I wonder whether anyone considers the role of trauma in the decision not to have children.

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Lots of interesting information here.

Let's not forget the decline in eating naturally produced meat and animal sourced foods, which are vital for health, vibrancy and fertility. The push for eating plants and avoiding good animal sourced foods can easily be seen to be part of this birth gap. A well nourished body is a fertile body, making babies come what may. Bring people off the land, cram them into urban populations and starve them by pushing an unnatural diet - including one full of the toxins, sure, but let's not frget the lack of vital nutrition! That surely has a negative effect on making babies too, as well as teaching those babies that it's a good way to live - a self perpetuating fallacy.

Grass fed ruminant meat and their other products does not make money for the powers who want to be. No inputs on the land, no need for agrimachinery either. No inputs to the animals as they are healthy, no need for supplementary feeding and a healthy human poulation whcih does not take pharma medications. The other side of the coin - eating plants - makes money for them at every step of the way. EVERY STEP.

Go figure.

Rant over.

Thanks for yur work Unbekoming. I love reading your writings, always food for thought.

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I think the social norms of today inhibit young people to form lasting relationships which in turn produce healthy families.

Society seems to encourage young people to stay children for longer - all of their '20's. When the biological ideal time to have babies is 18-25. Instead they are told "you're too young to settle down yet". So instead they're taking part in binge-drinking parties and having "a good time" destroying their fertility in the process.

We especially encourage young women to do higher education and have a career. When they do want to have children, they have to give up work for a time. Then return to work, with their children in child care; so they end up juggling all the traditional women's roles - mother and home maker AND career which leads to increased stress and possibly destruction of the primary relationship. Then she's doing everything on her own.

This is not equal rights for women, it's more oppression. A better message would be to have children as early as possible and go and study when they're less dependent. A career started after kids doesn't need to be interrupted.

But how to get that message out?

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Jayne, this paragraph struck me:

“We especially encourage young women to do higher education and have a career. When they do want to have children, they have to give up work for a time. Then return to work, with their children in child care; so they end up juggling all the traditional women's roles - mother and home maker AND career which leads to increased stress and possibly destruction of the primary relationship. Then she's doing everything on her own.”

In my career I have seen many women (by no means all) who are juggling young kids and work and doing both poorly.

We do tell young women to value building a career more than building a family. Career and education were emphasized when I came of age in the 1980’s and I fell into that mindset and have no children. Might I have done things differently if I had it to do over, perhaps. But my younger self thought I would have to do both and I just sensed I couldn’t manage it all simultaneously and have good relations with my husband, proper care for children, and manage a full time accounting job.

I am 56 but know several women my age and younger who have gone it alone and either adopted a child (after failed IVF) and a few who pursued IVF in their mid 30’s because they hadn’t married and did not want their “time”

to run out.

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Considering how sick and twisted my middle class all-American family was and that I had been taught no worthwhile skills as a person coupled with what I saw as a corrupted world, I chose not to have children.

To me, the only sane path was to try to learn what I had not been taught and grow closer to God.

I look around at all the dysfunctional parents and children and I think following our animal instincts, even the ones seen as positive, often results in living an animalistic life which seems to lead to tragedy. Even if it's the quiet desperation kind. Because we are not animals.

I know I missed out on a lot not having children, but a friend of mine once said -

The key to happiness is knowing what you can live without.

While I can't claim I'm always happy, I'm happy today I didn't bring children into this sick world. As I grow older, I am facing life more and more alone due to choosing not to have children, but I've also gained a closer relationship with Jesus Christ and don't feel lonely. Except when the world tells me I should feel lonely. Then I shake that off, thank God for another day and move on doing my best to follow God.

God Bless.

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How about the obvious reason: the sexual revolution and the normalization of sex before marriage.

This wasn't stated in the article explicitly, but perhaps hidden under "values."

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Gotta 'nuther factor--autism (which I know ya know 'bout too) which packs a double whammy... here in the US they're sayin' 30% of newborns'll be on the spectrum... With few exceptions, even high functionin' ASD "kids" will not manage ta marry or hold down a job, hence they ain't gonna reproduce. Got one'a my own (young adult now) -- aspie--an' she hasn't mastered "real" friendship let alone romance (her concept of which is kinda strange anywayz) an' I doubt she'll ever live independently. Now, if that's a third of the kids so affected bein' born today, it doesn't bode well for the birthrate. (An' related ta the above--many neurotypical sibs of special needs kids-- got me one...--see whut it duz to a fambly money-wise, time-wise, mayhem-wise, etc. an' want no part of kids ever given the high probability... 1 outta 3.. even when it's not "genetic"--of havin' a kid on the spectrum) Fixin' it all--eliminatin' all the co-factors--stoppin' chemtrails, food adulteration, electromag contamination, all the "G's" (2g, 3g, 4g, 5g)... etc etc would still take a couple generations an' with all the jabbed folks (passin' along time-bomb genes), it may not even be fixable... (Unless "med beds are real?!...half jokin' there...) Some say even antibiotics can change DNA an' pass down problems... all kinda bleak (tho' I don't wanna be!) -- I guess the "undamaged" that aren't daunted by the idear (or turned off) could carry on the human race...maybe?

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It's been for quite some time that young women have been told they don't need a man, that they should have their "fun" just as men do, and that they can postpone having children into their forties, in other words that they can have their cake and eventually settle down. It doesn't always work out that way. Casual sex and hook up culture do not prepare us for monogamy and commitment. Time spent there is time wasted for those who who desire a family.

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I haven't finished reading this and I have to go for now, but I thought I would mention something I remember with my boss at the time, decades ago. He would talk about how his wife suddenly and mysteriously began wanting to have kids. They went on to raise a family. I also remember the official story that humans don't have instincts, but actually they do.

I'm one of those left sterile by an endocrine disorder (probably pharmaceutical/iatrogenic in origin), and perhaps that's what made those comments stick in my mind at first. We get left out of a lot of things, and pay attention to what we miss out on.

Years later after I moved on to another job, one of the children went missing and was never found. There are too many of those stories, but I knew this family personally, including the child that went missing, and that cemented the memories permanently.

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Both Hub and I come from parents who had long time spans between children. My first granddaughter is 6, her sister will be born June 1, via C-Section. Two was the rule when I had my last two via C-section and a Tubilatigation as I was unable to take the Pill, and four was enough. Seems the bikini cut has the same rule. Scarlet is a surprise baby. Or maybe Under the Biden Depression, the cost of the Pill was a waste of money.

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The effect of declining birth rate in Japan

A small town in Japan known as Nagoro is home to over 300 kakashi or scarecrows, earning it the nickname of “Village of the Dolls.”


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Good article!

I am one of these people who deliberately did NOT have children.


-It's funny buy it was my mothers mother who actually emotionally sterilized me. (ah, stupid tares)

She told me when I was about 12 that I was worthless 3x, why?, cause as a woman I would not pass on the family name. This wound went deep.

-My mother hooked my dad got pregnant had to get married and was most of the in bed or on the couch, if she was not off to re-school her self(and got during the pregnancy very fat and stayed fat till she died). I hated that she did this, me, I wanted to be independent due to that, and I did. She also refused to bound with me

-My malignant narcissistic family, in all branches, there was no way I would expose our children to these monsters. i just could not.

-I did not know how to heal, not even a flue. And as a child I almost died of the flue!!! Bad mothering. It went down after an oil blessing.

-My father always saw me as the competition or he blamed me for the marriage, he destroyed every opportunity every-time for me, in the end he was a malignant narcissist paranoid as F@ck. He died as a naked street bum, but was not. Now he is >10 months dead and I finally feel like a new person.

-My dads family completely ignored me knowing he was about to die, they took over the death ceremony etc. I discovered his death 7 weeks later. Yeah, they are no longer Family. I am ever gonna change my family name.

-I told my mum about not having children, and that deafening silence experience happened.

We made the decision for us( and future kids) not for our parents, but looking back it must have stung like a wasp-nest you stumble in, to them.

It took us 15-18 years to come to this decision.

It was our biggest regret and best sense decision I have ever made, and then the corjonabollockings came. The regret went out of the window.

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