Interview with Lourdes & Chris Lavoy
On Option C, Surviving Cancer, Responsibility and more.
Industrial Medicine requires obedience. It doesn’t “work” with it.
In fact, it doesn’t survive without it.
That obedience is ultimately an act of faith.
Faith in The Science, faith in the Government, faith in the Companies, faith in the Regulators and above all faith in the “Priest” wearing a white coat telling you that you have 6 months to live.
Through this “faith”, we lose ourselves. We become obedient, enchanted, child-like, followers of a devouring leviathan. Our blind faith is its fuel.
We forget that we are responsible.
Option C is a reminder of, and a calling to, that responsibility.
It’s empowering and it’s hopeful.
The Lavoy’s message is an important one. It’s not just about cancer, although this story was born out of cancer. It’s a story of choice, faith, vision, strength and ultimately of hope.
I’m grateful to Lourdes and Chris for such an open and honest exchange. It will connect with many, I’m sure.
With thanks to Lourdes & Chris Lavoy.
1. Your journey fighting cancer naturally has been truly inspiring. What was the pivotal moment that made you decide to pursue Option C and document your healing process, Lourdes?
I was at the doctor's office, listening to my diagnosis and the recommended treatment plan. However, I knew from my past experiences with holistic healing that I wasn't going to follow the doctor's protocol. Instead, I planned to create a documentary showcasing how someone with cancer can be healed naturally without the use of harmful chemicals and radiation. Throughout my life, I've received advice from friends and colleagues about natural remedies, but it wasn't until now that I realized how important these options were. I was confident that this was my calling from God, and I was determined to help others through my documentary. My husband, Chris, was tired of hearing me talk about my purpose, but I knew what I needed to do at that moment at the doctor's office. I was standing in the doctor's office, getting my diagnosis. I felt like I was an outside observer as our family doctor was giving me not just the diagnosis but also the protocol that I was going to be doing. For most people, it is good that the doctor hands you "marching orders." Still, I knew even as she spoke to me about a game plan that I was NOT going to be following her treatment plan.
Instead, I was going to pick up a camera and make a documentary showing that cancer is healed holistically and not using poisons and radiation. What is important to point out is that I have experienced options for holistic healing throughout my life. A friend would suggest alfalfa instead of antibiotic medication for my throat infections I experienced a lot. A fellow actor on set told me about enzymes and their importance to the digestive process. This sort of guidance popped up again and again, though I never saw the pattern until I was clear that I was going to heal my cancer holistically. I also knew that God put me on this earth to do something significant to help humanity. I drove my husband, Chris, crazy after he heard me repeatedly tell him that there was something that I was supposed to do. It’s why I knew what to do at that moment in the doctor's office.
2. Chris, supporting a spouse through a major health challenge like cancer is never easy. How did you find the strength to back Lourdes’ decision to pursue natural treatments, even when you initially disagreed?
I am clear now that at the time of the diagnosis, I went into an experience that most people have when they or a loved one gets a diagnosis of cancer. I was immediately afraid. Why? Because our whole lives, we have been trained and indoctrinated into a belief system that says that “cancer is a death sentence” and that “the doctor knows best.” I was firmly an “Option A” person. As a result, I lacked the faith that Lourdes was making the right decision. I had compelling arguments, too. I pushed how doctors went through years of training, literally devoting their lives to becoming doctors, and I also pointed out all of what our doctor had said as though it was bonafide science.
I can now strip away all the points I pushed on Lourdes because of what I learned during our journey and all our research. When Lourdes needed me the most, I was her most significant and loudest adversary. Our marriage became strained. There were times we didn’t speak to one another. I called my mom, a retired nurse, and I thought that I could get my mom to talk some sense into Lourdes. After I told my mom everything that was happening, my mom chastised me. She pointed out that I was in the wrong. I was shocked. My mom pointed out that when I married Lourdes, I took a vow that said for better and worse and in sickness and health. She went on to tell me that nowhere in those vows does it suggest that we had to be in consensus to honor, just that we support and love; the conversation was a paradigm shift for me. I was Lourdes’ strongest advocate from that point on.
3. What were some of the key lifestyle changes and natural therapies that made the biggest difference in your healing, Lourdes?
My dietary change was the significant difference in my process. Before my cancer diagnosis, my husband Chris and I consumed the standard American diet, which included meat as the main dish in every meal. The vegetables we ate were cooked to such a degree that they lost most of their nutritional benefits, making them "dead foods." Due to my strong sweet tooth, most of our meals were desserts, and when we went out to eat, Chris looked at the meat and potatoes on the menu, while I looked at the dessert section.
I used to believe that I was one of the lucky ones who could eat whatever I wanted without gaining weight. However, I later learned that cancer thrives on sugar and that it releases a chemical that makes a person crave it even more. After my diagnosis, I had to change my relationship with food and switch to a nourishing diet. I recommend that everyone correct their diet before any adverse illnesses occur.
I tried various natural therapies, including a macro diet, ozone therapy, vitamin C injections, and the maple syrup/baking soda protocol. However, the best therapy for me was phototherapy, which I received in Mexico. I also became vegan but it had to be raw vegan. During the treatment, I had to sit in a dark room, and my doctor handed me three capsules in the dark. I let the capsules dissolve under my tongue, and in twenty-four hours, I lay naked under a full spectrum of light that mimics sunlight.
The capsules that I had dissolved under my tongue coated the cancerous tumors with what I think of as algae on the pool wall. When the full spectrum light hit the plants around my tumors, photosynthesis occurred, and oxygen decimated cancerous cells. The process attacks cancer directly.
4. Throughout your journey, you’ve emphasized healing not just physically but also mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Can you share more about how you approached this holistic healing process?
Emotional damage is every bit as real as physical damage. Specific negative emotions affect different functions of the body, and cancer is no exception. Our thoughts create an emotion, and our emotions either build our spirit or knock it down. Our relationship with God also plays a role. Sometimes we forget that. Our thoughts can affect the body’s function if we don’t address that no amount of healthy eating will help you. I had a lot of adversity in my life that I had to make peace with, which had to do with forgiveness and then letting go. Staying in the spirit of love and healing was very important that’s where trusting God came in. Chris and I always advise that the most critical step for someone to heal anything is to take ownership of where they are. For transformation in any aspect of life to occur, people need to acknowledge that the decisions and attitudes they have maintained are what brought them to a current situation. Complete ownership of one's situation is challenging, but real power happens when we do. We called this power Option C. When we were on our journey, we interviewed many people, and we found that everyone fell into one of three options in their health journey. Option A people (where most people are) do not take responsibility for where they are in life or health. They believe that things happen to them. They are relieved when a doctor takes responsibility for their healing process.
There is no power in Option A, and that is why the statistics show that a significant health opportunity like cancer is a death sentence. Option B people still believe that these bad things like cancer have just happened to them. The difference is that Option B chooses to do nothing to correct their predicament. When we interviewed Option B people, they would say that it was a higher power that caused their ailment and that if this was the will of God, then so be it. Option C is what we call the responsibility option. Option C people acknowledge the root cause of a situation or illness, and it is entirely up to them to do the research, take ownership, and transform. Option C people innately know that we are the authors of our existence, and while outside forces are at work, it is our responsibility to meet every challenge and to become stronger for it.
5. Your experience led you to the realization that Option C thinking applies not just to health, but to all aspects of life. How has embracing an Option C mindset changed your approach to your relationships, careers, and spirituality?
A common belief is that there is a specific path to success in every aspect of life. Do this, then do that, then this will happen, and so on. At the same time, complacency can also exist in all things. Belief in this concept is where people feel "stuck" in any situation. To break out of an Option A paradigm is to own your progress. In our relationship, we adopted better communication and reaffirmed our commitment to each other. Every night before we go to sleep, Chris rubs my back for no reason other than knowing it helps me relax and fall asleep. It was never a priority for him until I had gotten so physically ill that if he touched me, it caused me pain. In our career, we have become independent of the Hollywood system. There is so much wrong with that system that we decided our Option C was to step away. We are in good company as we read about other Hollywood people who have opted that Option A Hollywood is not for them. People like Mark Wahlberg, who has opened his studio in Nevada, or Jim Caviezel, who will not accept a part for his career, but rather because his spirit is in line with the message, or Neal McDonough, who almost killed his career when he publicly announced his religion and commitment to God meant that he would not do a love scene or even kiss another woman for the sake of filming. We can point to many Option C success stories in the business world. They are the men and women who dropped out of college or put it all on the line in defiance of Option A thought processes and have since moved on to be some of the most financially wealthy people in the world. We now make it a point that whatever we decide we want to do in any part of our lives, we pray to God about the situation, allowing for it to always be in line with the mission that our heavenly Father has placed us on to be a difference to others.
6. What has been the most rewarding aspect of sharing your story and inspiring others as keynote speakers at major events like “The Truth About Cancer”?
Our documentary, "Create Option C: My Journey With Cancer," was created to shift the conversations around cancer. During screenings, we found that people would share their own stories about cancer with us at length. Many of them suggested that we write a book so that they could read and share our story with others. Though we reached many people through these methods, we continuously looked for ways to reach more people. When we gave our talk at "The Truth About Cancer" event, the energy exchange between the audience and ourselves was palpable, and we could immediately see how our story and ideas affected the people in attendance. Giving live talks has become our favorite communication type because of the energy exchange between the audience and ourselves. As an example, an oncologist who was brought by a friend who was battling cancer spoke to Lourdes after the talk, and as tears ran down his face, he told Lourdes that because of what we shared, he now believes in other options.
7. In your book “Our Journey to Option C” you share very personal and profound experiences, like your encounters with “Light Beings” during a near-death experience, Lourdes. How did those spiritual experiences impact your healing journey and outlook on life?
The first time I met with the "Light Beings," I felt an indescribable connection with the divine. I was enveloped in a heavenly glow of God's love that conveyed to me that I was on the right path. It gave me the strength to push through any obstacles and reminded me that every person on this planet is divine, loved, and important. Even as a child, I have always loved everyone I met, but after my conversations with the Light Beings, my love for humanity has deepened even more profoundly. I know that these interactions raised my spiritual vibrations, and as a result, I continue to meet brilliant luminaries. Moreover, I have become more attuned to what people might need to heal from specific ailments. When I talk to someone, I listen to their story and understand how certain remedies, such as Vitamin E, could help them. I’ll ask God what it is I need or they need, and every time, he shows me through a thought placed in my head or a vision he gives me. It is a gift for which I am grateful. I have learned that we are designed perfectly to live in perfect health, and there is always a way to return to optimal health when we fall off track. God has taught me this through the Light Beings he sends me and even, at times, shows me the answer. These experiences have taught me invaluable lessons.
8. You’ve both had successful careers in entertainment, like Lourdes’ break-out role on “Without a Trace.” How does your Option C philosophy influence how you approach your acting and filmmaking projects?
Chris and I are committed to working on projects that carry a message that can help elevate the consciousness of everyone. When I accepted the role in the movie "Crave the Fast Life," it was because its message aligned with my personal beliefs, and I was proud to be a part of it.
When we first moved to Hollywood, we found ourselves in a machine that seemed to pull us in different directions. We had to choose between Option A, which involved attending red carpets and events that did not resonate with us but were part of what agents and mentors told us was necessary to succeed, or Option C, which meant creating content that we could promote with pride and a mindset of growth and awareness.
We decided to go with Option C, which means that we are working on projects that inspire and encourage a healthier and more complete way of being in mind, body, and spirit. We believe in creating content that can touch, move, and inspire people without resorting to violence or anything that is not conducive to a higher vibration. We are not afraid to voice our opinions, but we do it with respect and care, and we always strive to be true to ourselves and to the message we want to share with the world.
We have also started a weekly video blog where we discuss health and wellness from the Option C way. The Lourdes and Chris Show was the next logical step in changing the conversation around wellness and health. Every week we interview a luminary or share insight that we have learned. The show’s motto is: “You don’t know who needs to know the thing that you know”. I cannot express the level of gratitude I have for the community of people that shared their knowledge in fighting cancer holistically. We feel a personal responsibility to be the next link in that chain.
The Lourdes and Chris Show
9. What advice would you give to someone who has just been diagnosed with cancer and is feeling overwhelmed and afraid?
When someone is diagnosed with cancer, it is important to let go of any preconceived notions they may have. Fear is a rational reaction, but it is time to gain knowledge and power. Knowledge will always knock the fear out of the equation. Understanding why you have cancer is important, as it is the body's reaction to toxins that have allowed an abnormal cell to duplicate and form a tumor. It is essential to become a student of cancer by checking your diet, understanding what chemicals you are exposed to at work or in your home, and becoming your own detective. Everything you put on, in or around your body can affect you always chose natural. Avoid any “foods” in a bag, can, or box. Do not be afraid, as fear can lead to poor decisions. It is crucial to research and understand the side effects of treatments before agreeing to them. Reach out to the network of people who have healed their cancer without traditional oncology treatments. These people are alive and thriving and willing to share their experiences. If someone wants to reach out for guidance, they can reach us via email at
10. On your path, you’ve encountered a lot of resistance from well-meaning friends, family, and doctors who didn’t understand your choices. How did you handle those challenging interactions?
Chris and I have different approaches when it comes to dealing with people who react negatively towards our healing approach. Chris tends to take a more political approach, believing that by being kind and level-headed, we can find common ground and have an open dialogue. I, too, approach the situation in a similar way, but only to a certain extent. When our daughter was hospitalized with a severe brain injury (brain dead), we were informed that the hospital would keep her alive until we could arrive and say our goodbyes. The hospital was unaware that I am Option C. I conducted my own research and discovered that high doses of omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil could potentially reverse severe brain damage. When we arrived at the hospital, it was not to say goodbye to our daughter, but to instruct the medical staff on how we were going to save her. Chris was respectful and considerate in his approach, but when I noticed that we were not deviating from the hospital's predetermined course of action, I intervened and was less than polite. This is a critical aspect of Option C that people must understand. Option C acknowledges the reality that the hospital does not have complete control over the measures taken to restore a patient's health. My daughter got a high dose of fish oil, as I demanded, and she is alive and well today. The hospital and its doctors cannot compel a patient to receive a particular treatment or dictate how they should proceed with their recovery. I was denied any antibiotics for my pneumonia after I was admitted to a hospital from an inability to breathe. I was denied the antibiotics because I refused to do chemotherapy. The doctors were basically holding me hostage trying to force me to their treatment option. I demanded that they let me go, or I would walk out of that hospital like the woman I am. I argued with more doctors than I care to recount in my journey because they are used to being the ones in control. Option C means that I am in control. After I was discharged from the hospital, I conducted my own research to find out what natural remedies could help me recover from pneumonia. I realized that if I wanted to live a life that defies expectations, I couldn't be afraid of facing challenges. When I spoke from a place of knowledge and conviction, nothing could stop me. Together with Chris, we formed a team of like-minded individuals who share the same spirit of embracing the unexpected. We respectfully distanced ourselves from those who didn't share our vision. After I was released from the hospital, I did my own research to learn what would naturally assist with my pneumonia and took care of it myself. If one is going to live an Option C life you cannot be leery of opposition. When you speak from a place of education and belief you are unstoppable. Chris and I built a team of like-minded Option C people and respectfully removed ourselves from those that weren’t.
11. Chris, you’ve mentioned that true love is about pure support, not imposing opinions on each other. How has your relationship evolved and strengthened by embracing that definition of love?
Many marriages fail due to the power struggle that occurs when partners stop working together and instead focus on controlling each other. However, in my marriage with Lourdes, we continue to share opinions and discuss them in a respectful manner. Even when we don't reach a consensus, we still love and respect each other. I've witnessed Lourdes at her worst, and I feel blessed to have been able to support her during that difficult time. This experience has taught me what true support means. Now that she is alive and thriving, any disagreements or mistakes we make seem insignificant compared to the love we have for each other. Our relationship is strong because we don't try to win every argument. Instead, we value each other's opinions and work together to find a solution.
12. If you could go back to the beginning of this journey, what is one piece of wisdom you’d share with your past selves?
That is a difficult question to answer. A lot of who we are today is because of the journey. I went through so much, and I can speak authentically because of it. Having days left to live and pulling through allows me to speak from that. I have many who will tell me, “The doctor gave me six months to live.” I can respond, “That was more than I had.” Then tell them, “You got this. You have to be willing to do what is necessary.” I couldn’t do that if I weren’t there myself. Chris advises that he would tell himself that it is ok to sleep. Throughout the whole journey, he was on a heightened level of awareness, and every little noise would snap him to full awake. I guess the big thing I would tell the beginning Chris and Lourdes would be to FILM EVERYTHING. There were times when things got scary, and filming the event was the furthest from Chris’ mind. Even though we had over forty hours of footage that we did have to work with, there were some pivotal moments that we could only speak of in interviews because the footage wasn’t there. It was a weird thing, but the fact that we were consciously filming a documentary about what we were going through gave us a task that would get us through difficult times. Documenting the journey was a task that we could throw ourselves into and keep our minds occupied. That's why I encourage people to keep a journal of their specific journey. I find that the extra task is the perfect way to distance yourself just enough to stay objective and to keep emotions in check."
13. What are some simple things that everyone can do to live a more Option C life, even if they are in good health currently?
Option C represents taking full responsibility for one's life, including accomplishments and mistakes. This mindset involves owning everything that happens and turning negative experiences into learning opportunities. Optimum health is achieved through self-ownership and ensuring that our self-integrity is absolute. When you eat, always ask yourself, is this nourishing or destroying your cells? We believe that all living entities are either growing or dying, and Option C is about continually striving for growth. Our knowledge of health has expanded since the publication of our book, and we are considering creating a second edition or a new book entirely. We are committed to ongoing growth, knowing that in the next decade, we will continue to learn and expand our knowledge.
14. You’re working on an exciting new 9-part docuseries based on your award-winning documentary “Create Option C My Journey With Cancer.” What can viewers expect from this new series?
As we mentioned earlier, we had over forty hours of footage to go through to create a documentary. It was challenging to condense it into an hour and a half, which resulted in us not being able to delve into some aspects of the journey as much as we would have liked. Looking back at the footage, we now have a better understanding of some situations and occurrences that we captured during our journey. To expand on the different treatment options and Lourdes's experiences, we have decided to create a 9-part docuseries. By exploring these topics in-depth, we aim to reach a wider audience and offer hope and guidance to those on a similar journey.
15. With all you’ve accomplished already, what’s next for you both? And what’s the best way for people to stay connected with your work and message?
Chris and I have written a screenplay and a television series that we are working on to get off the ground. The movie and the television series will reflect our values and entertain while informing. We are continuing The Lourdes and Chris Show because we are spreading the message as far and as wide as we can. Our website is and our show is on Rumble every Sunday, just search “The Lourdes and Chris Show”. We are also on YouTube. Our books ‘Our Journey To Option C’ and ‘Three Week Step Into A Healthier You’ are available on Amazon. We have found that the best way to find our books on amazon is to do a search for Lourdes Lavoy.
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Resources for the Community:
For those affected by COVID vaccine injury, consider the FLCCC Post-Vaccine Treatment as a resource.
Discover 'Baseline Human Health': Watch and share this insightful 21-minute video to understand and appreciate the foundations of health without vaccination.
Books as Tools: Consider recommending 'Official Stories' by Liam Scheff to someone seeking understanding. Start with a “safe” chapter such as Electricity and Shakespeare and they might find their way to vaccination.
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Thank you so much for this informative, important, and most likely life saving interview! 💕🙏
Great interview! There is always hope after diagnosis.