The GMC has made me question everything also. I've been reading Darwin Retried (1971 - Norman Macbeth), my path is similar to yours I think. Darwinism is a social engineering psyop, clearly. Next you need to look at Einstein, I've just started here. Maybe examine Tavistock and the manufacture of the Beatles and youth culture in the 60's.…
The GMC has made me question everything also. I've been reading Darwin Retried (1971 - Norman Macbeth), my path is similar to yours I think. Darwinism is a social engineering psyop, clearly. Next you need to look at Einstein, I've just started here. Maybe examine Tavistock and the manufacture of the Beatles and youth culture in the 60's. I found a very interesting and succinct book, "Instincts of the Herd in Peace and War" (1916 - Wilfred Trotter), I've been trying to examine the foundations of the social engineering efforts the serf populations have been subjected to. And often times there is far greater clarity in these older works, although I believe many of the methods are far far older, and have a metaphysical and occult foundation at their root. Great work!
The GMC has made me question everything also. I've been reading Darwin Retried (1971 - Norman Macbeth), my path is similar to yours I think. Darwinism is a social engineering psyop, clearly. Next you need to look at Einstein, I've just started here. Maybe examine Tavistock and the manufacture of the Beatles and youth culture in the 60's. I found a very interesting and succinct book, "Instincts of the Herd in Peace and War" (1916 - Wilfred Trotter), I've been trying to examine the foundations of the social engineering efforts the serf populations have been subjected to. And often times there is far greater clarity in these older works, although I believe many of the methods are far far older, and have a metaphysical and occult foundation at their root. Great work!