Sep 9Edited

The Body Electric: Electromagnetism And The Foundation Of Life Paperback Copyright 1985 by Robert Becker (Author), Gary Selden (Author)

Official Stories by Liam Scheff Copyright Paperback – May 31, 2012

Earthing First edition Clinton Ober, copyright date, Publication date 2014

The Invisible Rainbow By Arthur Firstenberg, copyright date - Publication date. March 9, 2020.

> Clint invented these sleep systems and a number of other devices that help us to restore a vital but previously overlooked connection with Mother Earth.

REPLY: It may have been over looked by modern western science, but the first people knew about it intrinsically. They couldn't talk about it. Didn't need to. As everyone was deeply connected to the Earth. If you garden or farm organically you are profoundly connected to the earth. Your heart and emotions touch it with a loving care. She responds by magic with a bounty unimaginable. The Hopi who seem to live in a most barren location are one with the Earth, Sky and Water. Enough to be peaceful and healthy.

While this may be knew to you. It is ancient intrinsic knowledge. Consider DNA, whate our egos’ think to know is a mere speck compared to what remains to be learned. And as is so well pointed out here our body is electric thus DNA is to. DNA connections to the Universe are limitless. Our chance of ever being able to know it with our egos is slim to none.

We can and the First people do know it in their hearts, in their beings, which is beyond words.

Note the date of publication - The Body Electric: Electromagnetism And The Foundation Of Life Paperback Copyright 1985 by Robert Becker (Author), Gary Selden (Author)

Gaia hypothesis by James Lovelock and his principal collaborator Lynn Margulis put forward this amazing hypothesis in early 1970s. James Lovelock had been cogitating on the insight since the mid 1960s. There was much push back from main stream science. So James and Lynn began publishing articles to the general public. CoEvolution Quarterly is were I first read about it.

Finally it was accepted as a theory in about 2000 and disappeared from public memory.

With the media paving over these profoundly insightful works of Robert Becker and Gary Selden, James Lovelock and Lynn Margulis, it became possible in 2020 to foist a pandemic that could never have got off the ground in the days of Lynn Margulis and others. Only by forgetting about the work of Francisco Varela etal that the human immune system is a cognative system, James Lovelock and Lynn Margulis “proposals that living organisms interact with their inorganic surroundings on Earth to form a synergistic and self-regulating, complex system that helps to maintain and perpetuate the conditions for life on the planet” (quote from wikipedia).

Recalling that life began on Earth 3+ billion years ago and thrived without vaccines should have given everyone pause. Should have made us all question the need for such interventions. Or wonder what had happened to humanity and farm animals since the industrial revolution that now necessitated vaccines and gene therapy injectables.

I bring this up because we are not learning from the past. At present we discover with our egos' what has always been know intrinsically within our being, the body electric and its’ profound connecting to the Earth and Universe.

Just as the wisdom of the past is willfully hidden, now with the EMF, 5G WiFi etc an attempt to fog and obscure our biological and electrical connections to the Earths gentle rhythms of energy and communion. With the intent that humans cling to the fog of nonsense instead of Earth Sense.

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Thank you Unbecoming for bringing this topic to light. I have been grounding daily for at least 7+ years. Previously, I suffered from static electricity discharge for over a decade. I was always getting shocked. Pushing the grocery cart, Shock!, touching a metal door knob, Shock!, I would inadvertently shock my horses when I touched them. I was constantly getting shocked and my family would laugh because they weren’t affected and I would always be jumping at the shock. Because I’m a curious type, somehow I can across the Earthing movie and I was beginning to understand that the universe and us are electrical. Once I started grounding, all my static electricity discharge stopped. After a few weeks I noticed a decrease in joint pain and an overall increase in wellness. I’m a big believer in grounding. While I don’t think it is a cure-all, it is definitely part of a healthy lifestyle that includes proper, low inflammation diet.

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Been wearing these sandals for several years. They rebuild your feet as well, you will experience soreness for up to a week. Your feet have been molded/supported by soles that have allowed sarcopenia evolve in your feet. Similar to if you wore a neck brace 16 hrs a day, your neck would just flop over after awhile when the neck brace was not worn.

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I love that Clint does not promote his website where he sells grounding products.

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The only issue with earthing in North America is that the power grid was wired incorrectly - so there is massive ground current EMF. This is why earthing is not a good idea in the US & Canada:


Otherwise - thank you for the lovely piece. I love Oschmann - have his book Energy Medicine. It's a mindblower.

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Where I live in the US we still have above ground power lines and not underground power lines. Does this eliminate "ground current EMF"? Thanks

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most of my childhood was barefoot… probably had leathery soles of my feet. shoes used to be leather, now most is some type of plastic.

maybe getting a lot of static electricity “shocks” is a sign of excessive build up?

since I no longer have a lawn area I was looking into alternate options to earth outdoors and found that as long as cement or stonework directly contacts soil and is not coated with a sealant it works for earthing (ditto for in-ground swimming pools made of cement not fiberglass.)

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What country are you in? You can also try placing your feet on a sheet of heavy duty tinfoil - this helps dissipate the built-up charge. I learned this from Dave Stetzer.

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California USA… ✅ great tip about the tin foil… will do.

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Thanks for the reply Kitten, and for letting me know. You may feel a certain "flushing" sensation in your face/ body, but this will pass.

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Good to know, thanks Kitten. I redid a disastrous (dangerous for me) yard with small brick patios and fake grass which is more a cloth than plastic, called canine grass. I sit barefooted on the patios and enter gardening plots bare but I think maybe the fake grass was now not such a good idea. The grass is atop sand, that is atop stone on the earth. What do you think?

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you’re right if fake grass is part plastic or if it has some synthetic content, standing on it would probably not ground you (insulates, disrupts current) but the bricks, patio would work.

I’m trying to spend at least a half hour barefoot on the patio

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The QW&A is terrific but I have a question please:

Are there any contraindications for a person sleeping on a conductive grounding mat if they have an embedded cardiac pacemaker?

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Earthing has been proven to work by many randomized controlled trials in which half of the participants were unaware that they were "sham" grounded . https://vitamindwiki.com/tiki-index.php?page_id=15527

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So my question is this. I used to live my life barefoot. Constantly until I got morgellons disease and eventually realized I was being recolonized through my barefoot lifestyle. I have not touched my bare feet to any surface for years as I do not trust the spraying that is going on and also the conflicting ELF resonance that Clifford Carnicom and Dr Mihalcea have observed at about 4hz. Is this perhaps disturbing some people’s connection to the earth?? I wondering….

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As an electrician, the earth cable is the most important cable on any installation. Any leakage current is dissipated to the mass of the earth. I've been encouraging people to be in bare feet as much as possible for health benefits. It's definitely highly undervalued and thought of as 'WOO'. Great article

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Everyone that I know who has slept grounded has noticed a benefit. Those with pain or sleep issues especially. It's a great investment in improving health, and grounding pads are an investment that will last for many years, whereas grounded sheets will wear out like normal sheets do. Restoring circadian rhythm is likely a key benefit, as it is said that standing barefoot in damp grass after an international flight will greatly reduce any jet lag. The umbrella effect is a huge benefit for those who are EMF sensitive.

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Recently, I realized that outside of China, many educated individuals might lack basic chemistry knowledge. This may be because in developed countries, getting into college is relatively easier, and chemistry is not a required subject. In contrast, most high school graduates in China have mandatory basic chemistry courses. Consequently, many independent researchers of chlorine dioxide therapy seem to lack a chemistry background, which leaves their research without robust scientific (especially chemical) support.

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Sinatra is brilliant. He has done vital work on HRV and wireless frequencies.

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