It would seem they have continued to 'refine' these direct energy weapons. If you look at the Paradise, CA and Lahaina 'fires', a lot of similar type anomalies with regard to burn pattterns, destruction etc.

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I'd say rather than "refine" the DEWs what they've done is continue the DEW propaganda.

The "incinerated" cars on 9/11 are clearly fakeries. Scroll down to two images showing cars missing door handles and number plates indicating they are junkyard cars. Do we see any of these "incinerated" cars outside Judy Wood's alleged exposure of them? We do not. If you look at candid footage there's no incinerated cars in the vicinity.


What is helpful to understand is the propaganda strategy.

1. They anticipated 10% or so of people would not believe their nonsense story so they had a special propaganda campaign (SPC) targeted to them.

2. The SPC included various elements:

--- "loved ones" suspicious of the official story jumping up and down fighting for justice, eg, Bob McIlvaine, the Jersey Widows, April Gallop

--- videos telling us that certain people were targeted in the buildings

--- propaganda telling us that Jewish employees were given advance notice not to come to work

--- masses of propaganda implicating Israel which serves both as distraction as well as to make more plausible the cold-blooded and callous destruction of the buildings with people inside them if OUTSIDERS did it - I KNOW this was propaganda because I swallowed it hook, line and sinker ... until I didn't

--- pushing all the focus onto the buildings (Architects & Engineers is going gangbusters while Pilots for 9/11 Truth has completely died) because the faked plane crashes aren't a great fit for all the deaths. If they faked the plane crashes then that must mean the plane passenger deaths were faked and they don't want us going anywhere near the faked plane passenger deaths ... it's a slippery slope

--- masses of propaganda on how exactly the buildings came down: mini-nukes, DEWs, nanothermite, thermite, etc. Why wouldn't they use tried and trusted methods? Why would they use methods not used before? How would they be confident they would work?

9/11 was, in reality, the biggest demolition job of all time cloaked in a massive Anti-Terror Exercise further disguised as a real terror attack. It's really not that complicated, all you have to do is recognise MASSES OF PROPAGANDA hiding that simple truth.

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Good points Petra - I agree with you. And... one of the most suspish elements of 911 to me (unrelated to the buildings' demolitions) is the fact that the "walls of photos of dead/missing loved ones" in Manhattan went up within a day or 2 when the city was virtually closed down to everyone. Since most of the so-called 911 victims were from outside NYC - allegedly commuters to the downtown/Wall Street area - logistically, how did their families post those bio/flyers immediately on the walls in the city wIthin a couple of days?

This appears to me to be definite pre-planning on the part of the 911 co-conspirators. In addition, the later published NYTimes' bios of all the 911 victims raises the question of fraud too as who double-checked the names/bios of injuries/deaths shared w/them?

Suspish to the max that the MSM utilized the SAME (pre-made?) trauma-inducing videos shown on repeat for days & never again used many outlier videos shown initially. There were no independent, person-on-the-street real-time videos of 911 that made it to the TeeVee - only the same approved MSM videos. This was a carefully scripted ff that was conspicuously followed by all of the MSM outlets.

The firefighters' real-time oral histories documentation is an amazing resource to check out too as it was listed on many 911 truther sites initially soon after 2001 & in more recent years too. Unfortunately, sadly, so many brave cops/EMT/firefighters have succumbed to the toxic poisons from the WTC buidlng demolitions by now, thus eliminating their real-life, on-camera voices from current analysis of the event.

- FDNY 9/11 Oral Histories : FDNY - Archive.org - published 2005-08-12


Oral Histories from Sept. 11 compiled by the New York Fire Department

Made public on August 12, 2005 via FOIA requests made by New York Times and Russ Kick (aka MemoryHole)

New York Times article on release: https://www.nytimes.com/2005/08/12/nyregion/city-to-release-thousands-oforal-histories-of-911-today.html

New York Times release: https://archive.nytimes.com/www.nytimes.com/packages/html/nyregion/20050812_WTC_GRAPHIC/met_WTC_histories_full_02.html

Russ Kick release: https://thememoryhole2.org/blog/all-available-ny-fire-dept-dispatch-tapes-from-911

Notes - All files were downloaded directly from the NYTimes archive. There were additional missing files identified, though some were accessible via direct URL. Others remain missing entirely.

- Aug. 11, 2005 - FDNY Releases Oral Histories, Transmissions from Sept. 11 [2001] -


The 12,000 pages of oral histories were made public along with hours of Fire Department radio transmissions, their release brought on by a lawsuit filed three years ago by The New York Times and and long contested by the city....

Disclaimer by me...I fully realize that perhaps some of the testimonies could be "scripted" as we all live in a deep fake/false flag world of deception, disinfo & MSM misdirection etc. Nevertheless, many of the first-person firefighters' testimonies' clearly dispute the MSM 911 narrative, reinforce the demolitions' hypothesis re: explosions heard/witnessed & disprove other strange anomalies not explained by the MSM's promoted story-line(s).

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Completely agree with what you say about the "missing" posters. I mean, right off the bat people won't be "missing" will they? If they haven't returned home or been taken to hospital they will either be dead or under the rubble waiting for rescue or death whichever comes first.

However, I put to you that ALL the first responder testimonies are scripted, not just some. Sure, they make incriminating claims about explosions but that's DELIBERATE - these claims are intended for those who already know controlled demolition. Controlled opposition on controlled demolition!

I've written a post, Nonsensicalities in the 9/11 firefighter oral histories, and I've got into discussion with an FDNY firefighter, "Jerms", on the subject which is linked to in my analysis. Jerms started with FDNY in 2004 and is friendly with one of the guys in whose name there is a testimony - Mike Morabito. Jerms tried to tell me that Mike's testimony could be authentic ... and I'm like not it cannot be authentic because of X, Y and Z.


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Thnx for your link Petra. & will check our your work on the oral histories etc. Yeah, prob the firefighters were used as part of the psyop or counter-op or whatever the deliberate op was - the ME war op - so that the US could declare war on Iraq - a 911 "bait & switch".

fyi I've been looking into 911 - research on all sides - since the day after it happened as my husband narrowly escaped it. He worked downtown & walked thru the north tower ever day on the way to his work & only by a fluke of timing was early that day. Long story which I won't go into now but from the beginning I was totally suspicious of everything that Bush, the FAA, NYC/Giuliani & the rest of the govt agencies told us. As a child of the 60s, I know that the US govt/officials/politicians, city officials & mayors always cover for each other & lie to us like stinky fukn weasels about everything. Can't ever be too cynical.

My mind is changed constantly re: govt ops (including 911) by good researchers so thanks for telling me about your deep dives on the firefighters' oral histories. Much appreciated.

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Interesting about your husband, Lucinda. But he should have been OK even if he'd done his usual. It really would be interesting to know if they pulled this off without any deaths or injuries. I can imagine that they pulled it off perhaps with no deaths but no injuries? It was so mammoth.

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Sorry - meant to reply to this before but had to read thru your links & then got busy. I get your point about the possibility of fake deaths as that was exactly my point with the so-called bios posted immediately of the "missing persons" on 911. It would take more time than I have to double-check the published NYT bios & compare with real or imaginary folks (& how could they be compared w/supposedly actually posted bios on those visible 911 photo walls? I wonder if there were comprehensive photos of the photo walls for posterity? Not likely.

Re: my husband, he worked across West Street where I visited him several times. I worked near Union Square at the time of 911 & after his floor was cleared out (supposedly after they were told of the north tower "plane" disaster & told to leave) he walked up to Canal Street & then took the subway to my workplace. I do believe that something happened on that day - drills/exercises/simulations - but do not believe the official story-line at all as there's too much proof of a ff.

Re: the firefighters' oral histories, I don't remember listening to audiotapes of their supposed oral histories but know that some of the audio tapes of 911 survivors were released. FYI - per history - audiotapes can also be falsified too.

Here > Oral Histories [w/audio] | National September 11 Memorial & Museum


Oral Histories. The 9/11 Memorial Museum's oral history collection documents the history of 9/11 through recorded interviews with responders, survivors, 9/11 family members, and others deeply affected by the attacks at the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and near Shanksville, Pennsylvania.

Anyway, I agree with most all of your points made here & in your earlier 911 investigations but disagree strongly w/some of your other "debunks" of other controversies, such as the moon landing & Dave McGowan's "Moondoggie" series etc. When I have more time I'll try to respond to those w/my analysis as I've thought long & hard about the evidence & come down on the other side.

Thnx again for the good conversation & sharing your investigations here as you've now changed my mind about the reliability of the firefighters' so-called oral histories by pointing out all the anomalies & analyzing their improbable claims.

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The towers falling is not important.

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I worked in those buildings as an outsider but i know a large number of workers were from manhattan.

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Petra - I've been searching info/DEW-related videos re: the 911 psyop & others & so I'm very convinced that DEWs, do, in fact, exist. There is extensive govt documentation of DEW-related uses altho it's quite possible that some of it may be misdirection or flat out lies too.

I believe the DEW capabilities are very advanced now & so they are telling us they are still experimental, etc. like most of the govt's obfuscation around issues they don't want us to know the full history or usage of or govt's pre-planning/implementation of the weapons.

Also, everyone should know/keep in mind that govts utilize tech advancements they keep secret from their citizens & never admitt to until many years or decades later... if ever.

Sept 2022 > Report to Congress on Defense Department Directed Energy Weapons


Sep 14, 2022 - The following is the Sept. 13, 2022 Congressional Research Service report, Department of Defense Directed Energy Weapons: Background and Issues for Congress.

The following is the Sept. 13, 2022 Congressional Research Service report, Department of Defense Directed Energy Weapons: Background and Issues for Congress.

From the report:

"Directed energy (DE) weapons use concentrated electromagnetic energy, rathe"r than kinetic energy, to combat enemy forces. Although the United States has been researching directed energy since the 1960s, some experts have observed that the Department of Defense (DOD) has invested billions of dollars in DE programs that failed to reach maturity and were ultimately cancelled. In recent years, however, DOD has made progress on DE weapons development, deploying the first operational U.S. DE weapon in 2014 aboard the USS Ponce. Since then, DE weapons development has continued, with DOD issuing a Directed Energy Roadmap to coordinate the department’s efforts. DOD has also introduced a High Energy Laser Scaling Initiative, which seeks to strengthen the defense industrial base for DE weapons and improve laser beam quality and efficiency."

"This report provides background information and issues for Congress on DE weapons, including high-energy lasers (HELs) and high-powered microwave (HPM) weapons, and outlines selected unclassified DOD, Air Force, Army, and Navy DE programs. If successfully fielded, HELs could be used by ground forces in a range of missions, including short-range air defense (SHORAD); counter-unmanned aircraft systems (C-UAS); and counter-rocket, artillery, and mortar (C-RAM) missions. HPM weapons could provide a nonkinetic means of disabling adversary electronics and communications systems. Compared with traditional munitions, DE weapons could offer lower logistical requirements, lower costs per shot, and—assuming access to a sufficient power supply—deeper magazines. These weapons could, however, face a number of limitations not faced by their kinetic counterparts. For example, atmospheric conditions (e.g., rain, fog, obscurants) could potentially limit the range and beam quality of DE weapons, in turn reducing their effectiveness."

'As DOD continues to invest in DE weapons, Congress may consider the weapons’ technological maturity, lifecycle cost, characteristics, mission utility, industrial base, intelligence requirements, and oversight structure. Congress may also consider the implications of DE weapons for future arms control agreements."

In addition - ICYMI "9-11, California, Australia, Maui fires and Directed Energy Weapons"

https://www.bitchute.com/video/HOpZE8Xrk27P - mirrored 11 months ago [but I saw very similar DEW-related destruction/fires evidence/research/videos 6 or so years ago]

However, if you have compelling links that debunk the US govt's use of DEWs - pls share here w/us.

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Aug 13
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OK. Why don't you speak to me in Chat?

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Aug 10
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I say that 9/11 was essentially a massive Full-Scale Anti-Terror Exercise pushed out as a real event: the buildings came down by a controlled means, the passenger airliner crashes were faked and death and injury were staged.

If you think that's wrong what evidence do you have against it?

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There is no direct evidence of any DEWs in those fires at all. People don't seem to understand how fire works is what I'm learning about this.

Fire often does "odd" things when one first looks upon a site.

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Aug 10
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I agree with things like 9/11 where the mechanics of what happened are complex and without the evidence -- which was cleared away quickly -- then it is impossible to solve with any certainty.

With fires, it's not as difficult. We know all the ingredients were there for a large hot raging fire without the necessity of any mythical DEWs.

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Hi George do you want to keep talking about it?

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Thank you George. My new friend Boris told me he almost didn't talk to me because of my tone and approach. Because you have replied, I want to be sure to encourage discussion.

Would you be interested in talking about 9/11? This has very little to do with the day. More of the past and the years leading to today. I can take 9/11 to 1799. 1725 for fun and 1630 if you'll give me a ship landing.

Some will use the invisible college to say 500 hundred years. But that is unprovable.

Few people respond the way you did. Politely disagreement with a tone for Future discussion.

The official story is the only thing I can't agree with. No conspiracy theory is correct. No account that pushes a theory is legit.

_At this time the most important and almost only thing important are the laws passed during that time_

I have homemade theories no one has ever heard. I feel I can disprove many. And the one thing that must be said by anyone who is serious, is it will never be solved.

Would you be interested in talking about 9/11? This has very little to do with the day. More of the past and the years leading to today.

The day itself will never be solved. There are enough NDA's and people who gain from the day, nothing new will come to light.

I say that and there was a you tube video on the last couple weeks. It has several concerns to it. Yet those will never be proven either.

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If you look at any burn site of anything substantial you will usually find some things that appear unusual until you understand the nature of the details of the specific fire and circumstances. Unusual burns also come from arson. There is ero evidence of DEWs.

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Numb - fyi -Pls see my response/comment to Petra today way down below your comment here re: evidence from a DoD Report to Congresss (2022) re: DEWs use by the US military. I believe there is some misdirection in the Report (they claim DEWs are more or less still very experimental) but they do admit utilizing them as microwave weapons & military "assets".

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Microwaves are DEWs but they are focussed beams and can't dustify concrete.

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It wasn't dews or bombs or planes and it doesn't matter

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WOW, just WOW! This is why Unbekoming is my one-stop shop. All topics covered. Thank you!

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Excellent. It was the footage of the "spire" turning to dust that drifted away in the wind that really clinched it for me, but all the reasoning is impeccable, here is the evidence find a theory that fits. All the questions raised by the evidence are pertinent and important, so Petra, I disagree that the question of how is unimportant, particularly, as Dr Wood points out, the technology to do that could and should be used for the good of us and the Earth.

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How many times have I looked at video/photographic evidence of 9/11 and realized my lying eyes didn't see what was right in front of me? I'm too embarrassed to count.

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Phil - My suspicions were raised ON 911 (I was working in NYC then) when all of the news sources were showing the very SAME videos over & over. We know that the MSM is actually the Mockingbird press now, but even so, utilizing all the same videos seemed counter-intuitive.

In addition, the UK's BBC reporting on the destruction of the WTC Building 7 BEFORE it actually was demolished in the US argues points clearly to foreknowledge & jumping the 911 shark.

Jane Stanley BBC reports on 911 [20min before building 7 was blown up] that it [Building 7] had collapsed - https://www.bitchute.com/video/LFCbNlNUSRza - Eagle of freedom -

mirrored 8 months ago

It boggled my mind then (& still now) that anyone would believe so-called competitive news/TV sources wouldn't have their own 911 reporter videos & variations on the downtown videos themselves, & yet they were all in 911 "lockstep" showing the (now clearly faked) same videos.

Where have we heard that term "lockstep"in recent years? During C19 scam-demic perhaps?

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Excellent! I love Judy too!

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Right there with you … I recall a presentation some years ago (might have been her) pointing out the enormous dust cloud and the apparent disintegration of the building as it collapsed, which made absolutely no sense to me. The one thing I do know is that the official story (and especially the NIST report) is an absolute joke. Don’t even get me started on Tower 7.

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Most demolished tall structures collapse into a small pile of debris with a lot of dust. That is not unusual.

I agree completely that the NIST report was incomplete and inaccurate, largely because the evidence was never made available for examination. It was carted off and disposed off almost immediately, and no one was able to do a proper investigation. That alone is suspicious.

However, I believe the collapses themselves are not as suspicious as people think. The buildings had a very unique construction so direct comparisons to other buildings is not valid. I don't find Dr Wood's theories credible.

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Thanks so much for sharing this great work of Dr. Wood! I have read a lot of it before but such greater detail is amazing - quite a read!

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...i had never heard of Judy Wood!... thanks for this indeed!... i go along with her presentation etc, she knows what she's talking about so far i can relate based on my own understanding and had done a little research in this area, not to mention the nature of apparently some personal encounters that seem to corroborate such possibilities and the likelihoods of a far reaching spectrum of associated experiences...looking forward to delving into everything u've written here, it's a blessed relief from

the reams of misleading materials 'out there' thanks again 'Unbekoming'...

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Her book is excellent. Judy doesn't draw conclusions but points out clearly the evidence and asks the reader to question what causes such things to happen. The way the buildings came down was most definitely NOT in the way very tall buildings burn AT ALL The layers of dust that protrude outwards as each floor collapses has NOT resulted in the materials of those floors burning as a normal fire burns. So the question is what has caused the dustification. You can be sure the NSF, NASA, IARPA all know!!!! Someone mentions a tall mast dustifying too so the same question: what causes the dustification? Because we don't have answers to all of it we cannot EXCLUDE DEW's on the basis that all dew's use microwave technology which may not be correct. There may be OTHER DEW types WE are not familiar with but those US science research bodies definitely DO KNOW!!! I suspect what happened has quite a bit to do with the Hutchison effect especially as there were hurricanes out to sea that moved towards the continent during the time the towers were coming down. These could involve DEW's of a different nature to microwave energy used for crowd control in some cases. There were people who got to the ground floor and basement who looked up and instead of materials falling down on them were able to see blue sky above them through the DUST!!!

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... thanks Mary W, I'll definitely be on the lookout for that book or track it down, actually ur reply and the fact that the Maui incident had emerged in my consciousness recently prompted my doin an impromptu dive moments ago and this came up... https://www.afrl.af.mil/Portals/90/Documents/RD/Directed_Energy_Futures_2060_Final29June21_with_clearance_number.pdf ...hats off to TLAV 'cause began my search from a link there, so for all i know perhaps they had this link up already...though i think I did stumble on it, and their reporting on Maui is excellent!... https://crows.org/events/annual-convention-symposium/ ...accessed this through their link!...i have crow friends in the bird kingdom, and strangely they omitted to mention this!... it'll be an interesting topic when we catch up later!...MaryCW i meant!...

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Thanks Gerry, I'll have to look at those links another day as it's nearly midnight and I was up early to mind my 9yo granddaughter for the day.... Exhausted right now!

Maui definitely involved DEW's probably the "heating microwave" type?? Judy says later in one of her videos that she considers there may be COLD DEW's involved in the dustification of the towers due to immediately adjacent materials to a[[arently melted metal not combusting.

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... it's all very interesting, and btw, Dane at www.geoengineeringwatch.org had emphasized an additional HAARP involvement in Maui, if i recall correctly... zerogeoengineering.com is another of my

recent finds...ur after a long day, and these days are draining MaryCW... make sure u catch up on ur sleep, we gotta get the basics right...

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If you read the books, you'll see how many assumptions she makes. Bad ones.

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...thanks!...i'll keep that in mind!...

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I'm writing comments further down chapter by chapter. I suggest you read chapter 3 to see how many bad assumptions are made.

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Here's the best all-round documentary on 911 referencing Dr Wood's findings, made by a Canadian guy:-


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Thank you!

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This is a new twist on a story that consumed many years of research for me long ago as part of Cooperative Research 9-11 Timeline ... it was a miracle on a personal level because I was supposed to be at a conference there but for my daughter's broken braces and insistence she go to the dentist before school so that's where we were to see the collapse on television.. it solidified my belief in angels watching over me & lasting take away is we save ourselves in the least known story of 9-11 heroes the folks standing beside you when %$#@ goes down!

Boatlift 11 min untold epic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDOrzF7B2Kg

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The Boatlift guy is one of the many 9/11 "hero" characters they pushed out. Alleged "heroes" play a huge role in the 9/11 psyop and it was alleged janitor in the North tower, William Rodriguez's incriminating claim of hearing explosions in the basement versus his being awarded for bravery in rescuing "hundreds" from the building, that provoked my epiphany in recognising that 9/11 was really just a massive demolition job in the guise of a massive Anti-Terror Exercise in the further guise of a real terror attack. I puzzled: "Why would someone who's made an incriminating claim about hearing explosions suggesting controlled demolition get awarded for bravery?" And then it hit me. It was all staged.

This is another alleged 9/11 "hero", Mikki Willis, who made the controlled opposition film, Plandemic, although from the comments no one's buying his heroism. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6yG6GvRgteo

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No clue who you mean is "Boatlift Guy" nor any connection to Mikki Willis... Over half a million people were evacuated from NYC by ordinary folks who stepped up and their heroic story little known.

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Boatlift Guy is the guy in the video you link to - the first guy who appears saying he gave a boat lift to people. He's a "hero" - just like Mikki Willis although Mikki didn't give boatlifts, he supposedly gave sandwiches to first responders or something like that, can't remember.

A common feature of psyops are the "hero" characters. You realise that 9/11 was a psyop, right?

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Do you realize real people were heroes?

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In psyops they assign roles for:

Heroes, eg, William Rodriguez


Loved ones, eg, Bob McIlvaine

"Miracle" survivors, eg, Pasquale Buzzelli


No doubt there were real heroes on 9/11 ... but regardless there were people assigned the "hero" role, eg, William Rodriguez who allegedly rescued "hundreds" from the North tower ... a big fat lie.


You do get that heroes are roles in psyops, right? They're a role, they're a character. Psyops are narratives and they have particular players.

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"You do get that heroes are roles in psyops, right? "

Putting ? after a statement is not a question and your condescending simplistic views.. yawn!

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No one cares.

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"Discussion is" - And yet you bill yourself on your own substack as saying: I would like to share my opinion on the counter arguments to the conventional point of view. Hmmm... why no discussion need - "No one cares." - re: all the 911 counter arguments here, then?

You also posted above in this thread:

Aug 9 - Discussion is - Discussion’s Substack - My Personal Substack

9/11 is fake. Unsolvable. Wasting others time is the goal

How can you say 911 is unsolvable when you state that you want to discuss things yourself by sharing your own opinions? That seems absolutely contradictory to me. Anyone can shoot down comments but not while saying they want actual discussion. ;-)

Good overview > From JFK to 9/11 Everything is a Rich Man's Trick - mirrored copy


5 years ago

Yes, all of the ff's & faked events waste time for some but also provide connections & proof of the overall goals & objectives of the long-term NWO/globalists' aims. For example, 911 is a piece of the legal plan to take-over "privacy & security" so US citizens will follow any outrageous solution that is dreamed up, like the fallacious airport protocols of taking shoes off, body scans & pouring out water bottles, etc.

Examining each ff by speaking out & writing books compiles the evidence to hang the perps so to speak. All of these actions help peeps understand - change minds - re: the breadth of the overall deceptions/criminal behaviors & provide proof of PTB/ globalists' crimes/takeover of our cultural, economic, financial & political institutions.

Overwhelmingly now, most US citizens do NOT believe the 911 lies & other US story-lines. Could be cuz sos much investigative research showed the US govt's pushed 911 etc narratives are lies. Yeah, there's also disinfo but that's why discussion is important.

FWIW > October 13, 2016 - A majority of Americans believe that the government is concealing information about the 9/11 attacks, one new survey suggests. [Want to bet that the percentage some 8 years later is even higher now post-Covid19 scam??]


[excerpt] And that's not the only conspiracy theory believed by a wide swath of Americans: Around 40 percent believe the government is hiding information about aliens, the John F. Kennedy assassination and global warming. Conspiracy theories about the JFK assassination abound, and scientists say these ideas have become embedded in the very culture surrounding his death, with heaps of TV shows, books and movies on them. [Top 10 Conspiracy Theories Explained]

"We found clear evidence that the United States is a strongly conspiratorial society," study lead author Christopher Bader, a sociologist at Chapman University in California, said in a statement. > https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/533027

All I can say about the survey is that a majority of US citizens are more savvy than the MSM gives them credit for being as citizens are now seeing thru the US govt's BS & lies around so many historical events & so understand the govt's so-designated "conspiracies" ARE, in fact, complete fabrications meant to confuse/control all of us.

And,, never forget I.F. Izzy Stone's famous comment (journalist/investigator) re: govts: "All governments lie." -

https://investigatingpower.org/i-f-stone/ - I.F. Stone - Investigating Power - Best known for I.F. Stone's Weekly, his self-published newsletter, I.F. "Izzy" Stone covered administrations from Wilson to Nixon in reports and editorials. Among the major events he wrote about were the Depression, World War II, the Korean War, McCarthyism, the Vietnam War and the Civil Rights movement. He was the first reporter to question President Lyndon Johnson’s misleading statements about the Gulf of Tonkin incident, which led to the escalation of the Vietnam War. He wrote more than a dozen books and was the target of FBI surveillance for openly criticizing its practices. He died of a heart attack on June 18, 1989 ....

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Jehu Burrbarricvesb2639 on the Winthrop Fleet

Aaron Burr Sr. Attend Yale. Start Princeton


Aaron Burr Jr

Manhattan Bank

Killed Hamilton


1st treasurer of us bank

New York bank

Will hostile take over Irving BA Irving bank woolworth building

Kellex will occupy in the 1940s

Kellex will create the coating for gaseous diffusion alloy tubes

Tube alloy is the name of UK atomic program

Alloy tube structure is the type of building wtc towers

Aaron Burr treason

Proof of dissent

Chase Bank will be headed by Winthrop Aldrich which will be the head of the first wtc committee July 6th 1946

Announced by NY gov Dewey.

Dewey will support rockefeller campaigns

Winthrop Aldrich will marry a female Rockefeller

The day world trade center committee is announced is July 6th 1946

That is George W Bush b day. The president of the USA for 9/11

Dick Cheney will be VP. Kellex will one day through purchases be purchased by haliburton. Cheney

1946 is the most important year for 9/12

Aviation Act of 1946 will make all air traffic control jobs federal posistions

It will also make all flight paths and the aviation companies assigned to routes a federal decision and schedule

Aaron Burr will start Manhattan Bank. Will be bought by Chase Bank in 1955

BURR had a clause that would force a unanimous decision to sell or it would force a merger. So Aaron Burr's bloodline would be at the table for 1960s final decision for WTC.

Chase Manhattan will be Rockefellers.

It is now part of JP Morgan.

JP Morgan owns and displays the guns used in the dual to kill hamilton.

JP Morgan helped finance the first Thomas Edison electric company that would split through time to Con Edison a power supplier to WTC. If you read insurance MFL report you will see power is solely provided by New York Power Assoc. Nypa

The other company is General Electric

The company that will have Ronald Reagan as a TV host.

GE will build the airplane engines for all four planes of 9/11. He will create the power plants for nuclear power facilities

JFK passed the nuclear treaty. He was killed as a symbol And reminder to all what happens if you touch these rosicurians atomic energy..

Ronald Reagan would go from GE TV host to President to creating the SDI. Known as Star wars. It was shit down and restarted by trump as president as the space force.

Ronald Reagan brought back Nuclear power and testing.

Princeton would be the college of Aaron Burr Jr., Woodrow Wilson, who help the country at the end of the war and Thomas Kean

Thomas Kean went to Princeton that Aaron Burr Sr created and attended the same secret society at Princeton as all others names.

Thomas Kean is the chairman of the 9/11 commission report.

Tube alloy and Manhatten Project.

I am going to tell you I'll stop to let you know I can lay out a factor case for the towers bring Uranium Enrichment plants.

The Roosevelt's were in loved in Chemical Bank that would build 270 Broadway

That would one day house the Manhattan project.

This can go on and on.

The footage doesn't look right. The local radio programs and commentary doesn't match all the the video. There is something wrong with every part of the event.

It is unsolvable because there are thousands of people involved over hundreds of years.

Your going to talk some dumb shit now. So I'll go ahead and listen

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Please provide me with a link(s) showing these connections, okay? Thanks. ;-)

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You ready? Because there is a link to each and every one of those.

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Aug 21
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Whut?? WTH?? No govt agent here bub... only someone curious about the real truth & wondering why you say you want discussion & then try to stop it. Okay?

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Ignore him. Not worth responding to him.

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I want discussion. If your long responses makes sense I'll make a real name and bio. But I'll go answer first

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Fyi - you can always go back to your profile edit page, change it & put your real credentials. ;-)

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Got the bio switched

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I have read all comments and the many heated opinions. MS Wood did not know about Lahaina and Paradise at the time of writing and also there we saw buildings which turned to dust. A lot is said about the different structure of those two Manhattan buildings but one thing they had in common with all other buildings: they had plenty of restrooms. Restrooms have porcelain furniture and porcelain does not burn in a fire. There should have been hundreds of them on the ground.

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Wow! This. Definitely a light bulb moment! Thanks for the info! It was one thing to know the towers were were brought down by our government to cover up the trail of their corruption and theft of billions that belonged to all US citizens but absolutely terrifying to know the power by which they were destroyed.

I have been reading of the intensity of weather and storms, mostly in the mid-continent, being brought on by a similar directed energy power. Same goes for the intensity of hurricanes. Since the midsection of the U.S. is solidly conservative, it has been suggested that Empire/Cabal/Elite are causing intense storms and flooding rain as payback for the wrong politics.

God help us all!

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Thank you for this incredible info.

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another substack deals with all the evidence, great links to other videos, https://substack.com/home/post/p-146928086, https://rumble.com/v42pr22-911-alchemy-facing-reality.html

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Thank you.

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