Upon a little reflection. I think the reason the comments {all 43 at the time I wrote) were so powerful is that I get the feeling that people are waking up and realizing that we've been hoodwinked, lied to, intentionally and maliciously deceived by the jabs and the narrative that goes along with them. I see this as a sign that the whole house of cards is crumbling and that gives me Hope.
Upon a little reflection. I think the reason the comments {all 43 at the time I wrote) were so powerful is that I get the feeling that people are waking up and realizing that we've been hoodwinked, lied to, intentionally and maliciously deceived by the jabs and the narrative that goes along with them. I see this as a sign that the whole house of cards is crumbling and that gives me Hope.
Upon a little reflection. I think the reason the comments {all 43 at the time I wrote) were so powerful is that I get the feeling that people are waking up and realizing that we've been hoodwinked, lied to, intentionally and maliciously deceived by the jabs and the narrative that goes along with them. I see this as a sign that the whole house of cards is crumbling and that gives me Hope.