Jul 6Liked by Unbekoming

Numbers 6 & 7 were the ones. "No matter what the social scale, the same tactics are used". Amen to that. When you are blessed to have an extraordinary family of love, closeness, joy, laughter, commitment, resolve, and empathy to put your family above your own needs and desires, which naturally spills over to others around you, you become a family admired. You know you did well. It fills you with pride.

Amidst 10 people sitting around the multi-generational kitchen table every night, you can imagine the coordination involved to make that meal, clean up afterwards, sweep the floor and leave that kitchen clean as a whistle awaiting the next go-round. I find the adage "There's one in every family" as an excuse to accept abnormal behavior but never call it by it's rightful name. Evil.

If you haven't been exposed to the aforementioned nor have seen the destruction of that family unit by one member, than you will never juxtapose that experience with what is surrounding you today, but easily brush it off to there's one in every family. Blindly by loyalty to family, friends, political parties, medical unprofessionals etc, you say oh no, that just couldn't be.

Exactly. Same parents, same family, same inclusion, same advantages, same rules. But the rules don't pertain to that one person. They're different. As time emerges from that onion a layer is removed, and another, and another until you see the real person and nothing else can describe the inexplicable behavior other than evil.

Someone once said, I think it was Omar Sharif, "Why is the murder of a single person such a monstrous act, while the killings of millions is accepted forthwith?" I think I just described how.

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My only sibling is spiraling out of control, he’s a narcissist and drug addicted. Afraid for my Mim & his ex. He embraced evil years ago, just lost his job as a vice president of an insurance company, upstate New York. I’ve never experienced a normal relationship with him. Impossible. Manipulation and control. To him, I’m simply a chess piece on his playing board.

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Disaffected is a fantastic substack/ podcast. Josh!

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Then you know. Extricate yourself. We are all manipulated pieces on the elites global chessboard. Forewarned is forearmed.

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I pray for discernment on a regular basis. 4 years ago, Hod answered a bunch of longstanding prayers all at once and I moved away from the sibling . Safe until he needs to manipulate our Mom’s will or embezzle . , praying for her safety daily.

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The non-psychopaths always knew they were dealing with psychopaths, and that wasn't a problem until the psychopaths took over the governments.

Now that the psychopaths have taken control, they need to be eliminated, before they eliminate us. They won't bow out or quit honorably or voluntarily!

Just look at the Joe and Dianne zombies for proof of that.

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Number 8 sounds like the very definition of the Dunning-Kruger effect.

Many of the points discussed here have been noted or documented individually by other observers in a scattered manner.

This discussion collects and consolidates them all in one place! A very nice collection, indeed!

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6Liked by Unbekoming

This one was so timely for me (especially #11) ... THANK YOU for this substack!

Also loved #4 -- developing our own double-speak and laughing at them. The Coffee & Covid substack (full of sarcasm and brilliant double-speak wit) probably saved my sanity the last few years.

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Some great points were made here. Re maladaptive responses to psychopathic manipulation, I want to point out a shocking one I discovered through researching US mortality data. The tip of the iceberg was a mass casualty event that killed 50k extra people in the NYC metropolitan area over 8 weeks in Spring 2020, after which deaths returned to normal. This was followed by 2 more death waves in 2020 in the US totalling 529k more deaths than in 2019--an unprecedented increase of 18.5%. No one is talking about the excess deaths, and nobody knows about them. When I tell people, I usually get either a blank stare, or cynical disbelief--followed by no attempts whatsoever to look into it. Heck, it's only a possible democide--surely someone in charge knows what they're doing, and if it' were important, the press would be all over it. It is disturbing to see how deep acquiescence goes, and how easy it would be, or just was, to carry out a mass-murder right under our noses--even while doling out warnings about the murderous bastards running this show.

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💯 Thank you 🙏🏼 💙

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Thanks for doing this interview - highly recommend people do a deep dive into this topic at Harrison's Substack - and of course, read the book!

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reading this i start to understand why the druids had tasks like 3 years of silence (not speaking for 3 years) and the relinquishment of all worldly possessions, and such challenges to weed out undesirable sorts. But this is The most crucial part " I think a metaphysics of evil is necessary for the same reason I think metaphysics itself is necessary. Like the psychological worldview, bad metaphysics cannot provide a proper map for navigating reality." Could we not find among all the worldviews one that constantly demands us to check in with , really be present for reality? I mean it really is miraculous and full of wonder, and it never gets old. I do agree, "materialistic worldview, it has arguably made people more “left-brained” in their outlook on the whole (a reference to Iain McGilchrist’s work), more utilitarian, less able to see reality, and thus more susceptible to left-brained (“schizo-autistic”) ideologies. I see this as a major contributor to the degeneration of our collective psychological worldview."

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Thank you for this, Unbekoming. This enables great insight into the mind of pathological personality types/disorders and and understanding of where we are today. The phrase that popped out for me, although there were many others, was this:

"The nastier you are, the more likely you are to win the competition to enter the elite class, thus furthering its ponerization."

That somehow summed up the rise to the top and the mindset of the ivy league Brahmins who consider themselves above everyone. The twisted ruling class in general, looking back through history, seem to be natural born killers. Ethically uninhibited and to this day, inbred. Here in England the royal family a case in point.

For those who didn't turn out well, genetically speaking, they were registered as dead and then shut away in an asylum. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-8936971/The-Crown-tells-tragic-story-Queens-cousins-locked-asylum-registered-DEAD.html

Eugenics has been part of the ruling class method for centuries and the current depopulation drive reflects that. Whichever way you look at it, the ruling establishment are sick psychopaths, 'virtuosos' as you put it, in human behavioral manipulation.

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I’ve got to say, I was horribly disappointed in the very first video of Josh Slocum’s that I watched.

In it he’s using divisive emotionalism while reading tweets of “lefties” commenting on how disappointed they were that Trump wasn’t shot.

After reading one such post— one expressing “shame that the bullet missed him— he looked squarely into the camera and said something to the effect of “do you see how these people want YOU dead?”

Excuse me? They’re talking about TRUMP, not his audience. SMH very disappointing as I was expecting some nuance but all I got was more divisive, borderline psychopathic propaganda.

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