Amazing article. However, until/unless we address the CAUSES of cancer, this information is only partly the solution.

As someone who has had cancer twice and one of 7 women in my family who've been diagnosed, I'm angry about the lack of inquiry regarding the root environmental issues that triggers all these cancers.

The conventional treatment killed my younger sister who had the same diagnosis as me at the same time as me twice, in 2012 and 2015. I chose not to do the chemo/radiation (used holistic alternative healing modalities instead as recommended by a naturopath), she was forced to by her employer against her wishes because she would not receive disability income otherwise.

Like so many others, I believe she was murdered by the medical system. But more importantly, I believe we're all being poisoned by corporations who profit at our expense. Not to mention all the charities who think they're helping cancer patients. It's all a racket.

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Yup, many cancers are caused by the lack of nutrients we don't receive in our food. That is why there are over 120 autoimmune diseases now. My take on it is if everyone had optimum levels of D3, iodine and magnesium cancer would be reduced greatly, (prior to Covid shots).

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What about the genetic link? I've 2 aunts who married 2 brothers, it went down hit and miss to their daughters and granddaughters. It is not all female linked. And out of 6 sister they are the only 2 who had daughters and granddaughters to have BC. Now we have to add in Covid jabs.

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We've been grossly misled that genes are the primary cause of cancer. I've seen new research that says in most cancers it contributes only 5-10% to the total number of cancer diagnoses. And of those, no doubt the complexity of the human genome and the new science of epigenetics likely are factors in these cancer patients. How convenient it is that individuals take all the blame because they have 'bad genes' letting the corporations escape scrutiny for their horrific environmental standards and practices. This is why RFK Jr's work is so important. He's exposing just how toxic their products are.

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Sign-me-up-please to your way thinking! Bravo!

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All disease comes from Vaccines, end of story. Second in command, the food supply. Let the shit rot on the shelves and buy organic. Reverse osmosis your water. Get in the sun, take Vit D. There's a reason it's called the cancer vitamin. Intermittent fasting. Open your windows even on the coldest of days. Let shit go and laugh your ass off whenever possible. Never do wellness checks. Stay away from Allopaths. Your cancer risk will drop to zippo.

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I finally figured out that 90% of what MD's told me were lies. They perform allopathic medicine which is pharma based. MD's are great for surgery when necessary and trauma, but chronic disease is a disaster. Do your own research.

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I think you nailed it. About 90%. Except for vets and dentists. They are 100% rotten to the core. How many friggin x-rays do you need to fill a tooth? And you ain't killing my dog with those shots.

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But then, there's the environment, over which we have almost no control...

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I think I covered that.

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Absolutely! It's about time Big Pharma was held accountable for autism.

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Unfortunately, they're craftier than we are. They got full immunity after the triple shots rolled out. That's where the autism comes from. Vaccine atomic explosion in one shot. Child cancer after the DPT and autism after the MMR. I have never understood why or how children get cancer. No one has touched that subject. IMO, formaldehyde

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I have great respect for Dr. Marik, and I agree that early detection is key. If detected early enough, there is ample time for a patient to educate themselves, and to try modifying the environment that is allowing the cancer to gain a toehold - there's no need to go rushing to the Gods in White Coats in an instant Pavlovian response to the C word. That's a conditioned response - we've been trained to react in fear. Nobody did that 100 years ago, and there's no need to do so today. Back then, they would go to the Gods in White Coats, but for (often ineffective) pain management, which was a sign that the cancer was already well established and would be very difficult to treat. I'm of the opinion that cancers wax and wane within all of us - treating them the instant they are detected likely would have a lot of people needlessly dying of or being harmed by the treatment, rather than the disease.

In medicine, they lump all possible causes and cancers together and make out like getting to a common cause for anything is a monumental task. They want us to believe that only the experts can do that, it's well beyond the ken of mere mortals. But the Pareto Principle tells us that 80-90% of the time, the causes for a disease are more limited and easier to treat. It's the 10-20% of exceptions where a lot of testing and potentially customized immunotherapies might be beneficial.

There are a lot of people proclaiming that there are simple solutions to the main 80% of cancers: ivermectin & fenbendazole, vitamin C, oxygen therapies, chlorine Dioxide, an alkalizing diet, etc - stuff that is cheap and safe, and don't necessarily require a doctor (though the first two would require either a prescription or a way of getting around needing one). And even if they are not ultimately successful against a particular cancer, they likely will provide unexpected side HEALTH BENEFITS, rather than the all-too-familiar negative side effects of virtually every mainstream cancer therapy. And when they don't work, then is the time to go running to the Gods in White Coats and start praying that their rituals will appease the Gods of Healing. At that point I suspect your odds may not be that great, so lots of praying will likely also be in order.

Themography is the key to the earliest detection. It basically just looks for signs of excess infrared energy (heat) in your body where it shouldn't be - that's an inflammatory process at work, altering normal cell physiology. I've heard it said that it can detect cancers as much as a decade before they become obviously problematic (most cancers aren't those that grow rapidly). In a perfect world, a thermagram would be part of your annual physician's visit, along with live blood analysis and assessing your heart rate variability. A whole lot of bad outcomes could be prevented by paying heed to what those few metrics are saying.

As regards Dr. Marik's assessments of various cancer treatments, there are a few too many people who claim to have been helped by Laetrile, that it makes me wonder what studies he relied upon to discard it as a valid option? He may be right, but I doubt he is infallible. Too many studies get designed to assure the desired outcome, which could include making it appears that a particular therapy is a failure.

Still, it's awesome that Dr. Marik has taken the time and effort to identify the main cancer therapeutics and made an attempt at separating the wheat from the chaff. Unfortunately, in the current healthcare paradigm, fitting that knowledge into the dogmatic cut, burn and poison cancer procedures will likely be difficult, and likely won't be supported by the powers-that-be, particularly if cancer treatment becomes less profitable. Always remember that Standard of Care is just a euphemism for Standard of Maximum Profitability. In today's environment, when doctors paint outside the lines of SOC, they risk shortening their careers.

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Great comment as usual, thank you klimer!

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Have you interviewed Paul Leendertse? Cartel medicine needs to end. https://www.rootcauseinstitute.com/

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I’m hoping to publish an interview with him soon

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Sorry but following the road of ivermectin and other pharmaceutical products is not something I would ever do. Cancer is due to the body’s last ditch effort to protect itself from the garbage we eat, water supply, environmental toxins etc. Until we help the body detox from all of the crap we put in and clean up the food supply, water supply etc, cancer will never be prevented or cured.

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That's the point. Some children are vulnerable to autism from the vaccine and some are not. A healthy body can prevent a lot of breakdowns.

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18 vaxes at 1 time, result serve non verbal Autism.

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I don't care whether he has a license or not...Dr Paul Marik is not only the most brilliant MD I have ever seen or heard about (alongside Didier Raoult) but the man is utterly charming. He'd be my first choice if I ever went to a doctor again...

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I don't understand why even Dr Marik still believes in the cancer as some sort of invader thing.

Cancer comes from having toxins concentrate.

The body cannot eliminate them, so they get put into containers that we call tumor cells.

Until we stop obsessing over the invasion/contagion idea of sickness, we will not see that there are many more obvious causes of that tumor or organ disease.

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That is a good summary, but:

1) No amount of chemo or radiation will kill all the cancer since they don't kill cancer stem cells.

2)Yes, oxygen deprivation can cause cells to revert to a Cancer cell, but also a lowered cellular voltage where the cell has a lowered or inability to absorb oxygen.

3) D3 assists the immune system which can help.

4) deficiency in iodine is a factor since iodine opens the door for secretion and is stored in the thyroid, breasts, pancreas, ovaries, prostate.

5) other helpful hints; Gc Protein MAF injections, chlorine dioxide, antineoplastins (peptides), enzymatic substrates, very low carb diet, Apatone IV, C IV, sodium bicarbonate IV, H2O2 IV, etc

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I’ve read some of this on FLCCC’s Substack and others, but this is a helpful collection of writings. Thanks for helping to get the word out! Cancer treatment has been too ineffective, tortuous and expensive for a long time!

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Join the movement against the bioidentical hormone manipulation of children. Every child deserves the right to grow into the body they were born in. 50 years of ongoing breast cancer research shows that many plants and "health foods" are contributing to estrogen dominance diseases. Commonly found commercial food brand ingredients like Soy, Flax, Sesame, Chickpea, Lavender, and even hemp/CBD are also causing a chronic feminization of the male species, and causing gender dysphoria in young girls. When people compound these plants, vegan diets, concentrated essential oils, supplements, herbs and other products, major hormone imbalance aka estrogen dominance occurs. During developmental stages this will have extensive irreversible damage, likely leading to gender confusion as they grow into adulthood.

Learn the truth about bioidentical estrogen and the massive spike in hormone related diseases including: breast cancer, ovarian cancer, PCOS, PMDD, PMS, Hypothyroidism, Low T, Trans, Gender Dysphoria, Nonbinary, Early Menopause & Early Puberty!

LEARN ABOUT THE LIES, IGNORANCE & CORRUPTION within the Healthcare Industry and even the vast holistic community, especially those who never actually studied Chinese Medicine or Herbology. Dr Wendy proves with visual and physiological context and evidence that simply cannot be argued. Everything is proven time and time again in her clinic.

Many women have supplemented themselves into an estrogen dependency, similar to an opioid junky treating the symptoms.

This is the entry from the back of my wife's 8th medical research book:

In the 1980s, Dr. Hobbins, a researcher in thermography, alerted the public about the link between soy consumption and an increased risk of breast cancer. The introduction of soy into processed foods in the late 1970s coincided with an increase in breast cancer rates, from 1 in 11 in 1980 to 1 in 8 by 1992. Since 1979, there was a reported annual increase of 1% in the incidence of breast cancer among men, and testosterone levels have been decreasing by approximately 1% annually since 1980. Effects are seen in women first.

In terms of potency, a gram is a billion times stronger than a nanogram. While chemicals like Atrazine, BPA, and phthalates raise estrogen levels, the use of popular phytoestrogens (PE) has exponentially increased this estrogenic effect. This is exemplified by products like the Impossible Burger, which contains an estimated 18 million times more estrogen than a Whopper. Combining these findings with studies showing the transplacental transfer of soy from mother to fetus, and the ability of Japanese researchers to produce all-female catfish populations using soy, raises concerns.

Their 2013 publication marked a milestone as the first researchers to publish medical evidence that demonstrated flax and bio-identical estrogen increased risk of breast cancer with a chapter warning about the feminizing effects on men. Research indicates that one cup of soy has the estrogenic effect comparable to one birth control pill, and flax is twenty times stronger than soy.

However, doctors advocated the health benefits of plant-based lifestyles. Adopting this trend, many women integrated estrogenic supplements like chasteberry, prepared meals with estrogenic chickpea pasta and sesame seeds, applied estrogenic lavender on their children and estrogenic CBD on their husbands.

The men's supplement industry has also embraced the PE trend, rebranding estrogenic fenugreek as 'free testosterone' and incorporating flax oil into testosterone injections. Over the last forty years, research has indicated a concerning trend: a 25% decrease in testosterone levels, a 52% drop in sperm counts, and an alarming study warns that if these trends persist, sperm counts could reach zero by 2045. Decline in testosterone results from an excess of estrogen.

The widespread use of PEs has led to excess estrogen levels causing PMS, menopause symptoms, low testosterone, early puberty. Women were labeled ‘crazy’ when they tried to express their symptoms. Doctors didn’t listen and prescribed synthetic hormones and bio-identical estrogen to mask the side effects, similar to how addicts are treated. Breast cancer remains the second leading cause of death. It's reported that the identification of girls as transgender has surged by 4,000%. Doctors recommend hormone therapy.

Due to the public's and doctors' reluctance to acknowledge physiology, we've reached a critical precipice. Children are exhibiting symptoms of gender dysphoria, and signs of feminization among boys. Treat the root cause: reduce estrogen.

Phytoestrogens: the pill no one can swallow. Dr. Sellens' eighth book offers an extensive compilation of research on estrogen making it one of the most comprehensive sources on the subject. Soy Boys: prepare to choke down the truth.

Soy Boys: The Rise in Low Testosterone & the Feminization of Men Due to Phytoestrogens https://a.co/d/c3hy6e4

Author Research and Course Info:


Support her IG accounts:

1) Www.instagram.com/estrogenfree

2) Www.instagram.com/feminizationofmen

A list of all known phytoestrogenic plants and herbs:


If anyone would like a discount for our audiobook please let me know!

Please vote here and help us to reverse this mass hormone imbalance/manipulation epidemic. We can't do this without your help, and please share!.

Policy For People link to vote and comment on (Comprehensive Ban on Phytoestrogenic Substances (Flax, Soy, Estrogenic Essential Oils and Herbs) and Mandatory Warning Labels)


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