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🤣, we most certainly do!

I think the point you made in your 2019 study is the most important meta geopolitical point that anyone has made over the last 20 odd years. Well it is to me at least.

It needs fleshing out to help lay people see it and understand what Empire is up to.

I watched your podcast with Tony Heller (who I've been following for several years and love his work) and even he didn't understand the climate lies through the Empire lens.

I listen to James Lindsay who does the most wonderful work on postmodern neo-Marxism and its effect of universities and childhood education, and the current gender ideologies, and he doesn't see or understand it through a State Doctrine lens.

I saw you in your opening testimony for the Candian inquest, and at the end they asked you "why" did they do this, and you referred them to your 2019 study (which unfortunately almost nobody will read...I've read it twice 🤣).

So, Denis, this is a long way of saying, or asking, could you please write an essay, in your own worlds that builds on your wonderful 70+ page report and explains what the hell is going on in the planet to someone, with say a high school level education, who is curious but has absolutely no idea.

There is a real constructed ignorance around even the use of the word "Empire". Most of the planet, certainly the "Western" part, thinks the last empire was the British one.

We need to help people see "Empire" and pull it out for from behind the invisibility cloak it has so masterfully created.

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Did Denis respond to this request, Unbekoming?

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I’d forgotten about that. Unfortunately not.

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Your summary was so useful. I’ll try to get around to the whole report, as you suggest. 🎯

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