So much in this beautiful post. I wrote in 'notes' as I went along.

Strategy for getting out of depression about what's been going on:

I've known about the corruption in medicine since starting to study natural medicine in the early '90's. I have been miserably depressed and extremely angry about the last 4 years.

I'm now coming out of the negative by writing a Substack!

Love challenge 1

I'm inspired to buy the book, read it then give it to my son (17) who is brilliant and I love him but he has been overly influenced by his schooling.

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Nice! Yes writing a Substack is good therapy, I should know :)

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remember guys: writing is just another "shouting into the void"... we need action and results.

("results culture" in the Culture Alignment Framework by Spencer Stuart, because yes, "wanting results" is a symptom of some personality types.)

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Brilliant interview. Thanks. I have the book - just bought it. My sister recommended it as we've been struggling being newly awakened! It happened for me very early in the covid lie! I'm still learning. Looking forward to diving into the book!

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Wonderful idea to conduct an interview with Feargus! I’ve just started reading it, but anyone who is brave enough to say our governments are committing democide and that Mistakes Were NOT Made (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/mistakes-were-not-made-an-anthem) immediately earns my attention.

I have “180 Degrees” sitting on a pile of books on our dining room table but honestly don’t know when I’ll ever be able to find the luxury of working through that momentous tome page by page.

Can you ask Feargus if he would please consider producing an audiobook? 😁 It’s the only way I can cram in reading while working 22-hour days and juggling dozens of projects simultaneously.

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Thanks Margaret.

Yes, I have put the audiobook request to him, as I suspect many others have, and I suspect it will be done at some point. Indeed, it is a tome.

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Your poem transcends the category into which you've put it.

Genius, in its accuracy and simplicity. I heard Tess speak it - but didn't know the source.

180 Audiobook - maybe at some point but I'm probably going to prioritise the next book first. I need to find the right voice. Well actually, two voices: One male., one female. However, if you can get hold of Denzel Washington to do 50% of the verbals - I will reconsider my options :-)

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Goodness, Feargus. Thank you for your magnificently moving words, which carry all the more weight given your own considerable contributions to the truth movement.

I am thrilled to hear you experienced Tess’s unforgettable reading. I am eternally indebted to her for delivering my words with such poignancy and passion.

How wonderful to hear you are already working on your next book! Given that you seem to have packed everything possible into “180 Degrees,” I will be very curious to see what you come up with for that.

Regarding the audiobook, I may know someone even better than Denzel Washington to read the male part :-) He is just as talented but has achieved maximum integrity points by refusing to comply with COVID tyranny, which cost him his highly successful acting career: Clifton Duncan.

It is criminal that such a talented individual is now waiting tables (see https://cliftonduncan.substack.com/p/brutally-honest-update & https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hCH_8KtLeVQ) to survive. He may be interested in voice acting work not only to help pay the bills but also because he would likely resonate deeply with the content of the book.

If you’d like, I can reach out to see if he would be interested in connecting with you. Even if the audiobook doesn’t work out, you would be an ideal candidate for his podcast (https://cliftonduncanpodcast.captivate.fm/), so perhaps he can book you as a guest.

Please feel free to reach out to me via email by signing up for my newsletter and replying to the Welcome email.

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I am halfway through “Official Stories” that you recommended and 180 degrees is already on my bookshelf waiting to be read. Im in the same boat as you, where i had no clue what was really happening until the plandemic woke me up. Thanks for this great substack--its one of my favorites. God bless.

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Thank you, thank you.

PS Yep, this ain't my first rodeo.

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Just ordered the book! Although I know I am more “awake” than almost anyone I know...I’d like to learn how to feed kernels to the unknowing.

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I bought this book in 2021- when I opened it and started reading- I never put it down. This is an ABSOLUTE must read and every single American should have it in their arsenal of TRUTH BOOKS!!

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Some great tips and advice here - restacked!

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Great, thanks Gary. The more that get to know about 180 Degrees the better.

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Sounds like Feargus did a great service writing this book. I am not quite as reconciled as he is - I believe we can do something about it and we must. The most important thing we can do is speak up about it. We can't wait until people can accept these things - speaking about it makes them uncomfortable and so it should if they are putting their heads in the sand. Their denial threatens our lives and generations to come. Why should we be accommodating to that?

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Thank you for the interview , gives me hope . Is there another way of buying this apart from going through Amazon? 🦋🌟

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Oct 15, 2023
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Thank you , I just don’t want to use Amazon . I noticed the UK has copies and will have to save up to buy one . I live in Australia.🦋

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This is a great interview. Thank you. I'm on chapter 5 and really enjoying it and getting a lot out of it. This along with Liam Scheff's book are critical to understanding the false narrative we have all grown up with. Another book I'm reading concurrently that your readers might enjoy is John Hamer's 'The Falsification of Science'. It covers a lot of the same 'stories' but adds to one's understanding.

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Thank you James. I've never even heard of Hamer, thanks for the pointer, I'll check him out.

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I don't know if you're aware of the work of Martin Geddes but I thought you would be interested in his latest Substack. I'll leave you to discover his work in more depth. https://open.substack.com/pub/martingeddes/p/its-real-at-last?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=egcno

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I'm not, thank you.

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I second the recommendation for John Hamer; he also wrote: "The Falsification of History".

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I can't remember how I came across his books but he definitely seems to be as awake as Feargus and Liam. I'll be interested to see if you think so as well in one of your future essays. Keep up the great Substack.

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I'm guessing (from the title of the piece [and I most definitely don't want to blow your bubble, as you know I've been a long time follower and supporter]) you didn't know that Feargus gave a recorded interview quite recently with Doc Malik which you can find on Rumble. In case you or other readers want to check it out.

Thanks as always for your hard work.

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Feargus also did an interview with James Delingpole in July. https://spotify.link/w5BJzZEzTDb

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Thanks to both of you for this interview. I bought and read 180 Degrees after hearing Feargus on James Delingpole's podcast. The book is outstanding! I want to buy some copies for friends and family but the challenge will be getting them to read it. Unfortunately, many people aren't very curious or avid readers and the size of the book will be offputting to many. However, I think anyone who starts reading will find the book easy to read, compelling, informative, and eye-opening.

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Anyone know if there is a ebook version of this? I can’t seem to see any online

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No ebook version atm.

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Oct 14, 2023
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You can contact Feargus directly for a hardcover copy at feargusgreenwood@protonmail.com

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Great presentation and Thank You for all your important work.

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I look forward to reading the book. Thanks to the author for his extensive work! A massive effort, I’m sure.

Also, thanks Unbecoming, for all the reviews and downloads. All are very valuable to me.

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