I did enjoy this interview, and I appreciate the ideas for visualization. Thank you both.
My disappointment is with the contradiction, and not with the substance. We heal "without the middleman," and so we join a training program where we become the middleman, or we seek out the "right" middleman? The juicy meat of this message is where we stop doing the thing. We decide not to be angry. We become willing to taxi the inappropriate baggage back to the owner. Beautiful metaphor.
I am happy that there are "middlemen" for those of us who want them; guides are valuable. I don't want them. I do energy healing for myself. I "do" it for others who do want a middleman, but it's clear that I am only a "permission slip" for them to do what only they can accomplish.
I will look for Abby Wynne, as I can feel she is on the right track, and her message is of value.
I would not call it a middleman myself, I would call it a witness. Healing does need a witness for many reasons, primarily to hold the space for the person as they go through transformation. To validate what is happening. To mark the moment in time. And to reflect back to the client that it did, indeed, take place. We are so quick to mind-wipe ourselves and go back to our old habits it's important to bring something into form, in this reality, especially with a witness.
Self-healing presumes a “self” to exist. Which means a certain level of awareness, a huge level of responsibility, and a gigantic level of openness. These things come bundled with every newborn. We all are part of them, and they are part of us.
Unfortunately, the adults in care of us are usually long past that age and they tend to believe something else. They have also surrendered to that something else and obey its rules. Inevitably, our newborn Self is put under enormous pressure and in most cases remains deep hidden, protected from adults, and secure.
Fortunately, when we teenage, our Self senses another chance and goes for it. We rebel. If we succeed, we empower our Self and open up to that marvelous world of Life Energy.
Once we see it, there is no way to unsee it. Life becomes a series of choices. It’s not always easy to get rid of or part with the influences that darken the human soul. But it’s worth trying. These situations are always great eye-openers.
yes indeed, however as a teenager we are caught in a struggle between wanting to belong and wanting to rebel. So we rebel by choosing a group our parents don't approve of to belong to, and loose sense of self in there as well. I do inner teenager work with people and that can really help shift values and beliefs that they claimed as theirs but didn't really evaluate.
As teenagers, we have no idea who we are and why we are where we are. We only start discovering the abundance of the world and it is overwhelming. We don’t know what we want to do. We cling to the activities perceived in impressive people, mixing up charisma with passion. Adults worsen the situation, asking stupid questions like “Who do you want to be?” or “What do you want to do for a living?” How do I know? I have no idea, I am only 12 or 15 or 18. I haven’t tried anything, and adults want me to commit myself. Beyond stupidity. Yes, that’s what we (adults) are. WE are a major contributing factor to the self-discovery crisis in teenagers. Maybe because we are ashamed to admit that our life is random and accidental, and we had never wanted it. We had dreams and we failed. Or we compromised our teenage ideals with the pressure of adults and we are still stuck there. What teenager would dream about becoming a public servant pushing papers and coffee cups and obeying orders? Yet, we have thousands of them...
I loved it. I already signed up on your site and have done 2 of your meditations. I did the cord-cutting one this morning. Wow….thank you for your work. I used to be involved in “science” and trusted it implicitly which is no longer the case. You have a beat on the things I do not understand but am open to learn. Thank you so much!
All I got from this was "people turn towards the light, like plants". I'll remember that. May not be apropo but it made me think of a horrible flood we had in my neighborhood. Street signs on every street denoting trash p/u and street cleaning days. If you didn't move your car on street cleaning days the city got you for 25 bucks. Too many of my neighbors used the sound of the trucks as a reminder and put their trash out AFTER the fact which left their garbage in the street till the following week. God forbid it would rain that following week. They didn't care.
Then, one summer night, it rained cats & dogs. All that trash got sucked into and prohibited water from draining to the sewer. Each intersection and alley had 4 sewer drains. Car floated around, insurance companies "totaled" everything, 139 cars in our small neighborhood alone.
People were incensed, contacted the city demanding upgrades to our sewer system, city called a meeting for all those affected to attend. I sat there listening to all the engineers discussing ways to correct this problem and what it would cost. I got up and spoke.
"You don't rake your leaves until after the street sweepers come, you don't clear the drains right in front of your homes, you don't put your trash out till AFTER the garbage trucks come, what did you think would happen after a serious squall". "We have enough drains in this area to drain the Potomac and your laziness or just plain stupidity and reckless behavior created this disaster, How about you learn from this". Silence abounded. I was shaking from public speaking, never did that before. Actions speak louder than words. Their future actions followed my words. My guess is these people turned towards the light.
Thank you for this excellent post! When I read this, "To answer your question - healing is releasing everything that is not you. When you look at yourself truthfully and honestly you will see the stories you are constantly telling yourself, these have to go. On top of that, there is a layer of pain that you refuse to let go of because you identify yourself as the person who is in pain. Shifting your idea of who you are and taking responsibility for your behaviour is one of the most difficult things a person can do."
I agree that you must eliminate everything that is not you to experience the happiness, peace, and enthusiasm for life that is your natural state. However it is not as difficult as one might believe. As a Mace Energy Method practitioner, I witness my clients transforming themselves in a matter of hours, not months. They experience the truth that all of the negative thoughts, emotions, and pain is not the Real You. When these are gone, they feel lighter, happier, calmer, and peaceful. And they don't talk about what happened or re-live any upsetting event.
I encourage anyone who is suffering to learn more about the Mace Energy Method: https://www.causisminstitute.com. You can also message me to learn more. We live in a world designed to traumatize us, but we are more powerful than we know.
I did enjoy this interview, and I appreciate the ideas for visualization. Thank you both.
My disappointment is with the contradiction, and not with the substance. We heal "without the middleman," and so we join a training program where we become the middleman, or we seek out the "right" middleman? The juicy meat of this message is where we stop doing the thing. We decide not to be angry. We become willing to taxi the inappropriate baggage back to the owner. Beautiful metaphor.
I am happy that there are "middlemen" for those of us who want them; guides are valuable. I don't want them. I do energy healing for myself. I "do" it for others who do want a middleman, but it's clear that I am only a "permission slip" for them to do what only they can accomplish.
I will look for Abby Wynne, as I can feel she is on the right track, and her message is of value.
I would not call it a middleman myself, I would call it a witness. Healing does need a witness for many reasons, primarily to hold the space for the person as they go through transformation. To validate what is happening. To mark the moment in time. And to reflect back to the client that it did, indeed, take place. We are so quick to mind-wipe ourselves and go back to our old habits it's important to bring something into form, in this reality, especially with a witness.
Self-healing presumes a “self” to exist. Which means a certain level of awareness, a huge level of responsibility, and a gigantic level of openness. These things come bundled with every newborn. We all are part of them, and they are part of us.
Unfortunately, the adults in care of us are usually long past that age and they tend to believe something else. They have also surrendered to that something else and obey its rules. Inevitably, our newborn Self is put under enormous pressure and in most cases remains deep hidden, protected from adults, and secure.
Fortunately, when we teenage, our Self senses another chance and goes for it. We rebel. If we succeed, we empower our Self and open up to that marvelous world of Life Energy.
Once we see it, there is no way to unsee it. Life becomes a series of choices. It’s not always easy to get rid of or part with the influences that darken the human soul. But it’s worth trying. These situations are always great eye-openers.
A great article and a great interview. Thank you.
yes indeed, however as a teenager we are caught in a struggle between wanting to belong and wanting to rebel. So we rebel by choosing a group our parents don't approve of to belong to, and loose sense of self in there as well. I do inner teenager work with people and that can really help shift values and beliefs that they claimed as theirs but didn't really evaluate.
As teenagers, we have no idea who we are and why we are where we are. We only start discovering the abundance of the world and it is overwhelming. We don’t know what we want to do. We cling to the activities perceived in impressive people, mixing up charisma with passion. Adults worsen the situation, asking stupid questions like “Who do you want to be?” or “What do you want to do for a living?” How do I know? I have no idea, I am only 12 or 15 or 18. I haven’t tried anything, and adults want me to commit myself. Beyond stupidity. Yes, that’s what we (adults) are. WE are a major contributing factor to the self-discovery crisis in teenagers. Maybe because we are ashamed to admit that our life is random and accidental, and we had never wanted it. We had dreams and we failed. Or we compromised our teenage ideals with the pressure of adults and we are still stuck there. What teenager would dream about becoming a public servant pushing papers and coffee cups and obeying orders? Yet, we have thousands of them...
A great way to look at the rebelling teenager.
This was the coolest piece I have ever read. Thank you!
Wow! Glad you enjoyed it.
Oh, I shared your work with my naturopath yesterday as well so she can share it with her other patients. Just….thank you!
Thank you!
I loved it. I already signed up on your site and have done 2 of your meditations. I did the cord-cutting one this morning. Wow….thank you for your work. I used to be involved in “science” and trusted it implicitly which is no longer the case. You have a beat on the things I do not understand but am open to learn. Thank you so much!
Are you crazy! The middle man is, and has always been, where the money is!
You are an inspiration and your shares are soulful and authentic. I love them and you as a sister in Spirit. Hope to meet you one day. Thank you🌺
All I got from this was "people turn towards the light, like plants". I'll remember that. May not be apropo but it made me think of a horrible flood we had in my neighborhood. Street signs on every street denoting trash p/u and street cleaning days. If you didn't move your car on street cleaning days the city got you for 25 bucks. Too many of my neighbors used the sound of the trucks as a reminder and put their trash out AFTER the fact which left their garbage in the street till the following week. God forbid it would rain that following week. They didn't care.
Then, one summer night, it rained cats & dogs. All that trash got sucked into and prohibited water from draining to the sewer. Each intersection and alley had 4 sewer drains. Car floated around, insurance companies "totaled" everything, 139 cars in our small neighborhood alone.
People were incensed, contacted the city demanding upgrades to our sewer system, city called a meeting for all those affected to attend. I sat there listening to all the engineers discussing ways to correct this problem and what it would cost. I got up and spoke.
"You don't rake your leaves until after the street sweepers come, you don't clear the drains right in front of your homes, you don't put your trash out till AFTER the garbage trucks come, what did you think would happen after a serious squall". "We have enough drains in this area to drain the Potomac and your laziness or just plain stupidity and reckless behavior created this disaster, How about you learn from this". Silence abounded. I was shaking from public speaking, never did that before. Actions speak louder than words. Their future actions followed my words. My guess is these people turned towards the light.
Thank you for this excellent post! When I read this, "To answer your question - healing is releasing everything that is not you. When you look at yourself truthfully and honestly you will see the stories you are constantly telling yourself, these have to go. On top of that, there is a layer of pain that you refuse to let go of because you identify yourself as the person who is in pain. Shifting your idea of who you are and taking responsibility for your behaviour is one of the most difficult things a person can do."
I agree that you must eliminate everything that is not you to experience the happiness, peace, and enthusiasm for life that is your natural state. However it is not as difficult as one might believe. As a Mace Energy Method practitioner, I witness my clients transforming themselves in a matter of hours, not months. They experience the truth that all of the negative thoughts, emotions, and pain is not the Real You. When these are gone, they feel lighter, happier, calmer, and peaceful. And they don't talk about what happened or re-live any upsetting event.
I encourage anyone who is suffering to learn more about the Mace Energy Method: https://www.causisminstitute.com. You can also message me to learn more. We live in a world designed to traumatize us, but we are more powerful than we know.
An amazing synchronicity here as this is just what I need right now! Thank you
Hey there all you middle men
Throw away your fancy clothes:).
“Operation Sea Spray,”
In 1950, the U.S. Released a Bioweapon in San Francisco
Serratia Infections: from Military Experiments to Current Practice https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC3194826/