How would Mr. Leendertse explain the disturbing number of turbo cancer cases that emerged in the wake of the C19 faux vax?

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I did a Turbo Cancer Webinar with Jason Christoff, it's free on my website on the webinar page if you want to hear my explanation.

Long story short - all the chronic stress amongst people fighting over the pandemic stuff is why cancer skyrocketed. The guilt-tripping, shaming, rage, fear, etc.

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I am wondering about this too. Maybe the trauma of isolation?

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Isolation leads to suicide more so than cancer, but of course it's not good for people (unless they are healed substantially already).

I did a Turbo Cancer webinar which is free on my website if you are interested.

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This reminds me of things Wilhelm Reich wrote, that I read over 50 years ago. Paul might find some corroboration in his works, and maybe some insights he hasn't yet discovered.

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I have heard of Reich, and I think some of what he discovered resonates with my experience. I havn't looked into Reich deeply yet, so I'm not sure, but right away I felt Reich had taken the understanding of cancer deeper where it needs to go!

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His book "The Cancer Biopathy" is incredible. I you decide to read it, the translation by Theodore Wolfe is superior although hard to find.

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I happen to have this one - but have not read it yet! Thanks for the recommendation though.

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Reich found that cancer was related to energy starvation on the local level and emotional resignation and pleasure starvation of the organism.

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This is similar to the German new medicine theory and it makes sense to me. Thank you

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thanks Susan!

I respect Dr. Hamer for making the connection between stress and cancer, however, I strongly disagree with a lot of what GNM teaches. I did a 'loving correction of GNM' on my website - its a free webinar.

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I wonder if sociopaths have a lower or higher cancer rate than the general population? Lower because they really don't care about anything or anybody, and don't stress about anything, or higher because of a lack of connection with their souls.

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I think so - I've noticed over the years that cancer tends to occur in people who are 'nice' rather than assertive or aggressive (there are exceptions of course). People who don't care at all tend to be more prone to suicide and heavy addictions.

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Wow! Brilliant! Bravo. I will read more on his website. I 100% agree with his opinion. This is the same as German Nee Medicine, the mapping of physcological events/stress/trauma and disease. From this interview, I would say that he does a better job of leading healing than some GNM practitioners. Radical Remissions is a good book to read too.

Thank you for this!

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Thanks a lot for your message :)

Yes I think Hamer was on the right track and I have a lot of respect for him. However, I do disagree with his theories and explanations about the causes of each cancer. I did a 'loving correction of GNM' which is free on my website .

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Dear Paul,

Thanks for the personal reply! I was on your website and saw that you addressed this. While I love Dr. Hamer (brilliant, etc.), I am not seeing reliable success in the people that came after him or claim to do his work. So very happy to see your work. BRAVO. I will look at your seminar!

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Good to hear. I have some serious objections to what Hamer theorized.

I'll be doing another full webinar on this at some point when I have the time and space for it. thanks 'Pelican72'

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This is great, thanks! I miss the audio version ... so perhaps they can be added to this, and the recent articles, which don't have a podcast version?

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Audio now added, also for the interview with Dr Stuart Fischbein.

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Jan 7Edited

Great, thanks! Maybe there is a limit of 45 minutes? Is it possible to enable a "Download" button in Substack? (maybe not ...)

This article would also be fantastic to have as podcast:


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Psychologist Lawrence LeShan wrote two books about cancer: "You Can Fight for Your Life: Emotional Factors in the Treatment of Cancer" and "Cancer as a Turning Point." Both still in print and readily available. If Mr. Leendertse hasn't read these books, he'd probably find them very interesting, and validating of his own work.

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I appreciate you sharing these - I'll order one immediately. I am always exploring what other people have discovered, and I want to keep deepening and refining and learning.

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Hello Unbekoming and Mr. Leendertse. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I am almost finished watching your webinar Root cause of cancer and loving correction of GNM. It is indeed a loving correction! I wish Dr. Hamer was alive to see your experiences and adjust. His followers are very sincere but results are everything. From what I see, you Mr. Leendertse, YOU are the one with results. I do not say this lightly. I have over 50 years of life experience observing those close to me with cancer. Then in 2018 it happened to me.

I have seen the allopathy poison and drug cancer patients, some live (damaged) but most die. I have seen alternatives work, the people who had cancer, thriving and enjoy long life. But then I have seen alternatives which worked well but then the cancer came back with a vengeance and they they died. Of course, the excuse is always that the patient did not follow instructions correctly or to the full 100%. That is not true. My great aunt and uncle. They did everything. They were all in. They spent $40,000 on an RV, in order to always do their treatments. Then $1,000s more on the diet and treatments as prescribed. They even ate raw calf liver. They never looked so healthy! Then, the cancers came back and their alternative providers had no answers and they both died.

So when I was diagnosed (stage 3B), I knew I did not want to do the allopathic approach. My back up plan was to go to Tijuana. My mother had gone there in 1985. They said she did not have cancer but would benefit from their diet and treatment. She did. We all did. But then life moved on. I was not confident that Tijuana was the best choice. Then, within the first few weeks of diagnosis, I found GNM. It was a great relief to me that there was a clear psychologic base to cancer - more than perfect diet, more than perfect herbs, more than perfect treatments. I put Tijuana on the back burner and kept researching. The concept of GNM bolstered my confidence to refuse chemo and radiation. I got yelled at by oncologists and their staff. I kept going. I kept researching. I read books about other people who thrived using alternatives.

I had surgery, which even from the allopathic point of view is 50% curative. I made it past my 5 years. I did see the oncologist every 4 months, then every 6 months only for checkups. I only had blood work and physical exams, no treatment. The senior oncologist never asked me what I was doing for treatment, she was just pleased to see a patient doing well. I did have second opinions. A well regarded oncologist said that chemo and radiation would fail me anyway, that I needed Immunotherapy - did I have $100,000? I did not. I saw a naturopathic oncologist, who wanted to do herbs and Vita C IV and other treatments. It would be $10,000. Cheaper but I still could not afford it. A friend connected me to someone who had the same cancer, same stage, who went to Tijuana for treatment another confirmation that Tijuana treatments worked. But each trip cost around $2,500. While she was doing well, I could not afford that without a loan, and no chance that I could repay. In comparison, someone at work, his wife had the same cancer, same stage, she had surgery, chemo and radiation - she is not doing well, she has not recovered, she does not have cancer but she is very ill.

Through my readings, I did what I could afford. I did essiac tea (roots and stems, long brew). I drank it twice a day for 2.5 years. I thrived.

In 2020, the start of the panic (pandemic) I really cleaved to GNM because of it position against virology and pandemics in general. However, my health has been at a stand still. No cancer, but lots of stress and tension in my body. In the past year, I have been to emergency twice. They take my complaints seriously because of my history of cancer, I get a CT and they say nothing is wrong and here are some T3's, please take (and leave). When I object to masking symptoms and wanting to understand what is wrong with my body, they say that taking pain relievers is "not masking symptoms". Which, is ridiculous.

I think you Paul Leendertse, because you have freed me from my attachment to GNM. In the past 5 years I have been trying to understand my current health issues, in context of GNM and I am stuck! I have worked with a very good GNM practitioner and not had improvement. I even switched to a competing GNM group (there are factions). My biggest issue, which you touch on in your webinar is fear injected into people regarding resolving their issues. How can they say that the body is so smart, but that at the same time if you resolve your issue you will die. It makes no sense! Also, in your webinar, the GNM1 and GNM2 practitioners kept denying the reality that people keep dying of cancer. If the body is so "biological" and that cancer is beneficial, then why would the body do something to extinguish itself?

From now on, and I don't say this lightly, I will refer people to Root Cause of Cancer and nothing else.

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In all the consideration of cancer - what it is and how to treat it - that has resulted from my increased skepticism and curiosity about medicine since 2020 (in particular through this substack, for which thanks again) the most compelling hypothesis of cancer - as confirmed by the "sugar injection" referenced above - is that cancer is (often, if not always) a metabolic disease. I had resolved, myself, to immediately invest totally in a keto diet/intermittent fasting* should I find the need to treat cancer. The recent revelations about ivermectin and fenbendazole (sorry I'm sure I've butchered that word) are also interesting.

I'm surprised that this article does not mention either, even in a list of "alternative"/"unsuccessful" approaches.

*I' ve gone part way here by largely skipping breakfast so my eating window is at least only 8 hours or so, and reducing carbs substantially. But I find going the "whole hog" is too intrusive into the social side of eating together (with my wife in particular).

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"Some theories exist that testicular cancer is caused by ‘loss,’ but as I just shared, after 15 years of working with people with cancer, the only cancer I’ve ever seen caused by loss is lung cancer. Likewise, the only cause of testicular cancer I have ever seen is related to sex combined with broken trust or feeling unsafe."

Ok Sigmund.

I'm going to use a data-point of one to call absolute bullshit on this. My son spent over a year and a half being a major support and primary mediator between the family and the medical team regarding his fiancé's brain cancer. This was in addition to intensive work on starting a new career and studying for, and passing, very challenging exams for that career. One month after she died, he was diagnosed with testicular cancer.

I'll make this a data-point of two: my father died of lung cancer, though it was probably ultimately due to metastasis to the liver. Sorrynotsorry, but I knew my father and what was going on in his life. There was no loss at the time. There was a very long history of toxic lung exposures, starting from smoking a pack of cigarettes a day, to welding ship bulkheads in very confined spaces without a mask of any sort, to responding to chlorine leaks, again without a mask, even suffering a collapsed lung from the experience.

I've read a pretty long list of "experts" who are absolutely convinced that THEY, and only they, know the one and only one cause of cancer. This arrogant certainty is beyond overstated and potentially tragically misleading.

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Cancer is very triggering for deep reasons.

Im sorry you've chosen to be negative, disrespectful and mean. My simple interview is only the tip of the iceberg, there is a lot more to know about cancer. Without crossing personal boundaries about your son or your father, I will leave this here.

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Mr. Leendertse is very -- well, I'm not sure how to say this, but perhaps "black and white" in his statements...very certain and confident in drawing straight line connections between specific emotional factors and cancers in particular locations in the body.

Decades ago now, psychologist Lawrence LeShan wrote a book titled "You Can Fight for Your Life: Emotional Factors in the Treatment of Cancer." What he observed was that many cancer patients had experienced a big loss early in life, apparently recovered from it, and then had another painful experience that seemed to "reopen" that early wound and lead to their being vulnerable to cancer. I think it's possible that if you read LeShan's book (which is still in print BTW), it will help you understand your son's development of cancer. LeShan was much more "nuanced" (and you might say "humble") in his perspective than Mr Leendertse is.

About your dad -- I remember that LeShan gave some statistics that I interpreted as showing that a high percentage of cancer patients fit the psychological pattern he described -- but not all did -- and I thought at the time "Ok, those may be people where physical factors like toxic exposures are the cause and there's no significant emotional component." Perhaps your dad was in that group? Or perhaps not. Human life is a complex tapestry. We can work hard at deciphering the patterns and be sure that we've figured out something important -- but it may be we've grasped just one thread.

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I didn't make my conclusions until after years of seeing the same thing over and over again. While you may want to perceive me as 'not humble', I am simply teaching and sharing what I see through my work, from direct experience - not theories or surface or limited experiences. Lung cancer is complex and I've shared some basic understandings, and while I said it always results from a form of Loss, it is not always related to death. If you want to really learn, take my training. But please don't make too heavy of conclusions about what I know or teach from a short interview.

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This interview is only a synopsis.... However, the heart of German New Medicine was when the founder experienced testicular cancer after his son died Perhaps your son experienced the loss of his girlfriend and the children they would have had? I had stage 3B Uterine cancer and the GNM understanding made sense for me.

Regardless, I am very sorry for your loss. No parent should experience the loss of their child.

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His statement was this: "the ONLY cause of testicular cancer I have ever seen is related to sex combined with broken trust or feeling unsafe." [my emphasis]

As Kayla Wildman stated above: "Mr. Leendertse is very -- well, I'm not sure how to say this, but perhaps "black and white" in his statements...very certain and confident in drawing straight line connections between specific emotional factors and cancers in particular locations in the body."

With such absolute declarations such as that, I'm not the least bit interested in going beyond the synopsis.

And thank you, but my son is fine now.

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This sounds great & I believe it has/can help many people. However I’m struggling with the fact that my 51 yo dad who in 1985 died of lung cancer within 3 months of his diagnosis contracted his disease because he was grieving the loss of someone? As far as I know he was the one that we had to grieve losing so early. His cigarette chain smoking habit for about 20 years of his life cannot be overlooked as a cause of the cancer. The radiation “treatment” however really helped speed up his death.

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You might find it interesting to read psychologist Lawrence LeShan's book "You Can Fight for Your Life: Emotional Factors in the Treatment of Cancer." If I remember right, he found that a high percentage of cancer patients had a similar psychological history -- a loss early in life from which the person seemed to recover, but then a second loss of some type (not necessarily of a person) which seemed to "reopen" the original wound. But as I understood his book (decades ago now...), not all cancer patients fit the "profile" -- and I remember thinking that perhaps those were people whose cancers had purely physical causes like smoking...

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Yes my father did not suffer a loss when he was young or when he was older. He was a great guy w/8 kids. He did smoke heavily when he was in the army & kept it up until at least his early 30s. You couldn’t find an old home movie where most of the adults were smoking!

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I can assure you your father was suffering from loss. However, as I said in the interview "Loss isn’t always associated with death - but death of a loved one is one of the most common causes of lung cancer I see." If you want to deeply understand cancer take my training, and please realize that a short interview is not nearly going to give you a full understanding of cancer, or what happened to your father.

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