That's a beautiful article- all of it.

The biggest fraud in human history might be the medical industrial complex.

As you highlight starting in the mid-1800s, there was a steady drop in deaths from all infectious diseases, decreasing to relatively minor levels by the early 1900s.

The history of that transformation involves famine, poverty, filth, lost cures, eugenicist doctrine, individual freedoms versus state might, protests and arrests over vaccine refusal, and more.

We are told that medical interventions increased our lifespan and single-handedly prevented mass death.

Vaccines, antibiotics, and other medical interventions are not responsible for the increase in lifespan and the decline in mortality from infectious diseases. For the past 100 year or more "modern medicine" has been claiming credit for things that builders, sewerage workers, water treatment plants, gutter designers, roofers, fridge inventors, electricians etc have created.

The belief that injecting synthetic chemicals made by habitually criminal companies who profit from perpetual disease somehow produces health is not only ridiculous and unproven— it is a foundational teaching of a dangerous religious cult that western medicine has become.

The more of these poisons you pump into your body, the closer you are to your doom. Not from any invisible virions or fake "Covid", but from your immune system crashing into dust. Those spiky little proteins get into your blood and destroy your cells and also wreck the protective layer inside your main arteries that helps create nitric oxide for your blood.

As for the "Covid pandemic" there was no pandemic- it was murder.

Several hundred thousand (mainly elderly) were killed through the forced procedures of Remdesivir/Fentanyl/Ventilators/Lockdowns/ etc. in the US/Brazil/Peru etc. and forced procedures of Midazolam/Morphine etc. in the UK/France/Italy etc.

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Beautifully said Allen. Thank you! Yes indeed sewerage workers have done more for public health than all of vaccination combined.

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Didn't Forrest MacCready just write another book "Crooked"? I read it. Very thought provoking...keep looking in the mirror to see if my face/smile is crooied..

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He did. he also did a 2hr+ video on it before the book was published. Its definitely worth watching.


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Nearly two years later I clicked on that link and got "This video has been removed for violating YouTube's Community Guidelines"

Why would anyone with a brain post anything on YouTube, knowing what the result will be if it departs from The Official Narrative, in any way? Don't suppose you have another link to say.. "Bitchute" or "Rumble" or "Brighteon"?

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Yes. I am angry as hell, and want justice. I don't think I will see it in my lifetime.

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"The belief that injecting synthetic chemicals made by habitually criminal companies who profit from perpetual disease somehow produces health is not only ridiculous and unproven— it is a foundational teaching of a dangerous religious cult that western medicine has become."

Every time I hear someone or see something promoting a jab (or pharma in general), words very similar to this run through my head.

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'The biggest fraud in human history' is also the biggest crime in human history. Last time I checked, the genocide death count was over 20 million, with many more multiples of that injured and disabled.

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Depends who you go to for information. The Covid Blog has posited the death toll may be over a billion:


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Perpetually behind! - here by about 15 months. The 'spike protein" thing, by the way - may also be utterly fictitious - the vax may just be pure poison - lipid nano particles - PEG, etc - some claim zero evidence that any sort of genetic modification is accomplished - no so-called spike proteins are produced by the body.

I am fortunate to have been able to stop just about all "pumping" - have not taken even an aspirin or Tylenol etc in almost 3 years. ... even developing some leeriness about supplements.

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A recent investigation of the vaccine contents found no nitrogen or phosphorous - therefore no DNA or RNA, therefore no spike protein - just nanotech.

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Would you have a link to an article about this please?

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Thank you.

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globalresearch website is one place where you can learn alot. My education only began 3.5 years ago and I'm nearly 70. Unfortunately, my children, friends all have dismissed any info I sent on Covid jabs and regard me as crazy conspiracy nutter. Not just these ones, but all are totally unnecessarry and dangerous. What will it take to wake people up to the germ/virus theory being just that, a theory, not scientific fact? I believed it all until mid 2020 but had an open mind and started my journey and my biggest regret was not knowing much sooner.

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The same people who invented Fentanyl are the same ones who produced the J&J Covid vax. Janssen Pharmaceutical, founded by Paul Janssen.

"On 11 February 1958 he developed haloperidol, a major breakthrough in the treatment of schizophrenia.[5] Working with his team, he developed the fentanyl family of drugs and a number of anesthetic agents, including droperidol and etomidate.[6][7]"



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I thought I’d woken up to deep, deep institutional corruption/capture and gotten through it fairly ok, but reading here and other ppl about vaccines and the real history of medicine, the magnitude of the crimes is simply staggering all over again.

It’s sickening

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My brother is on a ventilator right now. In a medically induced coma. He's only 53. And they are already talking about "transitioning" him -- meaning he is about to die. Not a damn thing I can do about it because my relatives who are nurses are sitting vigil in the hospital. Lord have mercy on them.

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Had been thinking of writing something similar. Good work. We're still the minority though even here on Substack. I went from neutral in 2019 (but unwilling to get flu jabs) to against all the pseudo science of vaccines now. Complete 100% con.

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Thanks! I am earnestly looking for one thing that isn't a con in this whole sorry space, and I haven't found it yet.

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Might be easier to write about what they 'haven't' lied to us about.

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That would be the shortest letter in history.

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My thesis is that it's a feature of Empire and that it's meant to harm. Lady Montagu bought the concept back from Istanbul which had been the centre of Empire for a 1,000 years or more (first as Constantinople then Istanbul). And now we have pharmaceutical companies based in Empire (the US & Europe) pushing these harmful concoctions out to the population at large in that empire. And next off the ranks is China which is already manufacturing most of the shit (i.e. testing kits supposedly for Covid but god knows what really) we have to put up with at the moment (although India manufactures much of the vaccines). Our elites are malicious, I think it's time to return the favour.

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I'm in. tell us how. all of our antibiotics now come from China..less than 20% from India. It is frightening.

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I'm going down the same path now but trying to offset it to retain objectivity, or trying to not close my mind to both sides...so reading Rr. Paul Offit's book now. So far its not an easy thing to keep reading. But some things I'm still holding onto:

-Why was small pox so devastating to Native Americans and wouldn't a vaccine have helped them? Surely a vaccine can be a tool of some sort for novel pathogens?

-What about tetanus, or rabies?

-In Offit's book now I'm reading about the mumps vaccine. Was there a chapter on that in dissolving illusions?

I need to watch those vaxxed movies.

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Welcome to this journey. You won't get anything of value from Offit, he is an industry man through and through, but you will reach that conclusion yourself. I don't recall mumps in Dissolving Illusions, but it is THE book that addresses the foundational mythology of vaccination. Spend time with Forrest Maready and his playlist also:


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Did you ever finish Offit's book?

Please read Dissolving Illusions next. It will blow your mind.

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I finished Offit's vaccinated. Only got a 1/3 of the way through Autism's False Prophets. I did read Dissolving Illusion. The vaccine sections of Toby Rogers' thesis, https://ses.library.usyd.edu.au/bitstream/handle/2123/20198/Rogers_T_thesis.pdf, and Turtles all the Way Down. I was reading Turtles all the way down while trying to read Prophets and I just can only do so much hate reading. I had to tap out when Offit laid waste the idea of the precautionary principle because of all the lawsuits surrounding breast implants.

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Did you read Hotez’s book in your research?

Merck is in a lawsuit for falsifying the efficacy data of the mumps vaccine

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No, but thanks for the pointer.

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No I haven't. Is it good? I only know that guy form out of context clips form his appearance on Joe Rogan but he didn't look good in them.

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Living in a matrix. Now that my eyes are fully opened it makes one question every freaking thing. The lies never end.

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Very true. I just today got banned for 100 years on a substack blog for questioning the validity of "Virology".

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I recommend reading the book "The Silent Killers" by Dr. Kevin Stillwagon. Originally published in 1984, the book is out of print, but Dr. Kevin has posted an updated version of the entire book on his substack


This book comprehensively explains, in layman's terms, how vaxxes (don't) work, and then explains each different vaxx in detail.

Dr. Stillwagon is also a licensed pilot, and has written about the vaxx and pilot deaths.

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Great thank you!

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Dissolving Illusions is one of the most powerful and important books I have ever read. I really enjoyed your substack and hope it brings the book to the attention of many more people. Thank you.

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Thank you. The Real Anthony Fauci, Inventing the AIDS virus and Dissolving Illusions are three of the most important and reality altering books I have ever read. Better late than never.

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Inventing the AIDS virus is on my list!!! RAF is a tough, heartbreaking, shocking read.

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Too expensive to buy a copy...but good option on Audible.

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Oh my gosh...


Dr Duesberg is still alive, I believe, living in Berkeley or thereabouts...

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Seriously! It is on my used book store list... hoping I can find a copy of it.

Wouldn't it be great to re-publish it?

Will look into the audible (although I quit my subscription because I was sick of giving them any more of my dinero).

Thanks again!

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I have completely unvaccinated children. We’ve never had to make a sick appointment

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Well done...frankly I am in awe of those of you that were awake and present enough to protect your kids!

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If it wasn’t for parents like you telling me their story I probably wouldn’t have made the decision. So thank you, and please keep sharing your story

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Me too!

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I am sorry for what you went through but admire your courage and integrity. I wish there were so many more of you. I never questioned vaccines until I changed careers and started working in a school in my old age...the sheer numbers of the autistic/allergic/nut free children in the schools shocked me to my core. I kept saying to people something is wrong...tried to look at everything that could be causing it...even ultrasounds...but had to come back to vaccines every time. Its a tough illusion to break, isn't it?

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It is indeed, maybe the hardest.

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That and the government is a resource.

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In the pediatrician's office, when my boys were recommended to get GourdofSwill, I said I'd talk to my sons about the data and let them decide. She gave me a sheet that claimed all kinds of benefits for which I knew there could be no evidence. Knowing the answer my question, I asked the pediatrician why a boy should get it so that she would be forced to answer in front of my son. The marketing was parroted on queue, "throat cancer from oral sex." LOL. YEAH. RIGHT. Here's what I told my son (I've been in sales and marketing of semiconductors my whole career.)

The product manager for Gourd of Swill has annual revenue numbers to meet. He gets bonuses along with his entire team based on performance against expectations. When they needed to meet an annual revenue number after having blown out the market (saturated), they increased the total available market (TAM) by lowering the age of recommendation for the product. How could they justify that? They made up the reason that it's more effective the younger you get it. LOL. No evidence. Just made it up. Can you believe people buy this bullsh!t? After saturating the younger age extended TAM, they needed to meet numbers again (or blow them away to get bigger bonuses that year), so they doubled the TAM by recommending that boys get the Gourd of Swill. How could they justfy that? Well, they just made up some bullshi!t about boys getting throat cancer from performing cunnilingus on girls who have HPV. And parents bought that ridiculous bullsh!t, too. I have no idea if all of this is true. But this took me about 30 seconds to formulate in the pediatrician's office with my sons. I then told them that's what I thought based on my experience in business. My sons all trusted me and said "no" to the Gourd of Swill. The only question that remained was, "But Dad, why does the pediatrician recommend it?" I could only guess and told my sons that they are fooled and tricked by pharma. They believe the ridiculous lies and repeat them like programmed robot parrots.

You may ask if I am I anti-vax? I don't even know at this point. But two years ago, I was for the polio, smallpox, and other killers when necessary. And I was questioning of the measles, mumps, and rubella vaxes. I was always against the varicella chicken pox vax. Let the kids get the disease. They're better off getting it. Flu shots are always ridiculously behind on the variant because of the velocity of mutation of flu; so they don't work ever for benefit, but they do work in the rare chance they mess you up badly (if you consider "work" to mean doing something negative as well as positive). Done now. That's my Gourd of Swill story.

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The best part about 3 years of COVID is what Coquin de Chien so aptly summarised:

"Given the death and failure resulting from these mRNA products, the word 'vaccine' will become synonymous with 'poison.' People will come to understand the genocide that occurred and is occurring as a result of this vaccine.

The COVID-19 vaccine is a giant turd and the industry can eat it whole. The word 'vaccine' will cause all people to question all vaccines. They wanted to call it that. They can live and die on that turd hill."


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Thank you very much, I hadn't seen that article and it's a very very important point. Language is critical and I'm now reconsidering my use of the word.

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Praise God, Big Pharma has finally overplayed their hand. If there ever was to be a silver lining, this is surely it. Praying people scrap the entire lot of vaccines as they wake up to the horror of their deception.

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Great article. The Poisoned Needle is another paradigm destroying book you’d enjoy.

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Thanks TT! Will add that to the library.

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I agree with you wholeheartedly about the importance of the book, DISSOLVING ILLUSIONS. A cartoon I did along these lines: https://annecantstandit.substack.com/p/eye-opener?r=7f8gy&s=w&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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I knew I had forgotten something...will add it in. Thanks Anne.

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You’re very welcome, Unbekoming!

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Thank you. Seeing the history in visual form makes the ridiculous claims of vaccines really stand out. I shall be watching Vaxxed 1 & 2. Now dipping into Dissolving Illusions website... not that my illusions needed much encouragement. They were quite dissolved already after three years of global madness.

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Thanks for this excellent post.

Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History is certainly brilliant.

Other books on viruses that are also excellent are.

(SIV contamination of vaccines)

The Virus and the Vaccine: Contaminated Vaccine, Deadly Cancers, and Government Neglect

(Problems with the mis-diagnosis of Polio)

The Moth in the iron Lung

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Thank you. Have read The Moth...great book!

Will add The Virus and the Vaccine to the list.

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The virus and the Vaccine is great..it shows you different labs find SIV in the vaccines..but when the CDC does the same test..they find none..and also the CDC mocked the positive findings..as false positives/contamination etc..what a surprise...

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I finally got around to watching Vaxxed 2 today. As a parent of a healthy, vax-free child, it tore my heart apart to watch the suffering of those poor families. The parents of the injured triplets, in particular. How do you survive something like that? I confess I would not have what it takes, and would probably bundle the whole family into the car and drive it off a cliff.

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PPS. I always knew that sewage treatment and indoor plumbing was the greatest boon to mankind and never ever forgot Dr. Snow;s map....but I am also saddened that it took twenty years for London to finally admit he was right. He never lived to see his vindication.

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Thanks, I didn't know about Dr. Snow, will look him up.

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Dr. Snow is famous for his research and findings relative to the cholera outbreak of 1849 in London.

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Why would Child Health Defense have removed the Vaxxed 2 video?

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That is a great question. Weird.

I have added two new links in the stack to Rumble and Odysee.

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thank you!

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