If there are 100 alternative cancer therapies worldwide, I estimate that 30% were invented by Germans. This is an intriguing phenomenon. I believe Germans are keen on inventing unique therapies because of Germany's tolerance for alternative methods. To some extent, Germany's regulation of alternative therapies is similar to Mexico. As long as the conditions in Article 37 of the Helsinki Declaration are met, doctors (including naturopaths) have the authority to use unapproved therapies to treat patients.
This is very interesting and I am excited to hear of their openness and willingness to look for a real cure. I am surprised that fenbendazole and ivermectin and Vitamin C drips and CD are not mentioned at all. What should I make of that?
When I was about 21 years of age I started researching health, wellness, herbology etc. and the first book I purchased was Back To Eden by Jethro Kloss. Many books and years later I remain unusually healthy in my age group of seven decade people. This sub stack account is really a blessing for those who are just getting started taking their power back for keeping healthy and addressing ailments.
Thanks for it! A rule of thumb is to ignore and to not be panicked by so-called "experts". Experts in every field have maliciously or ignorantly mis and disinformed us for a hundred years or more now.
Because we ALL want the TRUTH, I inadvertently got what I asked for. I think that you will be interested to see this stack as I directly involved you by sharing your link in good faith. We don't know what we don't know.... till we involve a molecular chemist.
The Germans? No surprise there. The takedown of Germany 3x's in 100 years was for a reason. This article needs a thorough reading by me. I sped read and picked up some analogies. Brings to mind Raymond Royal Rife a genius who cured 100 cancers completely using his microscope. Followed by Dr Tullio Simoncini, defrocked because he cured cancer. Sauna's, another one.
I read an article, once and done, never to be seen again. Always suspect to me. It was during one of Bibi's relentless rants about Iran's nuclear capacity and that a forthcoming bomb was weeks away from destroying the whole world. This article described Iran's nuclear activities were to create medical isotopes which had cured lung cancer. Iran cured lung cancer? If true, easy to see why that tidbit was wiped off the face of the earth.
An honorable mention is Dr Lee Merritt from The Medical Rebel. She was out in front during Covid and like Dr's Cowan & Kaufman went beyond. Dr Merritt deep dives into rabbit holes like Whitney Webb does. She believes all cancer comes from parasites. Why was Ivermectin discredited? Vit D as well? Both anti-parasitic, anti-cancer. She is incredibly knowledgable, informed and believable.
My husband has had an extreme autoimmune response to blood thinners. I have been trying to find a German clinic for him but not sure which ones are the best versus which have the best marketing team. Can you recommend a good resource or even a good clinic please? Many thanks and best wishes, Kimberley
Unfortunately, UK PM David sCameron, sicked CODEX ALIMENTARIUS on UK without a vote.
However our new Lifetime Comrade, Starmer (Mr Dismal, nickname Dizmo!) does not seem to have discovered it yet? The other heroes out there are Royal Raynond Rife and the plucky woman who herbally self treated her Archons, rope worm infliction, sorry lost the link but fascinating.... Eating for Ascencion might help find her. Meanwhile thank you for your most valuable compilation of Therapies. Bravo! Ross
If there are 100 alternative cancer therapies worldwide, I estimate that 30% were invented by Germans. This is an intriguing phenomenon. I believe Germans are keen on inventing unique therapies because of Germany's tolerance for alternative methods. To some extent, Germany's regulation of alternative therapies is similar to Mexico. As long as the conditions in Article 37 of the Helsinki Declaration are met, doctors (including naturopaths) have the authority to use unapproved therapies to treat patients.
This is very interesting and I am excited to hear of their openness and willingness to look for a real cure. I am surprised that fenbendazole and ivermectin and Vitamin C drips and CD are not mentioned at all. What should I make of that?
Might this be due to the fact that they do not fall under the category of "German cancer therapies"..? ;)
Thank you ... many many times!
Wow! So many choices.
Dr. Walker is worth listening to. See his books.
What 8s or who was German doctor who promoted flax seed and cottage cheese for cancer?
Dr. Johanna Budwig in the 1950’s
When I was about 21 years of age I started researching health, wellness, herbology etc. and the first book I purchased was Back To Eden by Jethro Kloss. Many books and years later I remain unusually healthy in my age group of seven decade people. This sub stack account is really a blessing for those who are just getting started taking their power back for keeping healthy and addressing ailments.
Thanks for it! A rule of thumb is to ignore and to not be panicked by so-called "experts". Experts in every field have maliciously or ignorantly mis and disinformed us for a hundred years or more now.
German Cancer Therapies is out of print (at least on Amazon), but a copy can be checked out from Internet Archives: https://archive.org/details/germancancerther00mort/mode/2up?view=theater
Because we ALL want the TRUTH, I inadvertently got what I asked for. I think that you will be interested to see this stack as I directly involved you by sharing your link in good faith. We don't know what we don't know.... till we involve a molecular chemist.
I'm not apologizing, it's for the good of humanity to be aware of these things.
The Germans? No surprise there. The takedown of Germany 3x's in 100 years was for a reason. This article needs a thorough reading by me. I sped read and picked up some analogies. Brings to mind Raymond Royal Rife a genius who cured 100 cancers completely using his microscope. Followed by Dr Tullio Simoncini, defrocked because he cured cancer. Sauna's, another one.
I read an article, once and done, never to be seen again. Always suspect to me. It was during one of Bibi's relentless rants about Iran's nuclear capacity and that a forthcoming bomb was weeks away from destroying the whole world. This article described Iran's nuclear activities were to create medical isotopes which had cured lung cancer. Iran cured lung cancer? If true, easy to see why that tidbit was wiped off the face of the earth.
An honorable mention is Dr Lee Merritt from The Medical Rebel. She was out in front during Covid and like Dr's Cowan & Kaufman went beyond. Dr Merritt deep dives into rabbit holes like Whitney Webb does. She believes all cancer comes from parasites. Why was Ivermectin discredited? Vit D as well? Both anti-parasitic, anti-cancer. She is incredibly knowledgable, informed and believable.
Thank you.
My husband has had an extreme autoimmune response to blood thinners. I have been trying to find a German clinic for him but not sure which ones are the best versus which have the best marketing team. Can you recommend a good resource or even a good clinic please? Many thanks and best wishes, Kimberley
After years of hearing vague ads on late-night radio, I finally know what Carnivora is supposed to do. Amazing.
Unfortunately, UK PM David sCameron, sicked CODEX ALIMENTARIUS on UK without a vote.
However our new Lifetime Comrade, Starmer (Mr Dismal, nickname Dizmo!) does not seem to have discovered it yet? The other heroes out there are Royal Raynond Rife and the plucky woman who herbally self treated her Archons, rope worm infliction, sorry lost the link but fascinating.... Eating for Ascencion might help find her. Meanwhile thank you for your most valuable compilation of Therapies. Bravo! Ross