Intelligence or consciousness IS reality as I understand it. We see some of that expressed as material reality, some we think of as emotion, some as thought. That the western mind wishes to apportion these forms into separate categories creates so many problems; the 'hard question' of consciousness, and the debate between two nonsensical ideas of evolution vs intelligent design another.
Intelligence or consciousness IS reality as I understand it. We see some of that expressed as material reality, some we think of as emotion, some as thought. That the western mind wishes to apportion these forms into separate categories creates so many problems; the 'hard question' of consciousness, and the debate between two nonsensical ideas of evolution vs intelligent design another.
Intelligence or consciousness IS reality as I understand it. We see some of that expressed as material reality, some we think of as emotion, some as thought. That the western mind wishes to apportion these forms into separate categories creates so many problems; the 'hard question' of consciousness, and the debate between two nonsensical ideas of evolution vs intelligent design another.