“ If we believe absurdities we shall commit atrocities.” - Voltaire

What a sad and desperate history, and we haven’t learned anything from it.

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Learn what? Just kidding - i'm being facetious. I love this quote! Most people don't think they have anything to learn. They're just trying to get by. If politicians pay them to vote for them, they'll take the money and hope for the best. Not realizing, or as an excuse, "hope" never comes because it's always in the future - in the next election. Some people, like Voltaire and you, and others of course, have learned. But there's a big wall of deception separating the people from their leaders. Times have changed and the only people who knew it would and predicted it are the old, dead philosophers.

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"...the unofficial policy of the World Health Organisation and the unofficial policy of ‘Save the Children Fund’ and almost all those organisations is one of murder and genocide" And money. It's always money. Every email I get from WHO, describes the "good" things they want to do for people around the world (never Americans) and beg for more money to do them. Unfortunately, it's never enough and nothing is done for the people WHO lies about wanting to help.

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Thanks for this. It's just amazing how history repeats.

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Because it works. For the globalists pushing their one world government with complete control, one country at a time...

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Thanks for highlighting this interview with Dr. Archie Kalokerinos, it was a great read.

I first became aware of Archie's work after reading a quote from Dissolving Illusions at the start of chapter 12, The Disappearance of Polio,

"I also looked at their children and wondered why they got so sick. This time the answer came rather quickly and from the mouth of an Aboriginal woman, before the white man came, we had good health and no sickness."

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Great interview. I always wondered why AIDS affected homosexuals in western countries and heterosexuals in Africa. Now I know! Sadly, it all makes sense. The day light is the best antiseptic. Thank you for bringing light to darkness!

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That was a stunning revelation - AIDS and the dirty needles of the vaccination program

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I had been part of the health freedom movement for several years before I learned about Archie. Such a brilliant and kind man - thanks for sharing his story!

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Enlightening and equally disheartening but totally unsurprising! I was especially interested in the fact that they spread AIDS via the dirty needles. I’m not a medical professional yet I know dirty needles are a recipe for infection, at the very least! There is no way I could knowingly cause another human to die or suffer by my own hands, save for the many evil doers whose day of reckoning will surely come.

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Too bad he didn't live long enough to read Liam Scheff's chapter on AIDS. Thanks for this!

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I found no 11 part series on the Vaccine News website. It is a site that tells you about malpractice suits.

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Thank-you for this outstanding article with Dr Archie Kalokerinos MD. I knew some but not all of the atrocities that have stemmed from Vaccinations. I pray for RFK JR to be confirmed as our HHS Director and hopefully change will begin. God Bless you!!

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