Immediately I thought that they should start taking a modified cancer protocol using fenbendazole and ivermectin. Basically 300mg of fenbendazole, 500mg Quercetin plus olive oil in the am and roughly 36mg ivermectin at night. 3 days on and 4 days off for 12 weeks. I suggested this to a friend who had recurring skin cancer 3x - he used the protocol and in 12 weeks he rang the cancer free bell.

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Thank you. Both parasitics work with cancers. I like the doseage/formula script you provided.

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That's quite a story; thank you for telling it. What caught my eye was the issue of 'skin irritation'. As briefly as possible, aged 42 I left my old life to start afresh. Immediately I got ultra-itchy skin rash, neck-down. I surmised that I had a lot of accumulated toxicity in me that now felt I was in a safe enough place to be released, and needed to get out of my system..., and my wise body-mind-spirit chose 'through the skin' as the safest way. (The Itch, is fundamental in homeopathy). I lived with 'the itch' for two years, changing my diet, going to the beach (500m away) and diving into the sea in a series of rituals for cleansing and went on vision-quest. Gradually the itch went.

As an aside, I also have toe-nail fungus, have tried all-sorts (except pharma-products) but still have it 20 years on now. I've not been near a doctor in almost 40 years, nor had a vaxx in nearly 50 years. I'm 68. If I break a bone, I'm happy for them to fix it. Where I live, it would (currently) cost nothing. I agree with you that Americans have long since been shamelessly experimented on.

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Great post. I'm in the same boat with toenail fungus and systemic candida. I have been prescribed oral fluconazole, but it needs blood work at intervals and is liver-toxic, so I have not been compliant. This is a fluoridated drug that crosses the blood-brain barrier, so it treats CNS infections. Have you considered mebendazole for the parasites? This seems like a first step to me. And if it were me, I would get rid of the darn cats. I would be patient with the chlorine dioxide. MMS, even at low doses, is far more effective than CDS, and if activated with HCL and not citrate, it is well tolerated. Kalcker's emphasis on CDS has been a step backward. See my posts on chlorine dioxide from robertyoho.substack.com.

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I would really recommend looking up the NAC/CDF protocol. There's a group on telegram or also websearch. It's such a simple but comprehensive protocol that's very well-researched.

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Wowzaa!! That is one heckuva journey. I too am using Lies Are unbekoming articles as a method to help friends. I (sadly) totally agree with her thoughts about America:

"I'm embarrassed that so much of this evil, bad food, bad doctoring and big pharma come out of the USA. I like what you said recently though... Americans do take the biggest hit on all of it. Having lived in Canada I saw the difference in what they "wouldn't" allow in the food supply compared to the USA. Americans have been experimented on as much or more than anyone else in the world. And we pay a lot more for our "quality" healthcare, while having a lower life expectancy."

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Wow! Big Thank You to UNBEKOMING. The information in the stories shared here are very helpful in this journey. I find this story really interesting because I don't have very much experience with manifestations of disease like this. At 55, I do know that I am exceptionally lucky (fortunate?) to be as healthy as I am, which I attribute to having an immune system that appears, so far, to be following a strict immigration and naturalization policy for anyone seeking residence within my meta-biotic domain. Probably also helps that I identify as being a militant and radical scientific methodologist. I am the principle investigator and run my own lab. The only conflict of interest that I am aware of is my own ignorance.

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I understand how heartbreaking it is to watch the person you love suffer. I wish to offer some hope. It may not be for others, but it has worked for my husband. Many years ago, I was trying to find answers for my own health problems, and I trained in holistic therapies, especially energy healing. I dived into this subject and then I dived out, because as I grew in knowledge and as I fine-tuned my ability to discern frequencies and whether they were good, or bad, or dangerous, I realised that frequencies are the main cause of ALL illness and we all suffer from different illness — according to our unique energy frequency and our expanded states of consciousness — and if you imagine Russian Doll-like layers that surround us, beyond where our mind can see, that is our extended ladder of consciousness. At every level, each expanded Russian Doll layer is meant to hold greater knowledge, more powerful frequencies, and we can learn to tap into these areas to gain balance with health. I have been in pursuit of answers/solutions and to deepen my understanding of the issues affecting our wellbeing concerning frequencies. I have been working on ways to identify cause to further understand the effects, in order to find peaceful solutions. I have been working on ways to simplify a complex topic, to make it easier for beginners to tap into the part of themselves that is beyond the Russian Doll layers, and I call this, the Infinite Self. I have gone down many roads as we all have, and my road led me to hear — through my Infinite Self — in the summer of 2019, that we needed to purchase a home and move out of our rental because "'They' were going to introduce a 'virus' in 2020, and things were going to get very chaotic." I dismissed this initially but then things did start to unfold in the autumn, and we found a house and moved in before the first UK lockdown of March 2020. What I wish to share is that I have had much help from my heart connection/Infinite Self. My husband (who has Crohn's disease since 21 yrs old after a tetanus injection), had started using heart connection before his cancer scare. He was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma in 2022 and had two months to live, or take chemo. He asked his heart for guidance and was guided to take the chemo BUT to ask his Infinite Self and LOVE and the Laws of Creation to purify everything that went into his body and everything that left his body, including biopsies, blood samples, all chemo and other medications. We bought an expensive water and flouride filter. We ate well but I also fed him puddings and nice treats...he was emaciated, and our hearts guided us not to worry too much about what he ate, it was more important to be practical but not paranoid, and we were also advised to ask for all air to be purified. Understanding frequencies has been my passion for the last 14 years. Everything emits a frequency. Years ago, my husband was tested for food allergies using a machine that input the frequency of a food item into his body and monitored his reaction to it. We emit frequencies. We are energy beings. We transmit and receive frequencies all day everyday. As does everything including the air and food that we ingest. It upsets me to see others suffering like Don and Shirley. I believe they are on the right track and just wished to add a link for heart connection/self help and healing for them to consider using each day...a simple routine to help them tap into their own inner resource...their heart intelligence. My husband used his heart intelligence to ask for help everyday. We always ask for help for humanity and all life each day too, and during his treatment with chemo, we always asked how we could help ourselves and how we could help all life in OPTIMAL WAYS THAT BEST HELPED ALL.

Everyday we received information through our heart intelligence. It always led to peaceful meetings and positive outcomes. We understand a great deal more than I can put down here, but if Shirley and Don wish to understand frequencies better, I do share much information on my Substack. I am not trying to promote the Substack, but I do wish others who are suffering to know how to self heal and how to tap into a natural resource that is underused and underrated by many in society, and I wish to show others that the more we help ourselves and the more we understand frequencies, the sooner we can heal ourselves and heal others.

There is a lot of dark activity on this planet. It affects our health, our moods, our emotional responses. It is my belief that when humanity awaken to the fact that their own hearts have the answers and the power to control their own destiny, then much more healing will take place for all life. Our hearts know what we need as individuals, and what one human needs is not what another human necessarily needs to heal. All our Russian Doll layers of consciousness have become damaged by harmful frequencies in different areas and in different ways, causing different disease and illness. This area of damage has to be repaired before other methods are implemented. It is the FIRST STEP TO HEALING. Even the holistic community are blind to this information and their practices are severely lacking in knowledge. No one should be allowing anyone to put energy into them. They need to stay safe by working purely with their own inner teacher who has the knowledge and the authority to heal us. No one else can heal us. We can only heal through asking our inner teacher to help us. The Russian Doll layer that is most damaged is the largest one that is inside this reality. If humanity awaken to the fact that they need to close off all the holes and damaged areas of the largest Russian Doll that is damaged, then, work their way down through the layers of Russian Dolls, using daily heart connection then, repair and healing can start in earnest. My teachings centre around helping others to connect to their hearts easily, and on how to easily ask for healing and repair each day, allowing the most powerful, intelligent part of ourselves do the rest. We can also peacefully ask the frequency of LOVE and the Laws of Creation to gather up all malicious harm, all magnified, harmful intentions and to send it all back to those responsible for the harm. This helps to clear the Russian Doll layers of harmful toxins, including the parasites. Don would benefit from asking for all parts of himself that were taken from him for biopsies, etc., to be purified and protected because every bit of ourselves carries our energy signature. Where does that energy of ours go when we give blood, have a biopsy? Is it protected? It all needs to be protected, and we simply have to ask our inner heart intelligence to do this for us.

I believe that if Don and Shirley set to work to ask their heart intelligence for help to heal, their hearts will 'drop' the necessary information in front of them. They can check within their hearts before proceeding: "Does this action/medicine/approach that we are thinking of trying best serve us and all life in optimal ways?" They could double-check each potion they are trying to see what they need to take and what they need to stop. They will find their answers, and the more they practice this method of inner questioning, the more they will know what to do in each moment.

It may not be for everyone but this is how we live our lives. We ask for help for ourselves, humanity and all life each day, and for guidance on how to approach personal and planetary challenges. We always get help and most of the time, we get guided on the requests we need to make for optimal outcomes that best help all. The mantra is "MAKE THE REQUEST. LOVE DOES THE REST." It has been extremely challenging and stressful watching my husband go through ongoing illness, and there have been times when we felt we were all out of steam, however, our hearts have always helped us and given us renewed hope, and that is what my heart told me about my husband's recovery from stage four cancer of liver, spleen, all lower organs...please remember this: The FREQUENCIES OF HOPE, TRUST, AND FAITH are THE HEALING frequencies.

If more in humanity simply asked their hearts to surround, protect and shield them from all harm using the frequencies of HOPE, TRUST AND FAITH: asking first thing in the morning, midway through the day and last thing at night, before sleep, then, more would heal.

My heart told me that my husband survived because he had hope, trust, and faith that whatever happened to him, it was his destiny, and we were later guided that it was not his destiny to die of cancer which is a man-made disease. Big Pharma have a lot to answer for.

Don and Shirley, have Hope, Trust and Faith that you will be ok. Your determination is pushing you forward and you will get your answers. I wish you both all the very best on your journey, and wish to thank you and Unbekoming for sharing your highly important story. I just wish you hadn't had to suffer as badly and hope that Don's health resolves.

Here is the link for self healing in case it helps:



I am also on Substack for help with understanding frequencies and how health and the heart intelligence is all linked to frequencies.



This channel on oldbitchute.com shares a lot of information about parasites, illness, pain and how to holistically heal...I find it highly informative...perhaps there is something useful within their posts to help Don?

Truth Provider| https://old.bitchute.com/channel/aDEDRgbb4abG/

All the very best for healing and repair, Kindest Wishes, Claire

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This is a great article! I see myself in this poor man, although my symptoms are still quite mild, relatively speaking. I was robustly healthy until menopause. Since then I have aged more quickly and had several annoying health issues, despite trying hormone replacement and seeing a naturopath. But seeing all my oddball symptoms tied together like this gives me hope to heal myself before I get as bad as Don. I have chlorella tablets and black walnut tincture as well as MMS and plan to begin slowly with all three to see where it takes me. Thank you Unbekoming! And thank you to other commenters who posted suggestions as well!

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You have to find a really good naturopath. The problem is that they seem to want to take all this blood work and sell you all their supplements because that's how they make their money.

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Yes, the one I had was expensive and got a bit upset when I wouldn't use the online site she was affiliated with to order my supplements. She also collected $ for blood work, then refused to refund it when I cancelled it weeks in advance. I called the lab to see if they would give me a refund, but they had never gotten any money from her. I'm pretty jaded as far as finding professionals that I can trust. I'll settle for working with a good herbalist who I trust, and researching on my own. (Sigh.)

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Should have gone to the Good Earth Clinic website. I spent $1700 at the dermatologist for various tests. My rash was so bad, I felt like I was being bbq’d alive. I went to the grocery store, purchased a quart size bottle of apple cider vinegar for a whopping $1.79 and when I went home I got into the shower and poured it over myself. It burned, but within seconds I felt so much better. I did the a few more times and the rash was gone. Dermatologist also insisted a mole be removed that I had since I can remember. It was normal. Apple cider vinegar vs Board Certified Dermatologist…1 to O.

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What a harrowing journey. There is so much here. I'm so sorry you had to go through this. What a painful experience...and still not over. But I'm thankful you've kept such a good journal. Thank you for sharing with us.

There are so many things to ponder from your story. The ineptitude and harm of the U.S. medical system. The many non-pharmaceutical remedies available are endless and hard to parse. Biomedical moms trying to heal their children go through something quite similar.

Then there is the lengths we will go, as humans in the Vaccine Era, for freedom (CANADA to FLORIDA) and happiness (TAKE shots that are likely to harm to be with the one you love).

When will this madness stop? What will it take? The real harm that is happening to those forced to take injections at various checkpoints; immigration requirements, college requirements, Military requirements, school requirements can no longer be ignored. Oh...and let's not forget medical careers...These are all now quite risky paths.

My heart breaks most for the children who cannot express the pain they are experiencing. All of our stories matter.

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Thank you for sharing this sad challenging story. Sadly parasites are a major problem for not just third world but also westerners and our docs are not adequately trained to assess or treat. Remember parasites are symbiotic .. they hold heavy metals for us at rates of up to 4000x that we have so die-off will increase your metal levels. They also contain Lyme and other retroviruses which will need to be dealt with.

And yes Morgellons also needs to be addressed these days.

After a 3 month rigorous protocol using Dr Klinghardt’s methods I can say binders, especially chlorella (which is a ‘smart’ binder that doesn’t deplete your minerals) are ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL, in massive quantities (40-60 tablets a day at least) or

you will just reabsorb the toxins. You can take more based on symptoms.

If your symptoms worsen during detox your detox pathways are overloaded … c it back on your treatments, increase binders and do more liver and gut cleansing (coffee enemas, castor oil packs for liver, Andreas Moritz’s liver cleanse, colonics)

. Only increase treatment again once your detox symptoms have abated.

One also needs to do liver cleanses before and during to assist in regular detox. See https://klinghardtinstitute.com/category/protocols/.

PDFs of detailed protocols: https://klinghardtinstitute.com/shop/

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P.s. I am assuming that Don and Shirley have eliminated the chemical cause of skin irritation? I learned that many 'chemical-free' 'sensitive' products are not truly chemical free. I had to change my laundry wash, laundry conditioner, shampoo, body wash and face creams, etc., owing to a huge reaction to SLS. My eyes were always watering and sore, my ears split like I had been cut with a knife and my hands would split open if any chemicals went on them using laundry products and the like. There is so much rubbish put into our cleaning and bodycare products that are causing many to have severe reactions. SLS plays a huge role in skin sensitivities. I am sure Don and Shirley will have checked this. Fortunately, there are many more ethical companies making gentle cleansing chemical-free products these days. I took me an age to find products that did not harm me.

Going back to using heart connection:

I taught my husband and students how to hold an item that they enjoyed eating in their hands which was safe for them to eat, and to close their eyes, taking their closed eyes to softly to look down at their heart centre, and to ask their hearts if the item "best helped them in optimal ways" to ingest.

We can all learn this easily, just by tuning into how that item feels in our hands and in our hearts.

A peaceful sense of wellbeing is a good sign. Any physical unease needs your attention.

Imagining that you can see a ruler — with the number one, being "harmful/unsuitable", and the number ten being "excellent help/optimal help" — you can learn to 'sense/perceive/know' where this item is on the ruler.

Next, hold a toxic chemical item like a bleach bottle in your hands. Eyes closed, focused on your heart area...'Feel' the frequency in your heart and hands. Where is the ruler placing this item?

Do this with food items, drinks, medicines, holistic potions: learn to discern what to buy when you go shopping for food. How does it feel in your hands? Where is your inner ruler placing this item?

Using the 'ruler method' is a good way for beginners to learn to discern frequencies.

I found that students with chronic illness benefited from ridding their cupboards of items that they had thought were OK but were, in fact, making their illness worse. Hope that helps!

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Moving to the US for freedom? Ouch.

Also, this whole saga sounds like Morgellons to me.

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$75 for a scope, $2 for some selloptape and they can see and diagnose morgellons for them selves. If they look at my morgellons post they will find truth. Also fm8 on stack for the scope, tomlon.

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I'm so sorry for the seemingly endless trials and tribulations you've had to endure. It really sounds quite unendurable.

A suggestion I can make is the work of Dr Joe Dispenza. People post his meditations on YouTube (you can also buy them) and there are very inspiring testimonials from people who've had amazing results. I suffer from lymphoedema and while the meditations haven't got rid of it they certainly have a beneficial effect. Quite a lot of people have had miraculous results with debilitating skin conditions. These are two.

Stephanie - eczema - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGXm80I8ViA

Ahila - psoriasis (including psoriatic arthritis) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Stv7B5PAY7c

This is a Blessing of the Energy Centres meditation which I used to do and many people find helpful - it's good to try different meditations to find out what you resonate with better.


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The end of that delusional parasitosis has finally arrived. They may find that elusive truth and healing here.


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First thing I thought was Morgellons.

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Check out. Helenaglass.net

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I didn't much, if any, information in this about Vitamin D. You said Don has very pale (or similar statement). It seems that when he got the vaccines he got worse. What types of immune support do you use? Being in the sun for 20 min (40% of skin exposed) I believe is the recommendation. Being in Florida it can be tough but I typically go out to the beach and walk (grounding too!) for less than an hour a few times a week.

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