Mar 19, 2022Liked by Unbekoming

I would give *so* much if I could go back and undo the vaxxes I gave my kids. I didn't let them get the HPV shot, but I gave them all the others and my daughter's doc talked her into the HPV shot when she was still 18 years old.

If there's any consolation, she knows now and even though my granddaughter has had her first shots (she's now 4 y/o) and my grandson had his first shots (he's just over a year old) the monsters have lost us as customers. There will never be another one of their poison injections in any of us.

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The future is looking brighter to me. Thank you for sharing this. The fact that A mainstream persona like Candace is taking this on is a sign that things will be very different for children around the world in the future.🙏🤗

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Mar 20, 2022Liked by Unbekoming

It was difficult to read a lot of this post, as I remember all too clearly when my son came home with the Gardasil authority paperwork received from his school for me to sign. I questioned it immediately, as how was my son at risk of cervical cancer? Then I questioned my more ‘alternative’ thinking GP who I trusted, who advised it was definitely a good idea. Then my son wanted it as well, as he and all the other students were told it would prevent them from getting some illness, plus he would want to go along with what his friends were doing. He was disappointed in me that I was questioning it!

So it’s too late for my son, like with your daughter, so hopefully they and many others will not suffer any adverse effects - although how would we know? My son developed chill blains during last year - a first in the ‘auto-immune’ category. He suffered tremendously with it for a couple of months. (His GP could only recommend medications that might lead to ill effects with his blood pressure, kidneys, headaches...) Who’s to say this new auto-immune condition is not a result of vaccine injury? Makes me very mad indeed, but at least this most recent time I managed to prevent him jumping onto the Cvd jab bandwagon - but it was not easy, and 2021 will be one of the most challenging years of our lives, as for many I imagine, but also no doubt very character strengthening for the future.

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Mar 19, 2022Liked by Unbekoming

Candace on the case has made my day! She's one brave woman. I am so thankful the only needle that ever pierced my daughter's skin was for a blood test and hope for the sake of the world's beautiful children that change is on its way.

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Doesn't make any sense that a *vaccine* can prevent cancer.

People have to be *educated* into thinking that it does.

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Great reporting and wonderful Candice has become a vocal advocate. Gardasil is one of the cruelest frauds and the biggest cash cow before Covid jabs.

Lesser known fact.. Merck wrangled the very first vaccine mandate with Gardasil with Rick Perry in Texas ofc toxic funding tales behind this a familiar political story. https://web.archive.org/web/20070208101949/http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/front/4526972.html

For global mandate campaigns and legislative influence by Merck and PhARMA nobody has better archive than Sourcewatch w detail by US State and foreign countries.


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deletedMar 19, 2022Liked by Unbekoming
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