Thank you Unbecoming.

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Thank YOU, Kyle.

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Good interview but no new ground uncovered here. I pick up on tidbits that are different, unique, that which I never heard before and then just run with it. It's amazing what you learn from these once and done pieces of information, wiped away, yet can easily be found elsewhere, and that is what I do. I am forever stunned as to the degree of ignorance shown by comments of average citizens on yahoo, twitter etc, that completely accept a most ridiculous narrative as gospel.

My learning experience these last 24 years, those little tidbits I read, has allowed me to critically think, connect my dots, not right all the time, but eventually lead me to a path of validation by Kyle and many many others. I call it reading. I'm not very smart, trust me, but this HS graduate just validated everything Kyle said and then some not mentioned, because I read.

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Thank you both : )

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Amazing interview! I am in 💯 percent alignment with everything that Kyle shared. I very much appreciate the two of you collaborating to bring these truths to the surface. Keep going! Waking up is a painful job. I pray the masses will continue to awaken. Thank you both for your work. God speed! 💗🪷

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In some jurisdictions, the PCR test was giving 90% fall positives.

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I suspect that swab is toxic and simply another form of delivery.

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Great interview. In a similar manner, I got temporarily sick from the 1976 swine flu jab that I was essentially forced to take when I was in the Marines and stationed in Okinawa - they held my pay check until I took the jab, which for some reason I didn't want to take. Never again.

FWIW, my favorite substack on UFO is Clif High https://clifhigh.substack.com/

Turns out I subscribed to Kyle Young a while back, good stuff Kyle, thank you.

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Thank you for sharing the most comprehensive summary, so far, on what ails the world. Compliments to Kyle Young. Where do you find all these beautiful oil-paintings?

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Sep 15Edited

Good day Unbekoming and Kyle Young,

I am late reading this so my comments may have already been made by others. Nevertheless, I wrote when the topic you discuss touched me.

> discuss the dangers of 5G technology. What prompted you to start researching this topic, and what are some of the most concerning aspects you've uncovered?

REPLY: Excellent question. One thing no one (the ph company won't tell you) realizes is by owning a cell phone you give up the right to privacy. In the eyes of the communications industry the cell phone is a broadcast technology. So when you choose to use it, you forever give up the right to privacy in their system even land lines are no longer protected. YOU HAVE GIVEN UP YOUR RIGHT TO PRIVACY. Very big issue for me. But no one seems to care or mention it.

For that reason alone I don't own a cell phone and never will. Wired communications protection of privacy is baked in. Many times in court snooping on a wired device (typically a phone) was ruled illegal and unconstitutional. People don't know that.

It was really driven home to me by the work of fsf.org, the Free Software Foundation. Therefore I only use a wire connection with my computer too.

Sadly people today don't even know what privacy is. Grimly Public/Private partnership ( a soft form of fascism) can spy on you. It is a one way mirror. The everyday citizen cannot spy in return as these entities did not give up their right to privacy. A one way mirror. The average citizen is on the wrong side of that mirror.

> So if you know that the rollout of 5G is going to cause what appears to the masses to be a pandemic, why not take advantage of it to make a literal killing with a fake jab

REPLY: Also massive pollution and toxins in earth air and water are pilling up and spilling over. US health and longevity was 4th in the world around 1970. It fell to 79th by 2020.

So the combined rollout of 5g Covidcon etc provided excellent cover to create a false narrative about the massive health failure in the US. And as Kyle has said the failure makes these folks rich.

> Aluminum is toxic to all biological life. Prior to it being mined, all aluminum was bound up in the earth’s crust in bauxite, a form that prevents it from being absorbed by any biological life.

REPLY: It seems quite plausible that the bacteria that began Terraforming the Earth 3+ billion years ago early on realized Aluminum was useless for life and sequestered Aluminum in a composite mineral bauxite.

> During my early years on Substack I also faced a lot of backlash from readers. I’ve noticed a big shift in the past year or two. I hardly ever see naysayers on my ‘stack anymore. It seems the rest of the world is catching up.

REPLY: It has been amazing to watch the re-awakening of the citizens to the nefarious activities brought to you by the Public/Private partnership. Sadly I thought we were all awake more or less in the 1960s and 1970s. How wrong I was as the people went to sleep and only now are re-awkening.

My concern is people will once again begin to doze and then fall deeply asleep. That the deep biological function of peristalsis also happens psychologically. We have been squeezed for a time. A period of relaxation will come. People will doze and forget. The cycle begins again.

Peristalsis doesn't need to lead to loss of consciousness. Rather it can take the form of breathing, breathing in a psychological sense. Kyle has explained how he has taken the insights gained through perseverance of research, and to help his fellow humans, guides everything he does. I am sure his energy level and clarity of mind and body is much greater than he ever expected. That is healthy psychological peristalsis. May it be so.

> I’ve written some about the secret societies that have so much influence over society. That’s a topic that needs more coverage.

REPLY: Consider the work of Larry Romanoff which is very extensive. Chapter One of his ebook titled Democracy, The Most Dangerous Religion found here https://www.bluemoonofshanghai.com/politics/14861/

Is worth a read. I am reading the entire ebook at present.

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I imagine most here subscribe to multiple stacks. I recently read one by Agent 131711 about the little known Anti Masonic political party in the US in the late 1800s. Across the country people knew about the evils of this secret society that silences opponents and covers up the misconduct of it’s members. It was achieving success for a while. Kyle may know about this or may not. We need to revive that movement and expand it to all secret groups (bilderrbergs, skull n bones, etc.).

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Another stellar interview! Thank you for introducing us to Kyle. Thank you, Kyle, for your research and insight.

I too am very remote and completely off-grid yet, I struggle with chucking the cell phone because having a landline is an impossibility…well, in truth, it *is* actually possible but I was quoted an install price at a minimum $25k but likely higher due to the sheer distance to the connection box and the mountainous, forest terrain it would need to travel. Should I win the Power Ball, I’ll get the landline!!

So many situations where either I or my family need to connect in short order. I can’t exactly email 911 for help. If anyone knows, what are the alternatives for contacting the outside world if you forgo a cell phone and landline?

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Hi, Thank you for your amazing writing even if its shocking sometimes. I cam across you through the interview you did with Unbekoming. In one of the articles I read I'm sure you mentioned someone who is an expert on psychopathy. Try as I might I cannot find that reference. Can you help? Thank you.

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Thanks. Looks very interesting indeed!

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