“The Towers didn’t burn up, nor did they slam to the ground. They turned (mostly) to dust in mid air.” – Dr Judy Wood
Here, it is worth pausing and reminding ourselves how difficult unravelling this false flag has been for those seeking the truth. It has been compared to taking five different 10,000-piece jigsaws, mixing the pieces up, throwing them on the floor, putting all the pieces face down and then saying, "solve that." And just for good measure, numerous pieces of disinformation have been added to ensure arguments over whether, in fact, a particular piece is even part of any one of the puzzles or should be discarded. All this, whilst a multitude of complicit (and non-complicit) people stand on the sidelines and ridicule you for trying to make sense of it all. - Greenwood - 180 Degrees
Science and power have always gone together. It works by a sleight of hand whereby the rulers claim that they are closer to God and their scientific advisors give them legitimacy by being able to predict things in the natural world.
The relationship is fraught. Science needs power to convert ideas into wealth. Power needs science in order to stay in control of the population. But I doubt the two camps like each other very much. They both think of themselves as superior to the other. But one cannot survive without the other so they are stuck in an uneasy marriage throughout history. They are united though in their contempt for the peasants. – Dr Toby Rogers
If you listen to the evidence carefully enough, it will speak to you and tell you exactly what happened. If you don't know what happened, keep listening until you do. The evidence always tells the truth. The key is not to allow yourself to be distracted away from seeing what the evidence is telling you. “Empirical evidence is the truth that theory must mimic" Thank you for having the courage to look at the evidence. — Dr. Judy Wood
Witches were burned in public to remind everyone of what could happen to them if they stepped out of line. They were reminders of who’s boss.
9/11 was a witch burning.
But who was the audience?
Every nation on earth.
Nobody knows what happened on that day, but we do know it wasn’t the Official Story.
In the most recent planned and staged global event, they knew that the bat and pangolin story would give way to a second, approved, “gotcha” story, in the form of a “lab leak” which is where most of the official dissidents have been shepherded.
Whereas Rancourt, who has done more evidence based work than any proving there was no pandemic, is marginalized within the “truther” community. His is not an “approved” explanation.
Which brings us to Dr Judy Wood. She is the Rancourt of 9/11. Frowned on by the “official” truthers. The controlled demolitioners (think lab leak people) don’t like her.
I have all the time in the world for Judy, because she doesn’t try to contort theory into the evidence. She says, simply, that this is the evidence, and your theory doesn’t match. Give me a theory that matches the evidence.
The towers turned to dust. That is the evidence. Now come up with a theory that matches.
If you are new to the non-official 9/11 story, you have jumped in at the deep end.
If you are well across the 9/11 story, but haven’t heard of Dr Judy Wood before, this stack is going to annoy you, a lot.
To all that want to understand 9/11, I want to say this: It’s OK to not know.
I am likely to never know what happened on that day, about who did what and why. But I do know that buildings turned to dust, that the very small amount of rubble does not account for the total mass of all three buildings, that 1,400 cars were toasted and that not one of 3,000 toilets (or any of their parts) were found. I’m positive that neither jet fuel, explosives nor Saudi hijackers did that.
If you do nothing else, I would suggest you spend a few minutes from 44.24 in her 2012 lecture to see pieces of the building turn to dust in mid air.
This stack includes a Q&A based on one of Judy’s lectures from 2012. The lecture is absolutely worth watching in full because you need to “see” what she is talking about.
I’ve also included the Foreword from her book Where Did The Towers Go?, and also the concluding summary of Facts that, still, require an explanation.
With thanks to Dr Judy Wood.
Dr Judy Wood – Biography – Dr Judy Wood
Dr Judy Wood – "Know What it is that You Know that You Know"
This is a longer than usual stack, but if you are still interested you can spend some time in this list of FAQs answered directly by Dr Judy Wood.
Let’s start with the Foreword to the book.
"This is the dawn of a new age," Wood said in a 2012 talk. "Somebody has the ability to direct energy to disrupt the molecular bonds of matter."
Where Did The Towers Go?
By Dr Judy Wood
Where Did the Towers Go? Evidence of Directed Free-energy Technology on 9/11: Judy Wood: Amazon.com
Where Did the Towers Go?: The Evidence... book by Judy D. Wood (thriftbooks.com)
The book you hold in your hands is the most important book of the twenty first century. Let me explain why I say such a thing. Where Did the Towers Go? is a work, assuming that its content and message are properly and fairly heeded, that offers a starting point from which those who genuinely want to do it can begin, first, to rein in and then, perhaps, even end the wanton criminality and destructiveness of a set of American policies that took as their justification and starting point the horrific events of September 11, 2001.
It is now almost a decade since 9/11 took place, and in all that time no unassailable, permanent, or, in pragmatic terms, politically influential progress has been made in determining exactly and irrefutably what took place on that day—or what did not take place.
But now Dr. Judy Wood, in this unique, powerful, landmark work of forensic scientific investigation, provides us at last with that determination: She shows us what did happen on 9/11. Although Dr. Wood’s scientific training and understanding are deep and complex, she has the gift of being able, without compromise, to express ideas of the greatest complexity in terms readily understandable to any interested and attentive lay person.
More must be said about these subjects in a minute, but this all-important fact remains: Those who read Dr. Wood’s book fairly, openly, and thoroughly will take away with them the gift of knowing once and for all what happened on 9/11. They will take away the gift of knowing that they have at last been shown the truth clearly and plainly, no matter how different this truth may be from what they have been told for many years by supposedly higher authorities, from the government itself on through newspapers, journalists, progressive radio programs and commentators, even figures from the so-called “9/11 truth movement.” Dr. Wood’s book will give all those who read it carefully a solid foundation for the courage to believe not what they may have been told by one authority or another on any level and for many years, but to believe instead what their own minds, their own eyes, and their own reason tell them: That is, scientific truth as revealed through close forensic study of all of the evidence that has been left behind. As Dr. Wood says again and again, she arrives at truth through the study of evidence. The truth is not what anyone, no matter who they are, might say it is. To the place where the evidence leads, and to that place alone—that is where the truth is.
Where Did the Towers Go? is not the work of a day. In her first chapter, Dr. Wood tells us that her study of 9/11 really began on that calamitous September day itself, when she “realized that what was being seen and heard on television was contradictory and appeared to violate the laws of physics.” This means, as I write these words, that Dr. Wood has been a student of 9/11 for eight-and-a-half years. Yet the preparation for that study took even longer. Dr. Wood, after all, holds a B.S. in Civil Engineering, an M.S. in Engineering Mechanics (Applied Physics), and a Ph.D. in Materials Engineering Science—degrees that speak to nothing less than an adult lifetime dedicated to scientific analysis and observation.
Dr. Wood’s areas of special focus within physics and engineering will strike readers also for their obvious suitability to study of 9/11. Dr. Wood’s M.S. thesis involved the development of a Fizeau interferometer to study the effects of material defects on the thermal expansion behavior of composite materials. Her Ph.D. dissertation (in words from her web site) “involved the development of an experimental method to measure thermal stresses in bimaterial joints using moiré interferometry.” Careful readers of Where Did the Towers Go? will quickly understand the remarkable compatibility between the subject of Dr. Wood’s dissertation and its applicability to her analyses of 9/11. The same is true of certain of the courses she taught when she was a member of the faculty at Clemson University. These included Experimental Stress Analysis, Engineering Mechanics, Mechanics of Materials (the Strength of Materials), and (though not at Clemson) Strength of Materials Testing.
It’s difficult to imagine an academic preparation more logically relevant to a study of 9/11 than Dr. Wood’s—to a study, that is, not of the history of 9/11, not of the origins of it, not of the motives for it, but, simply, solely, and only to a study of what happened, literally, in and to the World Trade Center buildings on 9/11.
There is another element of Dr. Wood’s research that qualifies her even more exactly for work of the kind described in this book. Here is a passage from Dr. Wood’s web site:
One of Dr. Wood’s research interests is biomimicry, or applying the mechanical structures of biological materials to engineering design using engineering materials. Other recent research has investigated the deformation behavior of materials and structures with complex geometries and complex material properties, such as fiber reinforced composite materials and biological materials. Dr. Wood is an expert in the use of moiré interferometry, a full-field optical method that is used in stress analysis, as well as materials characterization and other types of interference. In recent years, Dr. Wood and her students have developed optical systems with various wavelengths and waveguides. Dr. Wood has over 60 technical publications in refereed journals, conference proceedings, and edited monographs and special technical reports.
A word used here—“interferometry”—will become familiar to readers as they move into Dr. Wood’s book. When preceded by “moiré,” the word refers to “a full-field optical method that is used in stress analysis.” The web site adds that Dr. Wood is also an expert in the use of “other types of interference.” Their applicability to the study of 9/11 is made clear, again, in this description, from Dr. Wood herself, of her special areas of research:
The main focus of my research has been in the area of experimental mechanics and optical interferometry, which is referred to as photomechanics. That is, all of my graduate work and research has been in the area of interferometry to study material behavior. Photomechanics, an area of experimental mechanics, is the use of optical images and optical interferometry to determine material characteristics. So, it is second nature for me to see anomalies in material behavior when looking at photographic images. Also, being an experimentalist using interferometry, I have occasionally encountered unexpected phenomena that presented themselves as puzzles. Solving these puzzles has provided me with a wide range of experience with anomalous material characteristics and the interference of electromagnetic energy.
It’s safe to say that less than a majority of Americans know very much about Nikola Tesla (1856-1943), the historic figure whose story must be introduced at this point. Tesla is under-recognized in the United States partly because of his victimization by profit driven interests opposed to his work—and opposed especially to his development of a way to harness free energy.1 Though little known in the United States, Tesla was the world’s greatest pioneering genius in the early harnessing of electricity, the development of alternating current, the study of field effects—interferometry—and, as mentioned, the development of access to free energy—that is, access to and the harnessing of energy drawn from force fields or even from the plasma present everywhere in the cosmos.
Mentioning Tesla at this point is necessary for the very good reason that Dr. Judy Wood, in Where Did the Towers Go?, shows that the power used to destroy the WTC buildings on 9/11—a power sufficient to turn more than 1,000,000 tons of building material into dust—is power derived from force fields, or directed energy, power of the kind that was pioneeringly studied by Nikola Tesla and that now, obviously, has been advanced by others for the most destructive of purposes rather than for the benevolent, socially meliorative uses for which it is equally well suited.
In short, Tesla’s energy, imagined by him as something useful for the nurturing or even the saving of human society, has instead, since his death, been weaponized. The simple fact is that 9/11 was planned and staged as a demonstration to the world of the enormity of that power in its weaponized form.
Over the past six years, as she revealed to the public the details of her research piece by piece, Dr. Wood often found herself the subject of extreme abuse from every quarter of the so-called “9/11 truth community.” I have followed Dr. Wood’s work over those six years, and I would like to say a few words about what she has been doing and, implicitly, about the way her work has been received.
Dr. Wood is not, in actuality, herself a part of the “9/11 truth community.” Even if at one time she may have naturally considered herself to be so, this is no longer the case. The “movement”—something I have been a student of since mid-2003—has itself grown so politicized, so thoroughly infiltrated by figures and forces whose aim is to generate internal division in order to generate not progress but paralysis and stasis; that, as I said earlier, this “movement” has been made incapable, over almost a decade, of producing any unassailable, any permanent, or any politically influential evidence of what really happened on September 11, 2001.
Dr. Wood herself has been regularly and sometimes spectacularly victimized, smeared, attacked, marginalized, and misrepresented by figures and groups putatively “inside” the 9/11 truth movement. It is even the case that a student of Dr. Wood’s, a gifted young man dedicated to the purpose and progress of her work, was murdered in cold blood, as also was another similar person before him. In spite of these crimes, violations, and attacks, however, Dr. Wood remained devoted unflinchingly to her research, and here, now, with its completion and with the publication of Where Did the Towers Go?, she brings the paralysis and bloody in-fighting of the truth movement to an end.
She has been able to bring about this enormous achievement—for which the entire world must certainly be grateful—by refusing to speculate in “opinion” or “belief ” and by refusing to argue about (or even to raise) subjects or questions of the sorts that for years have led to paralysis and logjam, questions such as who planned and executed the attacks of 9/11, or why they did so, or who knew about this or that aspect of the operation, or when they knew, or where someone was and when they were there, and on and on.
On the contrary, Dr. Wood has worked and works now solely and only as an observing scientist. She comes to no conclusions whatsoever other than those that emerge logically, in accordance with the scientific method in which she is trained, conclusions that cannot be logically escaped or avoided after close and objective study of all available evidence. At the same time, such conclusions are never allowed by Dr. Wood, again in accordance with scientific method, to be in excess of what is supported by the evidence.
Let us make a list of the things that Dr. Wood proves in Where Did the Towers Go?—proves not just beyond reasonable doubt, but beyond any doubt whatsoever:
That the “official” or “government” explanation for the destruction of the World Trade Center on 9/11 is, scientifically, false through and through.
That the WTC buildings were not destroyed by heat generated from burning jet fuel or from the conventional “burning” of any other substance or substances.
That the WTC buildings were not destroyed by mini-nuclear weaponry.
That the WTC buildings were not destroyed by conventional explosives of any kind, be they TNT, C4 or RDX, nor were they destroyed by welding materials such as thermite, thermate, or “nano-thermite.”
That there was in fact no high heat at all involved either in bringing about the destruction of the buildings or generated by the destruction of them.
And now let us turn to what Dr. Wood proves beyond any reasonable doubt.
She proves that the kinds of evidence left behind after the destruction— including “fires” that emit no high heat and have no apparent source (“Weird Fires”); glowing steel beams and molten metal, neither of them emitting high heat; the levitation and flipping of extremely heavy objects, including automobiles and other vehicles; patterns of scorching that cannot have been caused by conventional “fire” (“Toasted Cars”); the sudden exploding of objects, people, vehicles, and steel tanks; the near complete absence of rubble after the towers’ destruction, but instead the presence of entire buildings’-worth of dust, both airborne and heavier-than-air (“Dustification”)— Dr. Wood proves that these and other kinds of evidence cannot have been created by conventional oxygen-fed fire, by conventional explosives, or by nuclear fission. At the same time, however, she shows that all of them are in keeping with the patterns and traits of directed-energy power, of force-fields directed into interference with one another in ways following the scientific logic of Nikola Tesla’s thought and experimentation—and in ways also paralleling the work of contemporary Canadian scientist and experimenter John Hutchison, who, following Tesla’s lead, has for many years produced again and again and again “the Hutchison Effect,” creating results that include weird fires (having no apparent fuel); the bending, splintering, or fissuring of bars and rods of heavy metal; the coring-out, from inside, of thick metal rods; and the repeated levitation of objects.
These same effects, similar to the Hutchison effect but on an exponentially massive scale, are what occurred at the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. The implications of this fact, however unbelievable they may seem initially, are of a powerful and obvious importance to every living being in the world. That a power of this magnitude and intensity, a power drawn from other energy already existing—that a power of this enormity has been demonstrated to the world for the first time and on this scale not as a force potentially advantageous to human life, planetary health, and social well-being but, instead, as a weaponized force capable of unprecedented and incalculable destruction and ruin—this is a fact undeniably sobering to every thinking and feeling human being.
Thanks to the painstaking and unflagging work of Dr. Judy Wood—and thanks to her book, this book that you are about to read—the long debate about what happened on 9/11 will now end. The next step is to decide how to respond to the truth that, here, we have once and for all been shown. The implications of Dr. Wood’s work are every bit as world-embracing and absolute in their importance as was the introduction of weaponized nuclear fission over half a century ago, and in fact even more so. Dr. Wood herself has referred to 9/11 as The New Hiroshima. To follow the now-known implications of directed energy weaponry with the greatest of care, to do so with expedience, clarity, justice, and, above all, with the aim of doing only the highest service to the well-being of mankind, the earth, and the future of both—these are the tasks laid out for us by Dr. Wood’s magisterial, humane, paradigm-changing work. It is up to us—who else, after all, is there?—to take these matters up now that Dr. Wood has shown us the immensity of their importance.
She herself, near the end of her book, says something of a similar nature. It’s appropriate that I close not with my words, but with hers: He who controls the energy, controls the people. Control of energy, depending on what that energy is, can either destroy or sustain the planet. We have a choice. And the choice is real. We can live happily and fruitfully and productively, or we can destroy the planet and die, every last one of us, along with every living being on this planet.
Eric Larsen - March 2010
Feature Presentation: The Dawn of a New Age by Dr. Judy Wood
Question 1: What is the central thesis of Dr. Judy Wood's presentation?
Dr. Judy Wood's central thesis is that the World Trade Center buildings on 9/11 were destroyed by a form of directed energy weapon technology, rather than by conventional collapse, explosive demolition, or other commonly proposed explanations. She argues that the evidence points to a process she calls "dustification," where the buildings were turned into dust in midair. Wood contends that this technology demonstrates the existence of free energy technology that could be used for beneficial purposes. She emphasizes the importance of examining the evidence objectively to determine what actually happened, rather than starting with theories and trying to fit the evidence to them.
Question 2: How does Dr. Wood describe the destruction of the World Trade Center buildings?
Dr. Wood describes the destruction of the World Trade Center buildings as a process of "dustification" rather than a conventional collapse. She argues that the towers didn't burn up or slam to the ground, but instead turned into dust in midair. Wood points out that there was a surprising lack of debris left after the destruction, with the buildings seeming to mostly disappear. She describes the process as occurring rapidly, with large sections of the buildings turning to dust as they fell. Wood emphasizes that this type of destruction is unprecedented and cannot be explained by conventional demolition methods or the impact of aircraft.
Question 3: What evidence does Dr. Wood present regarding the lack of debris at Ground Zero?
Dr. Wood presents several pieces of evidence regarding the lack of debris at Ground Zero:
Photographs showing surprisingly little rubble where the towers stood.
Testimony from observers, including Peter Jennings and George Stephanopoulos, questioning where all the rubble had gone.
Images of the WTC site showing mostly empty space where the buildings once stood.
The survival of delicate structures nearby, such as the Sphere sculpture, which would likely have been crushed by falling debris.
The ability of rescue workers to walk on the site soon after the collapses, indicating a lack of large debris piles.
The rapid clearing of the site, which Wood suggests would have been impossible if there had been over a million tons of debris as expected from a conventional collapse.
Wood argues that this lack of debris is inconsistent with a gravitational collapse and supports her theory of "dustification."
Question 4: How does Dr. Wood explain the survival of the WTC "bathtub" structure?
Dr. Wood explains the survival of the WTC "bathtub" structure as evidence against a conventional collapse scenario. The bathtub, also known as the slurry wall or dike, was a critical structure designed to keep out the Hudson River, as the WTC was built on reclaimed land 70 feet below the water table. Wood argues that if the towers had collapsed conventionally, the impact of over a million tons of debris would have ruptured this structure, potentially flooding lower Manhattan.
She points out that the bathtub remained largely intact, with no significant damage reported. The PATH train tunnels, which ran through the bathtub, were not severely damaged. Wood uses this as evidence that the buildings did not crash down with their full weight, supporting her theory that they were turned to dust before reaching the ground. She suggests that this preservation of the bathtub is inconsistent with the official collapse narrative and indicates a different mechanism of destruction.
Question 5: What observations does Dr. Wood make about the seismic data from 9/11?
Dr. Wood makes several key observations about the seismic data from 9/11:
The seismic signals recorded during the destruction of the WTC buildings were surprisingly weak, much less than what would be expected from the collapse of such massive structures.
The seismic events lasted only about 8 seconds for each tower, which is less time than it would take for the buildings to collapse at free-fall speed.
The signals did not show the characteristics of typical seismic events caused by large impacts or explosions. They lacked clear P-waves and S-waves that typically travel through the earth.
The seismic data showed mainly surface waves, suggesting that the energy was not transmitted through the ground as it would be in a typical building collapse.
The seismic impact of WTC 7's destruction was barely detectable above background noise, despite it being a 47-story building.
She compares these signals to those from known controlled demolitions, such as the Seattle Kingdome, which produced much stronger seismic signals.
Wood argues that these seismic observations are inconsistent with the official collapse narrative and support her theory that the buildings turned to dust rather than crashing to the ground.
Question 6: How does Dr. Wood characterize the "toasted cars" phenomenon?
Dr. Wood characterizes the "toasted cars" phenomenon as a puzzling and significant aspect of the 9/11 events. She describes numerous vehicles, some at considerable distances from the WTC site, that appeared to have been damaged in unusual ways:
Cars with peculiar patterns of damage, often with abrupt lines between affected and unaffected areas.
Vehicles with their engine blocks missing or seemingly "melted."
Cars with no door handles, mirrors, or window glass remaining, but with other parts intact.
Vehicles that appeared to have been "scorched" or "toasted" without signs of conventional fire damage.
Cars with metal parts that seemed to have wilted or deformed in unusual ways.
Wood points out that these effects don't match typical fire or heat damage. She notes that in many cases, combustible materials like paper and plastic near these vehicles were unburned, suggesting that high heat was not the cause. She also mentions reports of cars spontaneously catching fire.
Wood uses these observations to argue that some form of directed energy was at work, capable of affecting specific materials while leaving others untouched. She suggests that understanding this phenomenon is crucial to comprehending the technology she believes was used on 9/11.
Question 7: What is the significance of the "fuming" materials observed at Ground Zero?
Dr. Wood attributes significant importance to the "fuming" materials observed at Ground Zero. She describes this phenomenon as materials, particularly metal objects, emitting fumes or smoke without apparent heat or fire. Key points about this observation include:
The fuming occurred in the absence of visible flames or high temperatures.
It affected specific materials while leaving nearby objects untouched.
The process continued for weeks after the initial events.
Similar effects were observed in John Hutchison's experiments with directed energy.
Wood argues that this fuming is evidence of ongoing molecular dissociation, where materials were continuing to break down at the atomic level. She suggests this is inconsistent with normal fire or thermite reactions, which would not persist for such long periods.
The significance of these observations, according to Wood, is that they indicate the presence of an unknown energy effect that continued to act on materials long after the buildings' destruction. She sees this as further evidence of the use of directed energy weapons and as a key to understanding the technology involved in the WTC's destruction.
Question 8: How does Dr. Wood describe the process of "dustification"?
Dr. Wood describes "dustification" as the process by which solid materials, particularly the steel and concrete of the World Trade Center buildings, were transformed into a fine powder or dust. Key aspects of her description include:
The transformation occurs rapidly, with solid materials seeming to "dissolve" into dust in midair.
It affects materials throughout the building, not just at specific points.
The resulting dust is extremely fine, more so than would be expected from mechanical crushing or pulverization.
The process appears to consume the majority of the building materials, leaving little solid debris.
It occurs without extreme heat, as evidenced by the lack of fire or melting observed in many areas.
Wood argues that this process cannot be explained by conventional demolition methods, gravity-driven collapse, or extreme heat. She suggests it involves the breaking of molecular bonds through some form of directed energy technology.
She uses video evidence showing large sections of the buildings turning to dust as they fall, and the resulting dust clouds that expanded and rose rather than settling quickly. Wood also points to the lack of substantial debris piles and the fine, powdery nature of the dust found at Ground Zero as evidence of this process.
Question 9: What comparisons does Dr. Wood make between the WTC event and John Hutchison's experiments?
Dr. Wood draws several comparisons between the WTC event and John Hutchison's experiments with directed energy:
Material Effects: Both show unusual effects on materials, such as metal becoming soft or pliable without apparent heat.
Levitation: Hutchison's experiments demonstrate levitation of objects, which Wood compares to reports of levitation-like effects during the WTC collapse.
Molecular Dissociation: Both show evidence of materials breaking down at a molecular level without conventional heating.
"Fuming" of Materials: The ongoing emission of fumes from materials at Ground Zero is compared to similar effects in Hutchison's experiments.
Unusual Holes and Cuts: Cylindrical holes and clean cuts observed in WTC materials are likened to effects produced in Hutchison's lab.
Fusion of Dissimilar Materials: Both instances show examples of dissimilar materials becoming fused together in ways not explainable by conventional processes.
Toroidal Shapes: Wood notes similarities in the shapes of dust clouds and energy effects between the WTC event and Hutchison's work.
Transmutation of Elements: Both cases show evidence of elements changing into other elements, which is not explained by conventional physics.
Wood uses these comparisons to suggest that a similar type of directed energy technology was used in the destruction of the WTC, arguing that Hutchison's work provides a proof of concept for the effects observed on 9/11.
Question 10: What role does Dr. Wood suggest directed energy weapons played in the WTC destruction?
Dr. Wood suggests that directed energy weapons played a central role in the destruction of the World Trade Center buildings. Her key points include:
Primary Cause: She argues that directed energy weapons were the primary cause of the buildings' destruction, not conventional methods like controlled demolition or aircraft impact.
Dustification: Wood proposes that these weapons caused the buildings to turn into fine dust in midair, a process she calls "dustification."
Material Effects: She attributes unusual material behaviors, such as metal bending without creasing and spontaneous car fires, to the effects of directed energy.
Minimal Debris: The lack of substantial debris is explained by the buildings being mostly turned to dust by the weapons.
Low Seismic Impact: The unexpectedly low seismic readings are attributed to the buildings being destroyed before hitting the ground.
Ongoing Effects: Wood suggests that the technology continued to affect materials at Ground Zero for weeks after the event.
Free Energy Implications: She argues that the existence of such weapons implies the reality of "free energy" technology.
Covert Technology: Wood posits that this represents a highly advanced, previously unknown weapons technology.
While acknowledging that she can't specify the exact nature of the weapon, Wood insists that the evidence points to some form of directed energy technology capable of molecular dissociation on a massive scale.
Question 11: How does Dr. Wood explain the presence of tritium at Ground Zero?
Dr. Wood explains the presence of tritium at Ground Zero as a significant anomaly that supports her directed energy weapon hypothesis. Her key points include:
Elevated Levels: Tritium levels at Ground Zero were found to be significantly above background levels, about 55 times higher than normal.
Absence of Other Radiation: Despite the presence of tritium, there was no evidence of other forms of ionizing radiation typically associated with nuclear events.
Comparison to Cold Fusion: Wood draws parallels between the tritium findings at Ground Zero and the unexplained presence of tritium in cold fusion experiments.
Non-Nuclear Process: She argues that the tritium was produced by a non-nuclear process, possibly related to the directed energy technology she proposes.
Transmutation: Wood suggests that the presence of tritium might be evidence of elemental transmutation, a phenomenon also observed in cold fusion experiments and John Hutchison's work.
Inconsistency with Conventional Explanations: She points out that the tritium levels are too high to be explained by normal sources (like exit signs) but too low for a conventional nuclear event.
Ongoing Effects: The tritium presence is seen as part of the continuing unusual effects at Ground Zero, persisting after the initial destruction.
Wood uses the tritium evidence to support her argument that an unconventional energy process was involved in the WTC destruction, one that has more in common with cold fusion experiments than with conventional demolition or nuclear weapons.
Question 12: What connections does Dr. Wood draw between the WTC event and cold fusion research?
Dr. Wood draws several connections between the WTC event and cold fusion research:
Tritium Production: Both the WTC event and cold fusion experiments produced unexplained elevated levels of tritium without other signatures of nuclear reactions.
Elemental Transmutation: Wood notes that both cases show evidence of elements changing into other elements, a phenomenon not explained by conventional physics.
Low Energy Nuclear Reactions: She suggests that the WTC event may have involved a type of low energy nuclear reaction similar to what's proposed in cold fusion.
Absence of Ionizing Radiation: Both the WTC site and cold fusion experiments lack the ionizing radiation typically associated with nuclear processes.
Scientific Skepticism: Wood compares the skepticism faced by cold fusion researchers to the resistance her own theories have encountered.
Energy Implications: Both cold fusion and the technology Wood proposes for the WTC destruction have implications for new forms of energy production.
Unexplained Phenomena: Wood argues that both fields involve phenomena that challenge current scientific understanding.
John Hutchison's Work: She draws parallels between cold fusion, the WTC event, and Hutchison's experiments, suggesting they may all involve similar underlying principles.
Wood uses these connections to argue that the WTC destruction involved advanced technology related to ongoing research in unconventional energy sources, and that understanding these connections could lead to breakthroughs in energy production.
Question 13: What observations does Dr. Wood make about Hurricane Erin on 9/11?
Dr. Wood makes several significant observations about Hurricane Erin on 9/11:
Proximity: Hurricane Erin was closest to New York City on the morning of September 11, 2001.
Lack of Awareness: Despite its proximity, there was little to no media coverage or public awareness of the hurricane.
Size and Strength: Erin was a Category 3 hurricane and one of the largest hurricanes on record up to that point.
Unusual Path: The hurricane followed a straight path towards New York for several days, then abruptly changed course on the morning of 9/11.
Meteorological Anomaly: Wood notes that the presence of a strong hurricane so close to a high-pressure system over land is unusual.
Potential Energy Field: She suggests that the hurricane may have played a role in creating an energy field that was utilized in the destruction of the WTC.
Correlation with Events: Wood points out that the hurricane's closest approach coincided with the timing of the WTC attacks.
Lack of Evacuation Plans: She questions why there were no evacuation plans for New York City given the hurricane's approach.
Electromagnetic Effects: Wood draws connections between the electromagnetic properties of hurricanes and the unusual electromagnetic phenomena observed during the WTC destruction.
Wood uses these observations to suggest that Hurricane Erin may have been more than a coincidence and could have played a role in the technology she believes was used to destroy the WTC buildings.
Question 14: How does Dr. Wood describe the behavior of steel beams during the WTC collapse?
Dr. Wood describes the behavior of steel beams during the WTC collapse as highly unusual and inconsistent with conventional collapse scenarios. Her key observations include:
Midair Dustification: She claims that steel beams were seen turning to dust as they fell, before hitting the ground.
Lack of Solid Debris: Wood points out the absence of large, solid steel beams in the debris pile, which she argues should have been present in a conventional collapse.
"Lathering" Effect: She describes some beams as appearing to "lather up" or foam during the collapse.
Unusual Bending: Wood notes instances of steel beams bending and curling in ways that shouldn't be possible without extreme heat, yet without showing signs of high-temperature exposure.
Rapid Oxidation: She mentions that some steel elements appeared to rapidly rust or oxidize in a manner inconsistent with normal weathering processes.
Toroidal Shapes: Wood describes some falling debris as forming toroidal or doughnut-shaped patterns, which she argues is inconsistent with normal gravitational behavior.
Levitation-like Effects: She suggests that some steel elements exhibited behavior similar to levitation during the collapse.
Inconsistent Fragmentation: Wood points out that some steel elements fragmented into small pieces while others remained largely intact, a pattern she finds difficult to explain with conventional collapse theories.
Wood uses these observations to support her argument that the steel was affected by some form of directed energy that caused molecular dissociation, rather than being subjected to merely mechanical forces or high temperatures.
Question 15: What evidence does Dr. Wood present regarding the temperature at Ground Zero?
Dr. Wood presents several pieces of evidence regarding the temperature at Ground Zero:
Unburned Paper: She points out the abundance of unburned paper scattered around the site, arguing that this indicates temperatures were not extremely high.
Surviving Trees: Wood notes that trees and other plants near the site survived, which would be unlikely if temperatures were very high.
Firefighters' Accounts: She cites reports of firefighters walking on the ground shortly after the collapses, suggesting it was not hot enough to prevent this.
Inconsistent Melting: Wood highlights instances where materials with low melting points (like aluminum) remained intact near areas where steel allegedly melted, which she argues is inconsistent with uniform high temperatures.
Cool Fires: She describes what she calls "cool fires" or "weird fires" that seemed to burn without producing intense heat.
Thermal Imaging: Wood questions the interpretation of thermal imaging data, suggesting that hot spots may not have been as hot as reported.
Inconsistent Effects on Materials: She points out that different materials in close proximity showed vastly different heat effects, which she argues is inconsistent with a large-scale, high-temperature event.
Lack of Heat-Induced Deformation: Wood notes that many metal objects retained their shape without showing signs of heat-induced warping or melting.
Rapid Oxidation without Heat: She describes instances of rapid rusting or oxidation of steel elements without corresponding evidence of high temperatures.
Wood uses these observations to argue against theories involving extremely high temperatures, such as those produced by thermite or conventional fires, and to support her hypothesis of a directed energy weapon that affected materials without generating intense heat.
Question 16: How does Dr. Wood explain the survival of some individuals in the lower levels of the towers?
Dr. Wood explains the survival of some individuals in the lower levels of the towers as evidence supporting her directed energy weapon theory:
Stairwell B Survivors: She highlights the survival of 14 people in Stairwell B of the North Tower, noting that they walked out largely unharmed.
Lack of Crushing: Wood argues that their survival indicates the building above them did not crash down as a solid mass, which would have crushed them.
Dustification Process: She suggests that the building turned to dust above these survivors, allowing them to survive without being crushed by debris.
Witness Accounts: Wood cites survivors' testimonies describing the building disappearing above them, rather than collapsing onto them.
Minimal Debris: She points out that survivors reported seeing little to no debris when they emerged, supporting her claim that the buildings turned to dust.
Localized Effects: Wood argues that the survival of these individuals in specific areas suggests the destructive effects were not uniform throughout the building.
Absence of Extreme Heat: She notes that survivors did not report experiencing extreme heat, which would be expected in a conventional fire or explosion scenario.
Rapid Clearing of Dust: Wood highlights accounts of dust clearing quickly after the collapse, allowing survivors to see and breathe, which she suggests is inconsistent with a conventional collapse.
Wood uses these survival stories to support her argument that the buildings did not collapse in a conventional manner but instead were turned to dust by a directed energy weapon, allowing for pockets of survival that would have been impossible in a gravity-driven collapse.
Question 17: What observations does Dr. Wood make about the visual appearance of the WTC collapse?
Dr. Wood makes several key observations about the visual appearance of the WTC collapse:
Dustification in Midair: She describes large sections of the buildings turning to dust as they fall, before reaching the ground.
Lack of Solid Debris: Wood points out the absence of large, intact pieces of the buildings during the collapse.
Expanding Dust Clouds: She notes that the dust clouds expanded and grew larger as they descended, rather than simply falling and settling.
Rapid Disappearance: Wood emphasizes how quickly the buildings seemed to disappear, faster than would be expected in a gravity-driven collapse.
Toroidal Shapes: She describes seeing donut-shaped or toroidal formations in the dust clouds, which she argues is inconsistent with normal collapse behavior.
"Lathering" Effect: Wood points out areas where the building materials appeared to "lather up" or foam during the destruction.
Minimal Visible Fire: She notes the lack of large, visible fires during most of the collapse process.
Unusual Fragmentation: Wood describes seeing materials breaking apart in ways that don't align with normal structural failure.
Upward and Outward Ejections: She points out instances of material being ejected upward and outward, contrary to expectations in a gravity-driven collapse.
"Fuzzy" Appearance: Wood describes parts of the buildings taking on a fuzzy or blurry appearance just before turning to dust.
These observations form a key part of Wood's argument that the visual evidence of the collapses is inconsistent with conventional explanations and supports her directed energy weapon hypothesis.
Question 18: How does Dr. Wood characterize the damage to the Bankers Trust building?
Dr. Wood characterizes the damage to the Bankers Trust building (also known as Deutsche Bank Building) as highly unusual and supportive of her directed energy weapon theory:
Selective Damage: She notes that the building was damaged in a peculiar way, with some areas severely affected while others remained relatively intact.
Cylindrical Holes: Wood points out the presence of cylindrical holes in the facade, which she argues are inconsistent with damage from falling debris.
Ongoing Deterioration: She suggests that the building continued to deteriorate long after 9/11, indicating ongoing effects of the alleged directed energy weapon.
Inconsistent Damage Patterns: Wood highlights that the damage didn't follow patterns expected from conventional impact or fire damage.
Material Transmutation: She claims that some materials in the building showed signs of elemental changes, similar to effects seen in John Hutchison's experiments.
Rapid Rusting: Wood notes accelerated corrosion of steel elements in the building, which she argues is not explainable by normal environmental factors.
Dust Contamination: She emphasizes the presence of unusual dust compositions within the building, linking this to the "dustification" process she proposes occurred in the Twin Towers.
Delayed Demolition: Wood points out that the building was eventually demolished years later, suggesting that its condition was too precarious for conventional repair.
Unexplained Phenomena: She describes various unexplained effects in the building, such as spontaneous fires and persistent fuming of materials.
Wood uses the Bankers Trust building as an example of the wider effects of the technology she believes was employed on 9/11, arguing that its condition provides evidence of unconventional energy effects beyond the immediate area of the Twin Towers.
Question 19: What role does Dr. Wood suggest the Earth's magnetic field played in the WTC event?
Dr. Wood suggests that the Earth's magnetic field played a significant role in the WTC event:
Anomalous Readings: She presents data showing unusual fluctuations in the Earth's magnetic field coinciding with key events on 9/11.
Correlation with Building Destructions: Wood points out that major changes in magnetic field readings corresponded with the times of the tower collapses.
Hurricane Erin Connection: She links the magnetic field anomalies to the presence of Hurricane Erin off the coast, suggesting a possible interaction.
Energy Field Hypothesis: Wood proposes that these magnetic field changes might indicate the presence of a large-scale energy field used in the destruction of the buildings.
Technological Implications: She suggests that the magnetic field anomalies could be evidence of advanced technology capable of manipulating electromagnetic fields.
Global Effects: Wood notes that these magnetic field changes were detected at multiple monitoring stations, indicating a widespread phenomenon.
Unusual Patterns: She highlights that the magnetic field behavior on 9/11 was distinct from normal fluctuations or solar storm effects.
Potential Energy Source: Wood speculates that the Earth's magnetic field might have been tapped or manipulated as an energy source for the directed energy weapon she proposes.
Consistency with Other Phenomena: She argues that these magnetic anomalies are consistent with other unusual electromagnetic effects observed during the WTC destruction.
Wood uses these observations to support her argument that the WTC destruction involved advanced technology capable of interacting with and possibly harnessing the Earth's magnetic field in ways not previously known to the public.
Question 20: How does Dr. Wood describe the "lathering" effect observed during building collapses?
Dr. Wood describes the "lathering" effect observed during the building collapses as a unique and crucial piece of evidence supporting her directed energy weapon theory:
Visual Appearance: She describes it as a process where solid materials appear to foam or froth up, taking on a fuzzy or fluffy appearance.
Rapid Transformation: Wood emphasizes that this effect occurs rapidly, with solid materials seeming to transform almost instantly.
Midair Phenomenon: She points out that this lathering often occurs while materials are falling, before they hit the ground.
Expansion of Volume: Wood notes that the lathering effect appears to increase the volume of the material, making it less dense.
Precursor to Dustification: She suggests that this lathering is an intermediate stage between solid material and the fine dust that resulted.
Energy Interaction: Wood proposes that this effect is a visible sign of the interaction between the building materials and the directed energy field she believes was present.
Inconsistency with Known Phenomena: She argues that this lathering effect is not consistent with any known conventional demolition or collapse mechanism.
Selective Occurrence: Wood points out that the lathering seems to affect some materials or areas more than others, suggesting a targeted or controlled process.
Correlation with Other Effects: She links this lathering to other unusual phenomena like the "fuzzy blobs" seen falling during the collapses.
Wood uses the lathering effect as a key piece of evidence to argue that the buildings were not simply collapsing, but were being actively transformed by an external energy source, supporting her directed energy weapon hypothesis.
Question 21: What comparisons does Dr. Wood make between the WTC event and the effects of hurricanes or tornadoes?
Dr. Wood draws several comparisons between the WTC event and the effects of hurricanes or tornadoes:
Levitation Effects: She compares reports of objects and people being lifted during the WTC collapse to similar phenomena observed in strong storms.
Anomalous Object Behavior: Wood likens the unusual movement and destruction of vehicles at the WTC site to how cars and heavy objects are tossed around in tornadoes.
Electromagnetic Phenomena: She draws parallels between the electromagnetic anomalies observed on 9/11 and the strong electromagnetic fields associated with hurricanes and tornadoes.
Material Transmutation: Wood suggests that the unusual changes in materials at Ground Zero are similar to inexplicable material effects sometimes seen in the aftermath of powerful storms.
Rapid Oxidation: She compares the accelerated rusting of metals at the WTC site to similar effects occasionally observed after severe weather events.
Energy Field Interactions: Wood proposes that the energy fields involved in the WTC destruction might be similar in nature to the powerful energy dynamics in hurricanes and tornadoes.
Circular Patterns: She notes similarities between the circular dust patterns seen during the WTC collapse and the circular motion of severe storms.
Selective Destruction: Wood points out that both the WTC event and tornadoes can cause highly localized and selective damage, affecting some objects while leaving others nearby untouched.
Ongoing Energy Effects: She compares the persistent unusual phenomena at Ground Zero to the lingering electromagnetic effects sometimes reported after major storms.
Wood uses these comparisons to suggest that the technology she believes was used on 9/11 might harness or mimic natural energy phenomena observed in powerful storms, but in a controlled and directed manner.
Question 22: How does Dr. Wood explain the presence of anomalous materials in WTC dust samples?
Dr. Wood explains the presence of anomalous materials in WTC dust samples as evidence of molecular dissociation and possible transmutation caused by directed energy weapons:
Unexpected Elements: She points out the presence of elements and compounds in the dust that are not typically found in building materials.
Iron Microspheres: Wood notes the abundance of tiny iron spheres in the dust, which she argues cannot be explained by conventional collapse or fire scenarios.
Transmutation Evidence: She suggests that some materials in the dust show signs of having changed from one element to another, a process she links to directed energy effects.
Unusual Molecular Structures: Wood highlights the presence of complex molecular structures in the dust that are not consistent with normal building debris.
Nano-particles: She emphasizes the extremely fine, nano-scale size of many particles in the dust, arguing this is evidence of molecular-level breakdown.
Trace Elements: Wood points out the presence of unexpected trace elements in the dust, which she suggests might be byproducts of the energy weapon's effects.
Lack of Expected Materials: She notes the absence or scarcity of certain materials that should have been abundant in normal building debris.
Organic/Inorganic Combinations: Wood describes unusual combinations of organic and inorganic materials in the dust that she claims are inexplicable by conventional means.
Persistent Reactivity: She mentions that some dust samples showed ongoing chemical reactivity long after 9/11, suggesting continuing energy effects.
Wood uses these anomalous dust components to argue that the WTC buildings underwent a process far more complex than simple mechanical destruction or burning, supporting her theory of molecular dissociation caused by advanced directed energy technology.
Question 23: What observations does Dr. Wood make about the behavior of paper and other light materials during the WTC collapse?
Dr. Wood makes several key observations about the behavior of paper and other light materials during the WTC collapse:
Abundance of Unburned Paper: She emphasizes the large amounts of unburned paper found scattered around Ground Zero, which she argues is inconsistent with the idea of raging fires.
Selective Destruction: Wood points out that while heavy steel structures were destroyed, much lighter paper often remained intact, defying expectations of a gravity-driven collapse or intense fire.
Paper Amid "Fires": She notes instances where paper remained unburned even in areas where cars or other materials appeared to be on fire.
Levitation-like Effects: Wood describes seeing paper and light debris floating or suspended in the air in ways that seemed to defy normal physics.
Minimal Burning: She emphasizes that most of the paper showed no signs of burning or scorching, even in areas supposedly subjected to high temperatures.
Preservation of Information: Wood points out that many documents remained legible, suggesting they weren't exposed to conditions that would typically destroy such materials in a large-scale disaster.
Distribution Patterns: She notes that the distribution of paper and light debris didn't follow patterns expected from a conventional collapse or explosion.
Interaction with Dust Clouds: Wood describes how paper and light materials interacted with the dust clouds in unusual ways, sometimes appearing to be carried long distances.
Contrast with Other Materials: She highlights the contrast between the survival of paper and the destruction of much more durable materials, arguing this supports her directed energy weapon theory.
Wood uses these observations to argue that the behavior of paper and light materials during the WTC event is inconsistent with conventional collapse or fire scenarios, and supports her hypothesis of a selective, directed energy effect that affected different materials in distinct ways.
Question 24: How does Dr. Wood characterize the fires observed at the WTC site?
Dr. Wood characterizes the fires observed at the WTC site as highly unusual and inconsistent with conventional understanding of fire behavior:
"Cool Fires": She describes many of the fires as "cool" or "weird," noting that they often didn't seem to produce the heat or effects typically associated with normal fires.
Selective Burning: Wood points out instances where fires seemed to affect certain materials while leaving adjacent, often more flammable materials untouched.
Lack of Flame: She notes that many areas described as "on fire" showed no visible flames, only glowing or smoking effects.
Persistent Hotspots: Wood mentions reports of persistent underground fires or hotspots that continued for months, which she argues is inconsistent with normal fire behavior.
Unusual Color: She describes some fires as having atypical colors or visual characteristics, not matching what would be expected from standard hydrocarbon fires.
Non-fire "Fuming": Wood distinguishes between actual fires and what she calls "fuming," where materials emit smoke-like substances without apparent combustion.
Inconsistent Material Effects: She highlights cases where materials that should have been consumed by fire remained intact, while more fire-resistant materials were affected.
Spontaneous Ignition: Wood describes instances of materials seemingly igniting spontaneously, without clear sources of ignition.
Resistance to Conventional Extinguishing: She notes reports of fires that were difficult to extinguish using standard firefighting methods.
Association with Unusual Phenomena: Wood links these fire anomalies to other strange effects she attributes to directed energy weapons, such as rapid rusting and material transmutation.
Wood uses these characterizations to argue that many of the "fires" at the WTC site were not conventional combustion but rather the effects of directed energy interacting with materials in ways that superficially resembled fire but behaved quite differently.
Question 25: What evidence does Dr. Wood present regarding the structural integrity of the towers before collapse?
Dr. Wood presents several points of evidence regarding the structural integrity of the towers before their collapse:
Minimal Visible Damage: She notes that apart from the impact zones, the towers showed little visible structural damage prior to their sudden destruction.
Straight Vertical Stance: Wood emphasizes that the towers remained standing straight and did not lean or tilt significantly before collapsing, suggesting overall structural integrity.
Functionality of Systems: She points out that many building systems, including elevators and communications, continued to function after the impacts, indicating the structures were largely intact.
Witness Accounts: Wood cites testimonies from people inside the buildings who reported no significant structural issues in areas away from the impact zones.
Time Factor: She argues that the time between the impacts and the collapses was insufficient for widespread structural failure to occur through conventional means.
Upper Floor Stability: Wood highlights that the upper floors above the impact zones appeared stable until the moment of collapse, not showing signs of progressive failure.
Lack of Deformation: She notes the absence of visible buckling or deformation in the main structure of the towers prior to their destruction.
Antenna Behavior: Wood points to the behavior of the North Tower's antenna, which remained upright until the collapse began, suggesting the core structure was intact.
Window Integrity: She mentions that most windows remained intact outside the impact zones, indicating the overall structure was not under extreme stress.
Sudden Onset of Collapse: Wood emphasizes the suddenness of the collapses, arguing that this is inconsistent with a gradual loss of structural integrity.
Wood uses these points to argue that the towers' structural integrity was largely maintained until the moment of their destruction, supporting her theory that their collapse was not due to structural failure but rather caused by a sudden application of directed energy.
Question 26: How does Dr. Wood explain the rapid oxidation of steel observed at Ground Zero?
Dr. Wood explains the rapid oxidation of steel observed at Ground Zero as a result of molecular dissociation caused by directed energy weapons:
Accelerated Process: She notes that the oxidation occurred much faster than normal environmental rusting, sometimes happening within hours or days.
Selective Effects: Wood points out that the rapid oxidation affected some steel elements while leaving others nearby untouched.
Lack of Heat: She emphasizes that this oxidation occurred without evidence of the high temperatures typically needed for rapid oxidation.
Molecular-Level Changes: Wood suggests that the directed energy weapon caused changes at the molecular level, weakening metal bonds and making the steel more susceptible to rapid oxidation.
Comparison to Hutchison Effect: She draws parallels between this phenomenon and similar effects observed in John Hutchison's experiments with directed energy.
Ongoing Process: Wood notes that the rapid oxidation continued long after 9/11, suggesting ongoing energy effects.
Unusual Patterns: She describes the oxidation as occurring in unusual patterns inconsistent with normal corrosion processes.
Material Transformation: Wood argues that this rapid oxidation is part of a larger process of material transformation caused by the energy weapon.
Energy Field Interaction: She proposes that the oxidation is a visible sign of the steel interacting with an ongoing energy field present at the site.
Wood uses this rapid oxidation as evidence to support her theory that unconventional energy effects were at work at Ground Zero, causing materials to behave in ways not explainable by conventional physics or chemistry.
Question 27: What observations does Dr. Wood make about the behavior of windows in nearby buildings?
Dr. Wood makes several observations about the behavior of windows in nearby buildings during and after the WTC event:
Selective Breakage: She notes that windows were often broken in patterns that didn't correspond to normal blast or debris damage.
Circular Holes: Wood points out instances of circular or perfectly round holes in windows, which she argues are inconsistent with impact damage.
Intact Windows Amid Damage: She highlights cases where some windows remained intact while others nearby were destroyed, suggesting a non-uniform destructive force.
Delayed Effects: Wood mentions reports of windows breaking or showing effects long after 9/11, suggesting ongoing energy phenomena.
Inner/Outer Pane Discrepancies: She describes instances where only the inner or outer pane of double-paned windows was affected, which she finds difficult to explain with conventional damage mechanisms.
Unusual Fracture Patterns: Wood notes that many broken windows displayed fracture patterns unlike those typically seen in cases of impact or explosion damage.
"Jellification": She uses this term to describe windows that appeared to soften or deform without breaking, which she links to directed energy effects.
Distance Anomalies: Wood points out that some buildings far from Ground Zero experienced window damage while closer buildings were unaffected.
Correlation with Other Effects: She links unusual window behavior to other anomalous effects observed in nearby buildings, such as electronic disturbances.
Wood uses these observations to argue that the window damage patterns support her theory of a directed energy weapon, suggesting that the energy interacted with different materials in unique ways that can't be explained by conventional explosions or collapse dynamics.
Question 28: How does Dr. Wood describe the effects on first responders and their equipment?
Dr. Wood describes several unusual effects on first responders and their equipment:
Equipment Failures: She notes reports of radios, cameras, and other electronic devices malfunctioning or behaving erratically near Ground Zero.
Rapid Degradation of Materials: Wood mentions unusually quick deterioration of boots and other gear, which she attributes to ongoing energy effects.
Unexplained Health Issues: She points to reports of strange health problems among first responders, suggesting these might be related to exposure to unconventional energy fields.
Spontaneous Battery Drainage: Wood describes instances of batteries in equipment rapidly losing charge for no apparent reason.
Anomalous Magnetic Effects: She notes reports of compasses and other magnetic devices behaving erratically in the area.
Interference with Communications: Wood highlights difficulties with radio and other communications that she suggests were beyond normal disaster-related issues.
Unusual Sensor Readings: She mentions environmental sensors giving odd or inexplicable readings in and around Ground Zero.
Physical Sensations: Wood cites reports from first responders of experiencing unusual physical sensations like tingling or heat without an apparent source.
Vehicle Malfunctions: She describes instances of vehicles near the site experiencing electrical or mechanical problems without clear cause.
Protective Gear Ineffectiveness: Wood suggests that standard protective equipment was sometimes ineffective against the unusual phenomena at the site.
Wood uses these observations to support her argument that the WTC site was affected by unconventional energy that continued to have effects long after the initial destruction, impacting both people and equipment in ways not typically seen in disaster responses.
Question 29: What comparisons does Dr. Wood make between the WTC event and controlled demolitions?
Dr. Wood makes several comparisons between the WTC event and controlled demolitions, generally to highlight the differences:
Debris Volume: She points out that controlled demolitions typically leave large piles of debris, unlike the WTC event where much of the building material seemed to disappear.
Sound Levels: Wood notes that the WTC collapses were much quieter than typical controlled demolitions, which produce loud explosions.
Dust Characteristics: She emphasizes that the dust produced in the WTC event was much finer and behaved differently than dust from conventional demolitions.
Building Behavior: Wood argues that the way the WTC buildings came apart, turning to dust in midair, is unlike the falling and breaking seen in controlled demolitions.
Seismic Impact: She points out that the seismic signals from the WTC collapses were much weaker than would be expected from controlled demolitions of that scale.
Speed of Collapse: While both can be rapid, Wood argues that the WTC destruction happened in a manner unlike the progressive or wave-like fall seen in controlled demolitions.
Preparation Required: She notes that controlled demolitions require extensive preparation of the building, which was not evident in the WTC case.
Effects on Surrounding Structures: Wood points out that the WTC event had unusual effects on surrounding buildings that aren't typically seen in controlled demolitions.
Persistence of Phenomena: She emphasizes that unlike controlled demolitions, the WTC site showed ongoing unusual effects long after the initial event.
Material Effects: Wood argues that the transformation of materials seen in the WTC event, like rapid rusting and "toasted" cars, are not characteristic of controlled demolitions.
Wood uses these comparisons to argue that while the WTC destruction might superficially resemble a controlled demolition in some ways, the evidence points to a fundamentally different process. She suggests that these differences support her theory of a directed energy weapon rather than conventional demolition techniques.
Question 30: How does Dr. Wood characterize the response of the scientific community to her theories?
Dr. Wood characterizes the response of the scientific community to her theories as largely dismissive and sometimes hostile, drawing parallels to the treatment of cold fusion researchers:
Lack of Engagement: She notes that many in the scientific community have refused to seriously engage with or investigate her evidence and theories.
Ridicule and Dismissal: Wood points out instances where her ideas have been ridiculed or dismissed without proper examination.
Comparison to Cold Fusion: She draws parallels between the skepticism she faces and the negative reception of cold fusion research, suggesting both challenge established paradigms.
Institutional Resistance: Wood argues that academic and research institutions have been resistant to considering her theories, possibly due to fear of controversy or loss of funding.
Peer Review Challenges: She mentions difficulties in getting her work published in mainstream scientific journals.
Ad Hominem Attacks: Wood notes that she has faced personal attacks and attempts to discredit her credentials rather than addressing her evidence.
Misrepresentation: She argues that her theories are often misrepresented or oversimplified in scientific discussions.
Lack of Open Debate: Wood expresses frustration at the lack of open, fair debate about her ideas in scientific forums.
Selective Acceptance: She points out that while some of her observations are accepted, the conclusions she draws from them are often rejected without proper consideration.
Call for Objective Examination: Wood emphasizes the need for an unbiased, thorough examination of the evidence she presents, regardless of how it challenges current scientific understanding.
Wood sees this response as indicative of a broader problem in science where ideas that challenge established theories are often marginalized, even when supported by evidence. She argues for a more open-minded approach to investigating phenomena that don't fit current scientific models.
WTC Evidence that Must be Explained
In addition to explaining why ejecta is being propelled upward what is officially said to be a downward “collapse,” any model of the WTC’s destruction, if that model is to be taken seriously, must seek to explain not some but all of the following facts, although these “facts” may also be thought of as occurrences, questions, things, and anomalies. The alert reader may notice that not even this highly detailed book itself has been able to cover all of them:
1. FACT: Although Hurricane Erin was located just off Long Island throughout the day of 9/11/01, both the approach in days before and the presence of the storm on that day went almost totally unreported. Hurricane Erin was omitted on the morning weather map, even though that portion of the Atlantic Ocean where she stood was covered by the map. Astronauts gazing down said they could see the drifting plume from the destruction of WTC2 and WTC1 but made no mention of the highly visible Erin. WHY?
2. FACT: Approximately 1,400 motor vehicles were toasted in strange ways during the destruction of the Twin Towers. WHY AND HOW?
3. FACT: During destruction, there appeared alongside the buildings curious cork screw trails, called in this book Sillystrings. WHY?
4. FACT: During the demise of each tower, large enough volumes of dust made of nano-sized particles went up, enough to block out 100% of sunlight in some areas. This nano-sized particulate dust in volume enough to achieve sun-light-blocking density constituted the remains of the greatest part of the destroyed buildings’ material substance. WHAT CAUSED THIS DUST TO FORM?
5. FACT: During the destruction, there was an absence of high heat. Witnesses reported that the initial dust cloud felt cooler than ambient temperatures. Additionally, there was scant evidence of burned bodies, although in one case a man was described as “crisped” even while his jacket remained uncrisped, indicating an “inside-out” combustion not possible with conventional fire. WHAT CAUSED THESE PHENOMENA?
6. FACT: Evidence that the WTC dust continued to break down and become finer and finer long after 9/11 itself came through the observable presence of Fuzzballs. WHAT CAUSES THIS PHENOMENON?
7. FACT: First responders on 9/11 testified as to toasted cars, spontaneous “fires” (including the flaming heavy coat of a running medic, who survived), the instant disappearance of people, a plane turning into a fireball in mid-air, electrical power cut off moments before WTC 2 destruction, and the sound of explosions. WHAT CAUSED THESE PHENOMENA?
8. FACT: For more than seven years, regions in the ground under where the main body of WTC4 stood have continued to fume. WHY?
9. FACT: Hazy clouds, called Fuzzyblobs in this book, appeared in the vicinity of material undergoing destruction. WHY?
10. FACT: Magnetometer readings from six stations in Alaska recorded abrupt shifts in the Earth’s magnetic field as each of the major destructive events unfolded at the WTC on 9/11. WHY?
11. FACT: Many cars in the neighborhood of the WTC complex were flipped upside down. They couldn’t have been flipped by hurricane-force winds, since they stood adjacent to trees with full foliage, not stripped by high wind. WHY?
12. FACT: More damage was done to the bathtub by earth-moving equipment during the clean-up process than from the destruction of more than a million tons of buildings above it WHY?
13. FACT: Most of the destroyed towers underwent mid-air pulverization and were turned to dust before they hit the ground. WHAT FORCE CAUSED THIS “DUSTIFICATION”?
14. FACT: Near-instant rusting of affected steel provided evidence of molecular dissociation and transmutation. WHY?
15. FACT: Of the estimated 3,000 toilets in WTC1 and WTC2, not one survived, nor was any recognizable portion of one whatsoever found. WHY?
16. FACT: Only one piece of office equipment in the entire WTC complex, a filing cabinet with folder dividers, survived. WHY?
17. FACT: Only the north wing of WTC4 was left standing, neatly sliced from the main body, which virtually disappeared. FACT
18. FACT: Rail lines, tunnels and most of the rail cars at levels under the WTC complex had only light damage, if any. WHY?
19. FACT: Cylindrical holes were cut into the vertical faces of buildings 4, 5 and 6. They were cut also into Liberty Street in front of Bankers Trust and into Vesey Street in front of WTC6. In addition, a cylindrical arc was cut into the facade of Bankers Trust WHY AND HOW?
20. FACT: Scott-Paks—portable air-tanks for firemen—frequently exploded for no visible reason. Entire fire trucks themselves that were parked near the WTC exploded. WHY? HOW?
21. FACT: Sheets of plain office paper were omnipresent throughout lower Manhattan after each tower’s destruction. This paper, however, remained unburned, even though it was often immediately adjacent to flaming cars or to steel beams glowing red, yellow, and even white. WHY?
22. FACT: Some steel beams and pieces of glass at and near GZ had what this book calls a Swiss-Cheese appearance. WHY?
23. FACT: Steel columns from the towers were curled around vertical axes like rolled- up carpets. Steel columns of this kind, however, when they buckle from being overloaded, would be bent around the horizontal, not the vertical, axis. WHY?
24. FACT: The “collapse” of the towers took place with remarkably little damage to neighboring buildings. The only seriously damaged or entirely destroyed buildings, in fact, were those with the WTC prefix, only those, that is, that were a part of the WTC complex. WHY?
25. FACT: The destruction of WTC7 in late afternoon on 9/11 was whisper quiet. The seismic signal during its disappearance was not significantly greater than background noise. WHY?
26. FACT: The facades of WFC1 and WFC2 showed no apparent structural damage from the destruction of WTC1 and WTC2. However, the decorative marble façade around the entry to the buildings was completely missing, entirely gone. WHY? FROM WHAT FORCE?
27. FACT: In the dirt pile, the Fuming was unusual for its quality of immediately decreasing when watered, contrary to fumes caused by fire or heat, where an initial steam-up is the response to watering. WHY?
28. FACT: The majority of the towers (WTC1, WTC2, WTC3, WTC7) did not remain as rigid bodies as they “fell.” WHY NOT?
29. FACT: The method of destruction in the case of each tower minimized damage to the bathtub and adjacent buildings, whereas terrorists would have been expected to maximize damage, including that of infrastructure.
30. FACT: The protective bathtub was not significantly damaged by the destruction of the Twin Towers.
31. FACT: The seismic impact was minimal during the destructions of WTC1, WTC2 and WTC7-and far too small to correspond with a conventional “collapse” as based on a comparison with the Kingdome controlled demolition.
32. FACT: The Twin Towers were destroyed from the top down, not from the bottom up.
33. FACT: The Twin Towers were destroyed in a shorter time than can be explained by physics as a “collapse” even at free-fall speed.
34. FACT: The upper 80 percent, approximately, of each tower was turned into fine dust and did not crash to the earth.
35. FACT: The upper 90 percent, approximately, of the inside of WTC7 was turned into fine dust and did not crash to the earth.
36. FACT: The WTC underground mall survived well, witnessed by Warner Brothers’ Road Runner and friends.
37. FACT: The WTC1 and WTC2 rubble pile was far too small to account for the total mass of the buildings.
38. FACT: The WTC7 rubble pile was too small to account for the total mass of the building, and much of it consisted of mud.
39. FACT: Truckloads of dirt were hauled both into and out of the WTC site, a pattern that continues to this day.
40. FACT: What this book calls lather, thick clouds of dust and fumes, emanated from some faces of buildings before destruction, as if large volumes of the buildings’ mass was dissolving into the air. Lather poured from WTC7 for several hours before its destruction. WHY?
41 FACT: What this book calls weird fire appeared frequently on 9/11. This “fire” flamed but gave no evidence of providing heat, not even enough to burn nearby sheets of paper. WHY?
42. FACT: Glass windows on nearby buildings received circular and other odd-shaped holes without the entire panes breaking. WHY?
43. FACT: Changes and alterations in materials on 9/11 were similar or even identical in a great many ways to the changes and alterations in materials caused by The Hutchison Effect. The Hutchison Effect is known to result in material-altering phenomena of the kinds we have listed here.
To determine what happened on 9/11, not just some but all available evidence must be considered. We cannot pick and choose which observable facts we may want to explain and then ignore the others. Any explanation must be integrated into a Unified Theory.
Before sundown on 9/11 /01, seven buildings lay in ruins, some of which quite simply looked bombed, and one of those buildings in ruins, a 47-story tower, had not even, in its disappearance, produced a seismic impact that was significantly identifiable beyond normal background noise at several of the nearby seismic-recording stations. Audio/video recordings during the “collapse” of that building, WTC7, were reported to have recorded low-level street conversations but not the overwhelming sounds one would expect if 240,000 tons of material were in the process of slamming to the ground. As for the tallest two towers, they seemed simply to have vanished into vast clouds of dust.
Impossible as it may seem, most of the steel from those towers also vanished, literally turned into dust. From Day One of clearing ground zero, around-the-clock photos of the demolition were taken. Did you see any photos of the 3000 truckloads of steel being driven away? Neither did I.
A few surviving massive steel members were completely convoluted. Can anyone still think these incredible, impossibly-contorted shapes were the result of a jet-fueled, relatively low-temperature, fire?
One exceptionally astute scientist/experimentalist, John Hutchison, produces field effects that contort metal in manners comparable to what we see in official photos of those grossly-twisted structural members of heavy steel.
In my attempt to learn what happened on 9/11, I have examined Official Government photographs, photographs from news organizations, professional photographers, and private citizens, as well as other independent information from many entirely trust Worthy and credible sources. All observable facts that are available must be considered carefully, seriously, and objectively if we are to establish what it was that happened on 9/11/200.
None of the facts, events, anomalies, or phenomena that we have listed, discussed, and analyzed in this book can be explained by airliner crashes, jet fuel fires, or any scheme of controlled demolition. A comparison of the evidence we have collected with the evidence of results produced by Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR), hurricanes and tornadoes, and the well-established Hutchison Effect has proven highly suggestive, pointing to a way of understanding the source of otherwise inexplicable events and phenomena. It points to a way of helping us to find out what happened on 9/11.
This book is not about naming a known technology. This book is about observing the evidence of what happened and understanding what happened. As explained at the end of Chapter 20 (pages 451 to 452), there will likely be those who will not be able to resist the impulse to put a name of a known technology on what produced this evidence. To do so blindly assumes such technology is in the public domain. This naming introduces assumptions that distract away from understanding the actual evidence and will only serve to pull a veil of mystery over it.
My concern throughout this book has been solely and only with that single and scientific question of what happened. I have presented the evidence available to me and I have explored and analyzed it to the best of my ability. I trust that readers will follow me in the same spirit of objective scientific inquiry that is the spirit, that has guided me in the writing of the book.
Final thoughts
We stand at the dawn of an entirely new age. By all the evidence, man has in his hands a method of disrupting the molecular basis for matter and the ability, very possibly, to split the earth in half on a moment’s notice. The technology demonstrated on 9/11 can, indeed, split the earth in half, or it can be used to allow all people to live fruitful, constructive, and non-polluting lives through their use of free energy.
He who controls the energy, controls the people. Control of energy, depending on what that energy is, can either destroy or sustain the planet.
We have a choice. And the choice is real. We can live happily and fruitfully and productively, or we can destroy the planet and die, every last one of us, along with every living being on this planet.
These are the reasons I have spent so much time studying the evidence of what happened on 9/11. 9/11 was a demonstration to the world of a new technology known as free energy. This is a force that can be used for demonic, ruinous, Earth destructive purposes. Or it can be used for the good of us, of the Earth, and of our civilizations. We have a choice. And that choice is ours.
But in order to exercise that choice, in order to be equipped to exercise it, we must keep our eyes open wide and our minds, both our scientific and our social humanist minds, unvaryingly on high alert. After all, two of the very tallest buildings in the world went missing on that awful, grievous day in September. And yet no one continued to ask, “Where did the towers go?”
Now we know the answer to that extraordinary question—the question that should have been asked by every one of us long before now.
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It would seem they have continued to 'refine' these direct energy weapons. If you look at the Paradise, CA and Lahaina 'fires', a lot of similar type anomalies with regard to burn pattterns, destruction etc.
WOW, just WOW! This is why Unbekoming is my one-stop shop. All topics covered. Thank you!