globalresearch website is one place where you can learn alot. My education only began 3.5 years ago and I'm nearly 70. Unfortunately, my children, friends all have dismissed any info I sent on Covid jabs and regard me as crazy conspiracy nutter. Not just these ones, but all are totally unnecessarry and dangerous. What will it take to wake people up to the germ/virus theory being just that, a theory, not scientific fact? I believed it all until mid 2020 but had an open mind and started my journey and my biggest regret was not knowing much sooner.
It is research by Dr Nagase from Canada This link here is one on no signs of mRNA or DNA
Thank you.
globalresearch website is one place where you can learn alot. My education only began 3.5 years ago and I'm nearly 70. Unfortunately, my children, friends all have dismissed any info I sent on Covid jabs and regard me as crazy conspiracy nutter. Not just these ones, but all are totally unnecessarry and dangerous. What will it take to wake people up to the germ/virus theory being just that, a theory, not scientific fact? I believed it all until mid 2020 but had an open mind and started my journey and my biggest regret was not knowing much sooner.