Wow. I had no idea. People actually read my articles!

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🤣, we most certainly do!

I think the point you made in your 2019 study is the most important meta geopolitical point that anyone has made over the last 20 odd years. Well it is to me at least.

It needs fleshing out to help lay people see it and understand what Empire is up to.

I watched your podcast with Tony Heller (who I've been following for several years and love his work) and even he didn't understand the climate lies through the Empire lens.

I listen to James Lindsay who does the most wonderful work on postmodern neo-Marxism and its effect of universities and childhood education, and the current gender ideologies, and he doesn't see or understand it through a State Doctrine lens.

I saw you in your opening testimony for the Candian inquest, and at the end they asked you "why" did they do this, and you referred them to your 2019 study (which unfortunately almost nobody will read...I've read it twice 🤣).

So, Denis, this is a long way of saying, or asking, could you please write an essay, in your own worlds that builds on your wonderful 70+ page report and explains what the hell is going on in the planet to someone, with say a high school level education, who is curious but has absolutely no idea.

There is a real constructed ignorance around even the use of the word "Empire". Most of the planet, certainly the "Western" part, thinks the last empire was the British one.

We need to help people see "Empire" and pull it out for from behind the invisibility cloak it has so masterfully created.

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Did Denis respond to this request, Unbekoming?

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I’d forgotten about that. Unfortunately not.

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Your summary was so useful. I’ll try to get around to the whole report, as you suggest. 🎯

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Brilliant summary going past today's outlines into historical origins. Polymaths like you are autodidacts, and the rest of us are trying to keep up. I'm at this full time, trying to watch current events without looking too closely at the origins. You have convinced me to try. Thank you for your service.

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Thank you Robert!

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Thank you, bravo! Two thoughts: the God-shaped hole is real and woke is the new state religion.

You may enjoy this essay on Soviet hypernormalisation in Australia: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/hypernormalisation-the-australian

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Just read it, that was excellent! Thank you.

Some brilliant lines that will stay with me: "It is not normal to have zero survival instinct."

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Thank you for reading you are very kind.

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“I had never understood the European Union this way, as a defensive mechanism against predatory US Empire.”

Another point of view is that it’s European elites wanting a vehicle by which to more effectively manipulate and plunder fellow Europeans.

Empirical evidence seems to support the latter at least as well as the former.

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No doubt. It's like a set of Russian Dolls, with ever larger plundering structures.

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Brilliant analysis. It's always useful to step back and look at the big picture. This historical examination of the beast is quite illuminating. Thank you.

One thing that has always puzzled me is why most people WANT to trust the "experts" and be told what to do, how to live. I have never had a desire to rule, or BE ruled.

Also, thank you for recommending Liam Scheff's "Official Stories." It's the best book I've read in quite a long time.

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Thank you. Whenever I hear that someone read Scheff...I'm happy :)

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I too have recently read Official Stories (at least the chapters which were not covered here) & joined this "club". One quote has stuck with me: Wikipedia - where information goes to die.

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Maybe because they've been indoctrinated from the young age and "led by

by the hand", feeling "safe" and being looked after? Not thinking much beyond their "creature comfort" and entertainment needs fulfilled?

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Yes! This. My 28yr old niece had zero issues with quarantine camps in Australia. “They get fed and stuff…” she married an Austrian so has been indoctrinated into the idea that more taxation is good. It makes absolutely zero sense to me but she’s on board.

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Brings so many threads together. As someone who spent a lot of time in the anti-GMO movement (called "low-level terrorism" by Homeland Security, for reasons this piece explains well), I knew how regulations were "relaxed" when there's US $ to be made, and the v is a textbook example of that. The common thread is that our reason for being is to soak up the garbage products generated from these predatory global multi-nationals--doesn't matter whether they're healthy, lethal, or otherwise. We're receptacles for their products, nothing more. People have the quaint idea that we're the "customer" and that they'd never knowingly kill their customers. We're more like the bacteria released to mop up an oil spill by eating all the oil.

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Yep, excellently succinct: "receptacles for their products"

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I had exactly the same feeling - of threads being drawn together.

You have read Toby Rogers' uTobian substack I expect? Where he points out that the USA is now an economy dependent on the infinitely recursive pharmaceutical product-harm circuit.

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Yes, I agree. Sick customers are the perfect business model. It's not so much a conspiracy as it is good (amoral) business.

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Look what Australia is doing to its food with the US Army, Gates Foundation and the NIH via Tiba Biotech https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/australian-state-government-set-to

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Will check it out, thanks!

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It's unthinkable, and yet it's happening. Mexico has been resisting the US's genetically engineered versions of corn, their staple crop, for many years, but I just read last week they're starting to lose the battle. We're definitely on the losing side of this thing, but we can't give up.

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I like C.J. Hopkin's perspective on GloboCap Empire too. He suggests that the US deep state hegemony is the first truly global empire with no external enemies, only internal ones. Thus, great effort is expended to contain and eliminate internal resistance to their objectives:

"Essentially, what the last 4-5 years have been about is crushing resistance to GloboCap’s hegemony and ideology throughout the West, as it crushed resistance to its hegemony and ideology in the Middle East during the War on Terror. What better way to crush a populist rebellion and remind us who is really in charge than to foment mass hysteria over a clearly non-apocalyptic virus, impose a bunch of unnecessary, totalitarian “emergency measures,” cancel our constitutional rights, censor and/or demonize dissent, and otherwise transform societies into pathologized-totalitarian police states?"


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Thanks. I love CJ!

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Going to re-read again. Thank you for this. I think you have put your finger on things.

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I know what you mean, I'm going to go back and re-read the report...there is so much there to come to terms with.

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Haha Duchess, that's me too: "gosh, 've got to read it again".

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Downloaded Rancourt. Thnx for heads up.

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On twitter I posted "I've been following Couey's rationale for quite a while now but I just can't accept the "no virus" hypothesis - too much evidence for a pathogen which can't be explained by infectious clones. I found Yeadon's essay unconvincing." and one Dr. Trust Worthy suggested the answer could be found in Denis Rancourt's writings. So there's another chunk of research for me to do...

Quick observation from your essay here would be a realisation of just how important the apparent unwinding of the petrodollar will be in freeing the world from the hegemony described. Yippee!

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Also this snippet "Saddam started the ball rolling in late 2000 offering to accept payments in the new Euro. Threats to the petrodollar had to be eliminated, hence the Iraq war. " made me realise how Britain electing to stay out of the Euro made Blair a rather unique (and also willing) lapdog for Bush's Iraq project.

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Interesting you mention the petro dollar, it's been on my mind quite a bit recently. I'll probably write something on it soon.

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Excellent summary, thank you!

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I challenge the dominant worldview but come to a very different viewpoint to Denis Rancourt.


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All previous rules apply. Yet in a masonic Jesuit system devised by John Dee we will only change when cataclysm happens. Every cataclysm causes historical amnesia. This is always used by those who are at the houses of the holy book of the law, who will reinstate the same system over time.

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