Interview with Elizabeth Carman
On Prebirth Memories, Consciousness, Love Sensing, Telepathy, Past Lives and much more.
I’m interested in babies and what is done to them, before, during and after birth.
For those new to this substack, here are a few of my articles on the subjects:
Before birth:
During birth:
After birth:
Baby Formula and Breastfeeding
Murphy’s stellar “Vitamin K” story
A reader pointed me to the work of Elizabeth and Neil Carman. Thank you. I was interested in an interview, and I’m very glad that Elizabeth agreed.
In this world of ours, it’s an inconvenient truth that babies are conscious before birth. Too many interests would like us to believe that a baby’s consciousness—and rights, for that matter—only start once the last toe has emerged or, at the latest, once the cord is cut.
This deliberately constructed narrative, with its myriad of intentional ignorances, is not only untrue, but it’s unbecoming.
With thanks to Elizabeth Carman.
1. Elizabeth, can you please tell us about your background and what led you to explore the fascinating realm of prenatal and perinatal psychology?
My interest in prebirth experiences began when I was a psychology major at Michigan State University. My humanistic psychology professor, Dr. Marian Kinget challenged me to explore psychology and spirituality in a deeper way.
My typical psychology classes before this had been concerned with psychopathology, the abnormal and the ill, what goes wrong with people. Dr Kinget's classes focused on what goes right—on human potential, and how we fulfil that potential. For the first time, I felt very much at home in a psychology class. I learned about self-actualized people who realized their full potential as a human being. This is how the seed was planted in me to explore peak experiences and higher consciousness.
Later, I took a graduate magazine writing class ‘just for fun.” That is when I began researching life before birth and the journey of the soul to human birth. I interviewed mothers with deep insights into pregnancy and childbirth. They had dreams and visions of their children prior to conception and some recalled their own journey to birth. These mothers were unique because they naturally recalled life before birth whereas thousands of people have retrieved memories via rebirthing, hypnosis, psychoanalysis, meditation, submersion in water, and breathing techniques, etc.
My husband Neil realized that this was more than a magazine article. It was a book, or a series of books, which is exactly what happened.
My husband Neil and I have written three books, starting in 2000. Our second book, Cosmic Cradle, Spiritual Dimensions of Life before Birth (2013) is a revised edition of our first book published in 2000. Cosmic Cradle focuses on adults who naturally retain prebirth memories beyond childhood when most children begin to forget. One chapter is devoted to children's memories. We also go down the long corridor of time and present the concept of life before birth from the cross-cultural perspective of religion, traditional peoples, philosophies, etc.
Prebirth research inspired further studies. I received a degree as a pre- and perinatal psychology educator. I discovered answers not found in traditional psychology for why some people become abnormal and others become supernormal human beings. One answer goes back to our origins—how we are conceived, gestated, and birthed into this world. These earliest experiences are the most impressionable period of our lives and that is where the blueprint of whether we are enthusiastic or despondent, etc. takes form.
Babies are Cosmic, Signs of their Secret Intelligence (2019) is our most recent book focusing on children's prebirth memories (preconception, conception, womb time, birth and even past life), prebirth communications between mother and child starting from before conception to birth, as well as evidence from prenatal and perinatal psychology demonstrating the conscious baby before birth. This book supports that our modern way of giving birth is deficient in understanding how aware and impressionable the baby is to various standard medical protocols used during pregnancy and birth.
2. "Babies Are Cosmic" challenges many conventional beliefs about infant consciousness. What inspired you to write this book?
Research in prenatal and perinatal psychology taught me that our future can be very bright when we understand the importance of prenatal life. The mother's womb is our first environment and the way we develop there profoundly influences the way we later treat ourselves, others, and our planet.
As the Bulgarian philosopher and mystic Omraam Mikhaël Aivanhov advised, “Instead of leaving the State to spend billions on hospitals, prisons, law courts, and reform schools, I advise it to concentrate all its attention on pregnant mothers. The cost would be far less and the results infinitely superior.”
3. You've collected numerous accounts of children's memories from before birth. What was the most surprising or compelling story you encountered?
The validated miscarriage memories of a toddler named Elizabeth are a unique account, which appeared in Cosmic Cradle, Spiritual Dimensions of Life before Birth (2013). Excerpts of this story are in Babies Are Cosmic (2019).
In essence, Elizabeth, now a grown woman, remembers opting out as an 11-week-old fetus (no more than 2 inches long). As a 2-year-old, she first told her mother Lezlie, “I was in your tummy twice.”
Elizabeth realized that she was coming in as a boy and could potentially cause a split in her parents’ marriage. Triggered by being a witness to an intense argument concerning this topic, Elizabeth chose to leave the womb and return to her parents as a girl in her mother’s next pregnancy.
Elizabeth’s memories of dropping out of her mother’s body and being swallowed up as she passed down the shower drain dovetail with her mother Lezlie’s miscarriage while taking a shower. Lezlie saw a little white blob going down the shower drain and thought, “That is the baby going down the drain!”
Lezlie’s doctor confirmed the miscarriage and performed a D & C.
About a year later, Lezlie and her husband chose to conceive again. And the same soul came back. As a toddler, Elizabeth told her mother, “I was in your tummy twice! First I was flushed down the drain. The second time, I came out like a zipper.”
What is also noteworthy in Elizabeth’s story is that as a child she did not like the sound of the toilet flushing or the sound of a shower which triggered her memory of going down the shower drain in her previous womb experience. Lezlie said:
Even as a little baby who couldn’t speak yet, she tightened up anytime I was in bathroom and she heard the noise of the drain. I was totally aware of why she freaked out. I sensed that she was the same soul returned and understood the previous experience that this soul had done through.
Now even as an adult, Elizabeth avoids taking showers, preferring baths.
Elizabeth’s memories of choosing the miscarriage, going down the shower drain, womb time in the subsequent pregnancy, and her caesarian birth (coming out like a zipper) create a complete validation of the journey of her soul. And she has retained full memories to this day, in her 30s.
4. The book discusses five types of children's memories: preconception, conception, womb, birth, and past-life. Which of these do you find most intriguing and why?
All five types are equally rich, varied, and seemingly impossible. And when you put them altogether, you see that human consciousness underlies the whole journey from pre-conception to birth and they open us up to a version of ourselves that extends beyond the limits of body and brain. All five types of memories change our understanding of who and what we are.
5. How do you respond to skeptics who might dismiss these memories as imagination or suggestion?
Children’s memories of life before conception, during gestation, and at birth may sound far-fetched. We, too, were once skeptics. However, our survey as well as research by others found ample and significant evidence of the five types of children’s memories, thereby refuting the theory that no one remembers their earliest years.
The challenge is most of us were brought up in belief systems that say nothing about an existence before birth. Instead in the West, we were taught that our life begins at birth and we cannot remember anything before the age of 3. Sigmund Freud forged this flawed theory “infantile amnesia” in 1916 based on his observations that most adults are unable to recall the first years of life. Yet, the fact that most adults forget events before 3 doesn’t mean that children lack the ability to remember.
For over 100 years, psychiatry, psychology, obstetrics, pediatrics, and surgery continued to embrace his weak theory. Birth memories were dismissed as "fantasies" and prenatal memories "impossible.”
Beginning five decades ago, researchers began questioning the infantile amnesia theory as being based upon a maximum of speculation and minimum of research. The major pitfall had been that there were no studies to back up Freud’s infantile amnesia theory.
The door began to crack open to a more accurate view in the 1960s. Developmental psychologist Carolyn Rovee-Collier found evidence that flipped Freud’s theory upside down. She referred to Freud’s theory as a “misconception—an effort to explain a phenomenon that does not exist.” It then took almost two generations and several dozen experiments to confirm that infant memory does indeed exist.
Evidence supporting children’s prebirth memories has been increasing over the last 40 years. Researchers include:
David B. Chamberlain, PhD, author of Babies Remember Birth. Los Angeles: Jeremy P. Tarcher, 1988.
Wayne Dyer, PhD, author of Memories of Heaven: Children’s Astounding Recollections of the Time Before They Came to Earth. New York: Hay House, 2015.
Akira Ikegawa, MD, PhD, “Investigation by Questionnaire Regarding Fetal/Infant Memory in the Womb and/or at Birth.” Journal of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health 20, no. 2 (2005).
Wendy Anne McCarty, PhD, RN, author of Welcoming Consciousness: Supporting Babies’ Wholeness from the Beginning of Life—An Integrated Model of Early Development. Santa Barbara, CA: Wondrous Beginnings Publishing, 2012.
Ohkado, Masayuki, PhD and Akira Ikegawa, MD, author of “Children with Life-Between-Life Memories.” Journal of Scientific Exploration 28, no. 3 (2014): 477–90.
Ian Stevenson, MD, author of Children Who Remember Previous Lives: A Question of Reincarnation, Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland, 2001.
Myriam Szejer, MD, author of Talking to Babies: Psychoanalysis on a Maternity Ward, Beacon Press, 2005.
Jim Tucker, MD, author of Life Before Life: Children’s Memories of Previous Lives. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2005.
Thomas Verny, MD, author of The Secret Life of the Unborn Child: How You Can Prepare Your Baby for a Happy, Healthy Life. New York: Dell, 1981.
The ridicule, indifference, and confusion surrounding the conscious baby before birth has delayed discovery of the advanced capabilities of newborns and unborn babies. Even many mothers had been skeptical that newborns or the fetus could remember until their own children start to speak about it. Yet, children are able to remember naturally—with no artificial method at all.
Spontaneous, unprompted memories of young children are innocent and unpredictable. With a confident, matter-of-fact, serious tone of voice, and limited vocabulary, children act out, point to parts of the body, provide motion and sounds of their birth, correctly report the actions of doctors present at their birth, and engage in criticism of how the birth was managed. They describe water, colors, the coming light, or dazzling light, and squeezing sensations. They draw pictures of their embryological development and repeat conversations they heard while in the womb. Caesarean babies tell about a door or window suddenly opening, or a zipper that zipped open and let them out.
Prebirth memories of children should end the debate about the validity of conscious life before birth. Children are teaching us about memory. We must not rob them of their contribution.
6. Children often lose these memories as they grow older. Why do you think this happens, and is there a way to preserve these memories?
Prebirth memories like a lot of memories do not stick. They typically fade away by age 5, 6, or 7 when children enrol in school. Dr. Akira Ikegawa’s research in Japan found that 30% of young children retained prebirth memories whereas only 1% of adults.
So clearly they fade away, but sometimes they spontaneously pop out again later in life. In some cases, this is due to an expansion of consciousness resulting from a technique that clears the mind and releases stresses in the physiology. History tells us that when Buddha attained enlightenment, he recalled a chain of past lives going back thousands of years.
Prebirth memories slip away for many reasons. As an example, it may happen if parents accuse their children of making up fantasy stories or reporting a dream when they are actually recounting a legitimate prebirth memory. Two examples follow.
As reported in our book, Babies Are Cosmic, one mother took her 20-year-old son to a psychiatrist because she thought his prebirth memories were abnormal:
After hearing Gerald’s memories, the psychiatrist told the mother, “I have done research into this phenomenon, and I have had patients with similar experiences. Gerald appears to have real memories of prebirth and as a baby. Gerald’s memories appear to be true. You validated the memories to your son and to me, as well. Your son is lucky to have such memories.”
The mother was not convinced by the psychiatrist’s evaluation. When they left the office, she laughed and told Gerald, “You probably thought I took you here because I thought there was something wrong with you. I surely did, and still do.”
A similar case reported by a healthcare worker involves a precocious 5-year-old girl:
In the midst of our conversation about her general health, she announced, "When mommy was growing me in her tummy, I wasn't in her tummy. I was on the outside watching her."
I replied, "Interesting. Do you remember that?" (trying to invite her to share further insight without leading her on).
At this point the (religious) mother cut her off, brushing off the child's comment by saying, "She has lots of questions and is very curious about her world..."
But I know what I heard. I let it go.
This little girl also seems to have memories of the home the family lived in prior to her birth. The mom keeps correcting her, saying, "We didn't live there together. That was before you were born."
The mom stated that her daughter continually comments about this previous residence and won't let it go.
This could definitely be taken as a child being confused about past details (the approach the mother was taking), but I think kids are less confused than adults give them credit for. And I think there is significance in the fact that this child made these two comments within minutes of each other.
Many theories explain why we forget life before birth. Please see our books for more examples.
7. The book talks about the "psyche of the unborn child". Can you elaborate on what this means and its implications for child development?
Babies are teaching mothers, nurses, doctors, and humanity that we come in as sentient beings to be born on earth.
We have come a long way from thinking of the fetus as a like a blank slate—the tabula rasa. For over four decades pre-and perinatal psychology has been mapping out conscious life in the womb and how prenatal experiences and birth impact development and often entail stress or trauma. It is overturning the blank slate myth in medicine and psychology, as inaccurate, incomplete, and confusing.
A “psyche” (mind, self, soul, consciousness) does exist throughout gestation independent of brain development. This “psyche” continually incorporates experiences via memory and learning, a fact that suggests these are joint faculties of knowing that appear to be innate rather than developmental.
Here are a few indicator signs of how unborn babies teach us about their psychic awareness.
• An illustration comes from what's happening via ultrasound while a baby undergoes amniocentesis. Mothers can also look on the screen while the doctor takes out a few ounces of liquid for diagnostic testing.
Numerous reports show that when the needle is inserted into the mother’s uterus, babies repeatedly attack the needle or withdraw in fear. This is happening at 16 weeks—an age when eyes are undeveloped and lids are fused. Such “eyeless” vision and perfect coordination to reach the target, convey urgency, will, and purpose that defies conventional explanation.
From these observations, it is safe to conclude that babies are conscious of what is happening around them, particularly with respect to events that impact them personally. The old ways of thinking about the brain and intelligence cannot explain evidence of this kind.
• Holly intuitively knew that her baby was a girl, but her doctor needed to medically confirm it. Holly reports about her ultrasound at 20 weeks:
My daughter Elisabeth frustrated the sonographer. She kept moving. She was very good at twirling around. For 20 minutes, she was forcefully trying to get away from the ultrasound! She didn't like the ultrasound at all.
Then another doctor took over and joked, “I am going to show this baby the iron fist!”
That was hilarious because Elisabeth began punching at the ultrasound with both of her fists!
Then she allowed us to see her gender and she was calm after that.
Come to find out ultrasounds are not all that healthy for babies. My daughter seemed to know this.
• During fetal surgery, an obstetrician accidentally struck [punctured?] a 22-week-old unborn baby’s shoulder with the needle. The baby twisted away from the needle, located it with his arm, and repeatedly hit the barrel of the needle, surely an aggressive and angry behaviour.
• Precocious vision can operate as early as 10 weeks in utero. A 5-year-old Japanese boy expressed anger towards his mother for allowing a needle to enter the womb during a Chorionic villus sampling. Considering that retinas are not fully developed until about the 26th week, some form of vision allowed him to see in the womb.
• When an obstetrician who had done many ultrasound examinations found a fetus lying absolutely still, he would remark to the mother, "Mrs. Jones, your baby is not moving!" He knew what would happen. The fetus would always spring into action!
• Our book, Babies Are Cosmic, shares a story from Dr. William Emerson, a prenatal and birth trauma resolution therapist. In the mid 1980s, his 40-year-old wife was pregnant with their son Jamie. The doctor recommended a Chorionic villus sample since there was a greater risk of a Down’s syndrome child due to her age.
Testing was done at 12 weeks of gestation (2 1/2 inches long). Dr. Emerson watched Jamie on the screen. He could see his little heart beating in his chest, but he looked unconscious and all curled up at the bottom of the womb. Dr. Emerson expected him to be livelier since he had been communicating with his son throughout the pregnancy.
He asked the nurse, “Do you think that my baby is conscious?”
She put her hand on her hip and looked at him as if like I was the most stupid person in the world and said, “Of course not. They don’t have a brain yet.”
A few minutes later, the doctor finished the sample and they left the room. No sooner had the door closed behind them, did Jamie sit up and turn right toward his parents. He jumped up and did three very slow, graceful somersaults. Then he came down to the bottom of the uterus and he bounced bump bump bump. He wiggled his little arm buds and bowed as if to say, “Hi, Mom and Dad. Don’t worry. I am perfectly normal.”
A few minutes later, the doctor and nurse returned. Jamie immediately conked back down and looked completely unconscious again.
Dr. Emerson concluded, “Babies know when their awareness and capacity for relationship are respected and when they are not.”
• In the middle of fetal surgery, an obstetrician reported that when he had a blood vessel all lined up and was ready to strike, a hand came out of nowhere and knocked the needle away.
• South American pediatric surgeons report many encounters with babies in the womb. They learned to dialogue with the babies and to ask permission before operating or giving them transfusions. They were convinced that the babies understood since they cooperated by staying still during procedures and became active again after they finished. They also noticed that babies would try to shield their eyes from too much light during surgery.
• During 4D ultrasounds, doctors report seeing little ones in the womb smiling and waving as they do somersaults.
• Ultrasound studies have shown that twins in the womb socialize indicating that they are aware of each other even if they cannot see. First touching between twins develops from 9 to 13 weeks gestational age. Social interactions, including hitting, kicking, and playing, have been observed via ultrasound from 20 weeks gestational age.
Twins display consistent behaviors towards each other before and after birth. One example involves a twin pair (4 months of gestation). They were conscious of each other and involved in dominance-submission interactions. Whenever the dominant twin was pushing or hitting, the submissive twin withdrew and placed his head on the placenta, appearing to rest there.
After birth, when the twins were 4 years old, whenever there was fighting or tension between the pair, the passive twin would go to his room and put his head on his pillow. He also carried a pillow as his security blanket, resting on it whenever his twin became aggressive.
These demonstrations of aware babies, among many, take us beyond material boundaries. There is more to human consciousness than brain matter. “Babies” before birth have an active and capable “psyche” (mind, soul, consciousness). These revelations put us in the midst of a revolution in understanding unborn babies—their extraordinary memories, broad sentience, love sensing, and other amazing abilities.
Based on a growing body of experimental, clinical, and self-report evidence revealed worldwide, pre-and perinatal psychology works from the premise that we have a transcendental self that has a sentient nature prior to conception of the human body. Self is a sentient state of consciousness in which there is a sense of I AM.
Babies are best defined by their consciousness rather than by their brain matter. Pre-and perinatal psychologists refer to fetal awareness with terms such as “a full spectrum of consciousness,” “a transcendent self,” and “a transcendent source of consciousness.”
In this sense, babies before birth possess a “psyche” in the original sense of the word—mind, self, and soul. Consciousness has a meaning similar to the word "soul" and reflects an innate and permanent endowment of intelligent awareness. So, consciousness (not brain matter) is our core essence, rising above any particular age or stage of physical, emotional, and mental development.
8. How has your research changed your perspective on the nature of consciousness and human development?
The relevant question here is: Are we first and foremost biological beings or nonphysical consciousness?
I resonated with the answer based upon research in pre- and perinatal psychology. Phrases used by pioneering psychologists in that field to describe our core essence before birth such as “sentient nature,” “conscious and aware,” or “communicating meaningfully with parents before conception” made sense to me.
The overwhelming evidence that babies are sentient, conscious and are aware at multiple levels of being prior to conception, during prenatal life, and birth dovetailed with my interviews with mothers reporting prebirth memories and prebirth communications as well as my studies in Humanistic Psychology.
Consciousness precedes development of brain and body. A baby’s sentience and sense of self and many capabilities are not dependent on biological brain development. They precede it.
9. The book mentions telepathic communication between mothers and unborn babies. Can you share an example that particularly stands out?
Since 1988, we have interviewed parents (mainly mothers) whose experiences reveal that babies possess spiritual powers not scientifically acknowledged and not explainable within the brain-matter paradigm. Our books document personal encounters with babies not yet conceived—dreams, visions, telepathic communications —in which a future baby announces its coming, and brings love, encouragement, and guidance to the parents.
Equally impressive as spontaneous prebirth communications is a prenatal method taught to pregnant mothers on how to communicate, bond, and connect with their unborn babies. Prenatal Bonding (BA) is a safe, intuitive, and non-invasive method for pregnant mothers to communicate with their baby and acquire information about their baby while simultaneously laying the foundation for a deep, lifelong parent-child relationship.
A Canadian nurse reports examples of mothers using BA:
For two weeks, a baby kept communicating during BA, “We need an ultrasound.” Sure enough, the scan revealed a short umbilical cord, about 7 inches long. The mother changed her home birth plan to a hospital birth. If the cord had torn during labor, she and her baby would have been in danger since she did not live near a hospital.
Three mothers tested positive for Down’s syndrome. Their babies communicated that they were healthy. All three delivered normal babies with no genetic abnormalities.
Dr. Gerhard Schroth, a German doctor with 40 years experience as a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, teaches and trains professionals in BA. He reports that 8,000 pregnant mothers using BA have been researched and evaluated since 1995. Findings include:
There is less effort in giving birth, fewer complications, and a significantly decreased need for obstetrical interventions.
C-sections decreased from 30% to 6%.
Premature birth rates were less than 0.2%.
Low degree of birth trauma, as indicated by natural, round-shaped heads and little crying after birth. Excessive crying is unknown.
The babies are curious, emotionally stable, and socially mature. Babies and children are easier to communicate with, and dealing with them becomes intuitive.
Babies sleep less during the day, but longer and deeper at night; parents suffer less from sleeping disorders.
Less than 1% of mothers with postpartum depression. (By contrast, 15% of American women suffer from postpartum depression—about 600,000 women per year.)
Video interview with Gerhard Schroth Prenatal Bonding:
10. You write about the impact of maternal emotions on the unborn child. What advice would you give to expectant mothers based on your findings?
The period from conception to birth is the critical period for the physical, emotional, and mental development of every baby. The way we were gestated in our mother’s womb stays with us, resonates in us. That is the luggage we bring with us that will guide many of the steps in our life. It is like a soundtrack of the baby’s life in the womb.
Mothers are powerful in their ability to love and interact creatively with their babies in the womb. They can communicate love to their babies before they are born. There is always the opportunity to sing, talk, and play with the soul in the womb. And every time babies feel loved and wanted, they are in joy and develop harmoniously. The attention of the parents always brings them joy. Mothers can let babies know from the start:
You are wanted
You are welcome
You are safe and protected
You belong
You are lovable
In the larger perspective, with greater knowledge and respect for the sentience and intelligence of babies in the womb, mothers can reach new levels of fulfilment in motherhood. And their babies will be happier and a blessing to the world.
An impressive video shows how this is being carried out in Brazil at The Gestation Center: Harmony for Life".
11. How do you think recognizing prenatal consciousness could change our approach to childbirth and early childcare?
Consciousness of the human spirit is the missing link in modern medicine. Over the last 40 years, pre- and perinatal psychologists reported unfortunate-to-tragic repercussions from the denial or lack of understanding that the baby is sentient–aware, has memory, and is affected by experiences from the beginning of life. With this, we witness a spectrum of unmet needs in the baby.
Evidence for a prenatal psyche inspires new guidelines for parents and professionals on how to think about babies and how to treat babies of all ages.
One arena involves communication. Although two-way communication with unborn babies was once a taboo notion in total conflict with scientific materialism, parents and birth professionals find that talking to the baby has the power to avert many challenges.
Five examples follow.
The late California obstetrician Dr. David Cheek taught that fear is the most likely cause of premature labor. The baby itself triggers premature labor when it is afraid. Time is of the essence in reaching the baby with strong reassurance that he or she is safe and loved and should stay inside to finish growing. He warned clients to call him if this should happen and then he coached them on what to say to the baby before the labor reached an irreversible point. He had great success following this protocol, thus averting a traumatic experience for both mother and newborn.
In our books, we cite cases where following earnest prenatal dialog between a pregnant mother and an unwanted or mistimed baby, spontaneous miscarriages occurred offering further evidence of the precocious understanding on the part of babies in the womb. Sometimes these babies returned in a later pregnancy when the woman was ready for motherhood. Some children even spontaneously recalled the previous pregnancy and the abortion, miscarriage, or a stillbirth.
Telepathic communication can help avert Cesarean sections. In one case, American birth therapist Dr David B. Chamberlain reported that an obstetrician diagnosed a mother with gestational diabetes and needed to schedule a CS in order to avoid complications. Over several sessions, Dr. Chamberlain and the mother told the baby, “If you want a vaginal delivery, you must initiate labor before 9 o’clock on Monday morning. Otherwise, the surgical delivery will be done.” The baby was born before 9 a.m. Monday morning—an uncomplicated vaginal delivery.
Child psychoanalyst Dr. Myriam Szejer works in intensive care nurseries with newborns who "fail to thrive" after birth. Dr. Szejer first interviews the parents to look for traumatic moments that might have discouraged the baby from living. When she has a sense of what negative events occurred during the pregnancy that might have led to a baby’s despair, she boldly talks with the baby. She tells the baby's story in empathic detail, emphasizing the positive conditions that now favor life; and finally, she challenges the baby to take responsibility for life and make the decision to live. This process works. After this intimate communication, the baby makes a critical turn toward health and life.
Prebirth researcher and author Elisabeth Hallett offers an example of communicating with a breech baby who was anxious about being born. Holland was 7½ months pregnant and had spent a week doing pelvic tilt exercises, to no avail.
While pondering this problem she had a sudden insight (perhaps the moment when the baby's communication broke through about why he resisted making the turn from breech). She reasoned, "I already had a little boy so I wanted a girl; and assumed I was carrying a girl. The new insight was that if this is really a little boy, he might be afraid to come out because he might not be loved as a boy."
She looked down at her belly and spoke to her baby: "If you are a little boy, I want you to know that I will love you completely. It will never matter to me in the slightest that you are not a girl. I will always be there for you, and always accept you as you are." This conversation took place in the afternoon.
The baby voluntarily made the turn during the night and Holland noticed her shape was different in the morning. Her son went on to have a comfortable normal birth at home.
Babies are emerging from cultural obscurity to be seen as complex beings with an advanced range of abilities. In essence, we need to be much kinder to babies because every baby is no less a human being than any adult. They come into this world sentient and already deserving of love and tender care. When babies are birthed into this world consciously, safely, and naturally, with love and compassion, they will express more intelligence rather than expressing negative imprints of a stressful prenatal or birth experience.
In caring for babies of any age, everyone should be aware of their attentive and vulnerable nature, their spiritual identity, and their desire to be treated as persons. Advances in recent decades will reinvent the parent-child relationship and foster a more compassionate world. The door stands open and the possibilities are unlimited.
12. The book mentions near-death experiences (NDEs) and their similarity to pre-birth memories. What connections do you see between these phenomena?
The term NDE is defined as a subjective beyond-the-body experience that people report after being clinically dead, near death, or in a situation where death is expected.
Typical NDErs report encounters with brilliant light, heavenly realms, tunnel, staircase, the presence of God, a religious figure, or angels, and reunion with deceased loved ones.
These common NDE elements appear in preconception memories of adults as well as children. Three-year-old Kyle who reported his preconception memories to his mother actively equates the realm of where he was before birth to where he will go after death:
One day Kyle asked his mother, “Why are people afraid to die?”
Susan replied, “I explained the best I could that sometimes people don’t want to leave their loved ones behind.”
Kyle replied, “Well, I am not afraid to die because you go back to that place from before.”
“You mean that place that you always talk about?” Susan asked.
“Yeah, it is really nice there. I don’t mind going back there because that is where God lives.”
Both NDEs and preconception memories affirm that there is more to human consciousness than brain matter. Our book, Babies are Cosmic, addresses the topic of parallels in more depth (Ch 5.)
13. You write about the "love sensing" ability of babies in the womb. Can you elaborate on this concept and its significance?
Few things can compare with the oneness between a pregnant mother and her baby. The connections are total and holistic, embracing mind, emotion, and sensation. In this intimate world, babies in the womb perceive what their parents are feeling and saying about them. As an example, long before language develops, babies know if they are wanted or unwanted. We call this advanced ability “love sensing.”
From the earliest moment when a mother discovers she is pregnant,
unborn babies are conscious of parental love or ambivalence. They experience the difference between unconscious, unintentional parenting and conscious conception, which carries deep desire, welcome, and love. The difference is reflected in infant mortality statistics, as unwanted or mistimed babies have more than twice the risk of death in the first 28 days of life compared to wanted babies.
Therapists report that later in life, an unwanted child may feel: “Something is wrong with me.” Traditional therapists may look for the roots of this belief in childhood when a child felt that they did something wrong or were at fault when something happened that is difficult to cope with, e.g., parental neglect or divorce.
However, pre-and perinatal psychologists recognize that babies are vulnerable to these interpretations from the beginning of life. They trace someone’s belief back to commonplace situations such as:
The parents’ discovery of a pregnancy in which the baby is unwanted, rejected, or a source of resentment.
The separation of baby and mother at birth.
Besides recognizing the core of what went wrong, pre- and perinatal psychology employs protocols to make things right. Here is the story of the healing of a 2-year-old girl’s relationship with her father.
Luis: "When we became pregnant with our fourth daughter, I was angry about it. I did not want more children. My wife and I were trying not to have children. I was angry through the whole pregnancy. I withdrew into work. After Carmen was born, she and I had never really clicked.
“When Carmen was 2, I attended Dr. Wendy Anne McCarty's seminar on the conscious baby before birth and learned how important it is to welcome the baby before birth. I realized that I had done Carmen an injustice. Babies need to be properly welcomed. I had not done that.
“I also learned that when things aren't ideal, we can turn things around by talking to our child in a caring way. It is never too late to have an authentic, compassionate conversation with a child about the circumstances surrounding their journey to birth. I told Carmen:
I want to tell you, when you first came into Mommy's tummy, when we found out we were pregnant, I was angry because I did not want another child.
I did you a dishonor. You are a beautiful girl, a beautiful human being.
You deserved to be welcomed by your father. I am so sorry. I am so sorry that you were not welcomed by me at first. I want you to know that.
“Carmen didn't say anything, but the next day was a different reality. She came skipping in and gave me a big hug. We bonded. That conversation changed my life and changed the life of my child.”
Carmen’s story exemplifies why it is important for parents to talk to children. We cannot hide what happened to them. They were there. They were silent witnesses to everything that happened.
When Carmen’s father shared his side of the story, Carmen got acknowledgement and recognition for what she had gone through. That information was so profound that it helped set her free.
In summary, the memory of experiences during the period of gestation becomes wired into our nervous system. It is stored deep within us and becomes a reference point for later experience.
Our need for love, to be connected and in a relationship, and to be welcomed appears to be strong from the beginning of life.
(Find more examples in our book about studies and clinical reports about what goes wrong in life when children are rejected. They are too frightening and threatening to include here in this limited context.)
14. For readers who are intrigued by these ideas, how can they stay connected with your work or contribute to this field of study
Please read our books. Share this information with others.
Cosmic Cradle, Spiritual Dimensions of Life before Birth (2013)
by Elizabeth Carman and Neil Carman, PhD.
Babies Are Cosmic, Signs of Their Secret Intelligence (2019)
by Elizabeth Carman and Neil Carman, PhD.
You Tube
Prebirth Memories of the Light
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What a brilliant article. I believe every word of it. My own experience has shown me that is true. I saw videos way back about men who could still remember their circumcision. Propagandized as I was being a new mother I said yes to circumcision. Never did it occur to me that such barbarity would be performed without anesthesia or at least some form of topical numbing agent. To this day, just thinking about it makes me cry and no mother can ever watch such a procedure and not weep for those innocent babies and the monstrous procedures performed upon them, approved by us. I could go on and tell my story but it's just to painful.
There are more things in heaven and earth ...than are dreamt of in your philosophy. Just because.
Wonderful insightful & touching article