from EMF.
Here are some other ways people can reduce their EMF today:
Shut off Wi-Fi at night
Hardwire using shielded ethernet cables
Replace LED lights with incandescent
Install a red-light screen filter like Iris (not one that comes with the iPhone, as this can increase flicker rate, causing neurological stress)
Ensure home wiring is grounded properly
Wear amber-red glasses before sunrise and after sunset to regulate circadian rhythms.
See the sunrise!
Throw out those sunglasses, as they block UV, which helps us detoxify and fight cancer.
5. You emphasize the importance of natural light for our health. Can you explain how light influences our circadian rhythms and overall well-being?
All life was born, and evolved under the Sun. In essence, there is nothing new under the Sun. This is why if we attempt to modernize our lifestyle by moving indoors, we are working against nature. Fire itself is an invention. The first light we are programmed to see is the sunrise. The light from the sunrise sends a signal to our internal clock, the suprachiasmatic nucleus of our brain, to then run other internal organ clocks that power our immune system and metabolism. This is what we call circadian fitness.
We can exercise indoors, building muscle, however humans have most of their mitochondria in their brains and hearts. Gorillas have most of their mitochondria in the skeletal muscle. Our mitochondria are our energy factories, and absorb full spectrum sunlight, specifically in the infrared range. If we expose ourselves to blue light in a gym, we may have a good-looking physique, but we’ll be more susceptible to dementia, cancer, and heart disease. This is where fitness misses the mark on health, in the 21st century of light.
Contrary to what many believe, our bodies begin the cycle of melatonin regeneration at sunrise. Melatonin is a pro-growth hormone that restores our organism, and fights cancer. There is a second type called subcellular melatonin, that is absorbed by our skin and eyes. We produce 95% of our melatonin throughout the cells of our skin and eyes, and only 5% in the pineal gland of our brain.
Photobiologists like Alexander Wunsch have discovered that two-thirds of our bodies’ energy requirements come from light, and only one-third comes from food. Our bodies use light, just like a plant, to create energy for life. The only difference is that plants use magnesium, and we use a protein called heme. Heme transports oxygen to our cells and is made in our mitochondria. In our experience, many of our followers and clients worry about radiofrequency from cell towers, while ignoring the drastic implications of blue light. Blue light at night can suppress melatonin secretion for longer periods of time than any other wavelength of light. This leads to what we call the melatonin hangover.
Our melatonin levels begin to increase about two hours before bed, and peak five hours after we’ve fallen asleep. If you look at a screen right before your typical bedtime of 10pm, you’ve now delayed the onset of melatonin by at least two hours. Instead of melatonin peaking at 3am, it will peak at 5am, and you will wake up feeling groggy. Since melatonin fights cancer, reducing levels is not wise for those who want to remain healthy.
We find that many people now are increasingly wearing sunglasses in the morning, even if it’s cloudy. We believe this is due to the eyes being damaged by blue light, thus making people even more intolerant to sunlight. We advise people that if they wake up with the melatonin hangover, the best thing they can do is to go outside right away for the sunrise. If it’s still dark out, we can wear red-colored glasses so that we can maintain normal circadian function.
6. In one of your articles, you discuss the potential harm caused by wearing sunglasses. Can you elaborate on how sunglasses may affect our mood and cognitive function?
Before the advent of sunglasses, the UV (ultraviolet) light from the Sun would be absorbed by our eyes, activating a chemical known as the melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH) in blood, which in turn makes melanin. Melanin makes our skin thicken and go brown in order to give us gradual protection from overexposure to solar radiation and non-native wireless radiation as well.
Blue light does not stimulate melanin while UV does, and this is why blue light is associated with epithelial cancers and UV light is not. If you have cataracts, chances are you’ve been overexposed to blue light. Cataracts are nature’s tinted computer-glasses, acting as a natural yellow filter that block blue light.
If you’ve ever gotten SAD during the dark days of winter, you’re familiar with how a lack of sunshine can lead to acute changes in mood. This seasonal effect is compounded by an excess of blue light from technology. Research has shown that blue light disrupts brain signaling and lowers concentrations of dopamine and melatonin around the skeletal muscle of our pupil. Artificial blue light causes our dopamine to spike, and eventually become depleted.
Dopamine and melatonin are crucial in maintaining our mood and restoring our brain health, respectively. Low dopamine levels are also associated with mood disorders like depression. However, sunlight can regulate dopamine levels in our eye more effectively with blue light. As it turns out, the sun contains more blue light than our devices, but this light is always paired with the red wavelength, which regenerates our retina. Moreover, when we see this natural form of blue light, it does not disrupt our ancestral circadian rhythm as does blue light at night.
When we’re chronically over-exposed to blue light, the pupils of our eyes become sluggish. As a result, the retinal pathways of our eyes that project to our suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) are disrupted. Our SCN regulates daily rhythms of nearly all physiology and behavior. When these rhythms are thrown off, this leads to a cascade of health effects.
Recent research on mice has shown that nerve signals to other parts of our brain, such as the perihabenular nucleus (PHb- shown below) are hindered as a result, leading to mood changes such as depression.
Researchers at Johns Hopkins and Brown University have discovered that our SCN is the main driver of the effects of light on learning and memory.
As mentioned above, when we wear sunglasses, the skeletal muscle tone of our eyes weakens, and we lose the ability to regulate dopamine. When control is lost in these central retinal pathways, GABA will also be lowered in the brain.
Why is this important?
Acetylcholine receptors will decrease as well. As this occurs, acetylcholine levels will rise in neural circuits to also lower GABA. A deficiency in GABA activity can contribute to certain mental health conditions such as anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, and depression.
This is why many patients suffering from depression are prescribed GABA, when in reality the root of the issue is not a "chemical imbalance" but an electromagnetic imbalance of light.
Our cognition also drops as acetylcholine receptors are reduced.
When we become castaways of the natural spark of light, we cut ourselves off from life.
7. You mention that our brains are designed to sync with the Schumann Resonance. What is the Schumann Resonance, and how does it impact our health?
Before the Industrial Age of the 1800s, Earth had its own house of electrical wiring. For 4.5 billion years, lightning would provide a steady amount of static electricity, with each strike causing our biosphere to ring at low frequency tones called the Schumann resonance. Named for the German physicist who predicted their existence, these tones’ frequencies primarily range from 8-32 beats per second (Hz), and literally keep all life on Earth beating in rhythm.
When we are in a relaxed state, our brains fire in the alpha frequency of 8 Hz. When we’re alert during the day, trying to complete a physical or mental task, our brain fires in the higher beta wave of 12-30 Hz. When we are falling asleep, or in deep meditation, we may experience the theta brain wave of 4-7 Hz. Children’s brains are wired to be in the theta state, which opens up the door to creativity and the subconscious. This is why not exposing children to wireless is critical, as many wireless devices and routers fire at over 2.45 GHz (over 2.45 billion times per second!)
The brainwave rhythm present for most of our adult life is the alpha wave pattern, which beats at the same rate as the Schumann resonance of 8 Hz.
To optimize our health, and maintain the rhythm of life, we need to dance to the electrical drum of the Earth, rather than be distracted with the rapid beat of wireless technology.
8. You write about the importance of melanin in protecting our skin and eyes from UV radiation. Can you explain how melanin works and why it's crucial for our health?
Melanin transforms 99.9 % of absorbed sunlight into heat, and this greatly reduces our risk for skin cancer. Melanin also enhances the amount of infrared we can receive from the Sun. Infrared light is present in 40% of the solar spectrum all year and drives the engine of our metabolism – our mitochondria.
Melanin is so efficient in absorbing radiation that samples are headed to the International Space Station to test their shielding ability, to determine whether it’s more effective than lead at protecting satellites and electronics.
We make melanin when we expose ourselves to UV (ultraviolet) light.
9. You discuss the benefits of infrared light for our health. Can you explain how infrared light differs from other types of light and how it affects our bodies?
We can only absorb increasing amounts of UV if we pre-load our skin and eyes with infrared light in the morning, before UV is present. Infrared light builds the deeper layers of our skin, which then allows the outer layers to absorb and tolerate more UV. This is why being outside with as much skin exposed throughout the year is vital for our health. Even during the darker months, infrared is still plentiful. Infrared can penetrate more deeply due to its longer wavelength, versus UV, which has a shorter wavelength.
During the year almost half of all sunlight is in the infrared (IR) range. IR light can be further broken down into three categories: near, mid, and far infrared. Out of all the types of light we get from the sun, about 41% is near infrared (NIR, also known as IR-A). Since near infrared penetrates deeply into the body, over 70% of the sun's power that we absorb is near infrared.
Where far infrared LED technologies use a more limited spectrum to create the sauna effect, NIR sauna and sunlight is optimal. Our mitochondria also absorb light in the infrared range and use this light to power our metabolism. Endogenous (made within the body) digestive enzymes like cytochrome C oxidase depend on infrared light. With the addition of electrosmog and blue light, modern diseases like diabetes and obesity are on the rise.
10. In your article on grounding, you mention that connecting with the Earth's natural EMFs can help mitigate the damage caused by harmful EMFs. Can you explain the science behind grounding and how it works?
Our bodies operate on what Robert O. Becker found to be a DC (direct current) electric circuit. Our DC circuit contains the electrical pathways of our nervous system, along with our sweat glands (found on the soles of our feet, palms of our hands, and breasts), which are meant to absorb electrons from the Earth. Our sweat glands discharge salt, which is electrically conductive.
All biological processes of an organism are electrical and use electrons to optimize their function. For instance, our brains require electrons in order to fire never impulses and electrical signals effectively. Inflammation can create an excess of positive (+) ions. Electrons (-) are negative, in the sense that they can be donated to any inflammatory process for repair. If you ever had to jump start a car with a dead battery, you may have had to plug in the black colored (grounding) cable first, before the red cable is attached to harvest electrons from the other car that will give your car energy. The Earth is our grounding cable, which has a negative (-) polarity that can allow other electrons to be donated to organs that need them.
Since our blood’s oxygen-transporting substance haemoglobin contains iron, our blood is magnetic. This is why our blood cells can be damaged by EMFs. Our red blood cells can create what are known as rouleaux formations, or red blood cells that are stacked too closely, like coins. This increases what is known as blood viscosity, which can lead to clots. Ideally, we want our red blood cells to be able to move freely, so that they can supply oxygen with the haemoglobin they contain, to the rest of our body.
Grounding to the Earth, without the presence of artificial EMFs, has been shown to decrease viscosity and improve circulation.
11. Some people use earthing sheets or mats to ground themselves indoors. What are your thoughts on these products, and are they an effective substitute for direct contact with the Earth?
Before the 1970s, grounding was a much more feasible mode of healing. However, our power grids have recently become contaminated with what is known as ground current, especially in North America. The electric utilities have failed to provide a separate neutral wire to return excess electrical currents back to their power stations (substations) from homes and businesses. Instead, the utilities have driven excessive amounts of ground rods into the Earth as a way to return the electrical current back to the substation. This allows electrical currents to scatter through the entire Earth with the path of least resistance, and as a result, electrifying entire countries.
Since the 1970s, electronics have changed the way they power our devices with what is known as switch-mode power supply (smps) to become energy-efficient. Cell towers, and laptop chargers operate and are powered by a smps. This method is used because it is more economical, however it is not biologically-efficient.
Switch mode power supply regulates voltage more precisely by converting AC to DC electricity, but to do this it has to interrupt the electrical current flow up to hundreds of thousands of times per second. When an AC field is converted to DC, this creates electrical pollution known as dirty electricity which then flows back into the grid.
As a result, the 50-60 Hz current of our AC outlets is transformed into much higher frequencies as a typical switch mode power supply operates between 30 to 60 kHz, or 60,000 pulses per second. This is what is known as dirty electricity. Dave Stetzer, an electrician by training with over 30 years of experience, has proven in a US court that dirty electricity has numerous devastating biological effects. Smart meters may emit up to 100 kHz, and put dirty electrical fields back on our home wiring.
Since neutral wires are no longer employed or maintained properly, along with dirty electrical fields running through our homes, we can no longer rely on having a dedicated ground outlet that we can use for an earthing sheet. Moreover, the National Institutes of Health & Sciences of the US government (NIEHS) have stated that any electrical field greater than 1 millivolt/ meter can lead to cancer. A reading of one mV/m is an extremely low frequency (ELF) compared to the type of electricity already running through our home wiring.
Plugging an Earthing sheet is also not a feasible alternative due to the ground current EMF that is running through North America, and other parts of the world. Military exercises by submarines may also contribute to ELF being pulsed through the ground. This is why we must be able to measure ground current with the right type of meter and/or EMF consultant on-site.
In short, I would never use these products, and I would also be wary of touching my feet barefoot in a questionable EMF environment. There are other ways we can regularly discharge inflammation and excess electricity from our bodies such as standing on a sheet of aluminum foil.
12. In today's world, it's nearly impossible to avoid technology entirely. How can we find a balance between staying connected and protecting our health from the potential dangers of EMFs?
I used to feel like there was so much I could not control and was overwhelmed by all the fears surrounding cutting-edge technology. Once I learned to embrace the little I could control, I found that what I could control wasn’t little.
I first began to limit my exposure to blue light at night and purchased red-amber glasses that optimize melatonin levels.
I called my telecom provider, and found out what type of non-WiFi internet modem I could buy that was compatible with their services. I then hardwired our home with shielded ethernet cable. I didn’t open up any walls, but ran the data cables along the floor instead. This wasn’t aesthetically appealing, but I made it safe by taping the flat cable down along the baseboards of the floor. Our internet speed and security instantly improved.
I then began to shut off the power at night to reduce all EMF coming from neighbors and the local environment. Since any electrical current creates a magnetic field, it will attract other EMFs when live.
Bohdanna and I began to sleep more soundly and had more energy overall.
I then cancelled my cell phone and decided to share a hard-wired phone with my wife.
We installed a true copper-wire landline.
I made sure that the gas company did not install a smart gas (wireless) meter on our home and responded to their letter proposing installation immediately. Whenever the electric company sends a correspondence, it must not be ignored, otherwise the utility interprets our silence as acquiescence to their proposals (e.g. smart meter installations, fiber optics, cell towers) I was at home when a technician came to install the smart gas meter, and advised her that I would like an analog (non-wireless) meter. The next week an analog meter was installed.
I installed Stetzer dirty electricity filters on all critical electrical circuits of our home, to mitigate the effects of biologically-active kHz frequencies.
All throughout this journey to combat artificial EMF, I made sure Bohdanna and I harnessed the natural, potent EMF of the sunrise. I give credit to Dr. Jack Kruse for helping us understand its benefits.
The sunrise optimizes all of our biological clocks, and allows us to fight stress, improve digestion and enhances cognition. The light has longer wavelengths at this time of day and is better able to penetrate through the haze of clouds or a dark winter’s day. The true benefit of the sunrise, I believe, is a spiritual one. Seeing the sunrise is a spectacular way to build a meaningful relationship with yourself, or someone else, as you embrace its spark of silent resplendence.
Our circadian rhythms hold the key to the door of the uncontrollable.
13. You discuss the importance of hardwiring devices and using wired connections instead of wireless. Can you explain the benefits of this approach and how it relates to our overall health?
Many modern smart phones and computers have multiple wireless transmitters. A typical phone can have up to five different antennas that all transmit wireless – a digital compass, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, cellular, GPS.
When we hardwire, we reduce the amount of wireless radiation that emanates in our home. Wireless radiation sends packets of data through bursts, or pulses. The cells of our bodies cannot tolerate these pulses effectively. Allen Frey, who did work for the Office of Naval Research and the US Army, discovered that wireless frequencies can cause our blood-brain barrier (BBB) to leak. Our BBB is how our brains defend themselves from the many toxins we have in our bloodstream.
Wi-Fi networks make us more vulnerable to hackers, have unreliable speed and inconsistent coverage areas, and are less safe from a biological standpoint. Wired networks are more reliable, faster, allow for more privacy, security, and are safer.
14. You mention the importance of consuming foods rich in DHA and astaxanthin for protecting our eyes and brain from damage. Can you share some of your favorite sources of these nutrients?
DHA is the most ancient omega 3 fatty acid and is critical in helping us repair our nervous system. My favorite source is grassfed butter, followed by more butter. Cows extract DHA from the grass, and we absorb it from their butter. I also like sardines and mackerel, along with shellfish. I like to make a shrimp-based broth that I use as a base for other recipes. I call this “eating my sunscreen”, as DHA helps protect us against excessive radiation, both artificial and solar.
15. What are you currently focusing on in your work, and how can people stay connected with you and your ongoing projects?
We’re currently creating a Children’s Guide to EMF. For anyone who would like to pledge their support, you can go to:
We’ll also be releasing an EMF Substack Summit next year! You can subscribe to our weekly newsletter and podcast to learn more. Paid subscribers get discounts on future EMF courses, summits, and also receive a complimentary 1:1 EMF consult.
Thank you so much for your support.
Power ON with light
Power OFF at night.
Roman & Bohdanna
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For COVID vaccine injury
Consider the FLCCC Post-Vaccine Treatment as a resource.
Baseline Human Health
Watch and share this profound 21-minute video to understand and appreciate what health looks like without vaccination.
Passing this info onto my son, an electrical engineer, who tells me there is no problem with EMF's!
Thank you :)
I hope this information, and our less-is-more approach, truly helps many lost souls in today's age of health & food "gurus" who have veered from the Source - our outward, and inward Light.
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Thank you for this opportunity Unbekoming!