Unbekoming, thanks for this interview and for introducing me to David as I just subscribed to his stack! A lot of the topics discussed are what people really need to understand if they are to really understand the reality of this world. So many topics to point out but I will keep it brief:

1) Hitler being financed. I think this is an interesting topic because we've been taught to demonize Hitler, but when you look at the whole picture from a banking perspective, one can make the argument that Hitler was attempting to stop the banking cartel and that resulted in his demise. I discuss that argument here: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/the-holocaust-examined

2) The manipulation of human perception as a tool of control. I would argue that this is THE tool of control. I talk about that in my article that if we look at all the lies in history, a lot of these narratives are nothing but stories to ensure we view history in a way that THEY want us too. We must understand this is we are to break free from their control. As I state, "The prize here is to own the perspective of reality." This is Plato's allegory of the cave: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/lies-not-discussed-within-the-truth

3) Unknown Superiors. I don't know if we will ever know who these superiors are, and I don't know if it matters. What does matter is for us to identify HOW they control us. I think the invisible chain that binds most of us is DEBT. Debt has been a sin since biblical times and is the chain that controls us and our daily actions. When we can identify and eliminate this from our lives, we begin our freedom liberation: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/spiritual-sundays-freedom-vs-slavery

To close, I could go on and on, but fantastic interview on touching on the hidden aspect of reality. Will be in touch with David but thanks again for this view and hope many will begin to look at history and begin to realize how it is not what we've been told but only a narrative created to have humanity look at things from a specific perspective. Once we begin to look at things from an unorthodox perspective, it all begins to make sense: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/the-history-of-you-a-book-that-connects

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Yes indeed, perception is everything. The antidote to controllers is freedom of speech. Seems too easy doesn't it? Controlling information means society can be controlled. Look how many people defend censorship. It's hard to understand because if one defends censorship, then that means they too will be censored. The damage that speech may do is nothing compared to the damage that censorship does. This simple antidote needs to be discussed widely to give the ruling cults some curry - to show that they are losing their grip. That would be something that would make them shudder. It's a new attitude that needs to replace this attitude of false safety - nothing, absolutely nothing is more dangerous and corrosive to society than censorship (except one thing - killing our own species - for any reason) Free speech needs to come into vogue and that will be the foundation of a new free world.

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Hitler was a Jewish actor. He was certainly not fighting any banking cartel, but was doing its bidding. All wars are bankers' wars.


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I'm not so sure about that. It is my belief that the Bolshevik Revolution was all the impetus needed to bring Hitler to power. Who really knows Hitler? He was conveniently labeled the greatest villain of all time, over & over & over again, new wave of Holocaust movies coming out to educate the youngins who don't know and could care less about WW11 in living color Hollywood.

David Irving, Eustace Mullins, Ezra Pound and E Michael Jones have been my go-to experts on the subject. My question has been: why Germany? How many countries do you know that have risen to such a degree of greatness such as Germany only to have reached the mountaintop, to be beaten down to a pulp? Three times since 1914. The powers must be scared shitless of Germany. I don't wonder why.

There have been many many great leaders, including Hitler, who gave great, almost impossible to believe, uplifting benefits to their citizenry, the likes of which we in the West have never witnessed in our own lives. Therein lies the rub. So we elevated these brave men to the highest level of scorn and evil status or assassinated them all.

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Read John Hamer " Behind the Curtain ". Many answers.

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Thanks, but Eustace Mullins already covered that in Secrets of the Federal Reserve.

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Irving, Mullins and Pound should be taken with a grain of salt.




All of the ruling families are interrelated. They stage wars to cull the population and to siphon off resources and wealth from the working classes.

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You could be right, I could be dreaming. Navigating the propaganda mine fields is difficult if not impossible. But I find that these men have stitched together enough empirical evidence, taken as a whole including the suffering they have been put through, creates, in my mind, practical if not absolute certainty in their analysis.

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Yes of course. He was funded by the bankers, he wouldn't bite the hand that feeds him.

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Hey Ann! I actually saw the documentary “All wars are banker’s wars” and it was that documentary that 1) i discuss in my article, but 2) showed me that Hitler was fighting the banking cartel. But this is good information to have! This goes to only further prove that Germany was the true target of the war! Thanks for sharing and I will check this out!

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Thank you for another enlightening interview, Frank!

If 11,258 scientists have signed a document recommending 'depopulation as a solution for the climate crisis' it would be interesting to have the names of those 11,258 scientists, plus to know who paid them, and which organisations they represent.

In nature, any overpopulation balances itself out soon enough (e.g through lack of natural resources).

What if those who are in favour of 'enforced depopulation' are the same as (or representatives of) those who like to control and manipulate both ~ 'the population and the climate' ~ and then declare population and climate as 'the problem'.

What if they are the ones feeding 'the cancer' they want to eliminate?

There is a simple solution to this dilemma:

What if all those proponents of depopulation eliminate themselves?

This would not only contribute to depopulation but also help to get rid of the 'cancerous' elements destroying our planet.

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If these 11,258 'scientists' had a smidgeon of logic (or honour, or belief in their thesis, or independence from their funders) they would, to great fanfare and public acclaim, heroically lead by example and remove themselves from our planet.

If that is too much to ask, then how about they are charged with the crime of "incitement to murder"; perhaps a new legal category is required - "incitement to democide".

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It is impossible to underestimate the value that Pharma and the medical cartel bring to large financial investment firms. The "health management system" in the US is currently the largest sector of the US economy representing around $4-5 trillion of overall US GDP representing around 18% of total GDP.

Give or take Pharma represents around $1 trillion of that.

Once we get into how various sectors of "the public sector" (which is no longer public) intertwine with the health care sector it's virtually impossible to get an exact figure. Suffice it to say it's buckets and buckets of money.

"Disease" has replaced war as the world's primary money spinner, the elites need continuing large-scale health crises to keep their racketeering schemes going. Pandemics are mammoth business opportunities for the Pharma Cartel and the financiers that control the details and direction of policy.

Covid is the quintessential example of how the medical cartel orchestrates their criminal conspiracies.

Trillions funneled into the decaying financial systems of the collapsing Western economies through a manufactured "crisis" in the health management system, which is currently the world's largest money spinner,

Global racketeering run by the medical mafia.

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Fantastic interview. None of this surprises me, but it is great to have it articulated so clearly and authoritatively. This interview kind of 'puts the flesh on' what I remember David Icke was talking about in the 1990s. I have subscribed to dw.

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I was hot and tired in Malta and sat down on what I learned later were the steps of the entrance to the Order. A very unfriendly man in a suit came out and stood menacingly beside me with a clear 'bulge' in his jacket. I played dumb and took my time getting up which annoyed him to no end.

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Eugenics is their common goal. Notice that these secret cults that rule are all men? If all cars that were in accidents were say Subaru's, people would take notice. But we don't notice that all secret societies that rule (the women's secret societies only exist to shut women up - women's societies never rule, even if you could cite one or one hundred, the ratio is just not there) are made up of men? Isn't this a strange phenomenon? But isn't it even stranger than nobody mentions this maybe nobody notices it either.

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I am still amazed that their belief in their “Divinity” and superiority over us “Goyim” since Babylonian times being forced into the open in recent times many still can’t or refuse to see who these “Unknown Superiors” are.

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The very idea of supremacy over others is immoral and rather stupid actually. It's all propped up by a totally unfair and skewed system. Supremacy is silly because it means nobody is safe as there will always be someone over them. Maybe the fact that someone is also under them compensates? For example government workers to refer to people we all know. This layering of society into supremes is rife throughout. A new overlay can begin with us, in these current generations, laying a new framework of peer-to-peer attitudes.

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I wholeheartedly agree! The very idea of superiority (rooted in outdated evolutionary theories and the anthropocentric paradigm) has already been superceded by symbiogenesis as the theory and natural way of evolution. This understanding can be nurtured by cultivating the symbiocentric paradigm.

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I love it. Don't think I've heard of it before so thanks for the introduction to it.

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If these 11,258 'scientists' had a smidgeon of logic (or honour, or belief in their thesis, or independence from their funders) they would, to great fanfare and public acclaim, heroically lead by example and remove themselves from our planet.

If that is too much to ask, then how about they are charged with the crime of "incitement to murder"; perhaps a new legal category is required - "incitement to democide" - with the legal costs charged to their patrons.

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This may be going sideways, however it seems that real and true human consciousness is oddly foul and threatening to these powers that shouldn’t be. Is population control an attempt to thwart the tipping point when— let me call it Christ consciousness— overcomes their evil plans? More often of late I experience moments of popping out of the mined-human matrix, beyond slavery, where energy and vibration become visible. Maybe the second coming is in all of us? Maybe that’s the “unknown” we fear.

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Good and descriptive title.

I believe that "The Cult of the Medics" may have been one of the cornerstones of Civilization.

Medicine and Religion are interwoven with the single thread of eternal life.

As soon as humans advanced enough to fear mortality, we became obsessed with avoiding death. Medical treatments evolved as one arm and when that proved insufficient, it was expanded to propeciary (sp?) offerings to render physical mortality less important.

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A-M-A-Z-I-N-G stuff here, thanks.

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Thank you for mention of the non-human animals. We humans have been subjugating them, behind laboratory walls, barns, etc, throughout history. Our cruelty--to each other and to them--knows no bounds.

(In above interview, "...the rats or monkeys that we humans use for lab experiments...")

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No mention of the Rothschilds? That's just how they like it:).

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Looks like David and I have learnt a lot of similar things through life. Our drs are aware they are a main tool of a fascist regime

I wrote about it here


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I’ve even written a song called “we are being pharmed” on my healthcare not medicine Substack

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