I've seen quite a few people reverse cataracts with DMSO and also a DMSO/CDS combo.
Eye drops with DMSO 3% for the eyes - practical instructions - Dr. Hartmut Fischer
Note : This eye drop is indicated for all types of eye diseases and symptoms (inflammatory, degenerative), both in the front or back part of the eye as well as internally (artificial lenses, macular degeneration, cataracts, etc.).
In this video you can see how to prepare your own DMSO eye drops in the form of a 3% solution in isotonic saline or seawater: https://youtu.be/ZsS_wwRZLVk
(Turn on English Subtitles)
Simple Recipe:
10 ml dropper vial
97 drops of isotonic saline or sea water (approximately 5ml), 3 drops pure DMSO.
(May apply to eyes 3-4 x per day)
Use a clean pipette, washed and rinsed vial with a little H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide) to sterilize the vial, allowing it to air dry before using.
Since the solution (here 5 ml) does not remain sterile, you can add 2 drops of CDS (or 2 drops of 3% H2O2) to the eye drops, checking before use whether the drops are still clear and transparent.
Dr. Hartmut Fischer also says that after two/three days, another 2 drops of CDS (or H2O2) should be put back into the solution to renew the sterility, but that is repeated every 4-5 days in total, just to be on the safe side.
Certainly in summer they are kept less, in winter more.
The eye drops should be at room temperature when used, so no fridge, just kept cool, but not cold.
As an isotonic solution (or isotonic sea water, i.e. not hypertonic, it must be diluted to reach a physiological solution) you could use the 5 ml single-dose vials found on the market.
In my experience, it is best to apply DMSO eye drops while lying down and keeping your eyes closed for at least a few minutes. In the evening you can apply the drops directly in bed, so that your eyes can stay closed for longer.
We often wonder what happens with artificial lenses used in cataract operations. It is important to remember that diluted DMSO does not interact with plastic surfaces like pure DMSO! With only 3% DMSO in the eye drops, combined with 97% saline (or isotonic seawater), no effect on plastic has ever been observed, even during regular ophthalmological checks.
Another important note: in general, the effect of 3% DMSO solution on the eyes is described as very soothing and refreshing. Even by users who actually have an ocular health problem, which is why it can also be used as eye care. However, if you return to work on the monitor shortly after application, an unpleasant feeling of dryness and "tension" may arise. This is understandable, since the eye muscles, and thus also the glandular activity and the curvature of the lens, have difficulty experiencing the relaxing influence of DMSO with two-dimensional focusing.
Recommendation: After using DMSO eye drops, keep your eyes closed for at least 5 minutes and do not work at the screen for at least 1 hour!
Adapted from and translated from the following post
I use DMSO 3% drops. I don’t have any specific condition other than sometimes dry eyes and I hope it stays that way. They feel amazing. Most commercial eye drops have some nasty stuff in them, plus they are in plastic containers.
My two cents worth is that most chronic health problems come down to:
1. Impaired blood supply
2. Impaired nerve supply
3. Impairment of electrical pathways (which can limit the healing response, and can also impact EZ water creation)
4. Nutrient deficiencies or insufficiencies
5. Stress: chemical, physical or emotional
Of the above, my leading candidate for most eye diseases is impaired blood supply, followed by nutrient deficiencies (if blood is impaired, nutrient delivery is impaired).
Your eyes are the early warning system of the body. When things go wrong there, you can be certain that similar damage is happening in pretty much all your other organs. The eyes are the one place where your capillaries are directly visible. They give you a direct look at what is happening to capillaries throughout your body.
DMSO is a solvent, and it's been said that it can clear up blood agglutination. Thus, it can improve blood flow.
Niacin can cause flushing, the dilation of blood vessels. So, it too can improve blood flow.
If calcium starts to enter soft tissues, that is a sign of a magnesium deficiency, since the two minerals are antagonists. Magnesium is massively important for heart health. Every patient who has had a heart attack, or at any significant risk for having one, should be given 5 grams IV magnesium. Their odds of being alive five years later improve dramatically.
Impaired stomach acid production is a key age-related cause of nutrient insufficiencies. Bowel issues can also affect nutrient production and absorption.
Fasting is likely to improve blood flow by clearing out debris and improving the health of cells. It is also beneficial to bowels and can help restore hormone balance.
There is anecdotal evidence that grounding can improve some eye conditions. For most people, the effects of grounding are subtle, perhaps too subtle to justify investing in it. But I think for people with chronic health conditions the results are often very noticeable. One of the most noted benefits of grounding is improved sleep. Sleep is important for the proper functioning of the glymphatic system, the waste removal system of your brain (your eyes are the visible part of your brain).
One of my daily health rituals is to rub a rose scented 70% DMSO/30% Aloe Vera cream on my temples, in the hope that it maintains good flow to and from my eyes. And I'm hoping that it also helps the macular supplements that I take get to where they are needed.
Jerry Tennant is an awake top-tier ophthalmologist who has written a series of books about Healing is Voltage. He went through a health crisis where the leading experts of allopathic medicine utterly failed him. So he embarked upon a personal health journey where he eventually healed himself. I suspect Robert Becker's research, which led to The Body Electric, was his main inspiration.
He has a lot to say on the subject of cataracts, and it's probably best to find a copy of his book Healing is Voltage: Healing Eye Disease (2011). Think for a minute about this book being published in 2011 - well before the importance of the body's electrical network registered with many people. This guy was way ahead of his time. His list of cataract causes:
1. UV
2. Infrared (welders and glass blowers)
3. Nutritional deficiencies - C, E, carotinoids (lutein, zeaxanthin, astaxanthin)
4. Diabetes
5. Smoking
6. Steroids
7. Glaucoma meds
8. Dental infections
9. Statins
10. Phenothiazine drugs
11. Trauma
12. Uveitis (eye inflammation)
13. Birth defect
14. Eye Surgery
The one thing you didn't mention is nitric oxide., which I now view as absolutely foundational to maintaining good health. If there is a circulatory component to cataracts, NO is vitally important for repairing endothelial damage to blood vessels and ensuring the vaso vasorum are clear so that nutrients can reach individual cells.
If there is a nutritional component to cataracts, DMSO should help supplements get where they are needed.
This is excellent! I so agree with what you've said here.
I love Dr. Tennant. I think he's a triple genius! :) Everyone needs to read his book "Healing Is Voltage." It changes the whole paradigm of disease or health. I was fortunate to attend a training seminar of his in 2011, I think.
I wonder whether grant generaux’s hypothesis re. Vitamin A being damaging would apply to cataracts, and if so, what it means re. the recommendations of eating caretinoids (as per this fascinating thesis we should do the opposite). I think you interviewed him, ao maybe you could ask him?
I can only comment on my own experience, but have heard similar stories from others over the years. I started wearing glasses at 32, and over the years the prescription strength increased as is the case usually. My thyroid started acting up in my 50s, and along w it my blood sugars, too. As I delved I to research I found that the thyroid is intricately involved w blood surgery regulation,; something not taught in nursing or grad school. Hmmm. At that time I decided to get rid of as much sugar and processed carbs as possible in my diet. As long as my thyroid levels were good so was my blood glucose level. Interesting. So, I never took any meds for blood sugar control, even tho they were pushed by PCP. I kept wearing my glasses until thought I needed new ones as vision was slightly blurry. But my vision had improved significantly and my prescription went down to the lowest possible…but was told I had the slight beginnings of cataracts. Hmmm
Then I was turned on castor oil for moisturizing and also.pain control. I began using a castor oil mixture with frankincense oil and a couple drops dmso all over my face 1-2 times a day for several years now. My last eye exam.was near perfect. My last exam at DMV for license renewal was perfect and so was my peripheral vision. No medications used…just No sugar, limited carbs, castor oil, and dmso. I’ll take it!
Health has never come in a pill or an injection.
It’s always worth trying natural methods for health…nothing to lose, but lots to gain.
Synchronicity! I have an underactive thyroid and have also come to the conclusion that I might also have insulin resistance. When I was a young girl I had what was termed as a "lazy eye" in my left eye and since that time my eyesight has gradually got worse over the years, where my eyesight will have also probably been affected at times by my thyroid problems too, such as blurred vision and double vision. My eyes are also very sensitive to light, so I have to wear photochromic glasses. I, like yourself, have undertaken considerable medical research over the years, but I hadn't come across that fact which you had discovered that the thyroid is intricately involved with blood sugar regulation within the body. It's also interesting to note that when your thyroid levels were good so too were your blood glucose levels.
Yes, I learnt the hard way that pills are not always the answer. Although, for now, I have to keep having my vitamin B12 injections, as my body is unable to absorb vitamin B12 through normal dietary intake.
I have only fairly recently come across the benefits of castor oil, so it is very interesting to learn how you use it on a daily basis for pain control together with frankincense oil. All power to you! Well done!
Thank you for taking the time to detail some of your own health experiences, which made interesting reading, not to mention informative! Thanks so much!
We can learn so very much from others experiences. Science calls them ‘anecdotal’ and not worthy of accepting at face value. It always struck as ‘funny’ that studies of N-1 are used in science as valid. N-1 is just one persons experience! Hmmm…guess it matters only if you label it correctly🥴.
I wish I learned some of this before my husband got to point of cataract surgery!
The health insurance & medical system where we live completely failed us, the whole thing took 8 months and on surgery day, we show up only to be rejected by the anethesiologist who clearly did not look at test resuts until that morning. In a way this was a gift because he ended up going to his home country Poland for surgery. They treated us like humans and the whole thing was done in <2 weeks. I highly suspect that the very expensive eye drops that were prescribed in US prior to surgery accelerated his vision becoming more cloudy quickly. I asked the doctor in Poland about those drops, and she said they are no longer used in Europe for at least 6, 7 years.
I have been practicing Chinese Medicine since 2013 so I know this side of things, being a provider, receiving mostly patients who cannot find solutions from their GPs. I cannot believe what a horror being a patient within the conventional system has been, because I avoid that at all cost and I do my best to be healthy. The reason why my husband became much stronger and healthier is becasue since 2020 I helped him off all prescription meds. Lockdown was another blessing in disguise. But that was also the reason why the eye surgeon rejected us for cataract surgery.
Thank you for your work, I benefit greatly for all that you research and share.
Come on now, this is too much. I do love Dr Mercola but telling me to not wear sunglasses and then telling me oxidative stress will develop because I didn't wear sunglasses??? I look at Africa. Who in the hell wears sunglasses, or any other glasses in Africa? Who gets skin cancer in Africa?
I got to old age before cataracts set in. Had the 1st eye done, perfect vision immediately. The 2nd eye didn't go well, throwing me completely off balance. Went back, he said I had a torn or wrinkled retina, had to see a specialist, here we go again, a "specialist". So, did the 1st guy make a mistake? We'll never know. I thought he was sending me to a retinal surgeon for a vitrectomy.
Wrong. He sent me to a monster. Dilapidated used car salesmen have more finesse and charm than this poor excuse. In addition, it was my lucky day, a one time offer, had to accept offer now or the deal was off the table and he could not see me if I waited even a week.
This sick individual wanted to stick a needle into my eyeball every month till possibly end of life and for that privilege only 30% of people will have their condition NOT deteriorate any further. In other words, did nothing to improve your vision, just 30% wouldn't get worse. What a deal.
I went home and in 5 minutes I found what Eylea was. The injected substance (from NIH, CDC & Medicare claims database) said it caused: 11% risk all cause mortality, 57% risk hemorrhagic infarction, ischemic strike, optic neuropathy, 6th nerve palsy, visual hallucinations, RETINA DETACHMENT, blood clots, heart attacks, acute decrease in kidney function, endophthalmitis, gastrointestinal disorders, OK, tired of typing. I still haven't been able to find a retinal surgeon without traveling 150 miles from home and with my cock-eyed vision, that's not happening.
Imagine pouring tea into a glass and find you're pouring it all over the counter instead. Or cutting a piece of meat and finding out it's your finger. Did I really need cataract surgery? We can do all these great feats but my optometrist said he couldn't give me a stronger prescription than what I had because I had cataracts. To be honest, I don't care what causes cataracts. It's an old folks condition so who really cares. It's also a cinch to fix, if you get lucky.
Outstanding compilation of many disparate pieces of the puzzle, thanks kindly @Unbekoming. I’m a holistic optometrist and I have just started recommending DMSO drops so no results yet but am optimistic. Love the idea of combining it with CDS or N-acetylene carnosine drops because carnosine alone has yielded disappointing results. In Canada + USA you can get carnosine drops here: https://aor.ca/product/ortho-eyes/. I appreciate your great work!
About 5 years ago I could see that my 66 year old wife had cataracts when the sun shown on her face. She almost never complains about anything so she hadn't mentioned that she saw halos around lights at night. I went on line and among other things read about using castor oil drops. I got some non GMO, non hexane, etc castor oil. She used one drop in each eye and within a week the halos and appearance of cataracts when I looked at her eyes was gone. So were the floaters and dry eyes she had. She has used one drop in each eye since then and the cataracts are still no halos. I am going to follow the links in the comments about the DMSO and CDS in case the cataracts come back. Thank you all.
Chlorine dioxide solution, 10 percent : 90 percent water of the 3000 ppm has also been suggested combined with DMSO, both topical in the eye 3x/day. Both need buffering with 8.4 percent bicarb, or they sting. I tried it without buffering for a week but finally could not stand it.
I've read that castor oil applied to the eyelids will help dissolve cataracts, and my doctor's friend is having hyperbaric oxygen therapy with good results.
I have mild cataracts in both eyes. I'm not sure when they first developed but have been annoying the last several years. I had external vision correction 18 years ago that held pretty well until the cataracts started to interfere with my vision. I mostly chalk my cataracts up to the amount of time I have spent on my smartphone. I believe wholeheartedly that the light from a smartphone is damaging to human tissue. I hold my phone with my left hand so the left side of my face receives more dubious light. The cataract on the left is worse. The facial skin on the left is more aged...wrinkles, dark spots, poor texture. I had covid at least twice and then developed type 2 diabetes after a lifetime of fighting low blood sugar. Between the energy from phones, covid and the vaccinations, I feel all of us have had severe and life altering damage done to our bodies.
It's not only light, it's the man-made electromagnetic radiation frequency that is so contrary to natural EMR. Check out Drs. Magda Havas or Olle Johanssen, or Environmental Health Trust.
Haven’t been back to see if they are better or not, as I have no eye symptoms from them.
Used about a month of each concentration. 1-2x daily one drop. Does sting for a bit…
Book doesn’t say how long to do.
“DMSO on its own or used with vitamin C and glutathione can assist with a variety of conditions including cataracts, glaucoma, eye injury, eyesight deficiencies like floaters or discolored sclera (the white part of the eye), retinitis pigmentosa, pink eye, and sties.
Do not use DMSO inside the eye if you have a false lens from cataract replacement surgery, as the DMSO can blur the lens. Instead you can apply it over the skin of a closed eye twice a day. Apply 1 drop of either 20, 30, or 40 percent DMSO solution in normal saline in each eye by leaning back and allowing the drop to roll into the eye from the inside corner. If you are in doubt of which concentration to use, always go low first.”
Cataracts are exploding post mRNA. https://gsconlinepress.com/journals/gscarr/content/are-mrna-vaccines-inducing-sanarelli-shwartzman-phenomenon
Hydrophobic Catalysis by L-Ascorbic Acid: A supramolecular Strategy to counter the SARS-CoV2 ADP Ribose Glycohydrolase (figshare.com)
I've seen quite a few people reverse cataracts with DMSO and also a DMSO/CDS combo.
Eye drops with DMSO 3% for the eyes - practical instructions - Dr. Hartmut Fischer
Note : This eye drop is indicated for all types of eye diseases and symptoms (inflammatory, degenerative), both in the front or back part of the eye as well as internally (artificial lenses, macular degeneration, cataracts, etc.).
In this video you can see how to prepare your own DMSO eye drops in the form of a 3% solution in isotonic saline or seawater: https://youtu.be/ZsS_wwRZLVk
(Turn on English Subtitles)
Simple Recipe:
10 ml dropper vial
97 drops of isotonic saline or sea water (approximately 5ml), 3 drops pure DMSO.
(May apply to eyes 3-4 x per day)
Use a clean pipette, washed and rinsed vial with a little H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide) to sterilize the vial, allowing it to air dry before using.
Since the solution (here 5 ml) does not remain sterile, you can add 2 drops of CDS (or 2 drops of 3% H2O2) to the eye drops, checking before use whether the drops are still clear and transparent.
Dr. Hartmut Fischer also says that after two/three days, another 2 drops of CDS (or H2O2) should be put back into the solution to renew the sterility, but that is repeated every 4-5 days in total, just to be on the safe side.
Certainly in summer they are kept less, in winter more.
The eye drops should be at room temperature when used, so no fridge, just kept cool, but not cold.
As an isotonic solution (or isotonic sea water, i.e. not hypertonic, it must be diluted to reach a physiological solution) you could use the 5 ml single-dose vials found on the market.
In my experience, it is best to apply DMSO eye drops while lying down and keeping your eyes closed for at least a few minutes. In the evening you can apply the drops directly in bed, so that your eyes can stay closed for longer.
We often wonder what happens with artificial lenses used in cataract operations. It is important to remember that diluted DMSO does not interact with plastic surfaces like pure DMSO! With only 3% DMSO in the eye drops, combined with 97% saline (or isotonic seawater), no effect on plastic has ever been observed, even during regular ophthalmological checks.
Another important note: in general, the effect of 3% DMSO solution on the eyes is described as very soothing and refreshing. Even by users who actually have an ocular health problem, which is why it can also be used as eye care. However, if you return to work on the monitor shortly after application, an unpleasant feeling of dryness and "tension" may arise. This is understandable, since the eye muscles, and thus also the glandular activity and the curvature of the lens, have difficulty experiencing the relaxing influence of DMSO with two-dimensional focusing.
Recommendation: After using DMSO eye drops, keep your eyes closed for at least 5 minutes and do not work at the screen for at least 1 hour!
Adapted from and translated from the following post
I use DMSO 3% drops. I don’t have any specific condition other than sometimes dry eyes and I hope it stays that way. They feel amazing. Most commercial eye drops have some nasty stuff in them, plus they are in plastic containers.
My two cents worth is that most chronic health problems come down to:
1. Impaired blood supply
2. Impaired nerve supply
3. Impairment of electrical pathways (which can limit the healing response, and can also impact EZ water creation)
4. Nutrient deficiencies or insufficiencies
5. Stress: chemical, physical or emotional
Of the above, my leading candidate for most eye diseases is impaired blood supply, followed by nutrient deficiencies (if blood is impaired, nutrient delivery is impaired).
Your eyes are the early warning system of the body. When things go wrong there, you can be certain that similar damage is happening in pretty much all your other organs. The eyes are the one place where your capillaries are directly visible. They give you a direct look at what is happening to capillaries throughout your body.
DMSO is a solvent, and it's been said that it can clear up blood agglutination. Thus, it can improve blood flow.
Niacin can cause flushing, the dilation of blood vessels. So, it too can improve blood flow.
If calcium starts to enter soft tissues, that is a sign of a magnesium deficiency, since the two minerals are antagonists. Magnesium is massively important for heart health. Every patient who has had a heart attack, or at any significant risk for having one, should be given 5 grams IV magnesium. Their odds of being alive five years later improve dramatically.
Impaired stomach acid production is a key age-related cause of nutrient insufficiencies. Bowel issues can also affect nutrient production and absorption.
Fasting is likely to improve blood flow by clearing out debris and improving the health of cells. It is also beneficial to bowels and can help restore hormone balance.
There is anecdotal evidence that grounding can improve some eye conditions. For most people, the effects of grounding are subtle, perhaps too subtle to justify investing in it. But I think for people with chronic health conditions the results are often very noticeable. One of the most noted benefits of grounding is improved sleep. Sleep is important for the proper functioning of the glymphatic system, the waste removal system of your brain (your eyes are the visible part of your brain).
One of my daily health rituals is to rub a rose scented 70% DMSO/30% Aloe Vera cream on my temples, in the hope that it maintains good flow to and from my eyes. And I'm hoping that it also helps the macular supplements that I take get to where they are needed.
Jerry Tennant is an awake top-tier ophthalmologist who has written a series of books about Healing is Voltage. He went through a health crisis where the leading experts of allopathic medicine utterly failed him. So he embarked upon a personal health journey where he eventually healed himself. I suspect Robert Becker's research, which led to The Body Electric, was his main inspiration.
He has a lot to say on the subject of cataracts, and it's probably best to find a copy of his book Healing is Voltage: Healing Eye Disease (2011). Think for a minute about this book being published in 2011 - well before the importance of the body's electrical network registered with many people. This guy was way ahead of his time. His list of cataract causes:
1. UV
2. Infrared (welders and glass blowers)
3. Nutritional deficiencies - C, E, carotinoids (lutein, zeaxanthin, astaxanthin)
4. Diabetes
5. Smoking
6. Steroids
7. Glaucoma meds
8. Dental infections
9. Statins
10. Phenothiazine drugs
11. Trauma
12. Uveitis (eye inflammation)
13. Birth defect
14. Eye Surgery
The one thing you didn't mention is nitric oxide., which I now view as absolutely foundational to maintaining good health. If there is a circulatory component to cataracts, NO is vitally important for repairing endothelial damage to blood vessels and ensuring the vaso vasorum are clear so that nutrients can reach individual cells.
If there is a nutritional component to cataracts, DMSO should help supplements get where they are needed.
This is excellent! I so agree with what you've said here.
I love Dr. Tennant. I think he's a triple genius! :) Everyone needs to read his book "Healing Is Voltage." It changes the whole paradigm of disease or health. I was fortunate to attend a training seminar of his in 2011, I think.
I wonder whether grant generaux’s hypothesis re. Vitamin A being damaging would apply to cataracts, and if so, what it means re. the recommendations of eating caretinoids (as per this fascinating thesis we should do the opposite). I think you interviewed him, ao maybe you could ask him?
I can only comment on my own experience, but have heard similar stories from others over the years. I started wearing glasses at 32, and over the years the prescription strength increased as is the case usually. My thyroid started acting up in my 50s, and along w it my blood sugars, too. As I delved I to research I found that the thyroid is intricately involved w blood surgery regulation,; something not taught in nursing or grad school. Hmmm. At that time I decided to get rid of as much sugar and processed carbs as possible in my diet. As long as my thyroid levels were good so was my blood glucose level. Interesting. So, I never took any meds for blood sugar control, even tho they were pushed by PCP. I kept wearing my glasses until thought I needed new ones as vision was slightly blurry. But my vision had improved significantly and my prescription went down to the lowest possible…but was told I had the slight beginnings of cataracts. Hmmm
Then I was turned on castor oil for moisturizing and also.pain control. I began using a castor oil mixture with frankincense oil and a couple drops dmso all over my face 1-2 times a day for several years now. My last eye exam.was near perfect. My last exam at DMV for license renewal was perfect and so was my peripheral vision. No medications used…just No sugar, limited carbs, castor oil, and dmso. I’ll take it!
Health has never come in a pill or an injection.
It’s always worth trying natural methods for health…nothing to lose, but lots to gain.
Synchronicity! I have an underactive thyroid and have also come to the conclusion that I might also have insulin resistance. When I was a young girl I had what was termed as a "lazy eye" in my left eye and since that time my eyesight has gradually got worse over the years, where my eyesight will have also probably been affected at times by my thyroid problems too, such as blurred vision and double vision. My eyes are also very sensitive to light, so I have to wear photochromic glasses. I, like yourself, have undertaken considerable medical research over the years, but I hadn't come across that fact which you had discovered that the thyroid is intricately involved with blood sugar regulation within the body. It's also interesting to note that when your thyroid levels were good so too were your blood glucose levels.
Yes, I learnt the hard way that pills are not always the answer. Although, for now, I have to keep having my vitamin B12 injections, as my body is unable to absorb vitamin B12 through normal dietary intake.
I have only fairly recently come across the benefits of castor oil, so it is very interesting to learn how you use it on a daily basis for pain control together with frankincense oil. All power to you! Well done!
Thank you for taking the time to detail some of your own health experiences, which made interesting reading, not to mention informative! Thanks so much!
We can learn so very much from others experiences. Science calls them ‘anecdotal’ and not worthy of accepting at face value. It always struck as ‘funny’ that studies of N-1 are used in science as valid. N-1 is just one persons experience! Hmmm…guess it matters only if you label it correctly🥴.
I wish I learned some of this before my husband got to point of cataract surgery!
The health insurance & medical system where we live completely failed us, the whole thing took 8 months and on surgery day, we show up only to be rejected by the anethesiologist who clearly did not look at test resuts until that morning. In a way this was a gift because he ended up going to his home country Poland for surgery. They treated us like humans and the whole thing was done in <2 weeks. I highly suspect that the very expensive eye drops that were prescribed in US prior to surgery accelerated his vision becoming more cloudy quickly. I asked the doctor in Poland about those drops, and she said they are no longer used in Europe for at least 6, 7 years.
I have been practicing Chinese Medicine since 2013 so I know this side of things, being a provider, receiving mostly patients who cannot find solutions from their GPs. I cannot believe what a horror being a patient within the conventional system has been, because I avoid that at all cost and I do my best to be healthy. The reason why my husband became much stronger and healthier is becasue since 2020 I helped him off all prescription meds. Lockdown was another blessing in disguise. But that was also the reason why the eye surgeon rejected us for cataract surgery.
Thank you for your work, I benefit greatly for all that you research and share.
Come on now, this is too much. I do love Dr Mercola but telling me to not wear sunglasses and then telling me oxidative stress will develop because I didn't wear sunglasses??? I look at Africa. Who in the hell wears sunglasses, or any other glasses in Africa? Who gets skin cancer in Africa?
I got to old age before cataracts set in. Had the 1st eye done, perfect vision immediately. The 2nd eye didn't go well, throwing me completely off balance. Went back, he said I had a torn or wrinkled retina, had to see a specialist, here we go again, a "specialist". So, did the 1st guy make a mistake? We'll never know. I thought he was sending me to a retinal surgeon for a vitrectomy.
Wrong. He sent me to a monster. Dilapidated used car salesmen have more finesse and charm than this poor excuse. In addition, it was my lucky day, a one time offer, had to accept offer now or the deal was off the table and he could not see me if I waited even a week.
This sick individual wanted to stick a needle into my eyeball every month till possibly end of life and for that privilege only 30% of people will have their condition NOT deteriorate any further. In other words, did nothing to improve your vision, just 30% wouldn't get worse. What a deal.
I went home and in 5 minutes I found what Eylea was. The injected substance (from NIH, CDC & Medicare claims database) said it caused: 11% risk all cause mortality, 57% risk hemorrhagic infarction, ischemic strike, optic neuropathy, 6th nerve palsy, visual hallucinations, RETINA DETACHMENT, blood clots, heart attacks, acute decrease in kidney function, endophthalmitis, gastrointestinal disorders, OK, tired of typing. I still haven't been able to find a retinal surgeon without traveling 150 miles from home and with my cock-eyed vision, that's not happening.
Imagine pouring tea into a glass and find you're pouring it all over the counter instead. Or cutting a piece of meat and finding out it's your finger. Did I really need cataract surgery? We can do all these great feats but my optometrist said he couldn't give me a stronger prescription than what I had because I had cataracts. To be honest, I don't care what causes cataracts. It's an old folks condition so who really cares. It's also a cinch to fix, if you get lucky.
Outstanding compilation of many disparate pieces of the puzzle, thanks kindly @Unbekoming. I’m a holistic optometrist and I have just started recommending DMSO drops so no results yet but am optimistic. Love the idea of combining it with CDS or N-acetylene carnosine drops because carnosine alone has yielded disappointing results. In Canada + USA you can get carnosine drops here: https://aor.ca/product/ortho-eyes/. I appreciate your great work!
Have there been any studies on DMSO for treating Cataracs? I am reading the comments and so far no one has mentioned any research.
About 5 years ago I could see that my 66 year old wife had cataracts when the sun shown on her face. She almost never complains about anything so she hadn't mentioned that she saw halos around lights at night. I went on line and among other things read about using castor oil drops. I got some non GMO, non hexane, etc castor oil. She used one drop in each eye and within a week the halos and appearance of cataracts when I looked at her eyes was gone. So were the floaters and dry eyes she had. She has used one drop in each eye since then and the cataracts are still no halos. I am going to follow the links in the comments about the DMSO and CDS in case the cataracts come back. Thank you all.
Chlorine dioxide solution, 10 percent : 90 percent water of the 3000 ppm has also been suggested combined with DMSO, both topical in the eye 3x/day. Both need buffering with 8.4 percent bicarb, or they sting. I tried it without buffering for a week but finally could not stand it.
I've read that castor oil applied to the eyelids will help dissolve cataracts, and my doctor's friend is having hyperbaric oxygen therapy with good results.
Glutathione is considered to be the best anti-oxidant
Glutathione appears to fight cataracts when it is a bio-available form.
I take a liposomal form of Glutathione. Lots of details at
Glutathione and Vitamin D synergism - many studies
- Increased Glutathione (the master antioxidant) increases cellular and blood vitamin D
- Vitamin D increases Glutathione
- Glutathione can be increased in many ways, such as using liposomal form
I have mild cataracts in both eyes. I'm not sure when they first developed but have been annoying the last several years. I had external vision correction 18 years ago that held pretty well until the cataracts started to interfere with my vision. I mostly chalk my cataracts up to the amount of time I have spent on my smartphone. I believe wholeheartedly that the light from a smartphone is damaging to human tissue. I hold my phone with my left hand so the left side of my face receives more dubious light. The cataract on the left is worse. The facial skin on the left is more aged...wrinkles, dark spots, poor texture. I had covid at least twice and then developed type 2 diabetes after a lifetime of fighting low blood sugar. Between the energy from phones, covid and the vaccinations, I feel all of us have had severe and life altering damage done to our bodies.
It's not only light, it's the man-made electromagnetic radiation frequency that is so contrary to natural EMR. Check out Drs. Magda Havas or Olle Johanssen, or Environmental Health Trust.
Computer too. We subconsciously train our eyes to stay open without blinking enough.
I have the early stages of cataracts and the detailed information you have provided on this subject is invaluable, so many appreciative thanks!
Used 20% and then 40% DMSO for cataracts
Per Healing With DMSO book
Eye doctor said I had the start of them.
Haven’t been back to see if they are better or not, as I have no eye symptoms from them.
Used about a month of each concentration. 1-2x daily one drop. Does sting for a bit…
Book doesn’t say how long to do.
“DMSO on its own or used with vitamin C and glutathione can assist with a variety of conditions including cataracts, glaucoma, eye injury, eyesight deficiencies like floaters or discolored sclera (the white part of the eye), retinitis pigmentosa, pink eye, and sties.
Do not use DMSO inside the eye if you have a false lens from cataract replacement surgery, as the DMSO can blur the lens. Instead you can apply it over the skin of a closed eye twice a day. Apply 1 drop of either 20, 30, or 40 percent DMSO solution in normal saline in each eye by leaning back and allowing the drop to roll into the eye from the inside corner. If you are in doubt of which concentration to use, always go low first.”
why would you use DMSO
in your eyes if you have already had cataract surgery?? (plastic lens implant in your eye).