Dec 3, 2023Liked by Unbekoming

What a horrid, horrid thing, that virtually all of us have been poisoned by medical injections throughout our lifetimes. Who could we have been without these poisonings? My anger is beyond words. As a child, I developed severe clotting nosebleeds, suddenly, post vax at 7 years old. I thought I had a weak constitution, and in reality I had been poisoned. Most outbreaks of disease follow medical injection programs, and we are seeing now the devastation in the immune systems of the covid jabbed. So many are suffering, it is hard to fathom. It must stop.

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"Who could we have been without these poisonings?"

That is the question really isn't it.

My way of answering it is this last 21 minute clip from Vaxxed 2. I think it's the most important 21 minutes ever captured on video, as it answers your question.


There are no words to describe what they have stolen from us all.

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Just doctors failing to inform patients that a procedure will Steal or Damage their hearing is frustrating enough. Having Meniere's once put me in hearing aids, the 2nd attack took more of my hearing. Background noise drowns out what hearing I have left. I'm ready for a 3rd set of stronger hearing aids.

HPV Gardasil nearly killed my granddaughter and left her with RA and Fibromyalgia. Life long PAIN.

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Dec 3, 2023·edited Dec 3, 2023Liked by Unbekoming

When a gut issue such as colitis or regular diarrhea is associated with a brain issue, wouldn’t one always first look at a toxin or chemical as the cause?


wouldn’t one automatically at least GLANCE at vaccines? The very things with the vaccine inserts saying that the jabs are associated with gut disorders, autoimmune disorders and all the rest?

Hellooooo, Australia…? Is anybody home?

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Well hell they won't even look here in the US either.

And they keep doing the "mainstream them" dance and then after a few years as the non autistic

kids can''t learn because the autistic kids cannot but scream and disrupt the regular classroom environment, they pull them back into self contained....now we are teetering again....we mainstream them into the enrichment classes like art and PE, but I had one special ed teacher thank god complain (the autistic kids do not do well in a regular class even art or phys ed) and I now have an entire class of them....and we can do things like concentrate in getting their fine motor skills a bit better.

I really hate people who talk about these kids without ever seeing them, working with them, or knowing what it takes. OR how incredibly awful it is for the parents.

It is the vaccines...Not a doubt in my mind. And unless and until we stand and fight to eliminate the control big pharma has on us, we as a society will go down the tubes in every way....and these kids will keep getting damaged.

How much is enough? How more obvious does it have to be?

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Years ago, I too taught special ed. I hear you, loud and clear.

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I went to only three short years of public 'school' crapholes (late 4th-early 7th grade) in my life, was otherwise completely homeschooled. I chose to attend public 'school' because of my mother's physical and verbal abuse, she'd spank, smack, and scream at me if I was 'being lazy' or 'not smart enough' growing up with profound autism and intellectual disability, living in the fast-paced government-approved homeschooling of New York until age eleven and a half. Florida was even worse. I had extreme head-banging for hours, with intense cries and screams, in my self-contained 6th grade elementary classroom in Florida, I did not finish 6th grade (almost did) and never attended any graduation ceremony, nor did I attend any high school outside home at all. My vaxxed Aspergers brother (youngest older sibling) had explosive rages/intermittent explosive disorder/ the "Hulk Syndrome" and my parents chose to let police seize him into psych wards via the Baker Act countless times (instead of trusting Yahweh and getting him off his rage-inducing meds, let alone getting him on aluminum detox or yeast detox). Now my brother accepted the Trump injections (I never did at all, was vaxxed before 2020 began, with all the 'safer smaller' aluminum injections, but never any C.O.V.I.D. ones in my life) in his "assisted living" behavioral home, he had such severe gum pains/tooth swellings he had all his teeth removed, every single tooth. Now he wears dentures. He attends Church and he loves the Bible, but he is sadly unaware that the Trump injections match the Bible's description for the M.O.T.B., or that Trump matches the Bible's description for the Antichrist (Antichrist 45 channel on Odysee). I'm still hopeful Yahweh can take away all M.O.T.B. poisons from him and from my nana as well, before it's too late.

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**A GUT issue

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Look up the terms "aluminum gut" and "aluminum autism" on PubMed while you still can. Aluminum damages and inflames intestinal cells, glial cells in the brain.

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Was there a material increase in the number of vaccines required of toddlers in Australia in the 2010-2015 time frame? And/or, was there a sudden combination of vaccines, so that instead of giving three spread out over 4-6 months, three were given at any one time?

Just asking.

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I forget the equivalent of CDC in Australia but you seem to be asking the questions THEY might consider, and consider well. We have apparently traded childhood illnesses for lifetime disabilities.

The love of money is the root of all evil.

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Not a rational trade, especially since children's immune systems are wonders to behold.

Indeed, the love of. Because money is not. It's a tool to be used, or misused, like any other tool. https://www.capitalismmagazine.com/2002/08/franciscos-money-speech/

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The correlation with vaccines is hard to refute. Have comparisons been made with groups and regions which do not vaccinate?

Given good evidence that vaccines do cause autism; we can only conclude insane greed on behalf of the vaccine manufacturers and promoters. The ratio: 1/36 also equates to @3% and distributed on a random basis, that means humanity will lose 3% of talented and fully functional people? Humanity cannot afford that loss!

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And humanity cannot afford the $2.4 million it will take to treat and care for each autistic child. And until I figured the vaccine myth, I thought Medicare and Medicaid in the States would destroy our national finances.

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Three in one injection. Three injections, in many cases. Are actually 6 vaccines. And now given to babies while they are sick with a cold, etc., which USED to be a big No-No! Again, Doctors are playing along to get bonuses for higher percentage of the patients “caught up”... How can any normal thinking, caring adult Doctor live with themselves!?! There’s another spot in hell for all of them... Many, many deep prayers for the Mom or Dad, holding a seizing child, cleaning up another daily round of explosive diarrhea, or strapping their child’s sleeping helmet on & their wrists to their bed, right this moment.. 😔🙏

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My biggest mistake before all this was over-estimating the number of people with integrity.

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Dec 3, 2023Liked by Unbekoming

"neurodiversity" is such an abhorrent movement, attempting to cover up true brain damage.

And I absolutely loathe when people say "I'm on the spectrum". Sometimes it's just an excuse to be a jerk, but often the person has true emotional difficulties that can be helped, but instead they write it off as something physical, and give up hope of it being healed.

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Dismissing high functioning autism as not a real thing is hugely insulting to people who have to live with it.

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Devastating. My heart breaks for all those affected, and it is clear it MUST end. Thank you for amplifying the message.

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Dec 3, 2023Liked by Unbekoming

In order to make up your mind about something, you need hard data. Here are statistics for three countries:

* USA & England: https://dissolvingillusions.com/graphs-images/#Charts

* Australia: https://vaccinationdilemma.com/historical-death-rates-diseases-vaccination-html/

Please share links to similar collections of charts and statistics for other countries, if you have them, by adding a comment with country and a link.

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That's great, thank you Nick!

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Thank you!

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Dec 13, 2023·edited Dec 13, 2023

Here are two more countries from "Vaccine Evangelists, Apostates, and Apologists" by Jordan Henderson.

* Spain: Whooping Cough, Measles, Flu ("Part 4 – Spanish Death Data")


* Sweden: Whooping cough ("Part 5 – The Apologists")


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Agreed you need hard data, but you also need people willing to read it. No matter how many charts, data, published studies, books, etc., I suggest to my family and friends, none of them will do the simple work of reading them. Occasionally I will offer a verbal statistic that would shock any normally caring person but, excuse the vulgarity, the silence couldn't be more deafening if someone had emitted a malodorous fart. It's heartbreaking. I wonder if there are resources on how to un-brainwash the brainwashed?

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Throw more money at the Medical establishment and Government departments, and pat ourselves on the back saying "Aren't we clever. We're getting very good at diagnosis" while completely ignoring the looming societal cataclysm, in just a few years, of an elderly autistic population.

WHO is going to care for them when their parents have passed away, and siblings may be unwilling or unable to step up, or have moved away themselves?

This is a wicked INFLICTED disease - we know exactly what's causing it, and we need to put a halt to it. And that starts with revoking Big Pharma's immunity shield (probably the single worst concession ever made in history). It was a gold-plated get-out-of-jail card for an industry known to be rapacious and corrupt.

If they can keep hiking the number of vaccines on the childhood register, they will.

Then the day will surely come when its not 1 in 23, but 1 in every 2 - a full 50% of society with severe disability.

I left school in the early 80's having never known a single child with autism.

My mother, a nurse, born in 1926 also never knew a single child with autism in her 92 years on this planet.

The increase in autism rates correlate exactly with our foolish decision to let Big Pharma off the leash.

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Dec 11, 2023Liked by Unbekoming

In south africa they put children with alcohol syndrome in the same class as normal children and being inclusive does not really exist in south africa with the gov taking most of the few tax payers' in south africa's hard earned money to cover for their extremely high salaries and the rest to trickle down to whatever they think they can afford/allow the rest of society's social needs, since we are smothered economically by a cleptocracy taking care od their own greedy needs first. I don't even think we have statistics on it either. We don't even have a fully functional social services any more, never mind tending for kids with learning disabilities or special needs like autism.. for e.g. kids with alcohol syndrome are kids born from alcoholic mothers, and have a tendency to be highy aggressive, apart from being born with a lower iq than normal as well. At least Australia has a fully functional gov system that can give statistics on many studies, we will never know...

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Thanks for the comment. I hadn't heard of alcohol syndrome before.

I have very close South African friends here in Australia and I hear bits and pieces about the country from them.

I'm interested in what post covid SA is like, on the ground. If you feel inclined to writing to me with some stories that you think are worth sharing with the outside world, please email me: unbekoming@outlook.com

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Dec 4, 2023Liked by Unbekoming

"Unfortunately, the Good Doctor is like a guy with a small limp and a cane representing paraplegics to the world."

It's worth reading Sinéad Murphy's blisteringly insightful piece for Off Guardian on Dublin's plan to become the world's most autism-friendly capital city. Horrific.


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I read that recently, it's one of the best essays I have read in a long time. Her insights are wonderfully articulated and indeed outline the horror to come.

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I shared this to my Facebook page commenting, "Nice conversation, partly with yours truly, developing in the comments section of this little masterpiece of investigative journalism, below," and a friend told me "must be a subscriber to read it." If you open this up to non-payers, I'd love to know and I'll reshare.

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Thanks Doug

definitely not behind a paywall, all my content is free for all

even people who are not free-subscribers should be able to read it, so not sure what is happening from their end.

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I'll suggest she try a different browser. Thanks.

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A useful view inside of Aussie gaslighting. Don't believe the figures, don't believe your eyes, don't believe your experience, just believe me--that the issue here is greed--because I'M an EXPERT. Disgusting.

Thanks for noting the phenomenon of romanticizing autism and the spectrum. Seems to me this builds on an older label of "idiot savant" which has now morphed into the "Autistic Savant," as seen for example, in the Korean TV series "The Extraordinary Attorney Woo." As the episodes spin out, she gets better and better. Her symptoms magically dissolve without treatment. She is brilliant, just a little socially awkward and superstitious. Not only is this not how healing of these issues happens, when one is poisoned it tends to affect a person across the board: mentally, emotionally, and physically. There are surely such exceptional souls, but how many?

Such romanticizing has to be helpful when you try to sweep a growing problem under the rug by trying to cut funding, reduce programs, and normalize the issue by mainstreaming students. The latter will burden teachers--how often will they have the specialized training and experience needed--and thus "elegantly" support the globalist agenda by reducing the quality of education in the mainstream classrooms.

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My childhood autism is much more similar to Azuma Hikaru (from the Japanese series/drama, Hikari To Tomoni from Keiko Tobe). I grew up profoundly/severely-to-moderately autistic (PDD NOS and Kanner's Autism, regressive) with almost every painful, vomit-inducing G.I. issue except appendicitis (thankfully my appendix is still intact, was never removed), eczema, sensory meltdowns, strong attachment to certain items/spinning/swinging, extreme sensitivity to pain/would scream uncontrollably from a mere needle after being poked (until age 14), major cognitive and math delays persisting into adulthood (ruling out HFA and Aspergers), etc.

If it wasn't for charcoal soaps, bentonite clay baths I've had since 16 (and hope to start again soon, with it freezing cold here in Florida from the aluminum skies) I'd be chained to a psych ward bed and unable to speak or communicate.

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‘Parents Should Be Outraged’: Congress Weighs Legislation to Wipe Out State, Local Laws Designed to Protect Kids From Pesticide Exposure

Lawmakers are considering several bills that would block states and cities from limiting pesticides, even for farm fields located close to thousands of U.S. schools. Critics warn the measures threaten safeguards for children’s health and override states’ authority over toxic risks. CLICK. Nine Lawsuits Over Recalled Similac Formula Selected for Initial Bellwether Trial Discovery + More https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/congress-legislation-block-state-local-laws-pesticide-exposure-limits-children/?utm_source=luminate&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=defender&utm_id=20231116

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The inclusion calling is very important. It is a true breakthrough of the 21st century. We should extend it far and wide. For example:

All drivers should be taught driving in the inclusive environment. Why segregate drivers into those fit for small passenger cars, motorcycles, buses, trucks, or heave crane cars? One training program to make everybody feel equally important.

All airplane operators should be taught in an inclusive program. One curriculum for small tourist planes, big passenger planes, helicopters, gliders and space ships. Everyone deserves it.

All teachers should be educated in an inclusive educational facility. Kindergarten, primary school, high school, university, research facilities, all deserve equal treatment.

All rail vehicle drivers should be in the inclusive program, as well. A slow street car, a 150 mph shinkansen (put into service in 1964 - almost 60 years ago…), a freight train 2 mi long, all deserve equality in diversity.

The possibilities are endless.

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Why can’t parents just say NO!! The worst thing plaguing most is the overwhelming & destructive concern about what others will “think”? What happened to just being concerned about their child’s well-being?

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One of many factors increasing disabilities may be increasing immigration from countries where cousin marriages are common. E.g. in the UK, Pakistani children have 10 times the incidence of genetic disorders because more than 50% come from cousin marriages. Source: https://youtu.be/kyNP3s5mxI8?si=d1fm-U6AGkbpOBQk

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A practice older than the stars.. Yet they do not have a high percentage of diapered adults, as the world will see in the next couple decades.

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I had severe migraines so extreme I'd bang my head for hours (aged eleven to twelve, a preteen), all kinds of 'genetic' G.I. and intestinal problems, seasonal eczema breakouts on my hands (and on my feet), etc. PubMed search "aluminum gut" and you'll see why people like me, the 'neurodiverse' people, have so many extreme 'genetic' G.I. and inflammation issues, induced by aluminum adjuvants that destroy healthy intestinal lining, and harm beneficial gut bacteria (similar to antibiotics). This is why 'neurodivergent' kids on GFCF diet go apeshit if they even consume traces of gluten or casein (dairy protein) as the 'leaky gut syndrome' is still there from the 'bandaid diet' of GFCF. GFCF Diet for ASD is like putting a bandaid on a volcano. That volcano, under the right conditions, will still erupt anyways. Thankfully I was never put on any GFCF diet against my will, I chose an organic diet as a preteen and my eczema went away (my ASD, G.I. issues remained) but my dad bullied me out of it/made fun of me for it. Now I have to take antibiotics for an ear infection, and am worried my 'gluten rages' and hours-of-screaming meltdowns will soon come back. As a preteen (aged eleven) I was screaming and kicking for hours inside my mom's car, after eating Whole Wheat Spaghetti (filled with gluten) my brain was swelling and my belly/gut hurt like daggers piercing my insides. My brain felt it was about to burst itself open from my skull. The police got involved, my mother told them "our daughter has autism and she is flipping out", a chilling sentence I'll never forget.

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