The connection to Las Vegas, blue light addiction, and the industrial military complex are astounding. How we reverse addiction to tech?

By re-engineering how we use it - get rid of the blue light, and see the Sunrise.

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Kruse is a true gem of a human being!!! Love his talks on video!!!

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I found Dr. Kruse last month via a podcast. Morning and evening walks already helping!

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The problem I have with Kruse is that he refers to SV-40 as actually being an actual "virus". FFS!

So is he attempting to coral and control the unfolding no virus narrative here?

Or is this fountain of joined up knowledge really completely ignorant of the reality of zero evidence for the existence of viruses?

Regardless of all the sleight of hand implemented via the peer review article process (e.g. make claims in titles and summaries that are not backed in the article or the scientific process utilised).

Lost his credibility right there.

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I've been reading him on and off for 10 years at least. I liked how he walks very different avenues from his peers - I am the same.

However, he doesn't seem to be able to examine a few critical and mistaken consensus in biology.

Virology is not the only one. (His baseless SV 40 fearporn is pathetic and story around it is just a story). He's preaching centralised dogma while he's also arguing for decentralisation!

His understanding of quantum physics is also laughable. He needs to sit down for a chat with a physicist.

His ego decided that he now knows everything to be known and that's it. No more learning for him. So it's time for me to move on from him - while the majority has just found him :))

The linked interview is full of red herrings. And whether he knows or not (I think not) he's being groomed (or played by) by the perpetrators. And it pains me to see how idolised he is and how the ppl is taking his words for the absolute truth.

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I too have been following him for 10+ years. While I found him to put many things together for me in my medical research days, I find that when I listen to him speak now, his ego has taken over, and I find myself almost cringing.

Some of these " info gems" he has been sitting on for decades and what he "knows about"... does this not seem very odd to others that he speaks freely of it now? Reminds me of how Mercola started spinning out...

Nature heals and the human body can heal itself, all by perfect design: God inteneded for us to have light, clean air, clean water, natural sources of food. The man made shit of all those things for the purpose of technological improvements ain't gonna jive with us.

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His mention of viruses made me cringe as well. But I look at the overall man and his message - AND - the word virus. (I've followed him for about 8 years.) Perhaps SV40 is 'something' that is thrown under the term 'virus'. Kruse is a master dot connector, and in how to thrive in this wild Matrix we live in. The last half of the video interview is more mind-blowing than the first.

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Agreed, if he'd spoken about SV-40 being a poison rather than a virus, then maybe his 4 monologue may have held some water.

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We can't evolve ahead of ourselves can we -- or evolve others ahead of themselves. Everyone is where they are on their individual journey in unraveling the layers of bullshit. I don't discount everything someone says or is, because (I assume) they don't know one thing that I think I know to be true, especially someone like him, who DOES know a helluva a lot more than I know. I have no idea why he referred to SV40 as a virus -- maybe bc he knows that's a term the masses recognize? 'The dreaded monkey virus.' Some f'n part of a monkey when injected into people causes a lot of death and destruction. I guess his mission is not to refute virology right now but to connect the dots of corruption. Is he a bit of an egomaniac?

Who is judging? . . .

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He feels off to me (feels like an operation). Pushing the virus BS just tips him over the edge for me. Yes I'm sure there's a lot of interesting truth in there, but isnt there always with these characters. Not for me.

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for f's sake . . .

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good 🙃🙃🙃🤗🤗🤗😘😘😘😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰

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Dear Unbecoming: I am a homeopath practicing in Providence, Rhode Island and would love to collaborate with you. I'm a great fan of your work. Just contact me at markbrodymd@gmail.com.

Thanks for your great work!

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It's obvious that sunlight is best for weight loss cuz all those babes at the beach in skimpy bathing suits.

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You haven't been to a beach in Texas!! 🤮

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Dunno. Could be the sunshine doesn't work cuz the spike proteins in the pop tarts turning them into pudgy?

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Link goes to google Gmail page.

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What's wrong with the link? Why doesn't it load?

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I listened to the 4 hour podcast a few days ago ( it was a slog, taken in good bites, bit by bit) and then I see your post, so it feels like I’m on the breadcrumb trail . Clif High was my departure point to Jack. Now I tell

everyone to have a listen . Also good is a few podcasts on Rick Rubin’s Tetragrammaton podcast in the last half year. Everyone should hear the whole Danny Jones podcast- (listen don’t watch as it saves energy as YouTube is an unnecessary energy suck) Gloss over his career path autobiography stuff midway. The first hour is grand conspiratorium insight affecting us today. The last half is all medical info. Dense but comprehensible to an idiot like me.

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Thank you.

Dude hits it on every topic except methylene blue. Guess that is the purpose of his limited hangout. Cointelpro by another name. He would do well to study low vitamin A low copper diets and treatments that deplete them. NutritionDetective.com or on twitter @nutridetect or on youtube Nutrition Detective.

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Agreed, I was thinking how great this was until I got the the methylene blue part. It's really being hyped right now, and is not cheap as he says. But it is not natural, it's a synthetic compound from everything I've read about it. One of those "too good to be true" things, sadly...

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I happen to be using the Methylene Blue, and I haven’t heard anything bad about it, and I investigate well before I use any unknown products. I can say that since starting MB, I have felt better, a little more energy, more laid back and not so edgy. I have been told that I am looking more healthy by friends. And the best and strangest bonus I’ve had is my hair is growing back fairly quickly for hair that has been gone for 20 years. (I am 64) Nobody in any article on Methylene Blue ever said anything about regrowing hair, but after about 5-6 months, I noticed stubble on my head, looked in the mirror, and there it was !! Now, 3 months later, it is not only still growing, but spreading to the very first spots it started receding from, almost 30 years ago. I have absolutely no negative side effects that I have noticed from it. Just positive effects and a better attitude. I actually feel like I am getting younger in many ways. Say what you will about something you’ve probably never even tried, but for me, firsthand, Methylene Blue is doing all it was promised to do, and a bit more.

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Not every person will have side effects from every drug or chemical. Several folks I know who took the CV shots haven't even noticed any negative effects (yet.) I'm glad the MB is working for you. But as I don't do drugs intentionally, no, I won't be buying and trying it. If a version comes out that is close to the active ingredients' naturally occurring state, I may try that.

I do admit to a slight bias against MB (aside from the fact that it is lab-produced) since it first came to my attention through a company that is all about natural and pure. I was about to place an order, then stumbled upon additional info on it while doing a bit of due diligence. I found out it was not in fact a natural substance. I was very disappointed and felt a bit betrayed by this otherwise great company that advertised it right alongside their wonderful, completely natural and organic products without a hint that it was an industrial concoction.

But again, I'm glad you are noticing benefits and no side effects. That is why there is controversy over MB: some people use it and see benefit, others look at what it is and how it is made, and see potential danger. I hope that as you continue to use it, you will update here if you do begin to notice negative side effects. We all have the right to choose our own remedies and take our own risks, and reap our own rewards. But fully informed consent is vital.

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With millions of people being destroyed by cv shots, anything is being hyped that is helping.

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I.also recently heard a talk w Dr. Kruse and wondered why I had never heard of him before. Much of what he spoke I knew, but he added so much new info that tired up all the loose ends and made me wonder at the ability of our governement propaganda machine to keep it all under wraps or label it quackery and misinformation! I even thought about forwarding his info to you. Glad to see you have also discovered his remarkable mind and ability to unwind a myriad of facts hidden in down the rabbit hole.

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After watching the 4 Hr Dr Kruse interview until late into the night my mind was spinning, It got a bit easier when health topics were covered. ( I have to review some of his political statements, still). Somehow it felt that the books in my library had jumped out of the shelves and created a mess. This morning I read your paper and it feels as if you had sorted all the books neatly back where they belong. Thank you Frank.

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Another good guy to cover, talk to is Ivor Cummins. Please do him

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Thanks, for doing Dr. Jack Kruse. Lots to unwrap with him and lots more to learn from him. He talks about specific wavelengths of infrared that do very specific things, hard for me to find all his information.

Please do Floridasharkman.org & Dr. William Makis MD, cancer cure. Ivermectin, Mebendazole, Fenbendazole, Doxycycline

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I love Dr. Kruse as well. his knowlege of circadian biology has been very helpful to me.

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I followed Kruse for 10+ years. He is a good intro for some, but I find it odd that (including myself) we all need this information even said to us...

Natural light, clean water, natural food, actual connection to the Earth is what the human body was perfectly designed to need. Don't we all know this?

All these man made things that push agendas, make billions, and "cure us" are designed to confuse you.

The world is toxic, but when it comes down to it, the more you leave the man made shit out or try to avoid what you can <insert any man made thing here: from supplements (meth blue to ivermectin to vaccines...,) to propaganda machines (cell phones and media), toxic people and their info (the government and people who regurgitate any side of it), EMFs and pollution, the healthier you become.

PS- is it odd that he even knows so of this top secret info and is now just sharing it...

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At the end of the video he said his last surgery in the US was performed Aug 6, 2024.

Now his career as one of the best neurosurgeons EVER is done. Now it's time to share...

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Please ask Dr. Kruse to contact me. 'We need to talk.' As they say. I'll be live in Lisbon on the 19th. https://archives.waterconf.org/


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