Sun is one of the best cures for the skin and a range of skin cancers (not all). Just don't get burned. Start with a few minutes daily and slowly extend. I had harmless skin cancers - all gone. It also gives you the Viit D. And ditch the sunglasses altogether too. They fool your body and brain. It takes a few months of squinting and after you normalized yourself you will wonder why you ever wore them. You see so much better without them. And it helps with the slow tanning and healing of your sun deprived skin.

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I just learned from another Substack about the benefits of the sun and the detrimental effect of not getting enough of it. Of course, the reasons we are told to avoid the sun is because of the $,$$$,$$$. Doctors and Big Pharma rake in the dough from all those, like me, who blindly believed all the hype!

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"Having said all this, there is one thing that our healthcare system handles well, and that it trauma care."

And that is why Obama"care" made sure catastrophic health insurance plans no longer exist. Nobody should partake of the medical industrial complex (MIC) unless it is a true catastrophic emergency. But that doesn't make money for the MIC, so everbody must now partake of the MIC for non-catastrophic non-emergency, everyday ills or even worse "preventative" medical "care." That's what health insurance is for right?

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Totally agree. Though catastrophic plans are back, kinda-sorta, lol.

At least in Ohio, one can purchase "short-term" insurance policies that are much cheaper and don't cover all of the "preventative" stuff. Still crappy insurance, but a better option for those of us fed up with obamacare.

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Jun 13Liked by Unbekoming

Great article. I remember that black salve. My mother had a tube of it. It smelled. My brother was playing in a forest with friends building a fort and got stuck with a thorn. He never mentioned it and days later my mother noticed him limping when he said his leg hurt. His leg was inflamed so she put this black salve on it. It got worse and she saw what she thought was a splinter, took a tweezers and pulled it. And pulled it and pulled it. It was 4" long. We were all shocked that he managed to go about so long with that stuck in his leg, but that salve forced that thorn out just a bit so it became visible. My mother did the exact same. Wrapped my brothers leg with gauze and within 2 days my brother was back into that forest to complete his fort with friends.

We used that salve on all skin related disturbances. Boils, inflammation, severe poison ivy, bee stings, my brother again thought kicking around a wasp hive might be fun until it exploded. My mother wrapped him like a mummy. There was another product I'll never forget and it was called Ecco Powder. Astounding what that powder did. My father used to kick off his shoes to stretch out on the couch for 1/2 hour nap after work and dinner. No one was able to walk into that living room. My mother made a foot bath with this Ecco powder, maybe 2 times. Never and I mean never again did my father have footatosis. All yeast infections, irritations gone overnight. Boy do I miss those cures.

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Great comment, thank you!

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Jun 14Liked by Unbekoming

Those were the days of traveling salesmen, selling sewing machines, encyclopedias, vacuum cleaners etc. One day I answered the door, called my mother and this man with a big black briefcase entered to show his wares. Nothing but salves, ointments, tinctures, and powders covering just about every known malady a large family would encounter. Iodine was another. Worked like a charm on any cut or abrasion.

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Was it icthammol? That is a black drawing salve. People used it for boils, splinters. They took it off the market about ten years ago. The closest thing is Prid ointment and it isn't made the same way it was. It stinks too, so you know its good.

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Jun 13Liked by Unbekoming

I don't know. That name rings a bell, but I thought Icthammol was something different, you could be right though. There was a scene in "The Last of the Mohicans" where that salve was used so we know it's been around for centuries. I'm surprised it took so long for Pharma to catch up with it.

I also remember Phisohex & Clearasil. Teenage blemishes gone overnight. Now gone.

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It was a sulfurous smell, as I remember. Recently I had to buy a remedy for some animal skin problems called Nustock. It also has that smell, but it is yellow color. The ichthammol comes out of the ground so I wouldn't be surprised if the Indians used it too.

Very old pharmacopeias had it listed along with cannabis and many different plants. The Clearasil used to smell. Maybe it had sulfur and zinc too?

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Jun 14Liked by Unbekoming

You're right. Let's see now, the Rockefellers took over the Pharma industry around the teens, we still used natural medicines 1000's of years old, my exposure was in the 50's & 60's, then they took over medical schools to further push their pill agenda and wipe out all evidence of natural cures. They campaigned vehemently against homeopathy, and lastly resorted to murder in cold blood any doctor who didn't comply and who had a voice and reputation strong enough to be a threat. Actually, the Rockefeller tyranny tactics on medicine were no different to their modus used when they controlled oil and needed to take control of the railroads as well. Walk softly and carry a big stick.

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I forgot to mention the language. Medicine etc. wasn't an 'industry'. The idea of average health didn't exist. Where do you stick thermometer for average temperature? Strong for a baby is not strong for a grown man for a 90 year old. Somehow, we've been sold the notion that health is measured by statistics, a 'for profit' industry can 'Care'. Grandma would say it was "By hook or by crook".

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They had to control news outlets and influence law making first to control education. Don't forget to make the regulations. When industry is regulated by a monopoly the competition is eliminated. The public helps eliminate competition because propaganda (advertising, movies, radio, billboards, gossip) drives emotion, demand and tolerance for regulation. Monopoly can fix prices to drive out competition, pay for smear campaigns and sue competitors out of the market. That's why there are no small hospitals. And "nonprofit" profit hospitals. They build bigger and bigger and buy out competitors to use up the profits. That is why private practice doctors are rare. That's what "standard of care", HIPPA, and electronic health records are for.

There's dirty pool and murder still, but mostly it looks like a Rube Goldberg machine. The rules of the game are set.

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Yup, I'm with you on all you said. Anti-trust laws are long gone. One of my favorite authors was Ayn Rand. You either love her or hate her. The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged were about individual achievement and the struggle to be heard and be different. She was castigated something awful but I loved her work.

It's mind blowing to assimilate the width, breadth and length of the Medical Industrial Complex that exists in this country. Jon Rap sez 17 million workers out of 155 million workforce in US is 1 out of every 9 people work for the MIC. No chance for sanity other than the people remaining rejecting this created monstrosity hell bent on killing you slowly.

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I am deeply humbled and so grateful Unbekoming!

Thank you for sharing this. I'm forwarding this to friends, so they know about your substack.


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Jun 13Liked by Unbekoming

I've used the example of kids being brought for the jab(s) by not just willing, but eager parents as an illustration of just how deep and powerful the mind control is at this point.

In the case of the covid jabs, it would appear the protective parental instincts were perverted by propaganda which convinced folks that getting kids jabbed was protective. That said, I can't help but wonder how many knew deep down it was wrong but did it anyway due to social pressure etc.

We do live in a world in which instinct and I tuition are dirty words, follow that science damn you. We're not 9nly never taught how to enhance and use such, and in fact are actively and intentionally taught to suppress and ignore.

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im combating the propaganda with mini flyers easy to make 10 per sheet

from www.VirusTruth.NET

I use the ones called LuckyDay and put on cars at grocery store, leave in baby isle,

hand to moms with babies. I tape to gas pump screens. we need more to help !

plant the seeds of doubt. put book Contagion Myth directly into hands ! free on this site.

post on Instagram and fakebook.

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Jun 13Liked by Unbekoming

Thank you! My inner voice repeatedly states "march forth". I was born on March 4th 1958. Here I am

http://www.thenationreport.org/the-uss-liberty-fifty-years-of-us-cover-up/ June 13, 2017

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We started moving into the materialist world of technocratic science as long ago as the 15th Century when Aristotle's ideas were thoroughly discarded and the elitist system propagated by Plato took its place. The Italian Renaissance princes picked up the ball and it spread like wildfire throughout Europe.

We have been in the dark ages since and we are reaching the peak of dystopia now.

It's not a coincidence that the God of medicine is Asclepius and his serpent-entwined staff forms the central part of the World Health Organisation's emblem. Asceplius is a major figure in the occult.

Modern 'Science' has always been about propagating lies and deception to control the masses and the rabbit hole goes very deep. Most of what we believe is simply not true. The problem is very few people have the nous to see through the deceptions because they fear the mockery of the average citizen, who is a complete fool and boostered to the eyeballs.

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Jun 13Liked by Unbekoming

Until the TRUTH is heard, inner voice, by everyone of us, you, we are under an enormous nuclear war agenda! End AIPAC

#NUMEC located on X.

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reading book The Contagion Myth by dr tom cowan md is all I needed for the big shift.

free at www.VirusTruth.NET

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I am very grateful for this post!! Thanks mucho much.

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Jun 13Liked by Unbekoming

One thing I'd say about trauma care that they miss is iv vit c . Makes a huge difference in recovery

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I'm looking forward to Unbekoming's review of the Black Salve book by Greg Caton. It's about much more than just the salve. He uncovers how far back Vitamin C therapies where known to work (100s of years) and how they got buried. Really fascinating.

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Jun 13Liked by Unbekoming

There needs to be a library of books like Kelli's. There are plenty of us who have learned when to turn to the Useful Idiots in White Coats, and when to stay the heck away. More stories like hers will increase our tribal wisdom.

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Jun 13Liked by Unbekoming

Thank you so much for all the exceptionally important information you keep putting out. You are a fountain of critical wisdom! 👏🙏🏻👏

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My new granddaughter was a 2nd C-section, she ingested Amniotic fluids into her lungs and spent a week in the NICU. Her heart rate dropped, they were on it quickly.

Here brainwashed mother will start giving her shots as soon as the idiot Pediatrician says so.

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cafe locked out banned for 3649 days

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what does this mean ? banned from youtube?

get around it with easy mini flyers from www.VirusTruth.NET

I put 20 on cars everyday in my travels, and tape to gas pump screens so they cant miss the message. Covid is Scam, Virus are dead Cell Debris, Not Contagious !

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Jun 13Liked by Unbekoming

Lovely article. Thank you!

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Jun 13Liked by Unbekoming

The Truth About Cancer wth Ty and Charlene Bollinger. Those 2 have for years posted cures, the truth, countless videos & interviews. They have been censored, banned & debunked.


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they are too made for TV fake imo. look how they dress....for entertainment, making money .

is all I see. health is not complicated. sick people are poisoned. cancer same symptoms as all hundreds of other disease names same symptoms sell a different drug that makes you sicker..dont get tested for cancer and wont get the cancer death label. stay away from docs and check ups. they turn healthy people without symptoms into patients like the did with HIV aids... www.whatreallymakesyouill.com and www.VirusTruth.NET

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HIV aids _ history of Dr Fauci. Thanks for your comment & link.

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Jun 13·edited Jun 13

just watched one of their videos pushing a "liquid biopsy test "for early detection.

no symptoms is definition of healthy.so this bollinger team in formal wedding attire is selling snake oil

will have to see the company owners behind the test. vitamins are just pharma light synthetic not food. Daniel Roytas www.humanley.com exposes vitamin industry.

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