Interview with Dr Isaac Golden
On Homeopathy, Homeoprophylaxis, Vaccination, Vaccine Injury and more.
I came across Dr Isaac Golden when Melissa Kupsch said this in our interview:
8. For parents considering alternatives to conventional vaccines, what advice would you offer as they navigate this complex and often controversial decision?
Dr Isaac Golden is an Australian homeopath who has done immense research into this area and developed his own protocol. I would visit his website and read the research and look at his published works! It is a topic that sparks more debate, fears and controversy than any other.
I reached out and, gratefully, here we are.
This is the third interview navigating homeopathy, the first two were:
With thanks to Dr Isaac Golden.
1. What inspired you to transition from a career in financial accounting to practicing and teaching homeopathy?
As a teenager I was interested in esoteric matters. This led to an awareness of health, both physical, emotional and intellectual as well as higher levels. In turn this led to an interest in natural ways of healing, simple things like reflexology foot massages and trying to minimise overly processed food in my diet. But my early training was in economics, financial accounting etc and in fact I managed a tax practice for an old university colleague in the mid 1970s.
Around that time one of my children was vaccine injured which I will discuss in the next question, but that led me to investigate more about the orthodox medical system, both its strengths and weaknesses, and that in turn began my deeper interest in natural medicines, eventually discovering homeopathy and realising that would be where I would focus my energies going forward.
2. Dr. Golden, can you please tell us about your educational and professional journey that led you to become a leading expert in homeoprophylaxis?
Following on from the previous question, the effect of my daughter being vaccine injured caused me to take a critical look at vaccination and the claims made about its safety and effectiveness. The only reference I was able to quickly find back then was material written by the late Professor Robert Mendelssohn from America whom I regard as a great man, one of the very few willing to speak out and stand up against the medical hierarchies of his time.
He claimed in one of his books that vaccines were not solely responsible for the reduction in the levels of most infectious diseases, and so I wrote to governments in quite a few countries requesting their infectious disease data, and received replies from health departments in America, England and Australia. I plotted the notifications and deaths from the diseases for which common vaccines were available, and noted when the different vaccine programs began, and found that what Mendelson said was correct.
So, when I started studying natural medicines and came across homeopathy and finally read the Lesser Writings of Doctor Samuel Hahnemann who founded homeopathy, to my amazement I discovered that Hahnemann back in 1799 used a homeopathic remedy to protect (immunise) people against scarlet fever, I knew in my heart that that would be my Dharma going forward. I knew that I had found something which I would have used for my own children if I had known about it.
I collected as much information as I could about HP from 1799 to the 1970s. Most of it was in books and journal articles written by homeopaths who used HP in principally epidemic situations. But I wanted something that was relevant for Australia where some infectious diseases were endemic (present in the community all the time) but we're not epidemic, so I needed to develop something different.
Of course, the other side of the immunisation coin is the treatment of vaccine injured children, and so I developed a long-term homeopathic immunisation programme in 1985 and in 1986 began receiving referrals to treat vaccine injured children.
But regarding homeoprophylaxis (HP), or homeopathic immunisation, I began collecting responses from parents using my initial HP programme. When I had collected sufficient responses to have something to say about safety and effectiveness of my HP program I began progressively publishing my results in the local homeopathic journal and eventually international homeopathic journals, and I subsequently published the results in the 1st edition of my book about vaccination and homeoprophylaxis which has reached a 7th edition in 20101. In 2000 I was invited to do a PhD by research using the data I had collected from 1986 onward, but we will discuss this later on.
3. For readers who may be unfamiliar, can you explain what homeopathy is and how it differs from conventional medicine?
Homeopathy is different to both pharmaceutical medicine and most natural medicines both of which rely on physical quantities of substances in the medicines given, whereas homeopathy generally uses medicines in an energetic form which we call potencies. This greatly annoys pharmaceutical proponents because they consider things that have less physical quantity as being less potent whereas with homeopathy it is the opposite.
Homeopathic medicines are prepared using a process involving both dilution and succussion. Succussion involves striking the vial holding the medicinal mixture firmly against a hard surface. Without doing this, dilution on its own would only weaken the resulting medicine, so succussion is essential to transfer the energy profile of the original substance through the various stages of remedy preparation.
A law of physics, Avagadro’s number, informs us that after 12 stages of dilution and succussion using a dilution measure of 1:100 that we can expect no molecules of the original substance to be present in the preparation. In my homeopathic immunisation programmes I generally use 200, 1M and 10M potencies (where M = 1,000) so these potencies are well above Avogadro’s number.
At times homeopaths use potencies below avogadro's number when treating patients with a variety of conditions. But this is not the only unique aspect of homeopathy because at its heart it is based on something called which Hanneman called the Law of Similars.
This Law or Principle was known as far back as Hippocrates and probably also known to even more ancient healers, but Hahneman was the person who brought it into common use and developed a system to determine which remedies are most appropriate to treat an individual as well as which remedies are most appropriate to prevent targeted infectious diseases in most individuals.
Within homeopathy there are some practitioners who sincerely believe that homeopathy should only be used to treat and not prevent disease. To those people I ask a very simple question – “why was Hahnemann wrong?’ - because Hahneman was the first person to employ the Principle of Similars to prevention as well as treatment. Of course, Hahneman was not wrong but some people find it hard to accept that.
So much more could be said about the differences between homeopathy and other medicines. However, the unique preparation, selection and use of potentised substances represent the major differences.
4. What is homeoprophylaxis (HP), and how does it work as an alternative to conventional vaccination? What are some of the key philosophical and practical arguments in favor of using HP as an alternative or complement to conventional vaccination?
Using the Law/Principle of Similars, HP involves selecting medicines which can cause similar symptoms to the symptoms of the disease we wish to prevent, or medicines that can remove similar symptoms in infected people.
So, for example the common remedy Natrum Muriaticum in potency is a remedy that can treat many people who have malaria or malarial-like symptoms, therefore it can be used as a preventative of malaria, just as Haneman used potencies of Belladonna to initially treat symptoms of scarlet fever and then used it to prevent or immunise others against the disease. We call remedies selected in this way Genus Epidemicus remedies.
Also, we can use what are called Nosodes to prevent illness. For example, the remedy Morbillinum which is a potency of the measles virus can be used to immunise people against measles.
So, there are two ways to select and use HP remedies for disease prevention (immunisation) both of which are firmly based on the Law/Principle of Similars.
It is an alternative to vaccination because evidence over 220+ years shows that it is comparably effective to vaccination, it is disease-specific like vaccines, but is also non-toxic which is clearly different to vaccines. This is a practical reason why parents have a choice. It is not a philosophical question for most parents – they just want their children protected with a method that is safe and effective.
The great advantage of HP is that it is comparably effective as vaccines, and it is safe.
5. Can you discuss the history of HP and its use within the homeopathic community?
As mentioned above, Dr Hahnemann first used Belladonna to both treat and then soon after to prevent scarlet fever in previously unexposed people as an epidemic of the disease moved through Germany in the late 1790’s. It was then used by the early masters of homeopathy like von Boenninghausen and J.T. Kent and numerous others. And it has been actively used around the world to the current day. Almost all of this use was during local or international epidemics.
My contribution to the discussion was to develop a medium term program of immunization for endemic diseases which are always present, but not usually in epidemic proportions – diseases like whooping cough and meningococcal meningitis, and then follow those immunized with HP for some years collecting and publishing data, which leads directly to the next question.
6. You were the first person to be awarded a Ph.D. from an Australian university for research on a homeopathic topic. Can you tell us about your doctoral research and its significance?
I was very fortunate to be invited by Professor Avni Sali, founder of the National Institute of Integrative Medicine based in Melbourne, to undertake a PhD-by-research at the then Graduate School of Integrative Medicine at Swinburne University, which I started in 2000. I was most grateful for this opportunity because it meant my data would be checked by experts in medicine and epidemiology.
I learnt a great deal through the four years of the PhD research. I was also fortunate in that I already had a significant body of data that I had collected, analysed and published from 1986 to 2002 (I kept collecting data until 2002). But I was now helped to see what other statistical tests could be undertaken to make my findings as statistically rigorous as possible.
The fact that a mainstream Australian University allowed PhD research to be conducted on a homeopathic topic was a first, and may have helped others to undertake similar programs. And it certainly helped me when travelling overseas presenting at seminars and doing research in government bodies in both Cuba (2008 – 2014) and India (2015-2020).
7. Your book "Homeoprophylaxis - A Fifteen Year Clinical Study" analyzes responses from parents whose children used your HP program. What were the key findings from this study?
This book2, which was published in 2004, is a summary of the major findings from my PhD research.
The two main findings were the effectiveness of HP around at 90%, and the clear increase in medium to long term illnesses in vaccinated children compared to children who were not vaccinated. The most significant single finding was a 14 times greater incidence of asthma in vaccinated children compared to children who used HP. That finding, and many other comparative findings, had confidence limits greater than 95%.
Both of these general findings have been supported in other studies around the world.
8. What does the current body of evidence say about the effectiveness and safety of HP compared to conventional vaccination?
As noted above, the findings of the second arm of my PhD showed clearly that HP was significantly safer than vaccination as measured by the difference in the incidence of medium to long term diseases. Over the years there have been a number of studies reporting the difference in medium to long term diseases in vaccinated compared to unvaccinated children. I have written articles about this and they are summarised in the 4th edition of my Vaccine Injured Children book3. But an even greater evidence base of this has been produced in the book Vax-Unvax by Kennedy and Hooker4. I highly recommend that any serious researcher as well as parents look at this book as it provides unbiased peer reviewed evidence of this fact.
Regarding effectiveness, there is now significant evidence supporting the claim that the effectiveness of HP against most infectious diseases is around 90%. In 2019 I published two articles in peer review journals showing the use of HP against a range of infectious diseases in three countries, mainly by government and government agencies in those countries, in over 250 million doses. It is a significant evidence base. Most of these examples were the use of HP in epidemic situations, although the use by the government of Andra Pradesh in India to stamp out Japanese Encephalitis from 1989 onwards involved the use of three medicines once a year which was, in terms of timing, similar to my use of annual dosing against endemic diseases in Australia. And 90% effectiveness in the real world is definitely comparable to the best of what vaccines can offer.
9. In your book "Vaccine Injured Children: Treatment, Prevention, Reasons" you examine the impact of vaccination on children's health. What led you to focus on this topic?
My early career path in the 1970s was in economics and taxation areas, and I used to vaccinate my own children. But one of them was vaccine injured which led me to stop giving any vaccines and begin an attempt to research whether what we were told about the safety and effectiveness of vaccines was in fact true. Back then there was very little information available. As mentioned above, late Professor Robert Mendelson was about the only author writing on this topic and I found his material invaluable. Then in the 1980s when I decided to change my career path to natural medicine and eventually found homeopathy I was amazed to find that in 1799 Dr Hahnemann first used homeopathic immunisation to prevent scarlet fever. That lead 2 my first endemic immunisation programme for Australia in 1985. The other side of the coin is of course treating vaccine injury and I began doing that in 1986. So, it has been a 40 year journey, one that I do not regret for one moment as every day I have the opportunity to assist families in immunisation options, including vaccination where that is either their wish or where they are compelled to vaccinate for economic or social reasons.
10. How can homeopathy be used to treat children who have experienced vaccine injuries?
Homeopathy can be used to treat anyone with a vaccine injury. Up until COVID I had mainly treated children although some young female adults who had been given the HPV vaccine (n Australia Gardasil was the one most used) and had suffered greatly. Since COVID I have now been treating many adult who have suffered vaccine injuries from the different COVID vaccines. Basically, I divide cases into two broad groups. Firstly, those that just want a simple vaccine detox for themselves or their children where no significant illnesses appear to have occurred. But the 2nd and most critical group are those where the child or adult have been clearly vaccine injured, and a different approach is needed with those people compared to the simple detox group.
11. What are some of the most common symptoms or conditions you've observed in vaccine-injured children?
Once again, with both children and adults, the range of symptoms or conditions is almost unlimited. Symptoms can arise on all or some of the physical, emotional and intellectual levels. Symptoms can be very mild or extremely disabling. In children, things like ASD, ADHD, developmental delay, and various emotional issues are common, as are things like asthma, eczema, allergies, epilepsy and a general level of susceptibility to infectious diseases of all types. But the potential list would stretch to hundreds of conditions. Every case is unique with its own collection of problems.
The method I use to confirm that a vaccine caused at least some of the patient’s problems is to collect the symptoms removed by giving the patient potencies of the suspected vaccine. Basically the only way such a remedy can remove any symptoms is if the symptoms were caused by the vaccine, otherwise infrequent doses of the vaccine potency would do nothing at all.
12. You founded the Australasian College of Hahnemannian Homeopathy in 1990. What motivated you to establish this institution, and what is its mission?
I began teaching homeopathy at the Melbourne College of Homeopathy in the 1980s. I had initially started studying homeopathy via correspondence courses in Australia and the UK, and I found them to be very limited. So, I saw an opportunity to develop a correspondence course at a Diploma and then Advanced Diploma level to enable students who graduated to practise as accredited practitioners. It was a significant course involving health sciences as well as homeopathic studies and clinical experience. So, my motivation was to provide high quality distance education so that people in all States and including remote areas of Australia could participate. I sold the professional Advanced Diploma course in 2008 but continued offering a few smaller courses by correspondence. They are very practical courses to teach mainly parents how to work out basic prescriptions for their family, but one Certificate course is designed for practitioners in other modalities to learn the basics of homeopathy. I have recently passed them over to my daughter Leiah to continue. I still teach some online courses in HP and treating vaccine injury. Details of these are available on my website
13. What was your response to Covid?
I was and still am both angered and disappointed by the way health systems in countries around the world, including and especially my own country Australia, managed the COVID experience from 2020 until now. We were lied to by health authorities. Safe, inexpensive, and generally effective natural options were completely ignored at the beginning of the epidemic. We were told the only hope was to wait for vaccines and in the interim to wear masks and socially distance and accept lockdowns as being inevitable. In fact, both prevention and treatment options to COVID were available from the beginning. I offered my first homeopathic immunisation against COVID in February 2020. If I had been foolish enough to advertise it I would have been prosecuted by Australian health authorities so the vast majority of Australians had no idea that a natural immunisation was immediately available. And around the world, both medical practitioners who were also homeopaths as well as non-medical homeopaths were treating peoples with symptoms. But in every society, simple options like ensuring that elderly people in retirement homes were all given safe and inexpensive vitamin D supplementation would have made an enormous difference to the death rate as well as hospitalisation rates. The use of ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine would have reduced death rates dramatically, as they did in those it states in India that eventually began using them after terrible experiences with death and disability. Nutritional supplementation like vitamin C, Zinc, Quercetin etc, etc would have enabled many people to manage an infection cheaply, safely, and without side effects.
Slowly, the truth is emerging and court cases around the world and especially in the USA are bringing to light the deceit for profit by many Pharma companies and individuals. They have also shown that the major organisations that we are meant to be able to trust to care for our health simply failed to honour that trust, and in many cases published deliberately incorrect information.
Many orthodox doctors around the world who offered practical and effective treatments for COVID were persecuted and in some cases deregistered.
The mainstream media in every country must carry a significant portion of blame for the unnecessary deaths, disruption of businesses and families, and the harm done to children who were least at risk but severely impacted by lockdowns. The media either were ignorant or complicit in the lies. There was no in-depth analysis, just continual repetition every day of the Pharma line. And the politicians who accepted the Pharma lies without questioning must also carry great blame.
In summary, we had prevention options and we had treatment options from the beginning of the epidemic until now, but they were and still are ignored and under-used by National Health systems because they did/do not suit the pharmaceutical narrative. Hopefully, in years to come the majority of the world population will come to understand what happened and never allow it to happen again. We need royal commissions in Australia and similar bodies of inquiry elsewhere to throw light on every aspect of the COVID debacle in the hope that it will prevent a similar disaster happening again.
As you can see, I am passionate about this experience that we have all suffered through. I can only hope that unbiased historians will eventually ensure that the complete truth is exposed and taught to young adults as well as their parents.
14. Finally, you ventured into the political arena for some years. Tell us about that.
In July 2015 I co-founded the Health Australia Party. We stood candidates in 5 National and State elections, and we closed the Party this year in 2024. We hoped to expose the influence of the pharmaceutical drug cartels on the Australian health system, and ensure that Australians would always be able to have a choice in their health care options. We stood as a Party that occupied the center ground. We came very close in two elections to having a candidate elected, but of course close is not good enough in the end.
It was a very challenging experience and showed that small Parties without substantial financial backing have little chance of electoral success. We were attacked by the media and of course the pharmaceutical lobby and their supporters because we stood up for natural medicine and stated that vaccines and drugs were not the only legitimate health options. It was a worthwhile experience, and we were supported by tens of thousands of Australians, but in the end it was too much work for too few people.
But I still believe there is an opportunity to create political success in Australia as well as many other countries where a significant minority of people have woken up to the negative influence of the pharmaceutical drug cartels on their health, and the health of their nations. I truly hope others will try the political approach while the memory of COVID mismanagement remains strong. It is one way that positive change may happen.
15. For readers who want to learn more about your work or stay up to date with your latest projects, what resources or channels would you recommend they follow?
I am invited reasonably regularly by people around the world to do webinars mainly looking at HP and vaccine injury. So, some of these could be found by Googling “Isaac Golden webinar”. I just tried doing that and a lot of material came up over a couple of pages. Of course, looking at my website will also alert people to online options.
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I'm always in search of compelling narratives and insightful individuals to feature. Whether it's personal experiences with the vaccination or other medical interventions, or if you know someone whose story and expertise could enlighten our community, I'd love to hear from you. If you have a story to share, insights to offer, or wish to suggest an interviewee who can add significant value to our discussions, please don't hesitate to get in touch at Your contributions and suggestions are invaluable in enriching our understanding and conversation.
Resources for the Community:
For those affected by COVID vaccine injury, consider the FLCCC Post-Vaccine Treatment as a resource.
Discover 'Baseline Human Health': Watch and share this insightful 21-minute video to understand and appreciate the foundations of health without vaccination.
Books as Tools: Consider recommending 'Official Stories' by Liam Scheff to someone seeking understanding. Start with a “safe” chapter such as Electricity and Shakespeare and they might find their way to vaccination.
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Golden I. Vaccination & Homeoprophylaxis – A Review of Risks and Alternatives. 7th Edition. 2010. Isaac Golden Publications, Cherokee, Australia.
Golden I. Homoeoprophylaxis – A Fifteen Year Clinical Study. 2004. Isaac Golden Publications, Cherokee, Australia.
Golden I. Vaccine Injured Children – A 21st Century Tragedy.: Treatment, Prevention, Reasons. 4th Edition. 2023. Isaac Golden Publications, Cherokee, Australia.
Kennedy R, Hooker B. Vax-Unvax: Let the Science Speak. 2023. Skyhorse Publishing. New York.
36 years ago we made a decision to not vaccinate our new born. We had 3 more since then. We looked at homeopathic options back then. Probably not where they are today. We decided against doing that as well.
If we continue to use the word ‘vaccinate’ in any form we are supporting and legitimising the pharmaceutical industry who own that word.
It is very clear that traditional vaccination confuses the immune system and especially the T-cell, B-cell relationship which causes many lifelong problems for people’s health, we need to eliminate in goodness that people think that vaccination holds.
In other words we need to completely demonise the concept of traditional vaccination. It is an abhorrent practice that has built credibility on a framework of myths and lies.
I'm trying to gather for myself how Homeopathy works and if there's proof. The National Library of Medicine on the NIH website has lots of information about this. It seems they fully know that through Quantum Physics/Biology this is possible. If you look around you find they KNOW that EMF has an effect on us. They know that Homeopathic treatments have frequency that effects our bodies. They absolutely know how electrified human beings are and that disruptions in our energy causes sickness. They see evidence that homeopathy can correct the imbalance. Look around, follow some of the links at the bottom of the studies.