Live blood analysis of subject drinking structured water. Images and videos date from February 2024 with consistent rouleaux (stacking). The subject had been drinking the water for approx 2 months when unstacking finally began (October 31). https://drive.proton.me/urls/QD4W3ANM4M#iJM2MGXZo8Uf

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What is structured water and how does one know he has it?

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Sam Bailey has answered your question about antibiotics.

And just because they work does not mean they are "fighting an infection." That is the cause and effect we were told is so; it could be many other possibilities.

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See A Midwestern Doctor's substack about DMSO (there are several)regarding brain damage and Downs. Google Keri Rivera about autism. Spike, see The McCullough Protocol, and I think FLCCC also has something similar. Cataracts are an indication of a circulatory issue. AMD'S substack on zeta potential will be helpful. Nattokinase and aged garlic are the best things I know of for cleaning out blood vessels, and DMSO is great for breaking up agglutinate blood.

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Midwestern dr hides who he or she or maybe its an it is..why?

Never gives details of a person with downs or autism reversed . fllcc docs still believe in viruses and covid sadly and push ivermectin which if you have symptoms the cdc always calls Flu LIKE, works no different than overcounter alka seltzer, plop plop fizz fizz oh what a relief it is or Nyquil...or steroids...

or drinking a Hot Toddy ...brandy alcohol...

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What has happened to any doctor who advocates for treatments that threaten the profitability of the status quo? See Meryl Nass, Pierre Kory, Paul Marik, Peter McCullough. The list is endless. If I could only have one person on the planet that I could rely upon for health information it would be AMD. If I could have only two, I'd add Dr. Mercola.

Ivermectin is an anthelminthic, developed to eliminate parasites. It clearly does not work the same as Alka Seltzer.

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On the contrary, all of those doctors keep steering people back to the establishment fir solutions to the crimes the establishment are committing. Judas goats are all I see

I won't listen to any of them Natokinnaise apparently has the same stuff in it the jabs do. Ivermectin is either being deliberately demonised, or there are a few people realising the counter narrative is as spoon fed as the official narrative, and Merkes big money spinner could well be just another case study on a leopard not being able to change its spots.

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Dr Cowan just did a detailed review of the product insert for ivermectin, same effect as steroids...flcc docs prescribing it to "prevent " getting covid which exists in name only and pushing for "safe" vaccines which is impossible .

Here is the podcast. https://old.bitchute.com/video/AFZcnPZ5peYn/

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Thanks for dragging ivermectin into the conversation. As always, Dr. Cowan's take on the subject was very interesting. It's a little scary to think that the evil overlords had an solution in mind for those of us who weren't going to be willing to roll up our sleeves...

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I am loving the audio files feature on SS app!!

Thank you!!!!!

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Cant this be simplified to stress causing symptoms of detox aka illness? That word disease should not exist.why no mention of toxin as first cause ? Rx pharma are poisons, diet sodavis poison, alcohol is poison, smoking is poison, vaccines poison! Stop injesting has to be primary. No Physical or emotional stress needed! German new medicine fails bec of this huge obvious elephant , the most strong emotionally resilient non stressed person cannot disregard toxins. Stop rx pharma and going to docs and you will feel better.

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Great find! I was very surprised to find this book was published in 2007! Though any author with heretical views will nearly always be difficult to find. If it were easy, the revolution would have taken place long ago (and hopefully we would have won)...

I'd heard the "antibiotics lead to fungus" argument before, but I love his explanation. He's basically expanded upon Tennant's view of disease as it relates to alkalinity/acidity and added new thoughts about what drives things away from the desired slightly alkaline state. I suspect it will be worth reading the entire book to better understand how he measures pH, oxidative stress and resistivity.

The oxidative stress component intrigues me, as I'm currently reading Mercola's Your Guide to Cellular Health, where he argues based upon Ray Peat's research that impaired cellular energy production is what underpins all chronic disease. He argues that simple to digest carbs like dextrose and white rice are one direct way to increase cellular energy production. If true, that's an indictment against long term use of the carnivore diet and its variations. Or at least that the regime needs to be adapted to allow for some percentage of simpler carbs.

It'd be interesting to hear Bigelsen's thoughts on what sort of patient characteristics might make someone more sensitive to EMFs? Would it be more common in someone with a lot of Body Armoring, for instance? Would Body Armoring reduce harmonics and then EMF adds a load of unnatural harmonics on top of that? Something makes some people a lot more sensitive to EMFs than most of us are.

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How can anyone study blood live while in someones body, ? The the second it is extracted and reaches air, its changed. Dehydration alters blood. The only useful hospital remedy is IV saline drip bec the salt rehydrates the blood. Everyone feels better pretty fast after saline... Back to balance...but then docs start giving rx drugs in hospitals poisoning them further. Hospital acquired infections an is rx pharma overdose aka Toxemia...only happens to patients, emergency rooms even update people on vaccines upon entry adding more toxic insult to the body,

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You must be getting your info from quackwatch, the fount of all medical knowledge. It is possible to draw blood and observe it under a darkfield microscope before the sample evaporates or dries significantly. You do that in the office, it doesn't get sent to a lab to sit until someone has the time to look at it. Thick blood will show rouleaux, which are RBCs stacked like Frisbees. That is a sign of impaired zeta potential. Saline will partially restore zeta potential, but citrates do a better job. Just simply being grounded will improve ZP, as will basking in infrared light (provided you aren't also dehydrated). Rouleaux are sign that your health is not optimal and you need to do something about it. It's a pretty simple way to stay on top of your health.

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Everyone feels better in the sun, can feel the healing energy...No brainer we are like trees and plants..on a cycle of life, dont need rx pharma intervention. flu like symptoms seasonal like trees losing leaves as form of detox, renwal. From drastic temp change, less sun....

book Toxemia Explained! By Dr. John Tilden. Easy to understand. what about

People who feel perfectly fine, yet go for lab work or screenings for Cancer..then .test positive, then off to chemo death path...not one thought to the radiation mammagrams as the cause of lumps or tissue damage. Its insane. Most elderly suffering from poly pharma...and constant radiation scans bec drs can bill for them...its not rocket science to see most suffering ailments are dr induced rx drugs...

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Tilden was awesome - all disease is a crisis of elimination! Yeah, it's health"scare," not healing. It's never the doctor's fault - either genetics, bad luck or the fault of the victim (patient) - mostly the latter.

Agreeing to Standard of Care (Standard of Maximum Profitability) for cancer treatment is the textbook definition of insanity. I'd opt for cancer care in Albania before dealing with a US oncologist.

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Not sure if Vax orcrx drug damage is reversable

ie autism, brain damage, .downs syndrome, .what do you think?

Or know anything about something more simple common like cataracts?

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I think I must have hit the wrong reply button. Search these comments for my most recent reply to your questions.

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