I feel blessed. When i find something that works i use it without the need to know exactly why it works

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Not so long ago Dr Tullio Simoncini made headlines and was summarily destroyed and defrocked from medical society with his sodium bicarbonate cure for cancer tumors. Completely successful. Imagine, baking soda injected into a tumor, and tumor no more. As great as this information is, what good is it if any doctor who uses it has his license to practice, removed. We all know the capital made by AMA treatments will never allow a cure for anything. Although Xuewu Liu's work is very enlightening, in actual practice it will never manifest.

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Nice thing is you can make and use this yourself. I produced a documentary and a free training course to teach anyone how to do it. https://theuniversalantidote.com

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Dr Mark Sircus in Brazil also has simple treatments with baking soda, hydrogen, etc. for cancer and more.

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That's why you we all need to become our own doctors - the system is broken. And Liu's work is a step into that direction. I am intruiged.

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This is new for me on Chlorine Dioxide (CD), thank you!

How unusual to have anything on CD even on Substack!

I have been using CD and promoting it for the past three years.

Are you aware of the persecution of both sellers and users of CD by governments worldwide?

Here is a post I did on this topic


Sentenced to 5 Years in Prison for Possessing Sodium Chlorite--that has Saved Millions of Human Lives. Chlorine Dioxide Users Worldwide Please Stand with 3 Innocent Christian Kenyan Africans!!!


Get free, stay free.

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Dr. Lee Merritt has talked about this. https://drleemerritt.com/

That's where I first heard of CD.

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Yes, I know Lee's work and like her; and yes, I know she found CD, glad for her. I only hope more find CD until finally we can protect individuals from persecution from criminal governments for acting to save their own lives instead of allowing the Medical Mafia to inject them with death.

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I've been using chlorine dioxide MMS for close on 20 years. Off and on off again over the years. There is a fantastic telegram group MMS testimonials.

I use it for lower back and hip pain mostly. But if I'm careful with my diet, the hip pain doesn't bother me only after overeating!

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Intratumor injection of chlorine dioxide was researched and patented by Howard Alliger in 2017.

Here's the patent, and there are even images of experiments that were done on tumors in rats.

Method and compositions for treating cancerous tumors




Method and compositions for treating cancerous tumors



Method and compositions for treating cancerous tumors


Full patent application:


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Hello Curious Outlier

would you be interested in doing an interview with me?

If so, please email me unbekoming@outlook.com

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Jun 7
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It is nieve to think that any chlorine dioxide product will ever be approved "for any medical use" in United States. This is why you should teach people how to do your method. Make videos and give it away free, otherwise it will die with you. Blessings to you, Curious Outlier.

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I agree. Big pharma will shut anything down. Jim Humble initially tried to find parnter in the pharma industry but they are not interested because CD itslef is not patentable. That's why Humble decided to promote it for free and make some money with books.

I recommend that to you to Xuewu. Don't waste your energy on patents and finding partners in the west for clinincal trials.

I buy your book because I believe you are onto something. I have been using CD for almost 10 years now, mostly orally and mostly preventivly. I hardly have been sick in those 10 years.

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Thank you again for continuing to push the envelope by providing outstanding journalism and timely interview and topic offerings. Yours is the best source of unbiased information and eye opening discovery that I have ever, EVER found in one place. I applaud and recommend your writing often.

I have tried several times now to go to myxcancer.com via the links posted at the end of your stack or as a search through the Brave browser. Every time the message is that 'this site cannot be found'. Very frustrating. Am I the only one experiencing this? Is this yet more suppression of a good thing? Any suggestions how to get around this?

I would like to download the Ebook...

Many, many thanks and hopes held high for your continued forays into information sharing, and affirming of the good in people and life itself. MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU...All!

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Here's a free book called The Ultimate Guide to Chlorine Dioxide that will teach you everything you need to know. https://theuniversalantidote.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/v1.5.1-mob-The-Ultimate-Guide-to-Chlorine-Dioxide.pdf

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Thank you!

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Very interesting! I bought the book.. looking forward to reading it and sharing it!

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Thanks - more info is great

I have used the mms. In my experience it does work for certain things and it’s not psychological. It does go to gastro first. As for me the first thing I noticed was a majority of my heart burn went away. Then arthritis in my knees and hips was completely cured. Had injured my shoulder and it cleared 95% of the inflammation.

My wife said it helped her hair and nails…

Lastly of course higher concentrations applied to specific areas will of course be better.

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Yes, same experience here - total loss of heart burn and any other gastro problems. It works topical as well - we just cured out dog who had a very bad itchy rash - he is like new. Amazing. I take it almost every night orally as a prevention. I am hardly ever sick and feel so grat at 62 taking it for almost 10 years. I had strange and very painful chest symptoms during Covid and a positive test. I took 6 drops and 15 min later the symptoms were gong. An hour later they came back, another six drops and gone again 15 min later. Then a third time. I went to bed and slept thourhg the night. Next morning I was good again. I don't think that was placebo.

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I am optimistic that CD/CDS will revolutionize medicine.

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Another incredibly insightful stack! Thank you for sharing.

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Liu stated:

"without proven successful cases, we shouldn't mistake self-perceived improvements for actual therapeutic effects."


Here's some proven successful cases for you.


✅Join the conversation here: https://bit.ly/JoinUniversalAntidotePrivateChat

Note: I would not use any therapy as a stand alone treatment against cancer. Chlorine dioxide would be at the top of my list and second would be Fenbendazole.

The List below is not comprehensive. Many more testimonies can be found here:


























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Left out one mechanism of action. Mitochondrial Hormesis.

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I bought MMS some years ago but was disillusioned by Jim Humble’s protocol because 3 drops made me violently ill and the recommended amounts exceeded 3 drops. However, I did think that chlorine dioxide had incredible potential. Very excited about Xuewu Liu research and discovery; hope to see more!

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Always begin with the starting procedure. This will eliminate severe Herxheimer reactions.

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I am in the starting protocol right now and the 21-day protocol only uses 3 drops. Today was one drop 5 times and tomorrow I will start the 2 drop dose. I think easing into it is best. I know I'm a very sensitive individual so I could not just dive into 3 drops every hour x 8 hours.

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No-one should start with 3 drops. You need to do staring procedure. I do six drops daily after ten years of using it. No problem at all. When I had Covid I did 4x6 drops within 4 hours. Covid gone next morning. But this could make someone else extremly sick, I started prevention years ago with 3 drops twice a week. That's six drops. Now I take over 40 drops per week.

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Jun 7Edited
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Ok, here we go.

Firstly, I think it is great what you are doing and I will buy your book. It is great that you expand on Jim Humbles protocols and try new things. However, you can't just minimize 20 years of reports of tens of thousands of people that cured many things with MMS and say it is placebo. And there is no need to do that. Both ways can be used. You are not in competition with Humble.

Secondly, I think you are dreaming to find partners in this and create a patent that makes money. Ever since Jim Humble tried that, big pharma and their caputred agencies (FDA etc.) are on a witch-hunt against anyting Chlorind Dioxide. I wrote this Substack article last year that illustrates this witch-hunt on MMS:


Be warned. Now that your came out with this in the West expect to be targeted. That's why I get your book today. It might by shut down very soon. Don't be naive. You are threatening a multi-billion-dollar cancer industry. They come after you if you get tractions with that. They smear you. Be careful. And be careful of ChatGP too, by the way. It can be used to spy on you and is not neutral in its knowledge. It has biases built in.

Thirdly, your claim that Chlorine Dioxid (CD) kills all cells. If I remeber it right, Jim Humble doesn't agree with that. I don't remember the details but I think he said CD orally only kills anaerobic cells and leave aerobic cells alone. How much research have you done on that exact point? I am taking 6 drops of CD orally almost every night for years as a preventive meassure. Never felt better - hardly ever sick and I am 61. If it atacks all cells, I surley should have some stomach issues by know. I also have used them mixed with DMSO in my ears and other cavities. Never had any pain or problems. Humble, I think, also mentioned that electicical charge of cells has somehting to do which cells MMS attacks and which not.

Like I said, I admire your pioneer spirit but your comparison of the human body with a car is overly reductionistic and simple. It is a bit like comparing a 2AA batterie with a nuclear power station - the human body is much more comlex than a car and understanding health is multidimensional. As long you can't explain life itself, don't compare a body with a machine. It is insulting to my intelligence. Thank you. I am looking forward to your answers.

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Right off the bat there is a problem. "Regulating immune responses". We need a description/definition/explanation of what is meant by immunity. The immune system - when defined as a response to a contagious pathogen - doesn't exist.

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It's because he's merely parroting Kalcker. While I much appreciate Andreas as a person (I love him dearly for his wonderfully heart), it must be said that he's lacking crucial knowledge in biology and even in chemistry. His understanding of the body is that of the allopathic system.

He, like many, doesn't know of the work of a few amazing pioneers in cell biology. Equally, he doesn't know any of the existing (old) scientific literature where CDS fits perfectly (granted some are in Russian). So he cannot connect the dots.

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Then please connect the dots for him. Or point out where someone can go to connect the dots.

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Well, I did. And my impressions is that Andreas isn’t interested in in-depth knowledge and/or connecting dots (well he has another mission and that's fair enough).

So, as a matter of fact, I provided him with a list of scientific literature to read - crickets. I can see he did not read any of them as he keeps repeating the same ol' things over and over again.

I also wonder if he can read scientific papers; I mean reading beyond the abstract (which one should never give face value) and critically evaluating a paper. It's a skill that less and less ppl have, and I haven't seen this in him.

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Jun 5
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There are no autoimmune diseases. That is just more made-up nonsense.

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I understand how the immune system is seen by "science". I just think it's a load of bollocks. It is used to support germ theory.

I would encourage everyone to just stop and think about the idea that germs float around and infect us with diseases that make us sick.

Take covid as the perfect example. The reality of covid was that, every time we walked out of our front doors every day after the pandemic was announced, nothing was different. Our neighbours were still there. Nobody was dying in the street. Almost everyone I know who tested positive for covid (those who were stupid enough to take the test) had absolutely no symptoms of illness. Those who did have some kind of symptom(s) ended up being absolutely fine. And the symptoms they did have are common symptoms of illness that have always existed.

Personally, I took no precautions. I didn't put any of the silly (and poisonous) gel on my hands. (Actually, if you read the MSDS for those gels it actually tells you to wear gloves when handling due to its toxicity). I didn't wear silly masks. I didn't push buttons on train doors with my elbow (people still do that now). Obviously, I didn't take the poison.

What the germ theory proponents and those who believe all the nonsense say is that I am lucky enough to have a good "immune system". That's the germ theory get-out-of-jail-free card. That my T cells (or whatever scientific gobbledegook they use) are somehow superior or more robust to those of others. And it's weird how the luckiest and healthiest people are all within the group of people who treated covid in a similar way.

The immune system as it is described doesn't exist. It is just made-up science. I am confident that were a study done that was sufficiently exhaustive, it would find that people who get sick a lot simply lead unhealthy lifestyles, don't take responsibilty for their own well-being and expect a largely uselsss (and some degree malevolent) healthcare system to fix them. Nothing at all to do with germs and T cells.

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i hope you get an mrsa

then you can shut your stupid mouth

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I won't. But thanks anyway.

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Jun 5
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As for "what is a healthy lifestyle", that's for people to work out for themselves. It's not hard to do.

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You are seriously comparing a human body with a car?

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It's callend reductionist mechanistic world view :-). To be fair, on one level it can be compared to a car, but that hardly does justice to the incredible complexity of a human body.

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MYSTERY Chemicals PUT In Our Drinking Water - Food Shortage Reports


I've always smelled the chlorine in tap water, but of course, the city says it is within FDA tolerance.

Like the Weight chart, Obama's Federal Gov. set by measuring the necks of weight lifters and big Truck drivers. Not women who are 5 foot tall, and wear a size 8. You can't go by it, it is that false. The same goes for Apeel and Pleez being safe. One orange, used to bake a sweetbread that, gave both Food Poisoning and lingered for nearly two months.

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In the article Liu stated: "Additionally, in my personal experiments, I successfully treated my arthritis by injecting a high-concentration chlorine dioxide solution (15mg/mL) directly into the joint cavity ten times."


15 mg/ml is equivalent to 15,000 ppm concentration. If he was using CDS concentrations this high are not achievable. If using acidified sodium chlorite it may be possible but this high of a concentration would in all likelihood cause severe tissue damage.

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