Apr 2Liked by Unbekoming

From the HART substack:


Worth reading in full:

"The following article was written by Val Fraser, Education Adviser. As Steve Jobs once said “the most powerful person in the world is the storyteller. The storyteller sets the vision, values, and agenda of an entire generation that is to come.” Drag shows used to fall squarely under the category of sexual fetish. Now it seems to be en vogue to expose children in primary school to such concepts. There is an instinctive feeling for many that the innocence of childhood should be fiercely protected by the adults in the room. Val explores this controversial topic using the full breadth of her experience gained from working in an educational setting for over four decades."

A few of the points raised in the article include the fact that drag has always stereotyped women and relies on recognition of that to understand and appreciate it as entertainment, which is something children are not developmentally capable of doing. ("The reason Drag works on adults is that we have enough world knowledge to know that this Drag Queen is not a real woman, and nor are they pretending to be. That’s what we find entertaining as adults. We ‘get’ the inversion."....."Drag is an incomplete truth of what a woman is and like any stereotype “robs people of their dignity,” (Chimamanda Ngozi Adiche).

The author makes the point that the very opposite of childhood empathy and enquiry are likely to result since children are rendered confused and frightened by a parody they cannot understand and that this, in turn, is likely to hamper their language and literacy development.

But then again perhaps this is all part of the Cult plan since illiteracy and mental/emotional chaos and turmoil render people so much easier to control?

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Apr 2Liked by Unbekoming

The same was introduced into 'Babylon' Berlin in the 1930th, art and morale cheap and dirty.

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From the beginning of this post I was watching for the word "grooming". Of course it did turn up, toward the end, and oddly the writer steered away from the very thing about which I was concerned. Maybe in other places something different is going on -- I doubt it -- but what I have learned about here in California sounds to me like early grooming of children to make them vulnerable to sexual predators. If that's somehow different, so what.

There was also a name I was checking for, UUs. Unitarian Universalists. I was a member of the local society for 12 years, including all the years of my transition. That was my support community. L, G, B, and T were represented, especially L and G, as well as straight, and not to mention other lifestyles we don't talk about much. They mostly had families and did the things most everybody did. If there was any grooming going on, I didn't see it, and I was in a good place to do so.

I witnessed the incursion of cultural Marxism, but I didn't recognize it or its terminology at the time. The destructive effects became more apparent later on, and I moved on, amicably, to a mainline ("liberal") Protestant church (UCC). I'm in a very different place today, and I disagree now with some of the things those organizations teach and promote, but they were where I needed to be at the time, their support was essential in my life, and I leave it at that.

Neither of those local organizations is involved in DQSH as far as I know, but if you search the web for "drag queen story hour" along with the denominations (UUA and UCC), a pattern emerges. My issues were much more with the denominational leadership. Not being one to sit on the sidelines after coming out, I became involved at the denominational level, especially with the UCC local gathering and regional conference. I wasn't around much longer after what I saw there.

Through the local trans community I also had connections with the gay community and drag queens. I was familiar with their fund raisers, although I didn't attend them -- different track. Their causes varied, but AIDS was prominent as I recall. We shared the same social spaces in Midtown. There was no mention of children (in the context of this post), ever, that I heard.

The one thing that went on that did involve children was the cross-dressers and their events, many of which were private. These were mostly straight married-with-children family guys, and their children were involved by virtue of being their children. I don't know how this affected the kids, who are now young adults, and I don't have any connections with them, but it doesn't sound like a happily ever after scenario given what has happened to the culture since then.

I completely exited these spaces in 2017, although for practical purposes I left the LGBT community in 2008. To do so was a normal phase of successful transition, to rejoin society, leave that stuff behind, and go on with our lives. Destroying society was not on our agenda.

I don't exactly know what was the point of having all this stuff in my life, but I pass what I can along for what it is worth. There are some parts of it I cannot share. What I did, I can't recommend to others, but there could be others that need to walk that path as well.

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Apr 2Liked by Unbekoming

Well, I think the more “in your face” all this absurdity gets, the more people will start to wake up to the motives behind the destruction of society and family. God Is, as the Course In Miracles says. Period. We need to get back to Godliness, as individuals as well as countries.

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Apr 2Liked by Unbekoming

Homeschool and never look back. Don't let perverts destroy the childhood and adult lives of

our children.

Instill beauty of nature, history, music and all the uplifting virtues needed for a developing child.

Guard their little hearts and minds.

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Apr 2Liked by Unbekoming

"The “revolution” is about chaos and turmoil."

That is the key point IMO. Much like the Cultural Revolution in China. iT WAS NOT MEANT TO MAKE SENSE.

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Apr 2Liked by Unbekoming

Thank you for bringing this into my awareness so I can act accordingly.

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Apr 3Liked by Unbekoming

This is important and not well apprehended by most.

Keep it up.

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Apr 2Liked by Unbekoming

The mechanism of action is to reorder hierarchies of priority. This is obvious, but bears repetition.

When hedonic aspiration achieves primacy, trait development elides deferral of sensate gratification. The implications of this are stark. Deferral of gratification is difficult to learn, and essential for thriving in a technically complex society. The subject's ability to engage in long-range planning and persevere in the face of adversity is adversely affected.

The pattern of harm is one of missed developmental stages. Some compensation can be learned later in life, but referring to that compensatory activity as suboptimal is to understate the case.

The effect on eventual copulatory behaviors is secondary, almost trivial.

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Apr 2Liked by Unbekoming

Perhaps for now, yes, but even that angle is beginning to fray at the edges. There is an aggressive almost teeth baring element that is quite obvious. I think maybe self preservation wins out in the end. Let’s hope

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this is incredible!

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The agenda here is, above all, political: Democrats are destroying us by forcing everyone to kowtow to the ridiculous: "The Transgender Emperor": https://daveziffer.substack.com/p/the-transgender-emperor

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Stop saying, “Do Whatever You Want In Your Own Bedroom”: https://daveziffer.substack.com/p/stop-saying-do-whatever-you-want

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