I’ve been of the same mindset as you for 30 years. We need all our organs and body parts. I also had a tonsillectomy at age 4-5. I was the sickest of my 3 siblings. Hope your dad finds healing. Is he taking pancreatic enzymes to digest fats? He may have gallstones stuck in the bile ducts. Same thing happened to an uncle of mine. Great article!

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I had my tonsils removed as a young child, BUT they grew back! And very large & asymmetrical! Love seeing docs' reactions to them! I'm healthy and a sore throat is usually my worst symptom when a cold tries visiting. 🤞 😂

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Interesting! I want mine back! :) They are the body's first line of defense against pathogens.

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This post and thread actually has had me thinking.... The surgeon who removed my tonsils in the early 90s, actually ended up dying by suicide. 😓😢

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Maybe he found out that they should never remove tonsils, if possible, but instead help the body and the lymphatic system function optimally.

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I'm now wondering that, too. Told my husband that these docs/surgeons have been misled and taught to cut, burn, poison and at some point, if/when they awaken- man, what a heartache and mental challenge that's gotta be.

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Sad! They have one of the highest suicide rates. I will soon be teaching doctors and healthcare workers yoga in hospitals. I recently completed a training in yoga for trauma mental health and addiction.

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That is WONDERFUL, Myriam. I've been feeling a strong pull to utilize yoga for my own mental health/trauma after having lost a child to suicide, a few years ago. I wish you the absolute best in your teachings. I'm a certified trainer and behavior change l coach, and am working on getting myself back up, out there, and reclaiming my head/heart/health. I hope to one day use my tools & gifts discovered through grief, to help others. 💕

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My father mid 70s...same deal!

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I come from different times and different lands lol. That was always the case, you just had to sweat it out. Ok, done. Now, change the pajamas and back under the doona lol Body needs to be allowed to do its job and heal. I remember my

brother was just over two yrs old and had worryingly high fever and mum got a sheet, wet it with very cold water and wrapped it around him. And did it again and again. There was no medication to give and I'm so grateful for that, both my brother and myself have been very healthy all our lives and I credit the lack of medical intervention and good nutrition for that.

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Do an article on the outcomes of bad surgeries. And you can add insurance companies to that who insist on Laporatomy first. Two C-sections old style, over time Adhesions, Endometriosis and, Cysts, You have to do the Lap surgery first. They do manage to remove the scar tissue, but that did not fix the problem. They didn't get the Cyst on the ovaries. Six months later the pain is back, as are the Adhesions and Endometriosis. So a Full Hysterectomy is now needed. OB didn't do a good job with the sew-up. Left a pocket, and the two sides were lopsided. Making perfect areas for chronic yeast infections. They get worse as you age. What Is not told you is estrogen causes GERD. Woke up puking Acid. Nine months of various attempts at replacing the still-needed Estrogen. None of it worked. Your GI tract is now ruined. You now need OA meds, those are another GI-destructive set of drugs. So you are now Living on 40 mg of Nexium, the Purple Pill.

Tricare Life takes it off their list of covered meds as it went OTC. And you react to the rest. It got expensive, the store brands aren't much cheaper, and have strange ingredients in them your body won't tolerate. As to taking OTC minor pain meds, you have one choice Tylenol, the rest are Acid-GERD destruction crud.

Two Meniere's attacks, the ENT FAILS TO INFORM YOU of those holes he puts in your eardrum, and the Steroids will DAMAGE OUR HEARING and Vertigo for a year. A second attack, another hole in the eardrum, more Steroids, MORE LOSS OF HEARING, YOU ARE NEAR DEAF NOW. And another year of Vertigo. You gain a cane for balance. Next attack you will need a Cochlear Implant. GUESS WHAT INS. DOESN'T COVER YOUR HEARING AIDS NOR A COCHLEAR IMPLANT. Losing your hearing as an adult causes hardships in communicating, there are NO programs for adults, just kids. At 74 you are NO LONGER A CANDIDATE TO BOOT. Takes three years to learn to use it. BTW YOU BEST HAVE $90K or more. IT IS NOT INS. COVERED EITHER, you are a Ret. Military personnel's SPOUSE. Not the Ret. Serviceman. And at 82 he no longer isn't a candidate same reasons, AGE.

The messed up hand from a torn Thumb ligament is another failure story. As was the first Caratact removal. Lasix is the fix, NOT COVERED. Do you get the impression that I loathe surgeons? You'd guess right.

And I'm terrified that my 52-year-old son is facing a Catherazitation for Stent surgery next month. I've already lost two sons.

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So sorry to hear what you have been through Gail. Unfathomable. Thoughts and prayers for your son.

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I had afib two years ago. While researching it, I came across an article that said the difference in getting a stent put in verses lifestyle changes was less than two percent or some low number! I don’t have the link but I tell everyone to research everything and see if you can heal your body via lifestyle changes. I am healed as afar as I know from afib, praise God. No pharmacy or surgery. Just prayer, research and supplements!! Honest truth.

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I believe that, Butterfly, and am happy to hear of this healing of your AFib. I'm quite terrified to take any medication these days, I have an asthma control med that I've been on FOREVER, that through lifestyle changes I've been able to use it 50% less of a dose and 50% less of the prescribed time, if that makes sense?! Nutrition changes and exercise, strenuous exercise that gets my VO2Max up, etc., has strengthened and conditioned my lungs in a way that no asthma med can. I'm hoping to eventually ween myself off of the med, but there's only so much environmental influence that I can control, so I'm being realistic and careful about it, too. I'd love to take absolutely no meds, whatsoever, for the rest of my days. 🎯

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That is geat. I'd love to see more Hemopathic medicine tried and covered. I used different enyzymes to try and reduce my reliance on 40 Mg of Nexium. Not many worked well, but that is the nature of my body as I have Gastropresis, slow digestion from a damaged Vagus nerve. Zinc Carnosine and Doctors Best PepZinGe which ever I can find, seem to work equally well, I'm now down to just 20 mg of Nexium. And hope to get off it. Like my Hypothroid med, you have to play with the dosage to get it right for you. My ENDO would like a lower dose,I don't feel good on vs the next level up. I'm a doctor's nightmare to treat, as I don't tolerate med side effects at all.

My Grandpa used the old style Nebulizer to treat his Black Lung, better known back then as Minors Asthma. https://museum.aarc.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/gn40-768x576.jpg

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Great for you Sunny! I’m 60 and my BO2 max is 37 on my Garmin watch or a fitness age of 30. I went to my GP yesterday and he said my heart was so good that he would not “hear” a better beating heart that day!! Praise God! One thing that helped me on my journey was finding a Facebook private book called Natural treatments for Afib. I had deleted my account and reinstated it so I could be a part of this private group. That’s the only reason I’m on Facebook. But, they have a lot of private groups and maybe you can find one for your asthma!

Also, I developed tinnitus in December. I found a Facebook group on treating tinnitus and came across a post on taking B12 and how it could help. I started taking it about two weeks ago and in about 7 days, my tinnitus has gone away!!

So, I’m a huge believer in alternative medicine/cures!!

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He's not working and hasn't since Oct. But is back on this Type 2 Diabetic diet. While his BS isn't down enough, and not on the right med, the Cardio gave him 2 months of Ernesto as the one the CharityClinic put him on was the wrong one, same for his Diabetic med, he's had it long enough to be resistant to it. He's managed Fast Food for years, to save money for rent he ate their crap.

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Dear Lord, from a brokenhearted, bereaved mother to another- BLESS YOU!!! 🫂 Praying your son's catheraziation procedure goes smoothly.

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Thank you very much, at this point we don't know if we are looking at Stent(s) or a Bypass, which he fears. I don't know if I can handle losing a third son. God blessed me with 4. James is my eldest, I try not to play favorites, but he is my physical rock, as I can't depend on my youngest who is under his wife's thumb.

My 2nd born lived just 33 days born with a viral infection, the next 16 yrs, and was murdered by a sociopath for thrills.

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Absolutely horrific, Gail. I am sorry.

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They took my tonsils at age 8 only because my sister was getting hers out, so the pediatrician talked my mom into a procedure I didn't even need. It was the most traumatic memory from my childhood.

Fast forward 30 years and I have two daughters of my own. One was told she needed an emergency appendectomy at 13 years old, but after the surgery I asked the doctor how bad it was and she honestly told me that it was only mildly inflamed, but they took it out anyway. Then told me they really couldn't tell how inflamed it was from the previous tests, and that's why they needed to do the surgery to make sure. But hey, she would never have that problem again, right?! Then 4 years later, the exact same thing happened with my 18-year-old daughter!! Not really inflamed, but took it out anyway. I was so skeptical with both of the surgeries whether they were really needed, but I didn't feel like I was in a place to ask for a second opinion. An "inflamed" appendix is an emergency situation, right? Honestly, all the symptoms pointed to ovarian cysts, which is something I also suffered with at their age. When I was a teen, I didn't know anyone having their appendix removed. I'm not saying that it isn't necessary to remove an inflamed appendix, I'm just wondering if it isn't over-diagnosed.

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No doubt in my mind it's over diagnosed.

But more importantly for me is the framework of removal. "Modern" medicine has been removing the appendix for over 200 years. 100s of millions have been removed. In almost every case, they have no explanation for "why" it's inflamed, they have one solution "removal" and they have one posture to consequence "it doesn't do much if anything anyway...you can live without it".

That's the same model for tonsil removal.

Ignorance, hubris, commercial interest all rolled up into a malignant orthodoxy.

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Cut and/or cut and burn is their solution to almost everything after they put you though minimum of ten test to cover their arses (CYA) aka make more profits. If they do enough tests, they’ll find something, right?

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I had mine taken out four years ago and I wonder too how necessary it was. I didn’t have a fever just elevated white blood cells trying to fight infection. They did another test too. Maybe some dye imaging and next thing I know, I must get my appendix out stat. Maybe I’ll ask for my records to see if I can piece it all together. I don’t trust any of them. New research shows we do indeed need our appendix!! Oh great!!

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Now, I say no to everything!

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I recall hearing Dr Karl Kruszelnicki on the radio talking about the mindset of surgeons; 'a chance to cut is a chance to heal'.

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That sounds like the ad in the onboard airline magazine, promoting its "discounts", that said "the more you spend the more you save".

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Yikes!!! I got off easy after losing my foreskin to venereal warts when I was 17. Fully healed and no negative side effects. Not in the same category as the examples given or the comments, but still, it was there for a reason and the body adapts.

Do teeth count? I had an orthodontist that saved a molar with only one good root. decade later a new dentist took one look and said it had to come out. I regret losing that more than my foreskin.

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