The Winter of "92-'93 was a horror for my young family. My husband had 4 successive heart attacks and each and every time was told only the then ubiquitous heart by-pass surgery could save his life. The horror of that operation put my husband in a panic attack so I went to the library to research what heart by-pass was. In the center of this wave of books was a book titled "Bypassing By'Pass". The addendum listed Dr's Von Kiel and Maulfair. I chose the latter who saw my husband immediately.

It came to pass that my husbands case came to be one of the gold standards of chelation care and posted his story and initial condition before and after chelation therapy, in his office profiles. After a week or two my husband came home from treatment and said "guess what", my BP is 120/80. My husbands BP was a standing 180/120 for most of his life and no BP medication could keep it under control. Needless to say he never had a by-pass.

If you remember the movie "Awakenings" where Robin Williams played a doctor who prescribed a medication for all his catatonic patients, all of which were awakened to normalcy, he was never able to duplicate that exact procedure in the future, the same in reverse happened to chelation. A doctor over prescribed EDTA and a patient died. That's all that was needed to demonize chelation and maintain cash flow for by-pass surgery. Bill Gates did the exact same thing 4 years ago by recommending using a quadruple amount of hydroxychloroquine required to cure covid and people had heart attacks and died. That's all they needed to reject counter measure treatments.

I don't know, what could be more profitable for Pharma other than pediatricians, cardiologists and oncologists? And what could be most disastrous? Unvaccinated children, chelation and the resurrection of known cancer cures would be the death knell to these charlatans. Not possible, ain't gonna happen.

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Coronary artery bypass has immediate fatality rates of 3 to 10 percent and is ineffective. See Butchered by "Healthcare".

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Thanks Doc, already read it. Murder by Injection by Eustace Mullins is another must read.

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Aug 12Liked by Unbekoming

I'm surprised there is so little discussion about the results of the TACT trial despite the teaser suggesting it could be definitive. I have no confidence in an NIH-funded study about anything, and especially not a study of an alternative treatment like EDTA-based chelation therapy that if proven effective would mean reduced profits for institutional medicine as patients opt for less expensive and more effective alternatives. Such studies routinely are "designed to fail." As it happens, the TACT trial was finished years ago, only to spawn another trial -- unsurprisingly called TACT2 -- that also is finished. NIH says although the TACT2 research team shared results four months ago, on April 7, 2024, NIH has not and will not update its website to disclose those results because NIH wants to wait for the researchers to first publish their article about TACT2. (The NIH "update" is at the link Unbekoming posted at the end of the article after Question #30.) As for the first TACT trial, NIH reports what appears to be beneficial effects of EDTA chelation yet claims, "These results are not, by themselves, sufficient to support the routine use of chelation . . . ." No surprise there, given that by now most people know NIH is wholly corrupt. As for TACT2, while NIH doesn't even hint at the results, it wasn't difficult to find an article reporting that TACT2 purportedly found chelation offers no benefits, that TACT2 was a complete waste of resources, and that chelation therapy is "quackery." That assessment was posted by David Gorski, whose web site reads like that of a Big Pharma-shill.

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Aug 12Liked by Unbekoming

A Swiss study showed that after 18 years, only 1.7% of chelation-treated patients died of cancer compared to 17.6% in the untreated group. WOW

Seeing the list of conditions that EDTA chelation helps, it becomes obvious to what degree our toxicity is harming us.

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"After your fillings are removed, the next step is to chelate the heavy metals. The quickest and most potent chelation method available today is intravenous EDTA chelation therapy." Fatalities have been reported with EDTA for mercury toxicity. Oral OSR is a hugely more effective and powerful chelator for heavy metals that is MUCH safer and far more effective, but it's virtually unknown. See this post: https://robertyoho.substack.com/p/319-key-post-osr-is-a-chelator-that

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Suppositories are probably more efficient with a longer half life

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I’ve been thinking about it since I read your article. Thank you for sharing your research, I’m looking forward to reading about your results from it.

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So good. I’ve wondered about chelation tx for a long time.


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Boy! That is some terrible advice. Be careful, anyone, before jumping in to intravenous anything that moves metals around. You are going to be mobilizing a huge amount of metals and half of it will get redistributed, inevitably to some place worse than where it started out...like your brain.

The only way to chelate metals, which does not entail significant risk, is slow and steady: frequent low dose, oral chelation. The Andy Cutler protocol.

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I prefer Andy Cutler’s chelation protocol using DMSA and ALA.

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Did you take a liquid orally each night? Then when it was gone, did a day of urine collection and a sample was sent to a lab? I took 4 tablets I think somewhere in the process. I thought it was EDTA but nothing was done intravenously. I had high levels of lead and arsenic. (I was raised on a farm in the 50s and 60’s. My mercury was ok, which surprised me. I had 2 rounds of it. This was over 3 years ago. My levels did go down significantly. I didn’t notice much difference but my anxiety levels dropped. This was during the Covid vax crazeee! I remain unvaxxed.

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Cutler Protocol is very dangerous! Not strong enough to get the metals out of you without dropping them elsewhere. Look into Yoho’s Substack for other sciencey methods. Also contact DAMS online, Leo is very helpful and you can even call them/him to ask for advice on real food methods of detoxing and amalgams.

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Aug 13·edited Aug 13Liked by Unbekoming

Reading through this post brought to mind a name from my distant past. In my technician days in the 1970s I had a friend that worked for somebody that wanted to connect a card reader to a microcomputer (those were novel at the time).

I built an interface, working in a corner of my tiny studio apartment, and was treated to a tour of the facility on a weekend, when it was closed, courtesy of my friend. The place contained some really interesting imaging and other medical equipment, the likes of which I had never seen before.

The actual customer, whom I never met and knew nothing about, was Dr. Garry Gordon. I see that his legacy is still going strong. I could wish that I had taken a greater interest.

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Aug 12Liked by Unbekoming

I live in the Myrtle Beach SC area . Where can I go for Chelation Therapy in this area?

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Hi! You might consider contacting Dr. Saleeby of Carolina holistic medicine. He has an office in Murrells Inlet and Mount Pleasant. I would imagine he does chelation therapy. They do not take insurance (last I checked) but you can submit claims to your insurance. Good luck! 💕✨ https://carolinaholisticmehdicine.com/

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Thank you so much ! I actually live in Murrells Inlet . That would be so convenient .

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I suspect you’re still on your journey of health and wellness. There is also MD4Vitality - Integrative Medicine Dr. Tatyana Gluzberg as another alternative. She is off Wachesaw. Wishing you luck 💕✨

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That`s awesome ! Thank you so much. Yes, I am still on that path to wellness with the CT . Have a great day .

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Aug 12·edited Aug 12Liked by Unbekoming

I've been compiling information on this topic for some time. Thanks for adding Dr. Dayton to my list of resources!

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Do NOT use EDTA chellation! EDTA is as toxic as what you are trying to remove. Indeed, it is part of the toxic "Convid" mRNA toxines. There are better and much safer chellation therapies available. Ref Dr Ariyana Love and others.

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Chelation also plays a big part in healthy soil and the composting process. Look up Elaine Ingham and her talks on the Soil Food Web.

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