Retroactive jail time for medical doctors doing meatball surgery and providing puberty blockers - that should cause hesitation for this obvious child abusive activity. Is the money really worth it? How about jail time? This is pedophile like behavior.

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Apr 19·edited Apr 19Liked by Unbekoming

I have taken in and understand the picture you present, yet it seems there are other layers. In seeing such a dramatic change, what lies underneath? How much of this has to do with a lack of true love--SELF love? Hands-off parenting? Turning family nurturing over to "smart" phones?

It seems clear that as a species humans can talk themselves into thinking just about anything is right and true, a very "plastic" and malleable way of shaping our world, and without a moral and community grounding, we can be manipulated like leaves by a leaf blower. Certainly there is a mountain of profit available to the "trans industry." Are we becoming disconnected in a global way from our potential as human beings and now becoming income streams for a mad mad AMA?

Can you comment on the talk that a high percentage of those who embrace the trans experience suffer from a range of autism disorders, gross and subtle? The rapid increase in ASD leaves in its wake all manner of toxicity, vax adverse effects, auto immune disorders, persistent brain swelling, etc. This is not an attack on trans but a call for attention to something in a time when anyone who questions vaccines has their patriotism and moral standing questioned--from all that I have seen, the Decade of Vaccines and all that has followed is a major gaslighting phenomenon with all manner of ramifications to world societies as we know them, and especially to "Western Civilization." To sort all this out, I think, requires stepping back and looking at a much larger picture than simply psychiatric and medical abuse of vulnerable boys, girls, teens, and young adults.

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I read this last night, thought briefly about posting it on my Substack, but it is simply too revolting:

"Sex with Animals in a Weimar Democracy" - https://www.unz.com/article/sex-with-animals-in-a-liberal-democracy/

Mr. Simon's unpleasant references to a certain ethnicity notwithtanding, is Bestiality going to be the next normalisation of degeneracy/depravity in the wake of the Transgender abomination?

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Apr 19Liked by Unbekoming

Will someone please explain this to me like I'm a 4 year old. I understand gaydom. Boys and girls want to have sex with same. Girls wanting to be men lop off breasts and have a phallus installed, to me, wanting to use that phallus into a woman. She's gay. A man wants a vagina installed where his lopped off penis was to get a working penis into his new vagina. He's gay. Why not just leave well enough alone and travel in your world of gaydom?

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This is absolutely horrendous! A creepy reminder of the so-called 'mercy killings' in Nazi Germany, exposed after WWII by Alice Ricciardi von Platen in her book "The Killing of the Mentally Ill" in Germany. Many of the 'patients' were children and adolescents. All were struggling with 'mental health', chronic illness, and/or 'social issues'. Parents were persuaded to give consent for 'special innovative medical treatment' of their children in 'special clinics'. They were told that this was an experimental treatment to find a 'cure' for the 'incurable condition' of the youngsters.

In truth, an estimated 300,000 children and adults were poisoned and killed as swiftly as possible with various toxic drugs, while the 'doctors' were watching!

Now the same is happening in the name of 'inclusivity'. Makes me wonder how the pioneers of 'queer theory' feel about this murderous turn of events. Looks like these 'childhood butchers' are singling out vulnerable young people and pushing them onto a slippery slope of self-destruction ~ in the guise of 'inclusivity' ~ which is effectively another form of so-called 'euthanasia'!

Except there is nothing good or healthy about this way of 'helping people' towards their death ~ euthanasia [from Greek eu = well, healthy, good + thanatos = death]. It's an abysmal way of screwing up and ending a young life. I suggest we call it dysthanasia [dys = bad + thanatos] or apánthroposthanasia [apánthropos = inhuman + thanatos].

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Unearthed Emails Show Rachel Levine Discussing ‘Potential Revenue’ From Child Sex Change Procedures


Rand Paul Corners Biden's Transgender Nominee, (Rachel Levine) Over Genital Mutilation https://rumble.com/ve5yw7-rand-paul-corners-bidens-transgender-nominee-over-genital-mutilation.html

See Pennsylvania COVID Nursing Home Policy For More On Rachel

Planned Parenthood Profits Big From Getting Kids Hooked On Transgender Hormones Through The School-To-Clinic Pipeline https://thefederalist.com/2022/05/10/planned-parenthood-profits-big-from-getting-kids-hooked-on-transgender-hormones-through-the-school-to-clinic-pipeline/

Planned Parenthood Political Contributions: https://www.opensecrets.org/pacs/pacgot.php?cmte=C00314617&cycle=2018

Planned Parenthood Receives Another $10m in PPP Funds Under Biden Admin Right Before Depleted Program Closes https://elizabethjohnston.org/planned-parenthood-receives-another-10m-in-ppp-funds-under-biden-admin-right-before-depleted-program-closes/

“The CDC is pressuring teachers and school officials to endorse transgenderism and LGBT in their curricula.”

“CDC is short for "Centers for Disease Control." What disease are they controlling by pushing transgenderism onto grade schoolers?”

As Biden Admin Pushes Gender Changes for Kids, FDA Warns of Brain Swelling from Puberty Blockers


Wow, I've cobbled together a conspiracy theory! These people wouldn't harm children, kill and chop up children for money, no way!

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Gad Saad (bless this brilliant man!) nailed it--seein' the bigger picture while the rest of us were caught up in the weeds (an' mighty po'd about it may we say!). Simply, the NWO "agenda" is crushin' the instinct for survival in the human race! All self-preservation. That's IT! Cuz if you take away whut makes ya survive (like the ability to reproduce AND live long enuf ta do so without dyin' of medi-CULLY induced disease or medi-CULLY orchestrated sue-i-cide)--then ya die. The Saad truth, cut ta the bone! (puns aside)

Blessin's too for Dr. Miriam Grossman too--she stood out as a voice of reason, sanity--in Matt Walsh's movie.

It's now trendy ta erase humans, humanity, everything "real" 'bout us---I see all the AI filters obliteratin' real faces and substy-tootin' 'em for these fake plastic "purdy" ones. The most harmed? The REAL kids.... An' many've 'em are led ta feel inferior, unattractive--led to "desire" that mask-of-a-face even while they joke about it. They all want ta git acceptance, props, an' friends so they succumb (bein' not fully adult-brained) more easily... to all this idiot-ology.

To wit, 'fore we left The Rotten Apple my younger daughter knew of 11 trans kids in our homeschool community--an' got "canceled" by friends b/c she refused ta use made-up pronouns an' dared NOT ta use the right "lingo." Oh, she also got a tongue lashin' from a former "good friend" b/c she told this friend's 5 year old nephew (on halloween) that his Spider Man costume was "cool"--an'--her "friend hollered at her for "encouraging his toxic masculinity!" egads (eGad!), oy vey, I shudder ta thing about the survival of humanity--huMANitty--because the new message is that wantin' ta survive is FOLLY.

Yes, this IS about survival of our species as human beans! so we all must pay attention (too many "other" the issue b/c it's so freaky but it IS all about US... we humans!)

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How is it that the original AA 12 Steps "BIG BOOK" of AA protocols does not include the ubiquitous scourge of collective "fetal alcohol syndrome" interop . . . i.e. prenatal . . . prebirth. Reference Dr. Gabor Matte: In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts . . . unique definition of "addiction" . . .

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"Most children who come into the Center were assigned female at birth."

She's still deep in the cult.

Anyone who actually believes that a person's sex is "assigned at birth" is a complete idiot, lunatic, and/or charlatan.

No, Jamie, they weren't "assigned female at birth"; if they're not adults they are referred to in the English language as "girls".

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